Author Topic: My ending~  (Read 9452 times)

Offline cocoapple

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My ending~
« on: November 08, 2011, 02:07:43 AM »
Hi people!  The old and the new crew~ i haven't been on this forum for a while since life is finally getting back onto the right track! 

I just want to let people know that ALL the readers i read with whether it's contact psychics, california psychics, psychic access etc.  they were ALL WRONG!!!  My ex had moved on and got himself a new girlfriend whom he's moving in with.  After 6K i get THIS!!  Save your monies folks.  It's not worth it!

Good luck to all!

Offline Libra

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Re: My ending~
« Reply #1 on: November 08, 2011, 05:44:02 AM »
Damn right Cocoapple! I posted a similar message. Its just all bunch of boloney. Synergy I hope you are happy that is the most important thing, but if things don't go your way, soon the same people who told you you two will be together, will sing a different tune. That's what happen to me. That makes me think that psychics are only accurate about past, present and very immediate future. An intuitive I spoke to recently told me that she won't predict because predictions can change.

Offline cocoapple

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Re: My ending~
« Reply #2 on: November 08, 2011, 06:20:34 AM »
Yep!  I couldn't agree more Libra!  It's a pattern!  First they tell you you guys are getting back together...then it takes forever and they tell you he's 'working out on stuff' and when evidences shows that they've moved on, they sing a different tune saying the other girl is nothing....not there very strongly that's why they didn't see it coming and when we see them actually MOVING IN TOGETHER, then they say there's someone better out there.  They describe the new guy perfectly and then we wait and's a hopeless cycle!  Forget that!!!  I've read with the top people mentioned on this board and NO ONE and i mean NO ONE saw this coming.  6 months....and the dude already found himself a new beau and shacking up together.  All i can say it's that i'm disappointed. Truly, deeply disappointed.


Offline Libra

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Re: My ending~
« Reply #3 on: November 08, 2011, 04:28:47 PM »
I really think there is so much to the free will, even if we are not aware, maybe our higher self (subconscious) makes certain decisions and that's how new reality unfolds. That's how predictions are not very useful. I know deep down inside that if I got together with that guy, I would give too much attention to the relationship and not really doing stuff for myself. So in a way I am happy that it happened that way.
I know most psychics are accurate about past and present, but I will no longer trust or get predictions for the future.

Offline Rima

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Re: My ending~
« Reply #4 on: November 08, 2011, 07:52:47 PM »
Reading all these posts made me realize, no one has a happy ending.  Is it possible that the ones that actually have happy endings, meaning, connecting with soulmate in a meaningful way, don't come back and let us know?  It is so sad to read all that has gone wrong and no one comes back and says, hey guys, good news, I am back with soulmate.   All the psychics, however off in timeframe, saw it right. 

Offline Synergy

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Re: My ending~
« Reply #5 on: November 08, 2011, 08:16:02 PM »

I was thinking the exact same thing!!  It's so discouraging.  :( 

Offline misty

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Re: My ending~
« Reply #6 on: November 08, 2011, 08:39:05 PM »
this site has become my new distraction while sitting in school!

guys i just want to remind you guys of highlyfavored1.. last we heard from her she said her big prediction came true. I always think of her when i start looking for people in this forum whos had a(n) happy ending
« Last Edit: November 08, 2011, 08:50:00 PM by misty »

Offline Libra

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Re: My ending~
« Reply #7 on: November 12, 2011, 06:35:29 AM »
Rima, unfortunately there is no perfect psychic story. I had readings since 2009 I joined this forum in January 2011, now it's November and I will tell you, none of their stuff came true. Their predictions were so over the top, comparing to what was REALLY happening. Most psychics saw us together: Sabrina, Maryanne, Jacqueline, Uriela, Bianca, Tatiana, William, Meryl, Abigail, Anya Dawn, Abrielle, Angel, plus Anasela told me stuff that was so untrue and made up I got full refund for this one. Little communication predictions here and there did come true, but the big stuff about happily ever after DIDN'T!

Offline Starrlite

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Re: My ending~
« Reply #8 on: November 13, 2011, 12:54:20 AM »
I'm glad that this forum exist so we can let this out when we don't want to talk to others about talking to psychics, and I'm glad we have each other to talk to.  That being said, this website has really helped me call less, and more importantly spend less money.  To tell you the truth, had I listened to the psychic who really did say what you guys already know, he's coming back, i would still be sitting at home night after night looking at my phone.  Once my feelings and what i was telling them started changing, the predictions started changing, but I do not know how much of that has to do with my free will or how much of it has to do with the fact that they can not really tell the future.  I'm going out.  I'm having fun.  I'm meeting people.  I have not had anything meaningful yet, but I have been on dates, and I have new crushes.  The one thing that no psychic ever told me is how fullfilling my friendship with my ex would be.  They never told me that what I needed was his friendship because deep in my heart I knew he was not the one, and what I truely missed was my best friend not my soulmate.  This friendship with him is what propelled me to move on and try new things.  I strongly believe that every relationship is meant to teach you something new but at the end if it were meant to be and if it were perfect it would be.  Not to say that theses men aren't our soul mates but only time will tell.  Try to move on and life we happen.  Lets not try to always know how it will happen, and lets not make decisions based only on advice from psychics.  And for the record i still call so maybe i'm being hypocritical

