Author Topic: Psychic Massada  (Read 1828 times)

Offline lneilo

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Psychic Massada
« on: December 05, 2018, 01:07:19 AM »
Has anyone else read with Massada before? Shes a psychic and medium and I think she used to be a Bitwine psychic but does readings via Facebook now which is where I discovered her.

I have read with her now 3 times. I like her because she didn't give me any crap like most generic psychics who say bs like "I see the number 5 around you" and just read off cards. She gets messages and gave me a lot of information, more than what I just asked about which was good.

Predictions she made:
- Boyfrind at the time is looking for money and going to ask me to lend him money and ask to move in because he lost his job. She said it would happen in a week from the reading.
- Boyfriend at the time is looking to marry me. Consistently saw this and said this but told me it was for the wrong reasons. He wants security. She described his personality as well pretty much exactly how he is which I was shocked by her knowing. She described him as someone who always pities himself, is on and off depressed because things don't go his way, whines a lot, and is showing me what he wants me to see about him but not the full truth.
- Said that she doesn't see me ending up with him even though at the time in the reading I was telling her I loved him and saw a future with him. She said I will realize he isn't what I want or need and that I tend to go for guys who are emotionally distraught and the next guy I meet won't be and he will be someone I meet at work in the coming months who is new to the company and will be more secure in himself and his finances. (waiting on this prediction)
- Told me he had a drinking problem, I denied this and said he just drinks to have fun, but she insisted he has a drinking problem and drinks too much and will drink a lot of the time because he is depressed
- Recent reading she said I would get 3 job offers and that my current boss would help me land the position I want the most and has connections (did not tell her I was looking to move up from my position and my current boss is the head of HR so it would make sense in what she said) - have not applied to internal jobs yet so still cannot speak on her prediction

- 2 weeks after the reading is when my then boyfriend asked if he could move in because he "wants to take the next step". I told him if he moved in he would have to pitch in, he kept quiet. Told me he was having trouble at work and was going to be laid off and wouldn't be able to help with bills until he found another job.
- I ended up letting him move in for a week and thats when we broke up because I saw too many red flags of him having an agenda and using me
- When me and my boyfriend started out he showed himself as this fun, great guy, who was secure and etc. Down the road I noticed him whining, complaining, being pessimistic etc. After she told me about the depression I started asking him more and more about things and learned that he was severely depressed in the past and the area he lives makes him depressed along with his job. So she did get that. However my attitude made me think he's playing the depression a bit more on the "where I live" part to make me allow me him to move in and be a freeloader. FYI I never downplayed his depression. I was there for him and talked to him as much as possible when he opened up.
- Boyfriend from time to time brought up marriage but in a rushed way and I always brushed it off. Brought up eloping in Vegas when we went on a trip there. But it never seemed like he wanted that because he was deeply in love with me. I never took it seriously but it was brought up in every conversation kind of as a way to see what I would say I feel to see if it was a way he could go.
- I started to notice he drank a lot. We went to a bar and I had to cut him off which I have never had to do with any guy before. Honestly I am not familiar with how much is too much because I am not a big drinker but he had a drink almost every day but just wasn't severely drunk until the weekend. When he opened up about his depression I made this connection.

I felt her reading was pretty accurate and was really happy with it. She also picked up on my personality, things that were going on at the time with my family and so forth, relationship with my mother, and details about the relationship. I will say she is worth the read. All 3 readings I have had with her have been satisfactory.

But am wondering other peoples experiences with her? What predictions did she make and did people who passed away ever come through?

