Author Topic: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)  (Read 1112984 times)

Offline sawthelight

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #1605 on: October 06, 2018, 01:23:35 PM »
I really appreciate this board. I canceled my call with cookie. I have stopped getting readings weeks ago. I honestly don't want them anymore. My Keen account is at $0 and I don't want to waste anymore money. Hearing how there are enough inaccurate readings from Cookie, knowing that she may call in the middle of the night and I may miss it completely, and her rates are over $6/min, I really don't need it. I have 1 or 2 readers I know that work for me if I need them and are cheaper and more convenient.

Always support people that give up completely.. so so much better for our souls.  Cookie is my go to if I need a reading - v accurate with me..she has never been 100% wrong..  but I DO agree re the price being too high and the stress if you don't really really need a reading, is not worth it.. Full support to you XX

Thanks. I finally took a step back and looked at my situation objectively. It's hard when you're hurt. It permeates so many other good things in your life. Readings weren't helping me. They may help others, but for me, I had to redirect myself. The obsessive calling caused financial strain that will take years to turn around. Now I am hurt and broke. LOL! So much for healing...

Realizing that you were in a bad cycle is definitely a great start in the healing process. Unfortunately you have to go through all the painful emotions too. But you can do it, and know you’re not alone :)

Offline Cranberry88

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #1606 on: October 06, 2018, 01:24:28 PM »
And looking back, I don't think I ever needed a reading. What I wanted was an outcome that wasn't going to happen. And there starts the hamster wheel of calling.

I just want to reach to that point where i can confidently say i am stopping today. I might as well stop getting more reading from today.  You encouraged me and i hope i dont go back to them.
Theyre giving me more damages that healing. Am sure i would have been in better situation without reading mentally and financially

Offline Sparkle002

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #1607 on: October 06, 2018, 03:01:39 PM »
Damn guys I’m number 3 in line. Have never spoken to her. I’m wondering if I should cancel now

Be prepared to spend ateast 10-15 mins on her call. She is remote viewer and I can’t speak for her predictions. I got nothing from her, unfortunately.

She is the only reader that has consistently, time and time again, seen the future accurately for me.

Hi Kate - I see Cookie is indeed your fav - Im curious - what specific things has she told you that have come true? Im so curious.
You can PM me if you'd like or post here

Does she always see things with the person you are interested in or has she ever mixed up people with you or seen the past rather than the future?

She has definitely had hits for me....but I've never had a reader be 100% with me so thats pretty cool (the only one close is Yona but she is like 95% with me)

Offline Halo_Spice

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #1608 on: October 10, 2018, 04:08:51 AM »
Cookie predicted my weight loss last year lol not a big prediction but I was shocked when I listened back to my reading...I was like wait a minute! Listened to a couple of them today from last year. Her and Ness21got the dates right. Said "The later part of the year of 2018 your taking care of yourself and there watching and complementing". I was like ummm okay because it was random and I wasn't focused on weight loss or called about that...Welp as of this year I lost 20 pounds so far and I feel good. She was also right about it playing a huge part in my self esteem so now people are seeing that...Also said a neighbor will be interested and attentive. Well guess what for the past 5 months he has been trying. I didn't believe her because I was the one wanting him last year, boy has the tables turned. I was so shocked I went to see if I could get another reading or even on her wait list but her wait list is sitting at 99. Man oh man I'll cherish this reading because no way I'm waiting that long lol. Have patience guys sometimes it makes no sense and you get frustrated but then months/years later bam.
« Last Edit: October 10, 2018, 04:18:35 AM by Halo_Spice »

Offline Sparkle002

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #1609 on: October 10, 2018, 04:19:13 AM »
Cookie predicted my weight loss last year lol not a big prediction but I was shocked when I listened back to my reading...I was like wait a minute! Listened to a couple of them today from last year. Her and Ness21got the dates right. Said "The later part of the year of 2018 your taking care of yourself and there watching and complementing". I was like ummm okay because it was random and I wasn't focused on weight loss or called about that...Welp as of this year I lost 20 pounds so far and I feel good. She was also right about it playing a huge part in my self esteem so now people are seeing that...Also said a neighbor will be interested and attentive. Well guess what for the past 5 months he has been trying. I didn't believe her because I was the one wanting him last year, boy has the tables turned. I was so shocked I went to see if I could get another reading or even on her wait list but her wait list is sitting at 99. Man oh man I'll cherish this reading because no way I'm waiting that long lol. Have patience guys sometimes it makes no sense and you get frustrated but then months/years later bam.


Offline Alwayzunique

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #1610 on: October 10, 2018, 05:26:59 AM »
I really appreciate this board. I canceled my call with cookie. I have stopped getting readings weeks ago. I honestly don't want them anymore. My Keen account is at $0 and I don't want to waste anymore money. Hearing how there are enough inaccurate readings from Cookie, knowing that she may call in the middle of the night and I may miss it completely, and her rates are over $6/min, I really don't need it. I have 1 or 2 readers I know that work for me if I need them and are cheaper and more convenient.

Always support people that give up completely.. so so much better for our souls.  Cookie is my go to if I need a reading - v accurate with me..she has never been 100% wrong..  but I DO agree re the price being too high and the stress if you don't really really need a reading, is not worth it.. Full support to you XX
Cookie should pay you to be her spokesperson

Offline Gemini38

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #1611 on: October 14, 2018, 09:22:23 PM »
Looks like she’s been taking more callers lately.

Offline Sparkle002

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #1612 on: October 14, 2018, 10:02:45 PM »
Anymore cool stories/predictions from Cookie??

Offline Yt5587

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #1613 on: October 14, 2018, 10:21:26 PM »
She knew I was going to the gym, she knew poi travels for work. Knew I lived in NY and he in Cali. I thought that was cool. I’ve only spoken to her once and that was last week. She says at some point we’re going to come back together.  she also said: towards the end of the relationship I keep seeing that he didn’t give you a chance on something. She kept repeating the sentence: “give us a chance.” Which is crazy because literally our last argument back in dec 2016, was me asking him to please give us a chance. Literally word for word. (This was bc of him moving far away). When Cookie said this is what she is seeing, I was like hmm no I don’t think that’s true...wait a minute what did you just say??? Hahaa I couldn’t believe it. I’ve never had a reader go that far back in the past with details like that. She told me that the past 3-6 months he’s been regretting “not giving us a chance” she said to go slow, but he will open up and tell me how much he’s missed me.

I’ve definitely had other readers be more mind blowing than her in regards to the present but she wasn’t bad.

Offline SabReeves

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #1614 on: October 15, 2018, 06:07:30 AM »
She knew I was going to the gym, she knew poi travels for work. Knew I lived in NY and he in Cali. I thought that was cool. I’ve only spoken to her once and that was last week. She says at some point we’re going to come back together.  she also said: towards the end of the relationship I keep seeing that he didn’t give you a chance on something. She kept repeating the sentence: “give us a chance.” Which is crazy because literally our last argument back in dec 2016, was me asking him to please give us a chance. Literally word for word. (This was bc of him moving far away). When Cookie said this is what she is seeing, I was like hmm no I don’t think that’s true...wait a minute what did you just say??? Hahaa I couldn’t believe it. I’ve never had a reader go that far back in the past with details like that. She told me that the past 3-6 months he’s been regretting “not giving us a chance” she said to go slow, but he will open up and tell me how much he’s missed me.

I’ve definitely had other readers be more mind blowing than her in regards to the present but she wasn’t bad.

who has been more mind blowing about the present than her? How did you frame your question with cookie?

Offline Yt5587

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #1615 on: October 15, 2018, 11:32:38 AM »
For me, my top three very accurate present readers are: Divine love, Gail, and QOC18

I’ll normally say: I wanted to ask about my “poi”...his current feelings, and whatever you see in the future. And off they go.

With Cookie, I didn’t ask her. She started speaking. She said: I see you want to understand what someone is thinking about you and how they’re feeling because they’re not sharing anything and there is a lack of communication. When I confirmed this she then asked me what his name was and what our status was.

Offline Fidget1028

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #1616 on: October 15, 2018, 12:11:06 PM »
It concerns me when they ask what the status of the relationship is. I would think that they would see that if they were connected. QoC flip flopped way too much for me. Negative one time positive the next. The numbers she gave me never turned into anything I could confirm. She also adamantly said my POI has to decide if he will sell his house. He doesn't own his house. He rents. When I said that, she just repeated herself. Idk...

Offline sawthelight

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #1617 on: October 15, 2018, 12:16:33 PM »
For me, my top three very accurate present readers are: Divine love, Gail, and QOC18

I’ll normally say: I wanted to ask about my “poi”...his current feelings, and whatever you see in the future. And off they go.

With Cookie, I didn’t ask her. She started speaking. She said: I see you want to understand what someone is thinking about you and how they’re feeling because they’re not sharing anything and there is a lack of communication. When I confirmed this she then asked me what his name was and what our status was.

But aren’t we all, well most, calling because we are unsure how someone feels etc...

Offline Yt5587

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #1618 on: October 15, 2018, 12:19:02 PM »
It concerns me when they ask what the status of the relationship is. I would think that they would see that if they were connected. QoC flip flopped way too much for me. Negative one time positive the next. The numbers she gave me never turned into anything I could confirm. She also adamantly said my POI has to decide if he will sell his house. He doesn't own his house. He rents. When I said that, she just repeated herself. Idk...

Yeah her numbers have never worked for me either. She hasn’t really been negative but just very blunt like last month she goes: you both feel powerless in communication. Just reach out to him and say hey how have you been? You’re not a nun and he’s not a monk, eventually other people are going to snatch you guys up. Lmaooo

Offline Yt5587

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #1619 on: October 15, 2018, 12:22:04 PM »
@sawthelight true story. Lol

