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Offline star1

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Re: The Real LOA
« Reply #15 on: December 23, 2018, 05:08:20 PM »
@jhuskindle and @star1 -- so you dont believe in free will but instead that everything is predestined already?  BTW -- I am not disagreeing with you (Yona too does not believe in free will, to my knowledge she is the only reader I have spoken with who believes this) -- I am just asking?  So if that's youre thinking, then everything that happens was predetermined and we have no choice?  or do you believe in a little of both? 

I, although I am in my forties, am not 100% sure what I believe at this point!  I had not thought much about any of this until very recently when my life changed and truthfully I dont know if Ill ever have the answer.  They both tend to make a lot of sense.  I am still going to practice energy, reiki and LOA because IMO there just isnt a negative to it even if it doesnt work:).   But I am always open to listening to others ideas and thoughts.... 

I have decided I think that other than Yona and Kisha I am done with psychic readings.  And maybe hopefully all of them soon......I am hoping to be able to just live my life and know that everything is happening for a reason and I'll be okay:).

I can't say that free will definitely doesn't happen, but I believe definitely in my personal experiences with proof that destiny occurs. Like I think major things are destined in life, for sure. My ex and I were destined not to be together in the long run.

Offline bstalling

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Re: The Real LOA
« Reply #16 on: December 23, 2018, 05:14:00 PM »
It's not that simple - LOA is not "oh I have childhood trauma therefore my life must be shit" it is not black and white. Maybe you've released most of them while you weren't aware of them. LOA is governed by our subconscious mostly so if you aren't aware of whats in your subconscious you won't know. Or maybe you really believe that you deserve the good things in life without even knowing that you believe it. Our beliefs and vibrations are multi-layered, many people here simplify LOA waaaaay too much.

No, I dont believe the bolded. I believe that you are not even aware of what is affecting you, so why bother almost?. People often say they get over stuff in time, but that healer saw something that was still affecting the degree she knew the age of when it happened, what occured, and how it affects me today. She saw a ton of other stuff too. But at the same time, I believe that those "scars" were destined to happen. Its way too complex for any regular human to navigate. And for the vast majority of people, they would be best off just doing the best they can in life in a practical manner and praying.

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Re: The Real LOA
« Reply #17 on: December 23, 2018, 05:21:16 PM »
I said this before and I said this again if LOA really exist every people that went to LA would have become a Movie star already but that not the case. Most of them become homeless chasing there dream and only 1 percent of those people will make it big.

Because they simply aren't a match to it. Or becoming a movie star is only a representation of their true desire, but not what they actually want. (lots of dream chasers change their dreams along the way too) Becoming a movie star takes massive energy, in which most people don't have. But there are also a lot of celebrities that openly talk about using LOA.
How you know that they aren't a match to it or it only a representation of their true desire and not what they want? What is fact is that less then 1 percent of them will become big Movie star. Then what you are saying is that 99 percent of the people that went to LA to become a movie star is not what they actually want and they don't have massive energy?

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Re: The Real LOA
« Reply #18 on: December 23, 2018, 05:40:48 PM »
I said this before and I said this again if LOA really exist every people that went to LA would have become a Movie star already but that not the case. Most of them become homeless chasing there dream and only 1 percent of those people will make it big.

Because they simply aren't a match to it. Or becoming a movie star is only a representation of their true desire, but not what they actually want. (lots of dream chasers change their dreams along the way too) Becoming a movie star takes massive energy, in which most people don't have. But there are also a lot of celebrities that openly talk about using LOA.
How you know that they aren't a match to it or it only a representation of their true desire and not what they want? What is fact is that less then 1 percent of them will become big Movie star. Then what you are saying is that 99 percent of the people that went to LA to become a movie star is not what they actually want and they don't have massive energy?

How do you know that less than 1% will make it, where did you get that statistic? In my reality, lots of actors get work and not every one of them wants to be "famous". I have friends and relatives that are actors and they're working just fine. Where did you get the "fact" that they're homeless?
Just google or YouTube it there is a lot of peoples chasing there dream that become homeless and that a fact. At the end of the days no matter what, you are not going to change your mind and I won't either so it pointless.

Offline journalmuse

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Re: The Real LOA
« Reply #19 on: December 23, 2018, 09:35:48 PM »
@stilltired - yes, I also agree that everything happens simultaneously.But the fact that you are accessing a memory (which is also a manifsetation) of a past/future life, means theres something happening "right now" that is an energetic match to that. SO it is still all "in the now". Whatever memory you have of the past life that is currently affecting you (or triggering an emotional response), is there to show you what resistance you have. It doesn't matter if its your past life or someone else's past life or even a fictional life, as long as it is triggering you, it is emotional resistance.

Okay how about this, everything including every possible parallel universe already exists now because time doesnt exist. But changing our energy will align us into a different reality. :) So we don't "create" anything new, we align/receive the reality we want.

Never really heard it put quite this way, fascinating honestly. Thanks for posting.

Offline jhuskindle

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Re: The Real LOA
« Reply #20 on: December 24, 2018, 01:07:57 AM »
I definitely don’t believe in free will, even scientifically a decision is influenced and decided by childhood experience, and environment and more. I don’t see any of that as free.

I also don’t believe in law of attraction, that’s a method humans use to feel in control of the fact crap happens. It must be pre written, in my opinion, but that won’t stop the fact no matter if I had used the law perfectly to the t, I would not have been able to find a serious romantic partner until 2020, which is still the universe plan, and still planning out despite my best efforts to prove that I can change that by dating and socializing lol

Too bad, i was unable to bring in love, yet even in my darkest days I bring in other forms of abundance. No matter what I believe. It was written. I haven’t read all the comments yet I hope this explains things.

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Re: The Real LOA
« Reply #21 on: December 24, 2018, 10:34:02 PM »
You are not understanding me or this thread so I will stop after this post. I fail to see how your above post contradicts with my beliefs? When did I say you have to have emotions when thinking about past lives or that you have to be conscious of your past? Most people aren't that's why they are manifesting a crap life. I said many times that 90% of manifestations are unconscious (aka not aware of). And your comment about underlying beliefs driving our choices is exactly what LOA is lol, and releasing resistance is changing those beliefs. You are entitled to your beliefs and I am to mine, but please read others' posts carefully to make sure you understand them before commenting. Good luck to you

I just need people who believe in loa to realize it’s not a law, it might work for them but 50% or more either don’t use it don’t believe in it or get abundance while negative. For me it’s a victim blaming tactic. You manifested your bad life? Are you joking? So my sister manifested 4 miscarriages because she didn’t believe it strong enough? No, I’m pretty sure she was positive she was having a baby. Loa is bullshit. She wasn’t meant to have kids with that guy, that was written, again, loa had nothing to do with it, she didn’t even think of miscarriage as a possibility. Loa would blame her.  So yeah no one is disrespecting you, but you need to hear the other side.

I don't need to understand you to comment. I don't believe in LOA. I speak out of my own beliefs and experiences and I have a different perspective than you have. I don't see what the problem is.

Offline jhuskindle

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Re: The Real LOA
« Reply #22 on: December 25, 2018, 06:10:49 AM »
No, not "blame", just taking responsibility. Don't put words in my mouth. And I never said you need to believe LOA to manifest...again don't put words in my mouth. You don't need to believe gravity for it to be real. Sometimes not believing or being negative actually makes you a better manifester as I have said before too. Go be triggered somewhere else, you are at the wrong place.

So here you say being negative might help manifest that goes against the concept of loa... I wasn’t insulting you I’m just making a case for loa being bs. Some people call it luck of the draw I’m one of the few who believe it’s pre written. Either way negates the concept of loa.

Offline Dreamer23

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Re: The Real LOA
« Reply #23 on: December 25, 2018, 03:02:15 PM »
No, not "blame", just taking responsibility. Don't put words in my mouth. And I never said you need to believe LOA to manifest...again don't put words in my mouth. You don't need to believe gravity for it to be real. Sometimes not believing or being negative actually makes you a better manifester as I have said before too. Go be triggered somewhere else, you are at the wrong place.

So here you say being negative might help manifest that goes against the concept of loa... I wasn’t insulting you I’m just making a case for loa being bs. Some people call it luck of the draw I’m one of the few who believe it’s pre written. Either way negates the concept of loa.

If you read my post you'd understand why I said that. LOA is not about positive thinking, positive thinking (at least in the way most people do it) does not work because it is denial. Being negative releases resistance to the outcome which sometimes can help you manifest.

I agree with this so much. I never understood why being negative helps you manifest, because I've seen that it does, in my life, I have had times when I thought something wouldn't happen and it did and this explanation makes sense. Thank you candiednut.

I also have seen from my experience, that being neutral and basically not caring too much about how or when something will manifest brings things to me. So let's say I want something specific and I have a thought that is like "oh how I wish I had this" and then I don't think about it and I am relaxed and don't even care if or how it happens. Then it usually happens.

Offline HornetKick

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Re: The Real LOA
« Reply #24 on: December 25, 2018, 05:13:04 PM »
Yea many LOA criteria is based off the 'stay positive' bs and I found it both impossible and unrealistic.

I've talked to many readers about it and even they don't get it at times. A few have even said to me to stay positive and I'm always like, I'll just stay a realist. Overly positive people make me sick because I know they are lying to themselves and I avoid them like the plague. Just annoying. When they don't get what they want, I chime in, what happened to your positivity?

Being negative decreases the energy behind something you want very badly. It actually helps with manifestation and brings it closer to you. I no longer even think of it as being negative. It's just the opposite extreme of energy. People understand it when 'negative' is used. The negative, is a much better positive than the fake positive, if that makes any sense.

Offline Dreamer23

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Re: The Real LOA
« Reply #25 on: December 26, 2018, 01:48:12 PM »
No, not "blame", just taking responsibility. Don't put words in my mouth. And I never said you need to believe LOA to manifest...again don't put words in my mouth. You don't need to believe gravity for it to be real. Sometimes not believing or being negative actually makes you a better manifester as I have said before too. Go be triggered somewhere else, you are at the wrong place.

So here you say being negative might help manifest that goes against the concept of loa... I wasn’t insulting you I’m just making a case for loa being bs. Some people call it luck of the draw I’m one of the few who believe it’s pre written. Either way negates the concept of loa.

If you read my post you'd understand why I said that. LOA is not about positive thinking, positive thinking (at least in the way most people do it) does not work because it is denial. Being negative releases resistance to the outcome which sometimes can help you manifest.

I agree with this so much. I never understood why being negative helps you manifest, because I've seen that it does, in my life, I have had times when I thought something wouldn't happen and it did and this explanation makes sense. Thank you candiednut.

I also have seen from my experience, that being neutral and basically not caring too much about how or when something will manifest brings things to me. So let's say I want something specific and I have a thought that is like "oh how I wish I had this" and then I don't think about it and I am relaxed and don't even care if or how it happens. Then it usually happens.

You've just summarized how creation works here ;) Desire + Resistance = Takes time to manifest or never manifest if resistance isn't released. Desire + No Resistance = Very fast, even instantaneous if I wanted an ice-cream I just go to the shop to buy it, I don't have any resistance like believing I can't have it, thinking that its hard to get one, or that I don't deserve it etc...To the universe it is not more difficult to manifest an ice-cream than a mansion, it is our resistance and subconscious beliefs getting in the way. It's the "bigness" of the mansion to most people that makes it harder to manifest. If it were "no big deal", like the state you just described, we'd have it in no time.

Yup! Now I have no idea how to get rid of the resistance...for those things that are bigger and our minds think it's harder to accomplish them, then the resistance is do you get rid of it? It's so hard.

