Author Topic: Psychic addidction/caught up in a predication? HELP  (Read 2382 times)

Offline dreamer1234

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Psychic addidction/caught up in a predication? HELP
« on: December 13, 2018, 09:26:07 PM »
I know I have a tendieces to binge or keep doing readings with psychics not like every day but alot in one week or one day. I am starting to get neverous about a prediction that may involve a  poetianally third party in jan ( though they said it could be me as an option and not a third party involved). i starting to get nerverous about etc i'm trying to not think about it and hope it doesn't come to light. i got that prediction  from late oct and i know things have def changed and slightly improved  between the situation.  i'm trying to not get caught up in it or manifest negativity.

Offline jhuskindle

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Re: Psychic addidction/caught up in a predication? HELP
« Reply #1 on: December 13, 2018, 10:44:51 PM »
#1 a lot of people are wrong,
#2 they are often wrong abut timing
#3 the concept of knowing what is coming, even bad things, is to be mentally and emotionally prepared for them, they often cannot prevent the things happening, but get you ready. I would advise affirmations such as “I am a strong person and I am ready and will handle (prediction) with ease.”
You can do this! Hang in there!

Offline dreamer1234

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Re: Psychic addidction/caught up in a predication? HELP
« Reply #2 on: December 13, 2018, 10:48:55 PM »
Thank i guess its just hard for me because they been pretty accurate for the most part (time frames been accurate for the most part) and turned into one of my trusted advisor but i feel like some things did change when i gave more information and put some bias in there and even now it changing again from what they expected a little bit. and sometimes they changed the wording of the questions. idk but thank you i am trying to not obess over it and remind myself i create my own reality and my mind is powerful. and to rememebr the current situation and everything not set in stone.

Offline dreamer1234

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Re: Psychic addidction/caught up in a predication? HELP
« Reply #3 on: December 13, 2018, 10:51:59 PM »
#1 a lot of people are wrong,
#2 they are often wrong abut timing
#3 the concept of knowing what is coming, even bad things, is to be mentally and emotionally prepared for them, they often cannot prevent the things happening, but get you ready. I would advise affirmations such as “I am a strong person and I am ready and will handle (prediction) with ease.”
You can do this! Hang in there!

Thank i guess its just hard for me because they been pretty accurate for the most part (time frames been accurate for the most part) and turned into one of my trusted advisor but i feel like some things did change when i gave more information and put some bias in there and even now it changing again from what they expected a little bit. and sometimes they changed the wording of the questions. idk but thank you i am trying to not obess over it and remind myself i create my own reality and my mind is powerful. and to rememebr the current situation and everything not set in stone.

Offline attaboy

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Re: Psychic addidction/caught up in a predication? HELP
« Reply #4 on: December 14, 2018, 01:46:43 AM »
No one is alone here.  If you need someone to talk to you can always send me a message.  That goes for anyone!  If you feel down and just want to vent, know that you have that option with me.  Sometimes it’s nice just to unload and get your story put to words.

Much love to all!

