Any updates? 
Nothing from me
My contact prediction didn't pan out (posted above)
I wouldn't count on Jaiden for contact, she's never gotten it right for me lmao. She usually says something like "next three days" or "within the next week" and it never happens. She's good for seeing the current situation (picked up third party last month, only other ones to do that were Jeremiah and Mattie) but I wouldn't rely on her for timing to save my life lmao. Just my two cents! xo
Yep thanks! When she told me "tomorrow" by herself, I thought I didnt hear her well and asked again. I knew it wouldn't happen because most of the heavy hitters gave june-aug timeframe, but I must admit, was a wee bit anxious. Oh well!
Overall, her predictions did line up with Yona/Tara/LP (got same from these 3) but was way too optimistic with timelines.