Author Topic: Libra  (Read 3159 times)

Offline Libra

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« on: November 07, 2011, 07:23:13 PM »
What happened with predictions over past 2 years for me? Shortly after I separated from my ex-husband (we are divorced now) I met a guy and things were going well, all the psychics from CP were saying that he will commit, and we will be together,etc. Meanwhile what happened? The guy moved out to another state, further away from me and got married!
NOONE HAS SEEN THIS!!!!!!!!!!! I was more upset with the psychics and the disapointment than about the guy, yet still I kept calling, next thing was that they changed the story on me that he was not the one and I have someone new and better for me coming up in near future. The predictions about the new guy are from last summer. Re: William I called him twice and first he seemed to nail the situation, but when I called again about 2 months later his story changed slightly and the timing he gave me was drastically different. Re: Jacqueline mostly job, carreer and mony stuff came to pass and only minor love life predictions. I am planning to get a brand new car next year so definitely will be relying on my own intuition more instead of wasting money!

