Author Topic: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)  (Read 1111038 times)

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #150 on: July 19, 2012, 05:41:44 PM »
I always love your thoughts/opinions on readers, Cfisher! Thanks for posting this. I am really amped to talk to Cookie...hopefully she doesn't cancel my appt last minute. And if she does I am #6 in her queue. I just want to talk to her this weekend. It is so hard for me during the week to step say from my work and take a call.


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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #151 on: July 22, 2012, 07:28:37 PM »
I understand what you mean by saying you got a lot of info..but not much. I think you should have tackled her down and asked her to give you more specifics of how things will end up or what to expect out of him. Most of these details are trivia.

But, Cfisher posted in another thread about just how terrible she in determining romantic outcomes...and even if her predictions do happen, its not always with the importance of what she says they are. It is a bit amazing how wrong she is..but right given the examples Cfisher posted. Methinks her guides or whoever is giving her the information is doing this on purpose.

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #152 on: July 22, 2012, 07:46:13 PM »
I have read with Cookie a few times now.  The truth is:  she is a great remote viewer.  But, I have to ask myself how useful is this to me?  She can tell me what color I am wearing, but how is this going to help me in the end.  She became rather fixated on the color of my pants the last time I spoke with her. 
It was distracting her and it definitely was distracting to me. 
Her predictions are still pending, but I got frustrated during the reading.  I usually end up adding money a couple of times. 
I like her very much.  She is a very kind woman, but I am at a point where I want to know what is going to happen in the end. 

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #153 on: July 22, 2012, 08:34:29 PM »
Happy Sunday everyone!

This is what I was saying about Cookie's readings being subjective vs. objective. I've noticed too that she has gotten some considerable details completely correct, but they are such minor unimportant things, when what we are looking for is the bigger picture of what will happen at the end of the day/year/years etc. with either the person in our life that we are confused about or maybe just the future in general. I'm also starting to realize that maybe with her gift, we are all asking the wrong questions?

I've had a few of her predictions, where I didn't think were possible, did actually happen and in the time frame specified. I think she's incredibly gifted with her talent of remote viewing, but I most certainly do not and will not take anything she says regarding feelings/emotions to the bank. I'm actually at that point right now where I don't take anything she says to the bank, I just write down what she told me and if something happens it's like cool that did happen. Oh, but again, there were no words of love from this man and no improvements with his behaviour towards our relationship. Uh ya, so reality check here guys, if I keep sleeping with someone and there is no change in moving forward? Hmmm.... do the same thing and get the same results. right? Forget it, I'm going to change this whole situation up. If he comes back, yet again as she sees in my future come closer to the end of the year, I'm not going to do the same thing anymore. Time to change it all up! As hard as this will be, it's time.

I've decided with my next reading with her, that I'm going to get her to focus on the future person that I will marry, have children with and my happily ever after, if that actually exists for me. Maybe that will throw her off her game a bit as all I usually ask about is what she sees up and coming in the near future. I don't know if you guys have found, but whenever I ask about a particular person, she in my circumstance has seen some very cool things happen between us, that actually do happen, when I thought wouldn't. So I suppose I've been really lucky that way.

But to put this all into perspective here, we're talking about a remote viewer who gets pictures in her head of future events. Pictures or visions for a remote viewer have absolutely nothing to do with thoughts/feelings/emotions.

I wrote under another post that my experience with her has been amazing, but holy shit was she ever wrong with the actual outcome from a romantic point of view. Like DEAD wrong, and yet she was so totally right about situations we were in, places we were at together. But, after all of that happened as she saw, the outcome for us was friendship/work related crap that is still happening right now as we speak. And given more time, I'm sure we'll become even closer and better friends.

She never saw me marrying this guy, or a ring on my finger or us living under the same roof or anything like that. Just us being together and then she made her own conclusions from what she saw. For your emotional sake everyone, please take her readings as subjective and up for interpretation. Seriously, I think PrettylittleLiz and Synergy can both agree with that. I know just through reading their own posts, final outcome has not come about the way Cookie said, yet so many little things that Cookie saw did come to fruition, just not when it came down to the romantic part.

In my opinion, Cookie should just do what Cookie does best, which is tell you what she sees, what's around you and what's up and coming regarding whoever you are asking about, but keep it to the black and white visions please as Cookie is a lot of the time not even remotely close to how things pan out from a romantic perspective. She's way too presumptuous and for whatever reason, sees things the way SHE sees them and feels them, not necessarily the way reality actually is. If I had held on to this friend of mine of 12 years and viewed him as a romantic partner the way I wanted him so many years ago, imagine how incredibly crushing and what a blow to my emotional well-being would be if I believed everything she said and after all of her visions came true for me. But I wasn't about to let some psychic/remote viewer sway what I was seeing in reality. And although a LOAD of what she saw did indeed come about, final outcome was vastly incorrect! And it also took three long years of me mending our friendship to actually get it to this place of calm/trust/bond as friends and to even have this mutually beneficial working/friendship relationship. But she saw us together in the future, this man always in my life and assumed that it was romantic in nature when it sure as shit wasn't. 

Screw thinking that what her assumptions for what the relationship will be as it's her own perception that is getting into the way of the reading. If the guy is mad at you and doesn't want to talk to you, guess what, he won't. But if he really likes you, it's my firm belief that he will try everything in his power to get you talking again and then you can start from there.

I'm not saying that Cookie is ALWAYS 100% wrong with her romantic predictions, I'm just saying in my own experience and seemingly for other's I've spoken to on this forum, that I wouldn't take feelings/emotions that she says, I'm just saying you've got to sit back and watch what reality is as it unfolds in real life and carry on from there. I'm sure that Cookie is right about LOADS of relationship things. Just not for me and especially not for a very close friend of mine who's read with her plenty of times in the last 5 years.

As for me, until she sees some guy putting a wedding ring on my finger and I marry THAT particular guy and having his children or whatever the circumstances are, I'm going to assume that I just happen to have certain people in my life for whatever reason and not look anything more into it until it actually manifests itself in real life. And until she gets those cookie-cutter (pun totally intended! LOL!) visions, I guess THAT guy hasn't come in yet.

But as I said, for my next reading I'm really going to change my complete perspective on what I'm asking about. I'll keep you guys posted! LOL! Maybe THIS will be the best way to get a reading from her instead of asking her what's coming up in the next year with some guy I'm stuck on, or even what's happening in the near future. I want the big picture and that is do I find THAT guy and do I get my happily ever after and is this man even in my life yet?

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #154 on: July 22, 2012, 08:39:43 PM »
Bugger! So sorry for long posts guys... I really am... Sometimes I think I'm slightly overly-passionate about the subject matter. So, hopefully I'm not completely annoying you all with my yabbering. I've tried and tried to really cut the shit out of my writing, but hell, every time I look back at my posts I'm just like holy shit man, can't you shut up and get to the point any faster? So, just forgive me and please don't get mad at me because I take up an entire page with my opinions/thoughts/feelings etc.!!!! Again, sorry!!!!


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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #155 on: July 22, 2012, 09:40:13 PM »
LOL I love your posts Cfisher. I havent read with Cookie yet..but I want to know what someone experiences when they ask for big picture information and not some particular person, job etc. Let us know...

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #156 on: July 22, 2012, 09:45:39 PM »
I love Cfisher's posts too.

Loops, I guess you could say my reading was big picture. I didn't ask one single thing...she just came with it. Maybe she picked up on the man cause he is on my mind a lot...but perhaps if you're totally clearminded when you call she'll be more open to all aspects when reading.

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #157 on: July 22, 2012, 11:14:01 PM »
Awww shucks,   :D Thank you two  :)

@loops - big picture... this is what I mostly ask for as she just let's all this info out and is a better reading (in my opinion) because she's far less biased regarding thought/feelings... but not everyone may agree.

So my last reading was just after my guy and I split and truth be told, I'm just so sick and tired of the whole ring-around-the-rosey crap with him so all I asked her was what was coming up regarding work in the next year just generally.

This is what she said:
-Contracts coming up (not a clue here)
-travel coming up (true, going to Mexico in the beginning of September)
-Aug-Dec there is a flow of opportunities that start coming in, a lot of different people
-Big financial stuff, sees me getting a mortgage (um, I'm in debt up to my ass, if I can get a mortgage, then I must be going to win the lottery coming up) saw big money, financial stuff and a lawyer, signing papers.
-not motivated (no effing shit sherlock, that's why I'm asking!)
-sees me starting to step out of my normal behaviour, beginning to be very creative and this changes everything (me? creative? uh... I'm a fricking virgo and I'm a bookkeeper, haven't got a damn creative bone in my body-nice try Cookie)
-sees me selling houses (ha ha ha! I failed my exam twice and I'm not going back, forget it, me getting my real estate licence and selling houses will happen when pigs fly, given up on that dream a long time ago)
-you've given up on your dreams but they will finally manifest (uh... didn't I say I already gave up? hmmm... no my brain is starting to stir, like maybe... )
-sees me studying and in school again (not a chance)
-you're procrastinating, stop procrastinating... (um, ok, ya that's correct, I'm in a lull over here!)
-you are going to start writing a story about what happened 10-12 years ago (uh, as PrettyLittleLiz says - You scary remote viewer! totally true, have been writing and writing and especially this weekend, loads of it)
-I see you astro projecting (oh eff off, don't you do that just before you fall asleep? ok, busted, can't lie I have been researching some of that stuff lately)
-Who's in Quebec or however it's said? (oh wow, k, that's really weird as I have a friend of mine who is in Quebec and is coming to my city to visit -that one came right of left field)

Lovelife: That's all I said, is ok, what about my lovelife Cookie?
-You are letting him go, but he's not gone, 6-8 weeks and he'll be back, you said something that forced him to deal with things and he's punishing you right now.
-Things start changing/happening after Oct-Dec. But it's going to be even more confusing then as he's going to pull all of the chemistry away and just be your friend.
-You can't pressure him, he hates it and will always back away, but then always come back. There is something about you that he can't help staying away from. But he's not ready right now. If you can't just be his friend first then you don't have anything and he doesn't trust this connection and will keep backing away until you get it right. You need a challenge and he's definitely a challenge to you. But this might take two years until he's ready and he needs you to be a friend. You can't have him in a relationship, so stop pushing him away. He's a good man. But it's going to take longer if you keep this up. Also, when he is ready are sure you're going to want him. He won't be a challenge anymore and you might move on to someone else who is a challenge for you. (Oh holy F**K! are you kidding me right now lady???? You're trying to tell me that I'm going to go thru EFFING hell for the next 2 years with this guy to just kick him to the curb because he's a challenge to me and that's why I'm holding onto him? Are you serious right now? Bugger, she may just be on to me my dear Whatson. Just bugger)

Question: is there anyone more suitable or better for me that is ready and wanting to have a girlfriend?
-yes, in the fall to the beginning of 2013. But you might not be interested because he's not enough of a challenge.
Question: so what you're saying is that I never toss this guy until he isn't a challenge anymore and then I toss him?
-correct. you hold onto him until he is ready, then you don't want him anymore, but then I always see him in your life. He never leaves, so I don't know what you will do at that time.
-when you get to know him, you are going to see things that you really, really don't like. he feels a lot of pressure from you and he can't have this pressure on him right now.
-but I see him looking at you through a big glass window, but you can't see him, but he's staring at you. He is as stuck and attached to you as you are him. You have psychic mind power over him and he can't get you out of his head. You are very powerful and do this to another man who's been there for a very long time and will never leave your life (true, my friend who's been kicking around for 12 years, but he's married with kids and she was dead wrong about the romantic prediction regarding he and I) He has incredible will power though and will stay away for a while, but it will pick back up again.
Question: So you see consistency coming about with this man?
-yes, both he and the other man will be more attentive towards you after August. And I don't see either one of them ever leave your life, they are always there.
-but with this man you are asking about, it will be bumpy for about 2 years, back and forth then smooths out after that. And you and him are manifesting seeing each other, you'll see him at the end of July/early August and start talking again.
(Bumped into him last Thursday, just about had a panic attack... holy crap that was really, really hard seeing him like that.Thank gawd I looked awesome)
-You can try to walk away, you can give up, you can just forget about him if you want, just move on, let it go. But i don't see you doing that. This man is going to be in your life for a very long time. I see him there always, for as long as i can see, same as the other guy, they are both there.

The way I take this reading is like this:
-my guy and i are over and he's never coming back in a romantic capacity. I'm going to move on with someone new soon I'm sure, but may establish just a friendship with this guy while he goes through his mucky, ucky life shit that I know is going on. Meeting him was just the absolute worst timing of my life, I was open and ready and he most certainly wasn't. Time heals all wounds, right? Well, this sucker may take a while to get over, but I'll eventually get over it. Just have to steer super clear of him, umm, like forever? ya, time to move on cfisher, it's just time to let it go.

For my next reading, as I said above, I am going to specifically ask about the man I will marry, if she sees me getting married and if I get my happily ever after? That way, I'll have something really positive to look forward too!!! Instead of dealing with this whole yucky messy crappy thing I've got myself into. Damn.

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #158 on: July 23, 2012, 12:27:07 AM »
@jordie - ya, creative is most definitely not something that I would describe myself as, ummm like ever, not an artsy fartsy bone in my body. My mother, sister and brother can all draw stuff like a hot damn, me? Not at all even if my life depended on it. The only thing is I can write, like stupid short stories that I never finish. I also do social media on the side for my friend who is a bar owner in my city and I've done some promo work for him as well. We're constantly coming up with new marketing ideas and promos for the bar. I suppose when I see the word creative in my head it represents art or something to that effect. After I posted this last horrendously long post of Cookie's general predictions for me, my GF and I were talking about the word creative. She pointed out all the marketing stuff I have been working on in the last while with my friend and told me to think about how creative I've been lately. This is one of those times where to me Cookie was wrong, but everything up for interpretation, could it be that I'm creative in my event promotions? Creative with my story writing? Hard to pin point that stuff. But for the most part, I would never call myself creative with art stuff, but just maybe she meant the ideas in my head and if I can get them to manifest on that work level?
Who the hell knows... I don't even know what I'm going to make for dinner tonight at this point! Lol! Let alone my creative marketing schematics helping me open up and change my work field at some point. But again, everything is up for interpretation and it's the second time that she has brought it up in a reading...
Oh wait, I lied, I'm going to have salad for dinner! Lol


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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #159 on: July 23, 2012, 12:34:42 AM »
Sounds like two soul mates to me that were not necessarily meant to be romantic. I think that is what cookie is trying to say. They are men that are supposed to be in your life and close to...I think she confuses the two as she is not empathic..

But thats what I meant with the big picture stuff...Who is the guy I'm going to marry? Who do you see giving me a ring and actually marrying me? Without mentioning any particular guy or phrasing it in a way where you are asking about a particular person. I want to see what she will say without prompting.

Has anyone that has read with her just done that?

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #160 on: July 23, 2012, 01:56:15 AM »
Sounds like two soul mates to me that were not necessarily meant to be romantic. I think that is what cookie is trying to say. They are men that are supposed to be in your life and close to...I think she confuses the two as she is not empathic..

But thats what I meant with the big picture stuff...Who is the guy I'm going to marry? Who do you see giving me a ring and actually marrying me? Without mentioning any particular guy or phrasing it in a way where you are asking about a particular person. I want to see what she will say without prompting.

Has anyone that has read with her just done that?

Will do in 10 minutes... she's accepted my call request.
I'm going to guide her through my reading to the man that I will marry and have children with. I will ask if he is someone in my life right now? If yes, am I having any problems with him at the moment. If no, when do I meet him and does it take me completely tossing this guy's energy that is in my life right now?
Then I'll ask if she sees me with any kids. Or if no, do I become as successful as I think I can be in the next 1-2 years.
Any other suggestions for me ladies to kind of get the big picture out of her?

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #161 on: July 23, 2012, 04:43:58 AM »
I don't know why the majority of my readers were wrong about my outcome with C, but they were and Cookie was one of those readers.   Cookie told me that I would date both C and the man I dated before him who I was hung up on for quite awhile. I didn't date either of those men after speaking with cookie. One of them married someone and the other is going to relocate to be with his new girlfriend. I no longer want either of these men, but I hung on to both for far too long partly due to the fact that I kept hearing that things would go in my favor.

I will most certainly attest to the fact that Cookie is an amazing remote viewer, but unfortunately she was completely wrong for me. Luckily, she appears to work for others and I hope she continues to be right for those who call her.

I'm happy to say that I've only been calling 2 readers in the past couple of months, and I'm actually looking forward to a time when I won't call at all (which should be soon). I hope everyone gets to that point. I'm still not dating and I still have questions, but I've learned that there's something to be said for having some mystery in your life.

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #162 on: July 23, 2012, 02:40:29 PM »
@synergy! I've been putting out those positive vibes wondering when we'd hear from you! Lol! I'll get back to your PM soon! So glad to read your friendly posts once again :)

As for Cookie- I took a different par for the course this go around and got her to zone in on the guy I was going to marry. It was a very different reading getting her to zone in on a man I've never met yet. She was incredibly descriptive!

Funny thing is that my past an present ended up being talked about as well. Seems I've got some issues of an ongoing broken heart that hasn't mended itself from a past experience and because of that I keep filling in the men one by one. I've never had a reader point out to me something in the past and then clue me into why I keep failing going forward. She said its like I was so incredibly disappointed with the one relationship and now I keep finding that same guy over and over, as though I believe that the same thing is going to happen and I keep pulling it in.

She also told me that this one particular man who disappointed me, that I am completely over now, will in fact reconnect with me and we will talk about what happened in the past. This is one of those predictions that seems incredibly unlikely, but hell, with Cookie, ya just never know.

I'll come back later and post some more info but it was a wee bit of an eye opener that I didn't expect and it's surely nice to know at some point I will actually get married! Which I've always known, just haven't found him yet. Lol! I suppose I need to do a bit more clean up on my end in order for this guy to come in, but until then, I'm looking at a bit more drama to come and have to use my brain wisely with my decisions as I go through my processes.

"Life is like a box of chocolates, you just never know which on you'll get." At least this is how I feel about Cookie's readings! Ha ha ha!


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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #163 on: July 23, 2012, 04:47:31 PM »
@synergy! I've been putting out those positive vibes wondering when we'd hear from you! Lol! I'll get back to your PM soon! So glad to read your friendly posts once again :)

As for Cookie- I took a different par for the course this go around and got her to zone in on the guy I was going to marry. It was a very different reading getting her to zone in on a man I've never met yet. She was incredibly descriptive!

Funny thing is that my past an present ended up being talked about as well. Seems I've got some issues of an ongoing broken heart that hasn't mended itself from a past experience and because of that I keep filling in the men one by one. I've never had a reader point out to me something in the past and then clue me into why I keep failing going forward. She said its like I was so incredibly disappointed with the one relationship and now I keep finding that same guy over and over, as though I believe that the same thing is going to happen and I keep pulling it in.

She also told me that this one particular man who disappointed me, that I am completely over now, will in fact reconnect with me and we will talk about what happened in the past. This is one of those predictions that seems incredibly unlikely, but hell, with Cookie, ya just never know.

I'll come back later and post some more info but it was a wee bit of an eye opener that I didn't expect and it's surely nice to know at some point I will actually get married! Which I've always known, just haven't found him yet. Lol! I suppose I need to do a bit more clean up on my end in order for this guy to come in, but until then, I'm looking at a bit more drama to come and have to use my brain wisely with my decisions as I go through my processes.

"Life is like a box of chocolates, you just never know which on you'll get." At least this is how I feel about Cookie's readings! Ha ha ha!

That is interesting that she said this. I know the feeling of being heartbroken and dissapointed. Maybe that is why many of us are recreating the same things again and again. Healing the original problem is the answer I see.
And I'm impressed with how descriptive she was with you about a guy you haven't met with yet. I'm going to give Cookie a shot then..just to see what she is about.

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #164 on: July 23, 2012, 07:07:33 PM »
WoW!  I really want to read with Cookie.  I am #1 in queue.  When does she ususally come online?

