Author Topic: Readings by Kelly777  (Read 8752 times)

Offline curiousone

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Readings by Kelly777
« on: November 01, 2017, 01:42:20 PM »
Anyone get a reading from her?

If so, what did you think? I can't find any reviews on here :-\ about her which seems amazing because she has been on Keen for so long.

Offline SunshineChick22

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Re: Readings by Kelly777
« Reply #1 on: November 01, 2017, 10:57:50 PM »
I read with her about 7 years ago for 2 years about a situation that never panned out like she said.

Offline Angelina11

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Re: Readings by Kelly777
« Reply #2 on: November 01, 2017, 11:57:48 PM »
I read with her about 7 years ago for 2 years about a situation that never panned out like she said.

Oh wow, thank you for sharing! She told me that my poi will be interested in a relationship with me in a few years from now and it that could be worth waiting. Thank God I'm not a newbie in getting psychics reading, otherwise I could have actually taken it seriously and waste my time.

Offline curiousone

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Re: Readings by Kelly777
« Reply #3 on: November 02, 2017, 05:42:26 PM »
wow-- thank you! She told me that a relationship I am in now won't pan out. That I will get tired and walk away but I am crazy about him, he about me and of course we have our issues but I just can't feel that I would walk away. Thing is she got some very specific details about current things that are happening in my life , so I believe that was what floored me.

However, some can get some things on the money but not other occurrences correct. Nobody is God but God...

Offline Angelina11

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Re: Readings by Kelly777
« Reply #4 on: November 03, 2017, 06:41:10 PM »
wow-- thank you! She told me that a relationship I am in now won't pan out. That I will get tired and walk away but I am crazy about him, he about me and of course we have our issues but I just can't feel that I would walk away. Thing is she got some very specific details about current things that are happening in my life , so I believe that was what floored me.

However, some can get some things on the money but not other occurrences correct. Nobody is God but God...

Honestly, I respect and like this reader a lot. She was in fact extremely accurate with me about me and the other guy I asked about in the present moment - but she wasn't exactly correct about the future. For example she told me awhile ago that I would be the one contacting the guy- that's what she saw. Now even when I was getting a reading I already suspected she was wrong here. I went beyond I already tried  to make tings work with him - nothing worked. At that time and now it is cristal clear to me that there is nothing for me to reach out him for - I wanted a guy who would give me affection and it's clear to me that the only way he would give me that is if he himself steps up to the court. no,I never contacted the guy "in the future" as she said  I would and I never felt like I should/neither was I tempted. So yeh, in that regard she was wrong. Again though, I respect Kelly tremendously for the ability to see the present moment. At least for me that's what worked.

Offline psychic girls

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Re: Readings by Kelly777
« Reply #5 on: December 02, 2018, 10:28:49 AM »
One of the very first psychics I read with when I was on Keen 100 percent wrong. Making up stuff as she goes can confirm that. I really think that if you call psychics about your relationship you are 99 percent doom it going to fail if you don't even know how your poi think and feel about you. The most common stock line I seen these psychics used are he/she had deep feeling for you but he/she scary.

Offline Miss Philosopher

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Re: Readings by Kelly777
« Reply #6 on: December 02, 2018, 06:18:17 PM »
Read with her back in 2011 and 2012. Wrong on all accounts. Timeframes wrong, predictions wrong. The relationship ended. Aries was the only one right about it

