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Contact Psychics

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I want to share a site I found because I was stalking the psychic twins hehe,I googled them because a reading Avalon gave me 2 years ago just came true and I had to call her again. I was a total psychic junkie years ago but have been on a hiatus while I "work out my issues" or should I say.. until he works out his issues lol!!!

I not only want to recommend Avalon and Raven but tell you about the other readings I received via that site:

Alpine Sage: He was very freindly and honest, his short term prediction about when my guy would call did pass. I have only read with him once, but will do it again soon!

Galena Moonstone: Isnt available often but she read tarot cards. Her reading was really detailed.  I enjoyed it.

Ergina: I dont recommend her! She was on chat and misspelled simple words. Was not fast and gave very vague readings.

Mystic Guardian: Amazing! knew the situation without details.

Ok I am going to stop rambling now! Those are the only psychics that I spoke to but I am more impressed with this site than the others I tried.


I read your post, and I checked out the contact psychics site (I've called Raven once, but I haven't tried anyone else). Anyways, you give some really detailed reviews here, but I checked the feedback section for each of these readers, and some of them didn't have any feedback at all. If their predictions were accurate, why aren't your reviews posted on the site?  Also, some of these readers weren't there before the site update. Did you talk to them somewhere else?

I'm just curious because you really liked them, and I rely heavily on feedback.

Welcome to the forum.

I am new to the website. I used to call the psychic twins on psychic access until recently. My stumble to Contact Psychics is fairly new (Week or less)I have tried the new psychics recently but am unsure of how to leave feedback with their new site, so I decided not to. I was unsure of a new website. May I ask you to explain? As far as I know, these psychics are the only ones that I have seen thus far.

I hope my reply anwsered your questions.

May I ask, what psychics you recommend? I have tried a few others on Psychic Access, Asknow and I go to a lady named Nancy Matz, She is super good too! I get a reading from her once a year and she predicts the forthcoming year. She has been doing those predictions for over 8 years now for me. Her site is a bit bland or unprofessional but her service is really accurate. Sometimes I wonder if the personal psychic websites are better than the larger ones. What are your thoughts?

I am glad I found this forum. It is nice to talk to others about this type of topic. Hate to admit it, but I have to keep this private from my close personal freinds here at home.

Hi Laurak22,

I'm sorry if my response was a little harsh... the recent string of newbies recommending Contact Psychics made me a bit skeptical.  I apologize.

Well,  I bit the bullet and called Avalon for the first time this morning.  I must admit that I liked her A LOT.  I also have to say that I liked her more than Raven, who I didn't dislike, but she just didn't offer as much insight as Avalon did.  I'm less hung up on timelines these days (since so many of them have come and gone with no results), so I appreciated that she didn't offer a timeframe.  She was spot on in her description of my guy, she said he had a serious "obligation" before I even told her that he's in law school and that it's his number one priority.  She even told me a few things that no other reader has said before.  I enjoy speaking with empaths, and she was a good one.

Although she was more about telling me what he's thinking and feeling, she did tell me that there's a definite opportunity for reconnection between us, but when he's ready and in his own time.  I have to be honest, ladies, I am sick of waiting for him to be ready.  There's an intense connection there, and I don't know how to let go and ignore it, but I'm going to have to.  If I'm not important enough for him to take the risk now, who's to say he'll be ready in the future?  Sure, all these readers see a "possibility" but anything's possible!!!

I don't think I'll try anyone else on Contact because I don't really need to hear the same things from someone else' mouth.  As I've said before I LOVE Sandy Esther (on Keen), and I have a call request in to her today.  I'll speak with her, get her update, and I'll try to refrain from calling anyone else anytime soon.  This is all too stressful and expensive, especially when almost all of the predictions fail to manifest. 

Synergy - don't worry - I was thinking the same thing.


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