Author Topic: Another Newbie..........  (Read 13890 times)

Offline LuckyInLove

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Re: Another Newbie..........
« Reply #15 on: December 02, 2011, 01:02:24 AM »
Jordie you make so much sense but still I am sure what my heart says cuz I am so darn confused.

I am in a dilemma right now. I have had two really good readings where both readers have picked up the feelings of my ex to the T.

One of the advisors on Keen read the real reason for our breakup perfectly well. She picked up everything really well. When I asked her if the letter is a good idea to write to him she said NO pls dont do it because he is going thru alot of thinking right now. Leave it and he will come around sometime in the New year which most of the advisors that I have felt good connection have said the same.

The other advisor I read with on PPN just this morning described my SM personality to the T again. How he blew the issue out or proportion & how he reacts to things. She picked up his energy really really well. When I asked her if the letter is a good idea she said YES cuz that will open a line of communication otherwise she doesnt see much happening between us.

I am so confused cuz both the readers were darn right about him. Should I or should I not write the letter is the question I am battling with for a few days now. I have not heard from him & not sure if I will anytime soon. Most of the psychics I connected with have given me a timeline of Feb 2012 being much better. Raven, Mikki, Aries Intuition, Roxies Gift, DianaLC, Seha each of these have all said next year when I read with them. All these pyschics right from the beginning have predicted Feb 2012 the month. I read with Raven in Sep and she told me btwn 4-5months which would be Feb & I just read with her again a day ago again (she didnt remember me) and she predicted the same timeframe so I am a little hopeful.
Problem is should I wait it out or just write the letter & see what happens. That is what I am battling with right now. Believe me this is not easy at all. Maybe the holidays will make him realize how much we should be together. Wishful thinking!


Offline sunandmoon

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Re: Another Newbie..........
« Reply #16 on: December 02, 2011, 01:21:37 PM »
just wanted to add something here.  The reason I don't really take advice so well is because - what if they are wrong about everything?  Are they truly psychic or just someone working a phone line.  Do I really want to hand them control over my fate?  So, that is why I decide in the end what I will do.  And that is how it should be.  If what they see is what truly will be, well it will happen because I made decisions on my own.

This and your previous post go hand in hand with what I said in another thread - we have the answers within US. We don't need psychics to tell us what to do.

I know we all want answers. My biggest thing was wanting to know what made him stop talking to me when he previously couldn't live without me. But I never got that answer either. And I spent thousands trying to do so.

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Re: Another Newbie..........
« Reply #17 on: December 02, 2011, 05:25:52 PM »
sunandmoon and jordie...

I agree with you both more than I can even express... especially with what's been going on in my life the past week!

I've been hoping and praying for my SM to become some he's not.  He is a commitment phobic man.  Yes, a lot of the readers have been accurate in their description of him, our situation, and his feelings, but that doesn't mean he is going to change.  I can't keep waiting for timeframes to come and go.  Also, do I really want someone that I have to change?  No.

Ultimately, yes, I still love my SM.  My heart still aches some days when he's a jerk or distant or when I just plain miss him, but something wonderful has happened.  A new man who doesn't need to be changed, isn't afraid of commitment, and is interested in me is in the picture.  It would be wonderful if things work out with this guy, BUT even if they don't, this has taught me something.  There are GOOD men out there who are ready for what we want and need, ladies, and gentlemen the same is true for you guys.  I have hope again... a different kind of hope.  Not hope that my SM will come forward, but hope in men in general.  Hope that I will one day be loved back that way I am supposed to be loved.

While all this has happened, my SM has obviously missed my attention.  On Wednesday, he left a brownie on my desk.  Instead of saying something romantic, or actually apologizing for all he has done, he said, "This is because you're cool and you deserve delicious treats."  Huh?  My new guy has revealed more to me in 2 weeks, then my SM has in an entire year!!! 

I am a Libra woman who needs to be loved through actions.  Show me you love me.  The fact that I've had to call psychics to know that my SM loves me isn't fulfilling in any way. 

Something interesting happened too... I called some of my favorite readers to ask about my new guy.  No joke, you guys... One third of the readers told me that the new guy is the one for me, one third said that I need to tell the new guy that I'm not interested so that I can wait for my SM who is the man I'm going to be with, and the other third told me I wouldn't be with either of them.  This is where I realized that you are all right... the answer IS within ME!!!  I know who's right for me.  I know who's worth the risk. I know who will be there for me AND my children. 

This all doesn't mean I'm going to stop calling psychics.  I do believe they have a gift, but it does mean that I'm going to start following my intuition.  I have an amazing opportunity and I'm going to take it!!!

I really don't think it's a good idea to share names here, BUT I trust you guys and have to tell you that my new guy's name is CHANCE!  How can I not take a chance on someone named Chance?! It's like the universe is telling me something, and I can't ignore it for hope that my SM will change. 

This isn't meant to discourage anyone either.  I hope will all my heart that you guys get to reunite with your loves.  I just can't wait anymore.   

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Re: Another Newbie..........
« Reply #18 on: December 02, 2011, 08:44:38 PM »
Synergy, I say go after that new man and keep him. I think his name being Chance is a sign also. Your Chance at a whole new life with someone that will appreciate you and love you like you deserve to be loved. I wish you all the luck in the world and I hope this works out for you. Congratulations, I am so happy for you.

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Re: Another Newbie..........
« Reply #19 on: December 02, 2011, 10:11:07 PM »
4everhopeful - love your post.

Synergy - Go for it. You never know. Maybe he is just a distraction, maybe it's more. You'll never know for sure unless you try.

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Re: Another Newbie..........
« Reply #20 on: December 03, 2011, 03:03:51 AM »
Thank you PT2. And Synergy, maybe this is what it takes for things to manifest with your SM. If you are having feelings for this new man, go for it, let the SM miss you and wonder what is going on. The thrill of the chase is the most exciting thing Ive learned. So go on and have fun with this new man. You never know what will happen, NO MATTER WHAT THE PSYCHICS SAY. Follow your heart and your gut. We all have intuition and its time we use it. Search your heart, but always listen to that little voice that nags at you. I wish I had and I would probably be with my SM now. But I let my emotions take over instead of listening to that little voice telling me to be patient. I think I have learned that sometimes things have to happen in a certain order or sometimes things have to go bad before they can be good. Bottom line, if SM is not there to spend time with you, then spend time with the one that wants to be with you as long as you are enjoying yourself. Just go have fun and dont worry anymore. If its meant to be, then it will be. I dont know if you are still talking to the psychics or not, but if you are, then consult with the one that has always been able to pick up on feelings that you can validate. But still follow your own instincts. Thats why we have instincts, to listen to and to follow. I am keeping my fingers crossed for you and I will say a prayer for you tonite that the choices you make are the right ones.

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« Reply #21 on: December 03, 2011, 05:39:44 AM »
Synergy you are a libra just like me? Wow question how are you handling Saturn visiting our sign since 2010, all those things libras are experiencing because Saturn the strict planet and the teacher planet is in our sign, I sure did learn my lesson. Even look at Kim kardashian horrible experience she is also a Libra. Look up Saturn in libra 2010, 2011 That may be helpful. When is your bday? Mine is Oct. 10th so I am out of direct influence, I hope so.

Offline sunandmoon

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Re: Another Newbie..........
« Reply #22 on: December 03, 2011, 01:57:41 PM »
Syngery, I am so glad you are giving this new guy a chance. (loved the name BTW!). I had the same realizations when I spent the first day with the guy I am seeing now. He came over to help me with some stuff and we spent more time talking than working. I could already tell he was interested in me in past months, I already knew he didn't tell anyone about his personal life, yet sometimes I'd say something to him and he'd jump right in with a story about himself. He is intuitive as well and is still afraid of scaring me off. But that first day we "worked" for 14 hours (I bought him supper) and he asked for a hug before he left. The next week it was business as usual at work. The following weekend we had a very bad storm and I was just miserable. I felt completely abandoned by everyone, and then my ex's sister sent me a text to ask how I fared. I kept telling one of my friends I was NOT going to chase this new guy! Well the next day (Monday) I asked sent him a text asking if he had lost power (he had given me his phone number, and I assumed he had found mine online but I didn't specifically give it to him). We spent the day texting on and off and he asked me out to dinner that night. Another hug.... we went out to eat a couple of times that week and one night we stayed up all night talking. He finally told me that he really liked me and enjoyed my company and if I was interested in him it would be great, but otherwise he sure enjoyed spending time with me hanging out and would love to continue.

That was that for me. I decided I'd be an absolute fool to let that opportunity pass me by. Here was someone who not only enjoyed my company but made an effort to be with me. Did that feel good after all that time of the ex ignoring me! In the beginning it was hard to let the ex go but after a couple of weeks had passed, I found myself deleting his old texts from my phone to make room for the new guys texts and it didn't hurt at all (ok I did forward a few to email).

Yes, I still think of my ex from time to time. He was a good man when he wasn't flipped out on insecurities. But a new great man came into my life who has the ability to let me live my day without freaking out that I am doing something I shouldn't be. He not only tells me how he feels about me, but he shows it in his actions. He wants nothing more than to spend time with me when we are able. We have some issues to work out for sure but it's nothing that can't be handled. I remember asking him why was he placed in my path? We had been interested in each other for months and why was that? I think we both have things we need to learn from each other. He makes me laugh and smile and it feels oh so good to see him walk in my back door and hug each other - it's like all our troubles just melt away.

And yes I too called a few psychics when this first happened. I had asked them randomly over the summer as I was sensing something between us as well. I also got varied answers and my favorite psychic told me he had anger issues which I have not seen yet. A couple of them (William was one) accurately descried both men and said I'd be happy with either of them. But like you, some actually told me that either my ex would find out about him and that would make him step up to the plate, or that I shouldn't date a new man. Ellen said I shouldn't date a new man till I felt I wouldn't drop him for the old one - but do you need a psychic to tell you that? That's kind of common sense.

Well I was tired of being unhappy and pining over someone who could care less about me. Taking a chance on this guy has been the most sensible decision I've made in almost 2 years and I did it all on my own.

I know I am still not 100%, I still stay in bed for too long and have really slacked off on working out (I've gained 10 lbs since we started dating - he is really enjoying my grill). Being happy with him has not changed that fully for me. But I am on the road to recovery for sure and I hope I can soon be the person I used to be.

I hope everyone here can get to this point in their lives, with their exs, someone new, or even alone. I thought I was on the alone path and was shocked that this happened to me. Don't shut people out because a psychic says you'll be together in 6 months with your ex, especially if it's been a while already! Putting yourself out there will make you stronger as well and that's a great thing. Oh and my ex is 6 years younger than me and I was getting really down about my age saying that I wish he'd step up to the plate before I hit a certain age and really looked it. Well guess what, the new guy is *8* years younger than me and could care less about my age. How cool is that.   8)
« Last Edit: December 03, 2011, 01:59:55 PM by sunandmoon »

Offline Synergy

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Re: Another Newbie..........
« Reply #23 on: December 05, 2011, 04:38:03 PM »
Thank you everyone for the well wishes and prayers!  I am finally realizing that I don't have to be miserable. 


Thank you so much for sharing your story.  It is actually very similar to what is happening with my new guy.  He's 5 years younger than me!!!  You all wouldn't believe how amazing these past two weeks have been.  I did dream about my SM this weekend, but dreams can't take the place of reality. 

I'm glad I've allowed myself to explore this new opportunity.  This new man is kind, honest, caring... I mean, he's everything I could ask for and more!  I haven't smiled and laughed this much in a long time.  I don't have to call a psychic to tell me how he feels because he actually tells me himself. 

Oh, and most importantly, he's not afraid of my children.  It's not like I plan on having him meet them anytime soon, but he already spoke with me about it, and he said he wouldn't pursue me if he wasn't aware of the fact that if we get serious, I am a package deal.  It doesn't freak him out the way it did my SM.  What more can I ask for?!

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Re: Astrology
« Reply #24 on: December 05, 2011, 04:54:40 PM »
Hi Libra!

Yes, I am a fellow Libran!  My birthday is 09/29.  I can definitely feel the impact of Saturn in our sign.  I've made significant changes and improvements dealing with my own personal maturity and goals this past year.  I finally received my Bachelor's degree, I made a big career move, and I've also become more aware of my spiritual interests.  It's been a phase of discovery for me.  I also learned to shed my fear and step up to my ex (not my SM; I mean the father of my children) because I always wanted to keep the peace and would never really tell him what I think about the fact that he doesn't support our daughters.  I've come into my own as a woman.

Unfortunately, there have been some rough spots too.  I think since I've been trying to repair all of my current issues, I've also become more focused on what I want for the future.  As a typical Libra, one of my biggest future goals is to find someone to share my life with.  I think that's what has made the split from my "SM" even more difficult.  I was convinced that he was the one I could have as a partner.  To make matter worse, he's a Capricorn!!!  So, I've been surrounded by Saturn's influence in more ways than one!!!  He's own drive, motivation, and determination fueled my desires.  I became determined to wait for him as long as it'd take and make this "relationship" work. 

This all led to my lesson.  You know what's funny, Libra!!  When the news of Kim K's split came out, I told my mom that it's because she's a libra!! Haha. It's been a tough year, but it's all taken place so that we can grow and mature.  It's been a big year for me anyways, since I turned 30.  I really have been re-evaluating everything.  I'm not where I want to be, but I know I can get there.  In order to do that, I also need to learn how to be happy in my own skin, even if I am single.  That's been the hardest thing to accept, as a Libra who just loves being in love.

What about you Libra?  How has this period been for you? 

