Author Topic: For those no longer getting readings - how did you know you were done?  (Read 29896 times)

Offline maggs30

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Yes what is the point when they miss the big stuff and barely get the small stuff. So sorry you are going through this Professor.

Offline Daisy573

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For me, I havent stopped completely but do not call nearly as much as I did in the past.  What made me tone it way down was not being so focused on the outcome because quite frankly, most psychics NEVER got that right anyway and now just using psychics to help clear up confusion for me.  I also found a few psychics that I seem to connect well with and I trust so when I call them for a reading, I feel satisfied after and dont feel the need to keep calling others like I did in the past.  I will probably always hang on to my few faves and call when I feel I need to but I've stopped calling like I used to.  Mostly because I have a busy life and just dont care as much about "will he return or not" any more.  It was that nonsense that kept me calling and when the predictions would not happen, I would call some more and listen to the timing get pushed out  etc etc just creates a cycle of hanging on and then calling more when the timing passes and nothing happens.  At some point, you just say enough.  Like for every other area of my life I do not hang on to things like that so why am I doing it for some dumb guy ??  hahah I think in the past I became more obsessed with which psychics would be accurate than I actually even cared about the guy any more!!

Offline unicornlove

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Re: For those no longer getting readings - how did you know you were done?
« Reply #77 on: September 20, 2019, 09:10:13 AM »
Hi all. I still dont do readings. I have a new man in my life  :-*. My ex never came back.  :-\

Offline SomethingBetter

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Re: For those no longer getting readings - how did you know you were done?
« Reply #78 on: September 20, 2019, 06:28:24 PM »
I’m bawling reading this. Thank you for posting it so eloquently.

I began to see the pointlessness of readings, for me, about eighteen months ago. But even then I still couldn't stop completely because I was so enamoured of this poi. I desperately wanted to believe I still had a ghost of a chance with him. I was totally deluded. Hell, the man was already in a committed relationship and not even available. I'm embarrassed to admit it but I've been having readings about this same poi for literally years. I just couldn't let the matter rest, even though it was obvious he felt nothing for me, and I was wasting precious time, energy and money consulting these psychics. I read with one who was my main go-to for three years just because some small predictions had come true. I ignored my intuition, and allowed myself to be strung along like a fool, hoping the big, positive outcome would eventually unfold as she kept saying it would, although she could never give me a time frame. When the situation deteriorated out of the blue and the poi snubbed me, the psychic abruptly changed her tune. She blamed me for what happened by saying things would have come together if I'd taken her advice and 'worked on myself.' Then she flipped her prediction of three years by telling me the divine wanted to heal me in preparation for new love! She'd been telling me all along the poi was so attracted to me, had feelings, it was meant to be and we would be together etc. My fault of course for hanging on, denying reality and believing in all this rubbish. When it became glaringly obvious that he didn't want anything to do with me, she changed tack and said there wasn't enough between us for him to truly care if his behaviour was hurtful, or how he treated me. She became quite passive-aggressive, and then told me to google 'twin flame runner' because I'd 'understand more.'   ::)

Even after that debacle, I STILL carried on reading with psychics to soothe my anxiety and escape reality. It was only recently when I had two negative card readings telling me nothing I hadn't already worked out for myself, that it dawned on me I was throwing my money away in pursuit of a dream, a fantasy, and it was a vain attempt to hold on to hope just a little bit longer. I was trying to avoid dealing with the pain of accepting that my poi wasn't interested in me romantically, and wouldn't ever see me in that way.

I've wasted years. I've finally seen sense and realised I can't let this crazy obsession go on past a certain number of years or it would be even more insane, so I've gone cold turkey. No more readings for me. Now the shame and regret has kicked in. I feel these readings mess with your emotions, and can cause you to lose touch with what reality is showing you. I was in denial for so long, and the years slip by all too quickly. I have remained stuck in the past while fixated on the poi. I also let important matters slide, and now I have to dig myself out of a financial hole, not for the first time, because I haven't been attending to important aspects of my life. It feels like I allowed everything to go to the dogs. I have to make a fresh start in life and move on from the poi, the painful memories and the whole ghastly experience with him.

I'm not blaming the psychics; I still think there are some genuine ones out there, and it was my choice to keep having readings about a hopeless situation. I just know that consulting with them is not healthy behaviour for me. I am better off using my intuition and common sense for guidance.

Offline unicornlove

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Re: For those no longer getting readings - how did you know you were done?
« Reply #79 on: September 20, 2019, 06:45:15 PM »
@gemini30 mee too. 2 1/2 years. I was addicted. One time I blew my whole paycheck on just readings. I have spent probably hundreds if not thousands on readings. And most of them were fluff, even Angela, what I wanted to hear. My ex never came back.  :-X They were all wrong. The only ones right were Denise and Yona, they both predicted a new man coming into my life. At the time I didn't want t o hear it or believe it. But Denise and Yona were both right.  ;D

Offline Girly1998

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Re: For those no longer getting readings - how did you know you were done?
« Reply #80 on: September 20, 2019, 07:05:55 PM »
I began to see the pointlessness of readings, for me, about eighteen months ago. But even then I still couldn't stop completely because I was so enamoured of this poi. I desperately wanted to believe I still had a ghost of a chance with him. I was totally deluded. Hell, the man was already in a committed relationship and not even available. I'm embarrassed to admit it but I've been having readings about this same poi for literally years. I just couldn't let the matter rest, even though it was obvious he felt nothing for me, and I was wasting precious time, energy and money consulting these psychics. I read with one who was my main go-to for three years just because some small predictions had come true. I ignored my intuition, and allowed myself to be strung along like a fool, hoping the big, positive outcome would eventually unfold as she kept saying it would, although she could never give me a time frame. When the situation deteriorated out of the blue and the poi snubbed me, the psychic abruptly changed her tune. She blamed me for what happened by saying things would have come together if I'd taken her advice and 'worked on myself.' Then she flipped her prediction of three years by telling me the divine wanted to heal me in preparation for new love! She'd been telling me all along the poi was so attracted to me, had feelings, it was meant to be and we would be together etc. My fault of course for hanging on, denying reality and believing in all this rubbish. When it became glaringly obvious that he didn't want anything to do with me, she changed tack and said there wasn't enough between us for him to truly care if his behaviour was hurtful, or how he treated me. She became quite passive-aggressive, and then told me to google 'twin flame runner' because I'd 'understand more.'   ::)

Even after that debacle, I STILL carried on reading with psychics to soothe my anxiety and escape reality. It was only recently when I had two negative card readings telling me nothing I hadn't already worked out for myself, that it dawned on me I was throwing my money away in pursuit of a dream, a fantasy, and it was a vain attempt to hold on to hope just a little bit longer. I was trying to avoid dealing with the pain of accepting that my poi wasn't interested in me romantically, and wouldn't ever see me in that way.

I've wasted years. I've finally seen sense and realised I can't let this crazy obsession go on past a certain number of years or it would be even more insane, so I've gone cold turkey. No more readings for me. Now the shame and regret has kicked in. I feel these readings mess with your emotions, and can cause you to lose touch with what reality is showing you. I was in denial for so long, and the years slip by all too quickly. I have remained stuck in the past while fixated on the poi. I also let important matters slide, and now I have to dig myself out of a financial hole, not for the first time, because I haven't been attending to important aspects of my life. It feels like I allowed everything to go to the dogs. I have to make a fresh start in life and move on from the poi, the painful memories and the whole ghastly experience with him.

I'm not blaming the psychics; I still think there are some genuine ones out there, and it was my choice to keep having readings about a hopeless situation. I just know that consulting with them is not healthy behaviour for me. I am better off using my intuition and common sense for guidance.


When you feel shame and regret just remind yourself of what you’ve learned from it and that you’re no longer in that position. I hope things start to look up for you, Gemini

Offline Luckystar

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Re: For those no longer getting readings - how did you know you were done?
« Reply #81 on: September 20, 2019, 07:51:12 PM »
Hi all. I still dont do readings. I have a new man in my life  :-*. My ex never came back.  :-\

I am sorry to hear about your ex, but i hope you are happy now and that it works out for you with this new guy.

No one was right about my original POI except Kisha...who predicted (SEVERAL YEARS OUT BTW) that at some point i just would not care about having a relationship with the person in question. After about five years my feelings finally dissipated and he is now engaged to someone else.

Offline Snow-white8

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Re: For those no longer getting readings - how did you know you were done?
« Reply #82 on: September 20, 2019, 08:19:37 PM »
@gemini30 mee too. 2 1/2 years. I was addicted. One time I blew my whole paycheck on just readings. I have spent probably hundreds if not thousands on readings. And most of them were fluff, even Angela, what I wanted to hear. My ex never came back.  :-X They were all wrong. The only ones right were Denise and Yona, they both predicted a new man coming into my life. At the time I didn't want t o hear it or believe it. But Denise and Yona were both right.  ;D

Hi unicorn love! Happy for you for this new man in your life and for you staying away from going down the rabbit hole of readings :) I think I remember you way back when you said Angel Readings didn't charge you money but told you your ex wasn't coming back too, so she was right too?

Offline russianred

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Re: For those no longer getting readings - how did you know you were done?
« Reply #83 on: February 02, 2020, 07:58:59 AM »
This thread was a great read for me today.

I don't think I'm 100% done with readings forever and ever, but I am done with excessive and compulsive calling -- because:

- I finally came to the conclusion that POI does not deserve me unless he substantially changes his behavior.  I surrender the outcome.
- Trying to find insight into POI's behavior is not worth my time, energy, or money anymore.  I think sometimes we think that if we can just better understand someone, then we'll have the tools to fix the situation.  That may be true in some situations, but not in mine.
- The readings were making it more difficult to mentally detach from the situation and live my life.  I also wouldn't be surprised if they were affecting POI in some cosmic way.
- The readings were making me feel paralyzed with fear and like I needed to consult with a team of "experts" before I did anything.
- As a matter of principle, I refuse to spend more money on someone who has consistently put his own needs first.

Offline dascallie

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Re: For those no longer getting readings - how did you know you were done?
« Reply #84 on: February 02, 2020, 03:06:10 PM »
Great insights Russianred

Offline russianred

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Re: For those no longer getting readings - how did you know you were done?
« Reply #85 on: February 02, 2020, 04:29:18 PM »
some of the points you made really resonated with me! I find it hard to "let go" of the situation/your POI when you are continuing to get readings. and i found that the more frequently i get readings the more i am hyper-focused on the situation/POI. to me at least, i have to cut back significantly to detach. I've mentioned in another thread on here, that one reader told me that the more readings i'm getting is actually effecting my own POI's energy and leaving him hanging. so in my experience, there is def truth to all this.

Yes, I like what you wrote about letting go.  I wish it were something I could have forced more as I would have let go a long time ago to save myself a lot of frustration and money, but I think I had to arrive at my own conclusion.  I was reading other threads on here and someone posted something about how a reader told her that being mentally "on hold" for someone (and I think many of us who call readers are in that boat) can feed into a "tense and frustrated space" that the POI then picks up on (I know mine has).  Readings can further add to those emotions because they keep us in the emotional vortex of the situation.  I also think that if I'm binging and a bunch of readers are trying to tap into POI's energy, that might just drain him further.

Letting go doesn't mean letting go of any hope.  I'm still hopeful that things will work out.  It means letting go of our need to control the situation and obtain a particular outcome.  Letting go of my need to fully understand POI's actions.  Letting go of trying to get the "magic insight" to help me "fix" him.  For me, it also means being open to other possibilities and accepting that if POI can't prove himself deserving of me, then he is not the right one for me.

Offline russianred

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Re: For those no longer getting readings - how did you know you were done?
« Reply #86 on: February 02, 2020, 05:25:39 PM »
I do think that in general, when men feel that you are genuinely (not pretending) slipping away, they will be more likely to respond and try to win you back.  I believe I'm letting go for the right reasons -- for myself -- but of course a small part of me hopes that he will respond to this approach much better than the hovering and frustrated approach.  :)

I also know exactly what you mean about how online dating is so draining and how the connection with POI feels pure and true compared to what you feel for others -- yet also not knowing whether a relationship would actually work given the limitations on what POI can offer to you due to his own circumstances.


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Re: For those no longer getting readings - how did you know you were done?
« Reply #87 on: February 06, 2020, 05:50:34 AM »
Thank you so much.  I am feeling better now by praying.  I spent the night at his place to watch GOT and the day before he was sent to the hospital for fainting at work.  He was so stressed and upset he paced around the room till 5 am in the morning.  I cry thinking about what he is going through.... all what those psychics said ... some of them painted him as the bad person and said he was lying about depression etc.  I am so done. I hate psychic readings because it does bring a lot of turmoil.  Even the free minutes they offer is not worth it... there are some gifted ones there but whenever i get a reading, things that i feel should not happen, happen.

Yeah that's the other huge risk. You are asking a complete stranger about how someone else is feeling in general, or about you, and what they are up to etc. That's dangerous because it can cause you unnecessary heartbreak and even destroy what could have been or what could be because now you will be acting like and treating the other person as if they are doing something bad to you when, in reality, they may really be going through something terrible and just shut down and it would have nothing to do with you or another third party etc. I've had that happen so many times and while sometimes it was true, it was something my intuition already told me, and other times they would say it and it wouldn't "feel" right within me so I would dismiss it and go with what I felt and I ended up being right. YOU are the one that has the connection with this person and so I think it's best you just go with what YOUR gut is telling you and if you're confused about what it's telling you, then do nothing until it becomes clear. I feel like psychics ruin people's lives unintentionally. Yes, there are some that are gifted and can see certain things, but they can't see everything and we are humans, so our feelings will change from time to time. Sometimes our feelings change from hour to hour. It's just not a good way to determine what to do or make decisions based upon readings. When I first came on this forum I was raving about a couple of certain psychics and I took their word for gold. These psychics had a 99% accuracy rate. HOWEVER, the current situation I was calling about for the past year has unfolded completely opposite of what they said and that was a huge heartbreak and crushing disappointment for me. Had I just listened to my own intuition, seen the situation for what it was, not what it "might" change into or what it "could" change into, but for what it really was.......I would've spent more time letting go and healing rather than hanging on for the predictions to pass, which, none of the positive ones really ever did. Another year of my life wasted because I made decisions based upon readings. If you ever do decide to get more readings, take them with a grain of salt. That's my advice to you. I'm very glad you are feeling better. Much love and many blessings be to you. <3

Miss Philospher you were so right. They ruined my life also unintentionally. I should have listened to myself. I wasted my life big time following psychics from 2018 2019... I am still recovering from the damage i caused by taking their word seriously.  Please leave these psychics alone guys

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Re: For those no longer getting readings - how did you know you were done?
« Reply #88 on: February 07, 2020, 08:35:19 PM »
I've been addicted to readings on and off for 8 or so years, what helped me to realize and come to my senses was to look at the situation I'm being shown, and the actions of the person, cuz often times a reader can come out with lovely comments you'd like to hear, but it didn't match up with her actions for me, and I have this deep realization gut feeling going on inside of me which perhaps I chose not to accept or face cuz of the pain of it. There's been a couple of times where readers gave info that turned out to be accurate such as cheating or third parties, but, they quite often missed the bigger picture

Offline ES1281

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Re: For those no longer getting readings - how did you know you were done?
« Reply #89 on: February 09, 2020, 08:55:22 AM »
When I realized I m way happier when I m not expecting anything to happen.
When I realized happy present brings happy future.

