Author Topic: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)  (Read 1110543 times)

Offline SomethingBetter

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #165 on: July 23, 2012, 07:18:54 PM »
Like 9 or 10 central time for me

Offline SomethingBetter

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #166 on: July 23, 2012, 07:29:55 PM »
Oh I agree Jordie. I am just shocked so far. Like my mouth feels lime it has been hanging open all day. TBH I wasn't expecting any of this...much less so soon.

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #167 on: July 23, 2012, 08:05:02 PM »
You did, New! But will she be sacrily accurate on the rest? (I.E. increased communication) . That is what I wonder and it's too damn expensive to call her again!

Offline Cfisher

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #168 on: July 23, 2012, 08:32:09 PM »
scarily accurate would definitely be a truth for me for some of her predictions panning out for me.

After what unfolded between he and I a few weeks ago, my instinct says it's over, done and he's out of my life for like, um forever. And this is exactly what I thought the last time in June and then I still ended up seeing him again, as per Cookie's prediction.

From her reading with me last night, which truly was one of those very eye opener type readings, she still sees us seeing each other and getting to know each other as friends. In my head, I firmly believe that it will never happen. And that's what I'll believe going forward. That it's over, that we could never be platonic friends. And that is exactly how I will carry on with my life.

But this is what she had said for predictions:
First I just asked if she could see the man I would marry and was he a new person to me?
-you don't know him right now... then she went on to describe his personality and some oddities ie: she thought he had an accent, was going to move to my city, he's a foreigner to me etc.
-should be getting married in 2014/2015 and I can meet him anytime, including this year, but it would take a long time to unfold as we start off as friends first
-then she said to me that if I make the decision to complete change the way I'm dealing with the guy in my life that I'm having a hard time with that I would have the option between the two and she wasn't sure which way I would go.
-she said this new guy was going to come in and it would take him forever to win me over. That he was ready and available for what I'm looking for, but this guy that I'm involved with right now if a complete obstacle;
-she also told me the new guy wasn't a challenge, I get bored easily and didn't really offer a whole lot of excitement for me
-she said this guy that I'm involved with right now, is still not gone, still have a few more years of ups and downs with him and this whole thing takes for bloody ever to unfold, but that it will, and I will start seeing him the way he is and there will be a whole lot of stuff that I won't not like at all and at the end of everything I may realize that he can't make me all that happy. But on the flip side, the new guy I'll have a choice between them both, may have a lot of things I don't like about him either, although he's far more emotionally available when I meet him, then with current guy.
This was the info that came up on the current guy:
-you'll win him over with friendship
-you'll meet his kids
-you will hear of him dating other people
-you have to prove yourself to him (what? I don't have to prove squat to him, only time will tell on this one whether or not we'll be in each other's lives or not)
-sees us sitting somewhere, Happy Hour keeps coming up, after work drinks with him (um, he's on this huge healthy kick and isn't drinking socially at all anymore)
-there is something coming up about having coffee in the morning, did I have a stabucks near our buildings? he's going to call you and want to go for coffee in the mornings and this is more than once
-she said there is something we have in common, electric car? (we both ride motorcycles, so not sure)
-she said he's spying at me from a distance, he's reading something that I wrote somewhere and he stays up to date with the information, but it has do with something that I'm writing about (I have my own website where I write bar reviews in my city, my guess is that he wouldn't bother reading that stuff as he'd be too afraid that I would find out he was reading it!)
-and then the kicker for me that will never come about in my mind even if we did reconnect as friends, she said she sees more physical stuff coming up between he and I because I give in (she was right about this the last time, but I think again, this will be when pigs fly)
-this is going to take like 2 years to unfold because of the circumstances surrounding everything going on with his life

hey @synergy - I was curious to know what she said to you regarding C that never came to fruition? I'm curious how the overlay of the reading was and how you asked the questions? Generally or specifically to these two guys C and Mr. I-married-someone-else.

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #169 on: July 23, 2012, 08:38:32 PM »
I told you that she was scarily accurate. I love Cookie!

@new - What were your experiences with Cookie? I'm curious to know if she was right with any of her romantic predictions for you?

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #170 on: July 23, 2012, 08:48:01 PM »

I called Cookie quite a bit between November and April.  I was calling to ask about C, but for some reason, she would always bring up the dwarf (that's what I am going to call the man I dated before C).  She would tell me that he would be coming back around and that I would date BOTH men in the warmer months of 2012.  She told me that I had greater compatibility with the dwarf and that I could get him to commit far quicker than C, even though in reality it wouldn't be quick at all because he wouldn't be ready to commit until October (this is what she told me).  At the end of February, I found out that the dwarf got married.  None of what Cookie predicted about him came to pass.  None of it.  When C ended things with me, she told me that I wouldn't be alone for long because the dwarf would come back for me. Nope.  Didn't happen.

I continued to call her about C because she did get minor things right, and she is an amazing remote viewer, so I was hoping maybe the thing with the dwarf was a fluke.  Cookie told me that C did not want to be back with his ex gf because she put him through hell.  Well, not long after, he was back with her. It was short lived, but it did happen.  She then continued to tell me not to worry because he would be back.  He just needed to be crazy and free for a while.  He did do the crazy and free thing, and in the process he met someone else.  Now he is relocating to be with her in another state. 

I have not called Cookie since early April, nor do I intend to call her ever again.  She was completely wrong.  I should also mention that Sincerity also said I would reconcile with C and we would be together for the remainder of 2012.  She saw us spending holidays together and such.  There was no reconciliation.  Both readers were completely wrong for me.

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #171 on: July 23, 2012, 09:27:04 PM »
Psychic spy? Holy cow, it looks like you've got an entirely different perspective on using Cookie! What kinds of things do you ask her? I just gotta know!!! I'm thinking selfishly here as I'm still trying to figure out how to get the most beneficial reading out of her as much as possible....


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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #172 on: July 23, 2012, 09:28:57 PM »
Cfisher, I'm not liking that she dosen't really know who you will marry and is pulling the "you'll have a choice thing". I'm also not liking that she says you have to prove something to him. Umm...he is the nutcase here, so he should be proving to you. I'm only going to call cookie if I want to spy on someone (I use Mslisam and Verushka for that already) etc. Seems like all she is good for really.....

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #173 on: July 23, 2012, 10:07:03 PM »
Bada Bing.

lol.....what are her long-term predictions for you SB?

Offline Cfisher

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #174 on: July 23, 2012, 10:25:55 PM »
Cfisher, I'm not liking that she dosen't really know who you will marry and is pulling the "you'll have a choice thing". I'm also not liking that she says you have to prove something to him. Umm...he is the nutcase here, so he should be proving to you. I'm only going to call cookie if I want to spy on someone (I use Mslisam and Verushka for that already) etc. Seems like all she is good for really.....
@loops77 - I don't disagree with you on the *choice* thing, but it' the second time I've heard this before. Cookie also told me I could walk away completely from this guy and then the entire reading would change as well. She also mentioned everything was dependent on what I wanted to do with this guy. I told her I didn't want to carry on with him the way things were rolling as I was having that emotional spiraling thing happening on my end. Where I was beginning to feel worse about things. I also told her that the last thing I would do is pursue anything with him whatsoever. And she told me, well you are saying that, but that's just not what I see happening. He had told me in the beginning that he wasn't emotionally available. I took that at face value as I wasn't looking for anything serious at that point either. But then as you become closer to someone, you start having feelings for someone. Then I got stuck. Like, in the mud, stuck and now I feel like I'm on a hold, which I hate. There truly was no finality to how we ended things and part of me wishes it was a completely closed door.

Also regarding her saying that I need to prove something to him. That irritated me big time. But the truth of the matter is I think life will just sort of happen. I get to choose who I have in my life and so does he. He isn't emotionally available, he told me that and I still carried on as I was having fun. Then fun turned into not fun and a lot of confusion on my end, which I never intended.
I don't question that he and I could be friends, we get along really well, he's just not ready for what I want. Am I wasting my time? Yes, from this perspective, absolutely. But I have to say, an ex-boyfriend of mine from 12 years ago, is still in my life and had I not trusted my gut, listened to Cookie believing at the end (now) this could turn into something really healthy for me, I wouldn't be in this very caring, mutually beneficial, platonic friendship where we are working together as a team. I never, ever would have thought that with that particular man I would ever have the opportunity to fix what was so incredibly broken and tumultuous for so many years. And although it didn't work itself out in the romantic spectrum, it's worked itself out in probably the best way possible for what I need in my life - friendship and we work together. So from this perspective I did get what I wanted. It'll just never go to the next level ever, mostly because now at this stage, I don't actually want him that way.
And in truth, and this will probably seem really weird to everyone on here, this man was the love of my life at one point. It's certainly not a normal thing to be friends and close friends with someone who was the love of your life, right? Well, that's what I always thought too, it just didn't end up being a *normal* relationship. It just wasn't meant to be....
And the truth is, this could be another one of those situations where it's just not meant to be and we are just meant to be friends and that's it.
As for her saying she didn't know which way I'll choose, could very well be true, but the truth is, if too much shit happens with him in my life, it wouldn't even be a second thought in my head to leave him in the dust. I'm THAT cut throat. But at this stage apart from him just not being available, he's been a most fun part-time companion, always treats me with respect and like a lady and has never been mean, rude or anything like that towards me. A little bit cold the last time we saw each other, but that's it.
It's all up for interpretation, right?

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #175 on: July 23, 2012, 10:40:23 PM »

I called Cookie quite a bit between November and April.  I was calling to ask about C, but for some reason, she would always bring up the dwarf (that's what I am going to call the man I dated before C).  She would tell me that he would be coming back around and that I would date BOTH men in the warmer months of 2012.  She told me that I had greater compatibility with the dwarf and that I could get him to commit far quicker than C, even though in reality it wouldn't be quick at all because he wouldn't be ready to commit until October (this is what she told me).  At the end of February, I found out that the dwarf got married.  None of what Cookie predicted about him came to pass.  None of it.  When C ended things with me, she told me that I wouldn't be alone for long because the dwarf would come back for me. Nope.  Didn't happen.

I continued to call her about C because she did get minor things right, and she is an amazing remote viewer, so I was hoping maybe the thing with the dwarf was a fluke.  Cookie told me that C did not want to be back with his ex gf because she put him through hell.  Well, not long after, he was back with her. It was short lived, but it did happen.  She then continued to tell me not to worry because he would be back.  He just needed to be crazy and free for a while.  He did do the crazy and free thing, and in the process he met someone else.  Now he is relocating to be with her in another state. 

I have not called Cookie since early April, nor do I intend to call her ever again.  She was completely wrong.  I should also mention that Sincerity also said I would reconcile with C and we would be together for the remainder of 2012.  She saw us spending holidays together and such.  There was no reconciliation.  Both readers were completely wrong for me.

@synergy - I hear ya. I had the same BS story from Sincerity when I had gone through a break up 2 years ago. Wrong, oh wait, no she was DEAD wrong. She was wrong about the guy, wrong about my work situation, just incredibly wrong about all of it. The only thing she did pick up was an exact date and place where I would be. And she was like FREAKY correct, and there was absolutely no way in HELL she could've know where I was the very next day. So, she certainly wowed me there, but I called her a handful of times and everything she said was wrong.

As for Cookie, she's left me speachless regarding this guy and things that she saw. SPEACHLESS, when I looked back and saw what I had written from her previous readings. And I thought FOR SURE he and I were totally over, but we weren't. But now, I'm at that place where I'm forced to let it go as our last conversation was me tying his hands and my hands and I got the cold shoulder from him that I had never seen before in the 8 months I'd been seeing him.

Northstar Julie says he's done with all of this. And she'd never said that to me before, so I'm pretty sure she's right. Now, I'm all over the healing process, just still bothered about how things were left with him a few weeks ago. As for Cookie? I just don't know anymore... If what she says comes to fruition in the next few weeks to a month, I wouldn't even know what to say. But for now, we move on and try to ignore any thoughts of him running in the brain.

Offline Cfisher

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #176 on: July 23, 2012, 11:08:09 PM »
@ CFisher, did Sincerity pick up your guy on her own or did you ask her about him? Did she say anything about there being a misunderstanding?

@bug - I specifically asked about the current guy at that time. She didn't pick him up, I just asked her what was up and coming with this man, and that's it. I just read my notes... This is REALLY, REALLY strange. I should probably post under the sincerity tab, but whatever.

She said this:
-he doesn't want to lose the connection as it's very strong
-he doesn't want to be with anyone, he's not ready
-you'll take a trip together in July (I met him at this resort he was staying at) then he'll back off as he's a gentleman and doesn't want to do anything that makes him feel guilty.

My thoughts here... The above is all true about my current situation. Not about the guy I asked about a couple years ago, but the above just happened. wtf.

And in truth, she's incredibly descriptive, she described my current guy to a T.
And she said there was travel at the end of the year around September to the end of the year (I'm going to Mexico in Sept.)
Does that seem a little weird or what?

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #177 on: July 25, 2012, 01:07:46 AM »
@somethingbetter - no question is a lame question! Lol! I have never asked her that type of question, but me seeing my guy was in the correct time frame she specified and my question was - when will I see him next? Hope that helps!

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #178 on: July 25, 2012, 01:14:48 AM »
The whole wait and see thing is brutal, but I think is best course of action at this point. Ugh, don't you hate this game? Sometimes I just wished I didn't get readings! Lol


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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #179 on: July 25, 2012, 01:24:19 AM »
@ CFisher, did Sincerity pick up your guy on her own or did you ask her about him? Did she say anything about there being a misunderstanding?

@bug - I specifically asked about the current guy at that time. She didn't pick him up, I just asked her what was up and coming with this man, and that's it. I just read my notes... This is REALLY, REALLY strange. I should probably post under the sincerity tab, but whatever.

She said this:
-he doesn't want to lose the connection as it's very strong
-he doesn't want to be with anyone, he's not ready
-you'll take a trip together in July (I met him at this resort he was staying at) then he'll back off as he's a gentleman and doesn't want to do anything that makes him feel guilty.

My thoughts here... The above is all true about my current situation. Not about the guy I asked about a couple years ago, but the above just happened. wtf.

And in truth, she's incredibly descriptive, she described my current guy to a T.
And she said there was travel at the end of the year around September to the end of the year (I'm going to Mexico in Sept.)
Does that seem a little weird or what?

Sincerity is a weird one. When she read for me, she was talking about the past and framing it like it was in the future. I had to tell her "no, that already happened". I've read from others that if she "sees" something, it will happen..sooner or later. If she feels something, she is guessing.

