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« on: December 20, 2018, 05:05:02 PM »
« Last Edit: August 21, 2019, 11:48:38 PM by candiednut »

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Re: The Real LOA
« Reply #1 on: December 20, 2018, 05:10:52 PM »
My genuine and honest feedback is naturally I am a very negative person, like I always worry and think the worst of things.. I worked hard this year to be positive and visualise my ex come back, I even told myself "he will be back, but in his right timing", I did many exercises that was advised of me and he didn't come back. That's not to say that anyone on here who believes in it is wrong and it's bad.. You ask 50 people if they believe in LOA and some will say they do and others say they won't. I know what works for me and I believe that what is meant to be will be. I have began trying to be better and look at the positives in every negative to a situation to help myself, it took alot of time but I am getting better in that sense. That's just me and my imput. But thanks for a helpful post.

Something that genuinely confuses me is the more negative I am, the more things seem to happen. So if I have a fallout with a guy and I think "he'll unblock me and regret what he did soon", he never did. Whereas someone else I stopped talking to who we just used each other once as a rebound I thought "oh God. This is done, we are never going to talk again", keeps contacting me 18 months on. This has happened multiple times. The more negative I am, the more things happen which is weird but honestly true. So I learned not to be hopeful anymore to get my hopes up. I leave things be and let things unfold now instead of having hope.
« Last Edit: December 20, 2018, 05:14:32 PM by star1 »

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Re: The Real LOA
« Reply #2 on: December 20, 2018, 05:21:43 PM »
@star - Thats what my post was about. I don't believe positive thinking works (at least not in the way people think)...most people that do positive thinking are just in denial. You can chant 'I am rich I am rich" all day and have nothing change because your subconscious (which is responsible for 90% of our manifesting) does not believe that.

The reason your "negative thinking" worked is because you had no resistance to it NOT working. So ironically by being negative, you actually released more resistance.

The only time that positive thinking DOES work is if you have very little resistance to begin with, or if its on a topic that you have very little resistance about (like finding a parking space).

But most of us have a ton of resistance to big topics like career, big dreams coming true and relationships...There are a lot of ancestral/familiar energies in there too that need to be released.

Yeah I'm pretty sure it was you and I who spoke about this before where we seem to have the negatives happen but the positives not ? I've been feeling both about my ex, tried being positive, tried being negative because I know that the negatives work.. He is just a stubborn arse I guess, lol.

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Re: The Real LOA
« Reply #3 on: December 20, 2018, 05:41:33 PM »
@candiednut - YES, I like a lot of what you are saying!  I love that you have an energy coach!  I have always been an overly, kind of annoyingly positive person (the person that my friends get angry with because I always fail to see the bad in anyone).  And trust me I definitely have bad things happen to me... 

Lanie Steven explains this in her books, You cannot "WANT" or "NEED" something but just assume it is yours.  This is kind of a difficult concept to grasp. 

Yesterday I read the most inspirational post on an LOA board.  The guy walks thru an actual scenario (day by day) and how every action can have an affect (high and low vibration) on manifestations.  The scenario is for getting back an ex.  For example, stalking social media or posting just to see if that person "looks or visits"... I am sooo guilty of these things!  I know most people may not agree with this because they dont see it as being this complicated BUT all of the experts will explain how letting go or moving on is important.  You arent letting go or moving on if youre doing these.  AND... You are also not really convincing yourself of that persons feelings.  I am certainly not as eloquent as he is at explaining it but it made sooo much sense reading it from his pov.  Happy to share more if anyone wants it just dm me:).

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Re: The Real LOA
« Reply #4 on: December 22, 2018, 02:40:01 AM »
I also don’t believe in LOA and I’m actually a psychic.
I have had the most abundance financially and upgrading my house my life my car when in the depths of despair when I felt the life was worthless aweful and I didn’t deserve anything hopeless and sad. ALWAYS my biggest moves happen in these states, and when I’m happy I am lucky I float along and still have blessings but my attitude doesn’t seem to affect this.

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Re: The Real LOA
« Reply #5 on: December 22, 2018, 12:32:06 PM »
I also don’t believe in LOA and I’m actually a psychic.
I have had the most abundance financially and upgrading my house my life my car when in the depths of despair when I felt the life was worthless aweful and I didn’t deserve anything hopeless and sad. ALWAYS my biggest moves happen in these states, and when I’m happy I am lucky I float along and still have blessings but my attitude doesn’t seem to affect this.

Completely agree.

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Re: The Real LOA
« Reply #6 on: December 23, 2018, 03:12:22 AM »
I agree with you. The LOA works on your whole being, so if deep down you are still scarred from something that happened at age 19 ( an energy healer was able to pinpoint this and exactly what happened) can you attract what you want if that is still getting in the way? I also don't believe you can use LOA to attract a specific person, place, thing. The biggest issue is releasing these "negative energies". No one has a consistent method or technique. Unless you are lucky enough to find an amazing healer that actually performs effective energy work, its best to just forget about the LOA.

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Re: The Real
« Reply #7 on: December 23, 2018, 05:55:58 AM »
I agree with you. The LOA works on your whole being, so if deep down you are still scarred from something that happened at age 19 ( an energy healer was able to pinpoint this and exactly what happened) can you attract what you want if that is still getting in the way? I also don't believe you can use LOA to attract a specific person, place, thing. The biggest issue is releasing these "negative energies". No one has a consistent method or technique. Unless you are lucky enough to find an amazing healer that actually performs effective energy work, its best to just forget about the LOA.

I had literally nightmare childhood, all 8 trauma issues I lived through, my adult life has been filled with joy and abundance. It really is luck of the draw, and I should statistically be dead on the streets or deep in drug abuse. Now, I am also a psychic and I think our books are written. Loa doesn’t exist, the fact I’ve been single for 3 years and will be for one more year was written and that’s why I can’t speed it up even if I try. I’m not a usual reader many think we have free will etc. but even free will is governed by our childhood development and outside influencers.

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Re: The Real LOA
« Reply #8 on: December 23, 2018, 11:14:55 AM »
also if youre always thinking about it, the universe delays it! stay busy and keep working on yourself. Divine timing just because it takes a long time doesnt mean it wont come true. youre just not ready right now.

You say this is virtually every other post you write.. Sometimes we do let go of the ex and he just doesn't come back. Sometimes the reader just gets it wrong. It happens. The reader isn't God.

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Re: The Real LOA
« Reply #9 on: December 23, 2018, 11:37:06 AM »
It's not that simple - LOA is not "oh I have childhood trauma therefore my life must be shit" it is not black and white. Maybe you've released most of them while you weren't aware of them. LOA is governed by our subconscious mostly so if you aren't aware of whats in your subconscious you won't know. Or maybe you really believe that you deserve the good things in life without even knowing that you believe it. Our beliefs and vibrations are multi-layered, many people here simplify LOA waaaaay too much.

Okay if there is an LOA, I do agree with you completely that it isn't so black and white like people make out on the board. It's not, "oh you thought of your ex too much so he isn't coming back to you", or "you didn't do the exercises good enough so he isn't coming back". That's gonna put sooo much pressure onto somebody. Even some user on here recently posted that they have been practising it but they worry it's not enough or too much.. But personally I'm in the boat as Kindle. I think some things personally we cannot change and they're to happen or not based on personal experiences. But that's me because I've had proof myself.. I'm not saying you're wrong or disrespecting your views.

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Re: The Real LOA
« Reply #10 on: December 23, 2018, 02:39:09 PM »
I used to think like you too...I believed in fate and that our lives are out of our control...but I just have way too many "coincidences" to write them off. I can see clearly now how my reality matches my energy, and when a shift in energy occurs my reality changes. I can even change people's behaviors by changing my energy (when in reality I've just shifted into a parallel reality where I"m aligned with a different version of them)..and I mean DRASTIC changes, overnight, simply by doing some emotional work. I think its easier to believe that things are predestined rather than taking responsibility.

I think this is also why 90% of readings don't happen...people's energy change too much and also, an accurate reading is a manifestation too...maybe we just aren't a match to manifesting an accurate reading sometimes for whatever reason.

Preach ...  ^^^^. LOVE THIS and 100% agree! 

Offline jhuskindle

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Re: The Real LOA
« Reply #11 on: December 23, 2018, 03:13:06 PM »
I used to think like you too...I believed in fate and that our lives are out of our control...but I just have way too many "coincidences" to write them off. I can see clearly now how my reality matches my energy, and when a shift in energy occurs my reality changes. I can even change people's behaviors by changing my energy (when in reality I've just shifted into a parallel reality where I"m aligned with a different version of them)..and I mean DRASTIC changes, overnight, simply by doing some emotional work. I think its easier to believe that things are predestined rather than taking responsibility.

I think this is also why 90% of readings don't happen...people's energy change too much and also, an accurate reading is a manifestation too...maybe we just aren't a match to manifesting an accurate reading sometimes for whatever reason.

Preach ...  ^^^^. LOVE THIS and 100% agree!
And what me and star1 are saying is your reality doesn’t mean others have the same, i for one can be completely negative and have wonderful abundance come my way as my life has proven. Same with star 1 so now we are 2 people who aren’t affected by attitude and 2 who are... so obviously the Loa is not a law at all. Many people never escape what I was in. It was pure luck I didn’t die. Not law of attraction. I believe everything is written, I believe in coincidence being something more, I don’t believe in law of attraction. My sister was newly divorced from a man who betrayed her while pregnant she lost the baby and left her beautiful home on the east coasts, one month later as she was in the pits of despair and considered reconciling with hubs I dragged her to a party and she met her now husband. NEW LOVE is not affected by hanging on too tight to another, it’s affected only by timing. lol is not real, she ‘knew’ she’d be alone forever after that. No, it’s luck of the draw and already written.

That’s reality.

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Re: The Real LOA
« Reply #12 on: December 23, 2018, 03:31:10 PM »
I used to think like you too...I believed in fate and that our lives are out of our control...but I just have way too many "coincidences" to write them off. I can see clearly now how my reality matches my energy, and when a shift in energy occurs my reality changes. I can even change people's behaviors by changing my energy (when in reality I've just shifted into a parallel reality where I"m aligned with a different version of them)..and I mean DRASTIC changes, overnight, simply by doing some emotional work. I think its easier to believe that things are predestined rather than taking responsibility.

I think this is also why 90% of readings don't happen...people's energy change too much and also, an accurate reading is a manifestation too...maybe we just aren't a match to manifesting an accurate reading sometimes for whatever reason.

Preach ...  ^^^^. LOVE THIS and 100% agree!
And what me and star1 are saying is your reality doesn’t mean others have the same, i for one can be completely negative and have wonderful abundance come my way as my life has proven. Same with star 1 so now we are 2 people who aren’t affected by attitude and 2 who are... so obviously the Loa is not a law at all. Many people never escape what I was in. It was pure luck I didn’t die. Not law of attraction. I believe everything is written, I believe in coincidence being something more, I don’t believe in law of attraction. My sister was newly divorced from a man who betrayed her while pregnant she lost the baby and left her beautiful home on the east coasts, one month later as she was in the pits of despair and considered reconciling with hubs I dragged her to a party and she met her now husband. NEW LOVE is not affected by hanging on too tight to another, it’s affected only by timing. lol is not real, she ‘knew’ she’d be alone forever after that. No, it’s luck of the draw and already written.

That’s reality.

Yeah I completely agree. I do think that things are mapped out. Things happen for a reason. Some people have luck in lives and others don't. As for choosing your parents before you're born, I can't say 100% but I've read many cases online of it happening. Parents saying their children have said strange things to them about that. Also, some people believe that we choose our lessons before life. One person I spoke to once thinks that when we die, spirits come together and say "well Star1, you had a good life last time. You had the money, you had success in your relationships and had a successful life. Now in this next life, it's time for you to learn some lessons and your life may be tougher. It is upto you to go onto have another life where you must learn lessons or stay as a spirit essentially, but you will not evolve and progress onto higher levels of the spirit world". (Lots of people believe that there are different plains of the spirit world. The not so kind and selfish people ie are of course going to be pretty much at the bottom with the evil people. People who were kind and generous in this life go near the top, etc). Have you ever heard people say, "you're an old soul"? Perhaps you've evolved many times on this plain so that your soul is at the top of the levels.. I don't know what I believe in, I don't even know if we do have past life's for sure because as I was saying to a medium before, how will I get to meet my grandmother who's deceased who is always around me in spirit unless she's having 2 lives and I will see her spirit and meet her when I pass, but she's now another person somewhere in this world..

However, I certainly believe that things are destined and I don't need to answer about LOA, I've said many times what I think to it..

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Re: The Real LOA
« Reply #13 on: December 23, 2018, 04:23:04 PM »
@jhuskindle and @star1 -- so you dont believe in free will but instead that everything is predestined already?  BTW -- I am not disagreeing with you (Yona too does not believe in free will, to my knowledge she is the only reader I have spoken with who believes this) -- I am just asking?  So if that's youre thinking, then everything that happens was predetermined and we have no choice?  or do you believe in a little of both? 

I, although I am in my forties, am not 100% sure what I believe at this point!  I had not thought much about any of this until very recently when my life changed and truthfully I dont know if Ill ever have the answer.  They both tend to make a lot of sense.  I am still going to practice energy, reiki and LOA because IMO there just isnt a negative to it even if it doesnt work:).   But I am always open to listening to others ideas and thoughts.... 

I have decided I think that other than Yona and Kisha I am done with psychic readings.  And maybe hopefully all of them soon......I am hoping to be able to just live my life and know that everything is happening for a reason and I'll be okay:).

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Re: The Real LOA
« Reply #14 on: December 23, 2018, 04:59:35 PM »
I said this before and I said this again if LOA really exist every people that went to LA would have become a Movie star already but that not the case. Most of them become homeless chasing there dream and only 1 percent of those people will make it big.