Author Topic: My experience this year with psychic readings  (Read 4456 times)

Offline aquagirl

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Re: My experience this year with psychic readings
« Reply #15 on: December 22, 2018, 06:48:20 AM »
Dreamer23, thanks for your reply. I apologize for infiltrating your thread. I couldn't help myself. I truly do strive to give the best readings I can and want to learn how I can do better. I wish I could be as accurate as Kisha or LP, but I can only do my best and hope you, and others, can look back and feel you got some value out of the money you spent.

I'm just going to chime in and give my two cents here. :)

No reader is ever 100% all the time. And you can't compare yourself to other readers. Every reader has different strengths and abilities.  What one lacks the other makes up for. Just like singing, someone may be a great singing baritone, but can't hit soprano, does that mean they are not as talented or as good? no, it means that they are just skilled at something else. That soprano also can't sing baritone. They balance each other out.  Psychic abilities are no different.  Some are natural mediums, others aren't, some  may be clairvoyant, but not clairsensitive.  Each provides their unique talent and perspective to the mix.  Now also keep in mind people may not share their negative experiences and what one considers a good psychic and another does can be two very different experiences. I have read with psychics that have been mentioned here that some just didn't like or thought they didn't work for them and for me they were some of the most accurate reads i've had. I see people praise some readers I had bad experiences with, and dumbfounded that they thought they were good. But I also believe we connect to the energy we are meant to. So who  may connect to me and my situation really  well, may not have the same experience with the next person.

Now my observation of you, there aren't many readers out there that would genuinely ask what was read wrong for a client and want to know how they could improve on that in the future. Most would get defensive and say some unsavoury things. That is all ego and nothing spiritual, and that is not a reader i would want connecting to my energy. You on the other hand want to understand what went wrong and how you could potentially improve it in the future. That is energy of an evolved soul that isn't coming from ego.  I understand you very well, i'm the same way.  one should never stop evolving and learning and should always be open to learning and getting better at what they do. You have a kind soul and that speaks volumes for you.  I hope you don't continue to compare yourself to others and continue on your journey of striving to be better for your clients. That's how all readers should be in my opinion.  That's how i wish they all were. This job there isn't room for ego, it's supposed to be selfless and in servitude of others, but also, not to your own peril.   I hope you never change these things about yourself :)

