Author Topic: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)  (Read 1112396 times)

Offline HornetKick

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #1005 on: December 03, 2017, 07:35:11 PM »
How long were your readings with her?

My readings with her were mega brief, under five minutes.

Offline helloworld

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #1006 on: December 03, 2017, 07:38:24 PM »
My readings with her ranged from 10-30 minutes.

Offline sawthelight

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #1007 on: December 03, 2017, 07:39:43 PM »
I do think Cookie is gifted but I think it's important to understand how she may work for some, at least the way she did for me. I should say I debated quite a bit about writing this post since Cookie is quite the favorite but I am hoping to pay it forward in case my experience helps anyone.

I used to read with Cookie almost every week (yes, you read it correctly, every week!) a few years ago. I went through a bad break up and would call her for reassurance. Unfortunately, I ended up spending thousands on her. She knew me by name and would email me every few weeks if I hadn't called her in say 1-2 weeks saying she was thinking of me. When she would email me, I would talk to her almost immediately (at the time I knew how to get hold of her easily on keen) thinking she has a new message for me only to get a similar reading as the previous time.

Cookie is gifted and is a good remote viewer but she confused her predictions with what happened in the past for me. For example, she would say, I see you and POI cooking together in the future in his house - that was the past, we used to cook together at his place but it never happened again after I read with her. She thought my then POI would be in my life for a long time... didn't happen. In my last reading with her about that POI she said he likes you but isn't ready for a relationship and he will tell me that in a few weeks. She was convinced he wasn't dating anyone and we would reconnect, etc. Soon after I read with Cookie, I got to know POI got engaged and married so I stopped reading with her.

I know Cookie has been spot on for a lot of people and I wish she had worked for me. Every so often I still get tempted to read her because she gets spooky details even if it's about the past but then I am done with knowing about the past. Who knows, if curiosity gets the better of me maybe I will read with her again but if I do it'll be for 5 minutes at the most. I think what she tells you in the first 5 minutes "on her own" is usually correct.

She didn’t get much in her first five minutes with her when I read with her ages ago lol...some pick a number between this and this and random guessing...I honestly got nothing out of her reading

Offline HornetKick

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #1008 on: December 03, 2017, 07:41:53 PM »
Wow...did you just let her read. That apparently was my problem or I thought during the first read, so now I think it's because I not only need to let her talk and not ask questions, she needs a longer time to connect, which I did during the second reading. It wasn't a wow at all. I did the pick a number game too and I guess that was more for her than me?

Not for me obviously.

Offline HornetKick

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #1009 on: December 03, 2017, 07:44:31 PM »
She didn’t get much in her first five minutes with her when I read with her ages ago lol...some pick a number between this and this and random guessing...I honestly got nothing out of her reading

Ah, the number game. I was expecting that from reading the forum, so she started to ask me to pick a number and I thought of #9, but then she said between 1 and 6.
So I picked number six, although I was originally thinking nine.  Just a clusterfuck I believe.

Offline helloworld

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #1010 on: December 03, 2017, 07:51:02 PM »
She would always ask me to pick a number. Initially I would let her just read and see what she got on her own. After 5 minutes into the reading  she would start saying the same thing in different ways and slowly. That's when I would start asking her questions to prevent her from repeating herself. I thought if I read with her longer she would connect better and get more information.

For me at least, Cookie has been a little bit like QoC - things they get on their own (sometimes totally irrelevant to the situation) are mostly accurate else everything is 50-50. QoC too has confused recent past with future for me so who knows maybe it's my connection with these readers.

« Last Edit: December 03, 2017, 07:56:17 PM by helloworld »

Offline whskers

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #1011 on: December 04, 2017, 12:27:33 PM »
Just to update this.. after my second read with her, I was so confused if she was referring to my old POI because she said some details that are accurate with old POI. She said that he is involved with an Asian going to a university. My ex PoI was seeing a Taiwanese on a student visa going to school in US.  But what really got me confused was she said “you will go through a period with not seeing him for 3-6” months. So I thought she meant my old poi still because we live in different states and everything was going well with new POI. I got into a fight with new Poi and ended things.  On my 3rd read with her (maybe more than 1 month ago) she said that I will reconnect with my new poi in January which is exactly 3 months after we stopped talking. It has be 1.5 months now since we last connected.

I've read a couple of times with her, I was really impressed with her gifts... but I felt she was reading most of my past but insisted she was reading the future. I was wondering if anyone else experienced this with her readings?

I know this isn't the best answer - but she's more correct on timeline type events the more connected she is to you/more she reads for you. She has consistently mixed up energies for me over the years (not enough to be detrimental - but like thinking I was at dinner with POI when really it was my ex ::)) but her timeline items have been very correct for me.

Ok this confirms my suspicion that she was talking about an old POI and not the current one.  I was so confused about my reading with her. It didn't sound like my new guy at all. But once I start to process our reading I realized it was the old POi. Very accurate on him.

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #1012 on: December 04, 2017, 12:29:26 PM »
I finally read with her last night after several weeks of waiting (but missed her call twice before and kept having to get back in her queue).  I have to be honest, I wasn't blown away.  She talked in circles and kept repeating herself and I seem to let her eat up 30 minutes hoping to get some sort of something out of her.  Anyway.  She caught me at a bad time - I was teaching my kid to drive...  but I didn't want to miss her call again, so it could be that she wasn't able to connect very well to me.  I don't know.  I was sort of confused after her call....

When she goes around in circles, I learned to cut her off and ask a new question.

I don't feel the need to read with her again... Well truthfully I wish I could stop feeling the "need" to read altogether... Sigh....

Has Cookie ever been wrong for anyone re what is going on in the present?

Yea me.present & future nothing to pass.She really just went in circles as mentioned by others
I am glad I wasn't the only one... I did feel like she discuss a lot of things happening in the present, and past.

She said some pretty disturbing things for me re the present... I have tried to verify the information, but I can't one way or the other..   The problem is, she has so much support here (which, is understandable as it seems a lot of her predictions and insights are accurate).. so it's sent me on a bit of a mental roundabout..

Kate were you able to verify? She said you will be able to verify in the future?

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #1013 on: December 05, 2017, 10:27:21 PM »
I know not everyone connects with everyone... but... am I the only person who's totally underwhelmed by this reader? The first thing she said was "I'm getting he's attracted to you...there's something about you... that he finds... attractive" I swear it felt like it took an eternity just for her to get that out. Then she told me he wouldn't reach out to me - I'd have to reach out, and when I did, he wouldn't respond. So we'll see. I read with her over a year ago and she told me my ex would be reaching out and that nevvvvver happened so hopefully I can disregard what she said. She didn't blow me away at all and many have
« Last Edit: January 11, 2018, 01:23:03 AM by AustralieNs »

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #1014 on: December 05, 2017, 11:03:11 PM »
I know some other people have said that she has told them about a partner being a different race or ethnicity, but I was also wondering if anyone has also gotten "you're going to go through a period of no communication" or her asking "have you ran into a communication problem"?

Cookie gets some things right for me, but she has also been wrong as well.

Offline ShootingStar

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #1015 on: December 05, 2017, 11:20:36 PM »
I know not everyone connects with everyone... but... am I the only person who's totally underwhelmed by this reader? The first thing she said was "I'm getting he's attracted to you...there's something about you... that he finds... attractive" I swear it felt like it took an eternity just for her to get that out. Then she told me he wouldn't reach out to me - I'd have to reach out, and when I did, he wouldn't respond. So we'll see. I read with her over a year ago and she told me my ex would be reaching out and that nevvvvver happened so hopefully I discard what she said. She didn't blow me away at all and many have

I read with her once last year and she was a total miss for me. I was so disappointed since others have such good luck with her!

Offline Universal9

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #1016 on: December 06, 2017, 06:11:53 AM »
Seems like she does definitely have a gift of seeing things; a great remote viewer. But is Cookie good on big outcomes, I am wondering now.

Offline PrettyLittleLiz

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #1017 on: December 06, 2017, 06:21:32 AM »
Seems like she does definitely have a gift of seeing things; a great remote viewer. But is Cookie good on big outcomes, I am wondering now.

Big outcomes? I wouldn't count on it. I think she's one of (if not the most) gifted readers I have spoken to and I know she doesn't read linearly, which can be confusing to piece together. I know she really believes in manifestation - sometime I wonder if she leans positive on big outcomes because she thinks we have control over our destiny if an opportunity looks to exist.

Offline Xssweater

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #1018 on: December 14, 2017, 06:32:20 PM »
I've never read with Cookie and I've used keen for 10 yrs.The wait to talk to her is super long.Ive read all of the great reviews..But I'm nervous to get in line and wait forever. What is her style of reading? Do I ask a question or let her just start reading me? Average amount of time I should spend on the phone with her? Can someone give me some details?

Offline sawthelight

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #1019 on: December 14, 2017, 06:39:14 PM »
I've never read with Cookie and I've used keen for 10 yrs.The wait to talk to her is super long.Ive read all of the great reviews..But I'm nervous to get in line and wait forever. What is her style of reading? Do I ask a question or let her just start reading me? Average amount of time I should spend on the phone with her? Can someone give me some details?

For me, long, convoluted and all over the place.  But others have luck with her.