Author Topic: Any Predictions that came true from Purple Garden /Purple Ocean?  (Read 169632 times)

Offline dreamer1234

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Any Predictions that came true from Purple Garden /Purple Ocean?
« on: December 17, 2018, 04:34:51 AM »
Anyone had predictions comes true from readers on those apps? Small or big?

Offline jhuskindle

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Re: Any Predictions that came true from Purple Garden /Purple Ocean?
« Reply #1 on: December 17, 2018, 09:32:03 PM »
Yes I’ve posted before,
Best readers on there are:

- Goddesserika
- DivineEmpath
- Lynn but she doesn’t connect with everyone, test her on something short term to find out
- Christina waters
- earthangel

I’ve read with almost ALL of them, well maybe not some new ones... these were accurate. Everyone else is mostly cold reader and  fairytales that’s why I look for bad reviews that mention “it’s the opposite of what 10 others said!”- means they aren’t a cold reader anyways.

Offline dreamer1234

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Re: Any Predictions that came true from Purple Garden /Purple Ocean?
« Reply #2 on: December 18, 2018, 04:06:50 AM »
Lynn is my favorite we are coming up on a year and alot of her predictions have came true sometimes some stuff got delayed like her recent preidictions  didn't happen in the timeframe given but I know it will happen. some things have been pushed back. I agree not lot of people connect  luckily I do and she connects with the person I usually ask about.

Offline Shubhra

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Re: Any Predictions that came true from Purple Garden /Purple Ocean?
« Reply #3 on: January 03, 2019, 06:32:26 AM »
can you confirm the full name of Lynn. I cant seem to find her

Offline wishes215

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Re: Any Predictions that came true from Purple Garden /Purple Ocean?
« Reply #4 on: January 03, 2019, 07:06:56 AM »
Lynn is my favorite we are coming up on a year and alot of her predictions have came true sometimes some stuff got delayed like her recent preidictions  didn't happen in the timeframe given but I know it will happen. some things have been pushed back. I agree not lot of people connect  luckily I do and she connects with the person I usually ask about.

Were these love predictions or work related? And how does she give timeframes? Numbers or actual mnths?

Offline jhuskindle

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Re: Any Predictions that came true from Purple Garden /Purple Ocean?
« Reply #5 on: January 03, 2019, 03:16:58 PM »
Lynn is my favorite we are coming up on a year and alot of her predictions have came true sometimes some stuff got delayed like her recent preidictions  didn't happen in the timeframe given but I know it will happen. some things have been pushed back. I agree not lot of people connect  luckily I do and she connects with the person I usually ask about.

Were these love predictions or work related? And how does she give timeframes? Numbers or actual mnths?

Actual months. I’ve done both with her. Lynn is her name, no other parts.

Offline sawthelight

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Re: Any Predictions that came true from Purple Garden /Purple Ocean?
« Reply #6 on: January 03, 2019, 03:21:42 PM »
I think Lynn was one of the first ones I tried on PO...she was kinda right about short term stuff.

Offline jhuskindle

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Re: Any Predictions that came true from Purple Garden /Purple Ocean?
« Reply #7 on: January 03, 2019, 04:34:23 PM »
DivineEmpath has a disclaimer that she curses, how tacky. As a medium, I would never use foul language to a client, no matter how much i am tempted to. There are ways to get your point across without using vulgar language. Immature much?

She’s very straightforward yeah I wrote that in a review it can be off putting but her timing is par none. Like holy crap none. Like to the day.

Offline dreamer1234

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Re: Any Predictions that came true from Purple Garden /Purple Ocean?
« Reply #8 on: January 04, 2019, 08:16:05 PM »
can you confirm the full name of Lynn. I cant seem to find her

one of my favs her times frames have come to happen sometimes a little later and she's been accraute about situations.

Offline crimsonheart

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Re: Any Predictions that came true from Purple Garden /Purple Ocean?
« Reply #9 on: January 04, 2019, 08:57:25 PM »
DivineEmpath has a disclaimer that she curses, how tacky. As a medium, I would never use foul language to a client, no matter how much i am tempted to. There are ways to get your point across without using vulgar language. Immature much?

She’s very straightforward yeah I wrote that in a review it can be off putting but her timing is par none. Like holy crap none. Like to the day.

I had a reading from DivineEmpath and omg she's so funny! We will see about the predictions though lol

Offline PinkyD

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Re: Any Predictions that came true from Purple Garden /Purple Ocean?
« Reply #10 on: January 13, 2019, 02:56:56 AM »
I've been using Purple Ocean a lot over the last 2 years, Scarlet Star has been really accurate for me, she predicted my engagement amongst other stuff, but lately she has been off for me, I'm not sure if I've been going to her too much and that threw things off 🤷‍♀️ but for the early part of last year, like the first 6 mths she predicted so many things for me, initially, I knew she was the real deal.

Miss Meadow, I used to speak to her back in 2017, she was pretty accurate to an extent as well but I think she's about the money, she tried to sell me candles as well. She predicted contact for me with a  number "2" attached, I got contact on the 26th so I guess she was kinda right but when I posted it up in her review, she msged me immediately to take it down saying other ppl get "jealous" but I found that really weird /fake so irdk...

Goddess Erika.... I read with her once, she wasn't accurate in her interpretation of the cards, but the cards were correct, for instance, I'm not sure what type of cards she uses but saw a lonely girl on one and told me I'd be feeling down and needing alone time etc but I knew when I saw the card, it meant like, an imposed loneliness, like a breakup, which actually happened. I'd still say to try her but  idk i rather no tools clairvoyant readers 🧞‍♀️

Offline Sabrinap

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Re: Any Predictions that came true from Purple Garden /Purple Ocean?
« Reply #11 on: January 26, 2019, 06:32:15 PM »
I recently started using Garden after I created my Paypal account and realized the rates were slightly reduced compared to Ocean. I've spoken to quite a bit of readers- I find myself trusting the following:

Norell- Super intune and I love that she needs no extra information!

Psychic Carrie- Recently started talking to her, shes a bit blunt- no funny business, but if you want honest and real- she is IT!! She picked up on quite a few things that blew my mind really! Things like I was going to a house party the night we chatted! Shes really awesome!

Desouza Oracle- Well, wow- talk about talent! She left me in awe! She talked about things that no one would know! Like POI have substance issues, family issues- what my birthday would be like and she was ON THE MONEY! I love chatting with her! She was on point!!

Psychicadvisor28- Gabrielle is sweet and for the most part she has been on point! She felt travel for my new job, being stuck in traffic- and right after, yes! I got a transfer and I had to commute further. So right about that!

Relationship coach- SHE IS WINNING!! Lately she hasnt been giving me timeframes like she used to- but still, when it comes to seeing the bigger picture and how things will unfold- she is right!

Psychicangela-she will give it to you straight, but she will tell you the TRUTH!! I havent always loved what she said, but shes been right! She predicted something for today actually, waiting for it to unfold!

And of course my FAVE truelovetarot! (Wrote about her on the purple ocean thread)

Offline jhuskindle

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Re: Any Predictions that came true from Purple Garden /Purple Ocean?
« Reply #12 on: January 26, 2019, 10:14:12 PM »
All of the ones you listed are cold readers. Relationships coach is a fairytale painter. You’re saying she is right about your future you haven’t lived yet. Try one of the readers we have recommended and see if they say the same. Norrell and true love tarot were wayyyyyyoff for me and I’m easy to read.

Offline Sabrinap

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Re: Any Predictions that came true from Purple Garden /Purple Ocean?
« Reply #13 on: January 28, 2019, 12:56:36 PM »
Truelovetarot and TarotbyTasha. Both of their predictions have worked for me time and time again..

Offline bonbon

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Re: Any Predictions that came true from Purple Garden /Purple Ocean?
« Reply #14 on: January 28, 2019, 01:27:00 PM »
I have had many predictions come true from my readings on Purple Ocean and Purple Garden.

Jessie J has been reading for me for almost two years and has been incredibly accurate. It's so shocking to me because he is so young but he is definitely in tune in the detail in his readings are mind-blowing. He told me something in the first reading that I ever had for him that to me at the time was completely unbelievable. In fact, I told him he was crazy and that he must have gotten someone else is reading confused with mine. Although it took a year because the situation is so complicated (twin flame), everything he said in that first reading and the readings thereafter came true write down to small details. Jessie just gave me some advice this past weekend that again I questioned up and down but decided to trust him and it turns out it was amazing advice. He gave me specific details about how something would go on Saturday night and it was crazy how spot-on even the minor details were.

Psychic Norell is also amazing, personally and professionally. Her readings have also been extremely accurate. She does not sugarcoat at all but she always has your best interest at heart and really cares about her clients. I've been reading with her for a year and many predictions have come true, even when I wanted them not to. :-)

Another one of my favorites is Spiritual Tina. She isn't online very often anymore but if you can catch her, she is amazing and her readings are also extremely detailed.

I just had a few readings with Miss Noelle. I was extremely impressed right from the first reading. The things that she knew and the details that she gave me were incredible.

just remember that no psychic is 100% accurate and time frames are extremely difficult to pinpoint based on free will, yours and others. Also, sometimes a reader just can't connect with your energy. if things don't sound right from the first reading, you probably haven't established a connection and you should choose another advisor.

I've been getting psychic readings since the 1990s. I have found the advisors on Purple Ocean and Purple Garden to be the most accurate, collectively.

I love that they give you the option to rate the advisors accuracy once you've had three readings from the same person and that they have flagged their readers that have top accuracy.