Author Topic: For those no longer getting readings - how did you know you were done?  (Read 29531 times)

Offline Hillcam

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Re: For those no longer getting readings - how did you know you were done?
« Reply #30 on: December 29, 2018, 08:08:45 PM »
I know I’m late to this thread, but...

I got tired of being fed fairytales. I’ve noticed that hearing how much any of the various men I called about over the years made me SO MUCH more invented in all of the mediocre relationships. Then, when things didn’t work out, I was way more heartbroken than I ever possibly should’ve been. Heartbroken because of the breakup but also heartbroken because of all of the money I’d spent on a man that really wasn’t anyone special. I could’ve had so much more to show for that money and yet it’d been wasted on readings. If I want to waste more money on a relationship, next time I’ll do something fun with it like VACATION.

It’s srill hard for me. I took a few breaks over this year for a month at a time and I believe it made it easier to stop now. Also, this forum has been so helpful in getting me to wake up and realize these reasons suck so much energy out of you. Jesus Christ it is disgusting how much I’ve been affected by them for six years now

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Re: For those no longer getting readings - how did you know you were done?
« Reply #31 on: January 01, 2019, 08:59:38 PM »
One of the huge reason I stopped getting reading too is that when I read this forum rarely you'll see a poi come back or a psychic was right on a big outcome they got little stuff right but always wrong on the big outcome.

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Re: For those no longer getting readings - how did you know you were done?
« Reply #32 on: January 06, 2019, 05:01:15 PM »
and also, the TF and soulmate thing is a huge money making scheme/hoax.

Twin flames do not exist, there is no logic or evidence for them.

Also, I have not seen one person on any of these online forums that had a POI come back. It simply is impossible I feel- its all our own wishful thinking.
Yep. It like a 1 percent chance that poi come back and they tell everyone that it will work out and he'll come back.

Offline Beautiful Life

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Re: For those no longer getting readings - how did you know you were done?
« Reply #33 on: April 13, 2019, 12:19:00 PM »
I wanted to validate Star1 about Eamon.  Yes he reads from scripts. I phoned him twice within 2 days.  With the exact same simple, non-leading question and POI name. The reading was the EXACT same, WORD for WORD. I recorded both!  I reported it and believe it or not, my review is posted on his profile.  You know CP doesn’t post negative reviews, but mine slipped through and I’m glad it will help others avoid this fraud!  Maybe that’s why Spirit let it slip through. :-)

Offline rosa0726

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Re: For those no longer getting readings - how did you know you were done?
« Reply #34 on: April 24, 2019, 08:00:32 PM »
When my POI, who everyone said was my twin flame, soulmate and who would never be with anyone else because it wasn't in our destiny, married someone else. When I found out he was getting married, i was done. I had been strung along for years and heard all the usual excuses that he was scared, his feelings were too strong for me, he didn't know how to express himself. And it wasn't just one psychic. I am embarrassed to say it was many and I spent a fortune over the course of 3 years.I got myself into debt over it.

Even when I was suspicious that there was someone else, i heard the same stories. It would never work out between them. It was just a passing infatuation. Fast-forward to 6 months later and he married her. That was it. I was done with psychics and never called one since. This all took place in 2012.

That was a dark time for me. i would go to bed on a Friday night and just stay ion bed til Monday morning. To say I was devestated is putting it mildly. I think part of it was because I so desperately wanted to believe them. I didn't think people could be that cruel and lead people on but sadly, those I dealt with, did. It took me a couple of years to get better and I am happy to say I am happily married now.

What I have with my husband isn't exactly what I felt for my ex. But he never leaves me wondering or lets me wait for a phone call. He was always very present and made sure he let me knew how he felt about me. And more importantly, he never makes me cry.

Offline happyk

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Re: For those no longer getting readings - how did you know you were done?
« Reply #35 on: April 24, 2019, 08:10:59 PM »
When my POI, who everyone said was my twin flame, soulmate and who would never be with anyone else because it wasn't in our destiny, married someone else. When I found out he was getting married, i was done. I had been strung along for years and heard all the usual excuses that he was scared, his feelings were too strong for me, he didn't know how to express himself. And it wasn't just one psychic. I am embarrassed to say it was many and I spent a fortune over the course of 3 years.I got myself into debt over it.

Even when I was suspicious that there was someone else, i heard the same stories. It would never work out between them. It was just a passing infatuation. Fast-forward to 6 months later and he married her. That was it. I was done with psychics and never called one since. This all took place in 2012.

That was a dark time for me. i would go to bed on a Friday night and just stay ion bed til Monday morning. To say I was devestated is putting it mildly. I think part of it was because I so desperately wanted to believe them. I didn't think people could be that cruel and lead people on but sadly, those I dealt with, did. It took me a couple of years to get better and I am happy to say I am happily married now.

What I have with my husband isn't exactly what I felt for my ex. But he never leaves me wondering or lets me wait for a phone call. He was always very present and made sure he let me knew how he felt about me. And more importantly, he never makes me cry.

Rosa, your story is heartbreaking. But I'm glad that you more have a wonderful husband. I hope the wounds from your past have now healed. Would you mind sharing what readers were right for you, if any of them were?

Offline rosa0726

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Re: For those no longer getting readings - how did you know you were done?
« Reply #36 on: April 25, 2019, 01:32:45 PM »
Hi Happyk

Unfortunately, for me, none were right. I used mainly California Psychics. I used all of their so-called top psychics like Gine Rose, Uli, Seha, Nina. Nina at first I was very impressed by. The first time I spoke with her, she blew me away with the reading because I didn't say anything and she just went into it. And i just kept calling and calling to get reassurance.

But the end-result is he married someone else when some of them actually used words like they guaranteed we would end up together. Not one of them ever saw his wife in the picture and I called very frequently.

The funny part or should I say sad part is when i called a few of them saying he had gotten engaged to his wife, they changed their tune. And that's what put an end to it for me. If I call you a day earlier and you are telling me he is coming around and that we will reconcile any day and then i call you a day later and you tell me that you see this other woman around him but it wont last, then it finally hit me that it was fake.

I am not saying they aren't accurate for others but they weren't accurate for me. Not by a long shot. I called for 3 years about this person and not one predicted the final outcome.

Offline sawthelight

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Re: For those no longer getting readings - how did you know you were done?
« Reply #37 on: April 25, 2019, 01:46:11 PM »
Hi Happyk

Unfortunately, for me, none were right. I used mainly California Psychics. I used all of their so-called top psychics like Gine Rose, Uli, Seha, Nina. Nina at first I was very impressed by. The first time I spoke with her, she blew me away with the reading because I didn't say anything and she just went into it. And i just kept calling and calling to get reassurance.

But the end-result is he married someone else when some of them actually used words like they guaranteed we would end up together. Not one of them ever saw his wife in the picture and I called very frequently.

The funny part or should I say sad part is when i called a few of them saying he had gotten engaged to his wife, they changed their tune. And that's what put an end to it for me. If I call you a day earlier and you are telling me he is coming around and that we will reconcile any day and then i call you a day later and you tell me that you see this other woman around him but it wont last, then it finally hit me that it was fake.

I am not saying they aren't accurate for others but they weren't accurate for me. Not by a long shot. I called for 3 years about this person and not one predicted the final outcome.

wow, I'm so sorry this happened to you :(  Unfortunately, you aren't the first person to share a story like this....I'm glad you've moved on to a better place but what a rough lesson to learn. 

Offline hope36

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Re: For those no longer getting readings - how did you know you were done?
« Reply #38 on: April 25, 2019, 01:57:55 PM »
Hi Happyk

Unfortunately, for me, none were right. I used mainly California Psychics. I used all of their so-called top psychics like Gine Rose, Uli, Seha, Nina. Nina at first I was very impressed by. The first time I spoke with her, she blew me away with the reading because I didn't say anything and she just went into it. And i just kept calling and calling to get reassurance.

But the end-result is he married someone else when some of them actually used words like they guaranteed we would end up together. Not one of them ever saw his wife in the picture and I called very frequently.

The funny part or should I say sad part is when i called a few of them saying he had gotten engaged to his wife, they changed their tune. And that's what put an end to it for me. If I call you a day earlier and you are telling me he is coming around and that we will reconcile any day and then i call you a day later and you tell me that you see this other woman around him but it wont last, then it finally hit me that it was fake.

I am not saying they aren't accurate for others but they weren't accurate for me. Not by a long shot. I called for 3 years about this person and not one predicted the final outcome.

Dang :( that's rough! Take care and hope you find peace!!

Offline rosa0726

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Re: For those no longer getting readings - how did you know you were done?
« Reply #39 on: April 25, 2019, 02:03:54 PM »
sawthelight yes. And I am to blame as well. I put so much into that they were telling me that even when the signs pointed elsewhere, I didn't want to believe it.

And I truly believe my husband was sent from the universe. I had given up hope and didn't think I would ever recover from the pain or ever have feelings for anyone ever again. I met my husband very randomly, without even looking and here we are married for almost 3 years and he still feels the same way about me as he did from day one.

So even though it wasn't the ending I thought I would have, it's still a happy ending. One thing this whole fiasco did teach me is when someone really wants you, they aren't afraid to express their feelings, they don't play games, they don't play hard to get, they don't leave you wondering and it shouldn't hurt so much.

Like i said, i am not saying there aren't people out there without gifts but none of the ones that I paid were correct for me.

The ironic part is, the only psychic who was ever right about me was a person my sister worked with. This psychic didn't do it for a living and never took money from anyone. She just knew things. She predicted my husband 15 years ago and was very specific about him. Details that at the time, made me cry because her description was nothing like what I thought I would wind up with. Very eerie and she was dead on and my sister didn't even ask her about me. She just went into it and my sister called me and told me what the woman said. Go forward 10 years after that prediction and my husband is exactly what she predicted.

So that's what makes me believe there are people out there who are gifted. I knew nothing about psychics at the time and she never did it for profit. But this woman nailed who I was going to marry, even though I didn't want to hear it at the time.

Offline bstalling

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Re: For those no longer getting readings - how did you know you were done?
« Reply #40 on: April 25, 2019, 02:37:34 PM »
sawthelight yes. And I am to blame as well. I put so much into that they were telling me that even when the signs pointed elsewhere, I didn't want to believe it.

And I truly believe my husband was sent from the universe. I had given up hope and didn't think I would ever recover from the pain or ever have feelings for anyone ever again. I met my husband very randomly, without even looking and here we are married for almost 3 years and he still feels the same way about me as he did from day one.

So even though it wasn't the ending I thought I would have, it's still a happy ending. One thing this whole fiasco did teach me is when someone really wants you, they aren't afraid to express their feelings, they don't play games, they don't play hard to get, they don't leave you wondering and it shouldn't hurt so much.

Like i said, i am not saying there aren't people out there without gifts but none of the ones that I paid were correct for me.

The ironic part is, the only psychic who was ever right about me was a person my sister worked with. This psychic didn't do it for a living and never took money from anyone. She just knew things. She predicted my husband 15 years ago and was very specific about him. Details that at the time, made me cry because her description was nothing like what I thought I would wind up with. Very eerie and she was dead on and my sister didn't even ask her about me. She just went into it and my sister called me and told me what the woman said. Go forward 10 years after that prediction and my husband is exactly what she predicted.

So that's what makes me believe there are people out there who are gifted. I knew nothing about psychics at the time and she never did it for profit. But this woman nailed who I was going to marry, even though I didn't want to hear it at the time.

why didnt you want to hear it at the time?

Offline sawthelight

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Re: For those no longer getting readings - how did you know you were done?
« Reply #41 on: April 25, 2019, 02:41:12 PM »
she probably only wanted to hear she would end up with the guy she was calling about..BOY can I relate.  I had a few tell me I would meet someone great that would make me so happy but I was too hung up on the guy who was making me miserable. 

Offline Miss Philosopher

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Re: For those no longer getting readings - how did you know you were done?
« Reply #42 on: April 25, 2019, 02:43:08 PM »
I began tiring of readings when there was no progress and timelines continued to get pushed out. It became really exhausting holding on for such long periods of time only for no real progress to be experienced. Situations get really old after awhile. You'll have some psychics to tell you to hang in there or whatever, but for what? If something is meant to happen then it will happen regardless if you wait around or not. I also knew I was done for the most part when readings would take a 180 degree change. It went from "he's the one" in the beginning, to "he WAS the one but chose not to learn his life lessons". It went from "He'll be moving back 'home' to you as his relocation is not permanent" over to "It's probably time for you to let this go as I see someone new coming in for you and your POI won't be relocating anytime soon" and that was after a year. Lol. So yeah. I held on much longer than I should have based upon readings for the first 6 months only for them to take a complete 180 degree change. Felt so disappointed, angry, and like I completely wasted my time and money.

Offline rosa0726

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Re: For those no longer getting readings - how did you know you were done?
« Reply #43 on: April 25, 2019, 03:24:52 PM »
Still Tired, that is correct. I got the prediction 10 years before I ever met him. And at the time, there was another guy that i really liked and i thought he was the guy i was going to marry. His name was Frank. I never called psychics about him. This was way before my POI in my original post.

This woman my sister worked with told my sister I wasn't going to marry Frank and that it would end in a few months. She was right about that. He broke up with me a few months later. Then she said they guy I would marry would be younger (at the time, I had never been with someone even a month younger than me), darker skin color, I would meet him at a time when I didn't want to meet anybody and that my family would have a hard time accepting him but then they would grow to love him. When my sister called and told me, I started crying because I loved Frank so much. Now I think back to what the heck did I see in Frank lol.

Fast forward to 2012 and I met my husband who is younger than me by a decade, is of Indian background, my family was very skeptical at first but now they love him. Those were very specific things. Prior to my husband, I had only been with men from my culture who were older. If you had told me back then I wasn't going to marry someone from my culture and who was younger, I would have thought you were crazy. But look at me now lol.

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Re: For those no longer getting readings - how did you know you were done?
« Reply #44 on: April 25, 2019, 03:28:13 PM »
ah I see!  I was confused, thanks for clarifying :)  either way it's great that you are happy, at the end of the day that's all that matters.

