About 2 weeks ago I closed my keen account (for the 3rd time). I am trying really hard to stay away from psychic readings because financially it's not a good thing for me to do. The main reason is financial. I enjoy getting readings and I relied on them for comfort and support. But I can't do that anymore because I have to get my finances back in order.
I find it so so so hard to stay away. For the last few days I've been thinking: what if I get back on? I have my favorite advisors, I can read with them and I can feel better.
But I really don't want to depend on psychic readings to feel better.
I am trying to distract myself by looking at what classes I can take, what things I can do so that I don't think about calling psychics. It's just so hard at times. I am afraid I am going to give in.
What things help you stay away from psychic readings?
Thank you!!! <3