Author Topic: I think I understand why sometimes readings can change. (Myself as an example)  (Read 10970 times)

Offline star1

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That’s so sad. I felt from reading your situation her friends play a part in it. This happened in my last relationship. Way too many chefs in the kitchen and people always want to tell others how to lead their life but can’t manage their own. This is why now I don’t tell anyone my business. Outside influence can really destroy a good thing. Hopefully she realizes it and comes to her senses.

Yes they can.  I think it is okay to get advice but there are somethings when it comes to a relationship that should only be discussed between your partner.  This is her friends.  I would randomly by my ex flowers.  She was always happy about that and tell her friends.  They would start to get upset with her anytime she mentioned I bought her flowers.  They were jealous because their SO wouldn't do that for them.  It was to the point that she didn't even want to share that she got flowers anymore with people.  Her joy was gone about them.  Same friends also would go to marriage counseling but behind the guys back go on dates with guys from match.  Such a nice message to be sending to anyone.  Another who was engaged called off the engagement and then went and had sex with two random guys the following week.  She ended up going back to her fiancé two months later and then got married last September.  When we broke up the first time.  My ex did try dating to see if I was the one.  She told me this story when we got back together and how horrible she felt.  A guy ended up going to her place. They were making out and he was trying to get into her pants.  All my ex was thinking at the time was what if I walked in at that moment since I still had a key for her place.  She told her friends that worry.  Their response: "If any guy did that regardless if he had a key I would get a restraining order."  So you know what I am dealing with but the good news is the last two look to be no longer friends with my ex.

So here is a nice thought regarding the destiny/free will.  Out of all this what do you perceive as destiny or free will?  You could say that my ex being friends with them could be destiny that she met them for a life changing event.  To learn and grow from even though it separated us but the same destiny can bring us back together.  Or do you think it was free will that she listened to them casing the break up?  How is that to mess with your brain for a bit.  :o

Sparky with the greatest of respect to your POI, that's a very bizarre statement to make RE the restraining order. It's just something really odd to say. I also would agree that that flower business is unhealthy and immature. Her friends got jealous and so they put her off of receiving flowers from you. If they're behaving like that with flowers, imagine how they're like with other areas? Most people have to worry about a 3rd party woman/man around your POI, you'd have to worry about her friends at the very least. As Still Tired said, you are a lovely guy on here and especially buying her flowers and being really romantic with her, she's lucky to have you interested!

With regards to free will and destiny, I think your previous post was quite good on how our decisions (even last minute) are destined. I've just had an instance within the last few days where I wanted to contact someone but didn't and left it and he wanted to contact me but he was feeling the same thoughts and told me he was thinking "what if she's not interested/she tells me to go away/ignores me", then he decided last minute to contact me and I was so glad he did message me because I really wanted to contact but not make the first move. So his decision was meant to be. That's why I don't believe my ex cares for me because he's had a very long time to contact me and he hasn't, lol. I believe that everything is meant to be. Every decision you make isn't coincidence, I firmly believe that everything is meant.
« Last Edit: December 14, 2018, 03:19:16 AM by star1 »

Offline HornetKick

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With regards to free will and destiny, I think your previous post was quite good on how our decisions (even last minute) are destined. I've just had an instance within the last few days where I wanted to contact someone but didn't and left it and he wanted to contact me but he was feeling the same thoughts and told me he was thinking "what if she's not interested/she tells me to go away/ignores me", then he decided last minute to contact me and I was so glad he did message me because I really wanted to contact but not make the first move. So his decision was meant to be. That's why I don't believe my ex cares for me because he's had a very long time to contact me and he hasn't, lol. I believe that everything is meant to be. Every decision you make isn't coincidence, I firmly believe that everything is meant.

This is one thing I think you got wrong (jmo) is that EVERYTHING is meant. Life doesn't work on absolutes. It works within balancing. Some things are destiny, some are free will. Although everyone will absolutely die at some point in time, everyone doesn't die at the same time. Life's balancing act, has been revealed to me time and time again.

Offline star1

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With regards to free will and destiny, I think your previous post was quite good on how our decisions (even last minute) are destined. I've just had an instance within the last few days where I wanted to contact someone but didn't and left it and he wanted to contact me but he was feeling the same thoughts and told me he was thinking "what if she's not interested/she tells me to go away/ignores me", then he decided last minute to contact me and I was so glad he did message me because I really wanted to contact but not make the first move. So his decision was meant to be. That's why I don't believe my ex cares for me because he's had a very long time to contact me and he hasn't, lol. I believe that everything is meant to be. Every decision you make isn't coincidence, I firmly believe that everything is meant.

This is one thing I think you got wrong (jmo) is that EVERYTHING is meant. Life doesn't work on absolutes. It works within balancing. Some things are destiny, some are free will. Although everyone will absolutely die at some point in time, everyone doesn't die at the same time. Life's balancing act, has been revealed to me time and time again.

Fair enough, but I don't think I got it wrong, I just think you have a different opinion to me which is fine. But personally I believe everything good and bad happens for a reason. Shitty things have happened to me and I've cried "why?", then looked back and realised better things have come in.