Author Topic: POWERFUL VISIONS by Jo  (Read 11687 times)

Offline icloud9

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« on: November 30, 2018, 07:34:25 PM »
anyone read with this reader?  Her reviews almost look too perfect lol. $38 PER minute? that's crazy, that's almost $200 just in 5 minutes...WOW

Offline Snr127

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« Reply #1 on: December 14, 2018, 05:20:02 AM »
I have read with her twice. Unfortunately, her perfect 5 star rating is what prompted me to call her. She was very difficult to understand, conversation didn’t flow as smoothly and it left me asking a lot more questions— prolonging the conversation/more minutes. Couldn’t add anymore so I emailed her for clarification. We exchanged emails a couple more times. I’ve honestly never felt more confused. Shortly after, she puts a lot of pressure to have you leave 5 star detailed feedback. She condescendingly reminds you that she had followed up with multiple emails and has taken the time out of her day to do that... as if she didn’t have to but did so therefore left me feeling obliged to leave a feedback. I decided to try her again 5-6mos later in hopes of a better connection. Connection wasn’t great/ technical issues so she gave 3 f/u minutes. I asked for further clarification via email. She again sent an email asking to leave a 5 star feedback in exchange as she had again spent the time to clarify via emails. Tried to use my f/u minutes but found out I was blocked. :(

Offline kdspirited

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« Reply #2 on: December 14, 2018, 06:17:41 PM »
I have read with her she is awful dont fall for her sweet as pie routine. I read with her when she was at 27.99 a minute. Still a lot I know. She picked up on some things well but they were generic. She gave me a timeframe which was 3 months away which was perfect to keep me hooked on.  She did send me a follow up email or two with a lot of LOA stuff to follow up and manifest on. But when her timelines didnt pan out she went nuts on me and spent my minutes yelling at me literally and then sent me an email and said I give you free minutes all the time so you can follow up with me and add more not just use up the minutes. I never called her back.

Offline twinflame93

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« Reply #3 on: April 22, 2019, 03:47:21 PM »
I am surprised with the negative comments on her.

I had a reading with her in October 2018 - she told me POI would take baby steps towards me in the next 3 months. I interpreted that as full reconciliation which did not happen. However, within those three months, he unblocked me and communicated with me, that was it - so she was right when she said 'babysteps'

In terms of career she told me she saw good money coming in after 15th Jan 2019. Well exactly on 15th Jan was my best month so far this year in terms of money and finances.

I then had a slower month in Feb so I read with her again to see what was up. Both in October and Feb she told me I would meet a woman who would bring a lot of value to my business and really make it grow. She said I would really get on with her and meet her latest March 2019. Well she contacted me early March and began work with me 11th March 2019. Since she has come onboard business has picked up again and have some exciting things lined up for my business over the next 3-4 months (she works in PR so we work 3-4 months ahead with press). And as Jo predicted we get on very well!

In terms of my POI I asked her 'ok when is he going to fully commit to me' a few times now she tells me to just be patient as it will take some time but we will end up being together. She only gives timeframes if she truly sees it. She told me he would leave his karmic partner later in 2019 (I would interpret that as last quarter of 2019). So let's see what happens then. She tells you to do the LOA for a reason. If you keep thinking negative thoughts things won't manifest the way you want it, whether you have a reading or not.

I've read on this forum that predictions normally come true for the people who regularly practice gratitude and truly feel LOA when practicing it.

She is very expensive I agree but since looking back on the notes she has been 80-90%  spot on for me. I don't say 100% as she said I would hear from him within a certain timeframe and it did not come to pass. However... I saw him on watsapp within that timeframe and I saw him 'typing...' then he backed out. But it's funny as I was feeling super negative that day. but I would recommend anyone having at least one reading with her and then practice her LOA advice, it does work.
« Last Edit: April 22, 2019, 03:56:59 PM by twinflame93 »

Offline _sydney_vicious_

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« Reply #4 on: September 18, 2019, 08:29:59 PM »
Wow, okay so I read with her maybe 4 or so times (the last one was back in March), and reading the comments on this thread makes me realize she told us ALL the SAME THING. My first chat with her I asked my question she responded in (I kid you not) TEN SECONDS with a super lengthy paragraph. At the time I thought it was suspicious but she did give me the same timing that other readers gave me too. Now I'm wondering if there's a three month rule for someone and their ex to get back together lol.

She told me that within the next three months my POI would be taking baby steps to get us back together. She also did mention that progress wouldn't be made with him saying anything but SHOWING me (and that I'd see it with my own two eyes). While her predictions and timelines did come to pass, reading this thread makes me realize she probably plays off a script. I say that because if you chatted with her, she sends these insanely long and detailed paragraphs (sometimes one after another) within a matter of 5-10 seconds of you asking your question. I believe she probably copies and pastes off some script because there's NO other reason why all of us got the same "prediction", and why she "types" so fast.

Honestly save your money - there's better, cheaper advisors out there.

Offline _sydney_vicious_

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« Reply #5 on: September 19, 2019, 02:17:34 AM »
I'm going to help Jo as my son is an attorney and he can get IP addresses and personnel information. You should be sued and I know a few of these accounts are being sued by other psychics. I love Jo and would never keep calling if the predictions didn't happen.

You are way too old to be involved in drama like this. Oh by the way nice private message you sent me. Also, I highly doubt your “son” would doxx anyone. If he’s a lawyer like you claim then he knows it’s illegal and that he can go to jail for that. Great parenting right there. 👍🏽

Reading is fundamental - I never said my experience with Jo was bad. Instead of trolling on these message boards you should take some reading classes. I already explained that her predictions panned out but thought it was suspicious that she gave me as well as everyone else very similar predictions.

The fact that you’re threatening to take legal action over our EXPERIENCE with Jo shows how unhinged you really are. Please get offline and go seek some help. REAL help from a psychiatrist, not a psychic. God bless!
« Last Edit: September 19, 2019, 02:19:56 AM by _sydney_vicious_ »

Offline Fidget1028

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« Reply #6 on: September 19, 2019, 02:18:10 AM »
I'm very surprised to read some of these comments. I read with Jo for almost a year and I found her to be honest and her predictions did happen in the timeframes. I had the same experience as the review above that left positive comments. She wrote me back when nobody else on keen would and didn't charge as other bashers here claimed they got free e-mails and free minutes from Jo. She told me I'd find a better guy and gave me a description and held my hand during some dark moments and it happened. I feel some people don't like to hear there ex isn't coming back even when they know it's true. They don't want to hear he's with another so they misplace there anger. If you read some of these people's comments in there profile they just bash readers but claim they keep calling keen for readings. Why would you do that and than bash them? You need to fix you and what's wrong with your life. Every reading can't be bad and negative and if that's true you shouldn't be calling. You got to wonder if they are just readers trying to hurt another reader. Anyone can contact me about Jo. I'm going to help Jo as my son is an attorney and he can get IP addresses and personnel information. You should be sued and I know a few of these accounts are being sued by other psychics. I love Jo and would never keep calling if the predictions didn't happen.

So, let me get this straight, you come on a psychic review forum to threaten people with lawsuits for giving negative feedback on a psychic?  Lol...good luck with that. For the record, I never read with this person, so I have no horse in the race, but you sound a tad unhinged over others freedom of speech...

Offline _sydney_vicious_

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« Reply #7 on: September 19, 2019, 02:19:10 AM »
I'm very surprised to read some of these comments. I read with Jo for almost a year and I found her to be honest and her predictions did happen in the timeframes. I had the same experience as the review above that left positive comments. She wrote me back when nobody else on keen would and didn't charge as other bashers here claimed they got free e-mails and free minutes from Jo. She told me I'd find a better guy and gave me a description and held my hand during some dark moments and it happened. I feel some people don't like to hear there ex isn't coming back even when they know it's true. They don't want to hear he's with another so they misplace there anger. If you read some of these people's comments in there profile they just bash readers but claim they keep calling keen for readings. Why would you do that and than bash them? You need to fix you and what's wrong with your life. Every reading can't be bad and negative and if that's true you shouldn't be calling. You got to wonder if they are just readers trying to hurt another reader. Anyone can contact me about Jo. I'm going to help Jo as my son is an attorney and he can get IP addresses and personnel information. You should be sued and I know a few of these accounts are being sued by other psychics. I love Jo and would never keep calling if the predictions didn't happen.

So, let me get this straight, you come on a psychic review forum to threaten people with lawsuits for giving negative feedback on a psychic?  Lol...good luck with that. For the record, I never read with this person, so I have no horse in the race, but you sound a tad unhinged over others freedom of speech...

LOL she threatened me through a private message earlier today. I was confused until I read this post. She needs meds, not a psychic.

Offline Fidget1028

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« Reply #8 on: September 19, 2019, 02:21:42 AM »
I'm very surprised to read some of these comments. I read with Jo for almost a year and I found her to be honest and her predictions did happen in the timeframes. I had the same experience as the review above that left positive comments. She wrote me back when nobody else on keen would and didn't charge as other bashers here claimed they got free e-mails and free minutes from Jo. She told me I'd find a better guy and gave me a description and held my hand during some dark moments and it happened. I feel some people don't like to hear there ex isn't coming back even when they know it's true. They don't want to hear he's with another so they misplace there anger. If you read some of these people's comments in there profile they just bash readers but claim they keep calling keen for readings. Why would you do that and than bash them? You need to fix you and what's wrong with your life. Every reading can't be bad and negative and if that's true you shouldn't be calling. You got to wonder if they are just readers trying to hurt another reader. Anyone can contact me about Jo. I'm going to help Jo as my son is an attorney and he can get IP addresses and personnel information. You should be sued and I know a few of these accounts are being sued by other psychics. I love Jo and would never keep calling if the predictions didn't happen.

So, let me get this straight, you come on a psychic review forum to threaten people with lawsuits for giving negative feedback on a psychic?  Lol...good luck with that. For the record, I never read with this person, so I have no horse in the race, but you sound a tad unhinged over others freedom of speech...

LOL she threatened me through a private message earlier today. I was confused until I read this post. She needs meds, not a psychic.

This is her 5th post ever. The first 4 were about Persian Medium being a scam. Thanks Captain Obvious, but we knew that saga 2 years ago. 🙄


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« Reply #9 on: September 19, 2019, 02:36:49 AM »
Anyone can contact me about Jo. I'm going to help Jo as my son is an attorney and he can get IP addresses and personnel information. You should be sued and I know a few of these accounts are being sued by other psychics. I love Jo and would never keep calling if the predictions didn't happen.

Hey Hope, if your son hacks into a member’s computer and “obtains” their personnel information, he’s going to be disbarred.  Anyhow, as others have stated, this is a psychic review forum.  Posting a review of services rendered is an opinion and most clearly does not constitute defamation or any tortious interference with a contract.  Sooooo, if you like Jo (whom I’ve never read with and based on your ridiculous comments most certainly never will), provide a purposeful review of your experience with her and leave your scare tactics out of it. #beingabullysucks

Offline _sydney_vicious_

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« Reply #10 on: September 19, 2019, 03:24:06 AM »
I'm very surprised to read some of these comments. I read with Jo for almost a year and I found her to be honest and her predictions did happen in the timeframes. I had the same experience as the review above that left positive comments. She wrote me back when nobody else on keen would and didn't charge as other bashers here claimed they got free e-mails and free minutes from Jo. She told me I'd find a better guy and gave me a description and held my hand during some dark moments and it happened. I feel some people don't like to hear there ex isn't coming back even when they know it's true. They don't want to hear he's with another so they misplace there anger. If you read some of these people's comments in there profile they just bash readers but claim they keep calling keen for readings. Why would you do that and than bash them? You need to fix you and what's wrong with your life. Every reading can't be bad and negative and if that's true you shouldn't be calling. You got to wonder if they are just readers trying to hurt another reader. Anyone can contact me about Jo. I'm going to help Jo as my son is an attorney and he can get IP addresses and personnel information. You should be sued and I know a few of these accounts are being sued by other psychics. I love Jo and would never keep calling if the predictions didn't happen.

So, let me get this straight, you come on a psychic review forum to threaten people with lawsuits for giving negative feedback on a psychic?  Lol...good luck with that. For the record, I never read with this person, so I have no horse in the race, but you sound a tad unhinged over others freedom of speech...

If someone writes something that isn't true or claims they read with someone that they didn't of course you can file a suite and get the information from the site

You can't sue someone for that you idiot. EVERYONE above your original comment has read with Jo stated their experience - both good AND bad.

Are you in ANY of those peoples' lives? No. So it's a pretty bold claim coming from YOU to say that others are lying about their experience. Even if you think you can take this to court (which you CAN'T), Jo would have to prove that it's a lie. If her predictions didn't pan out then guess who's telling the truth? Those who commented on this thread.

Offline Fidget1028

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« Reply #11 on: September 19, 2019, 07:32:03 PM »
Lmao...I DID read with her in May 2018. She said to me BABY STEPS IN 3 MONTHS. Holy crap, the same script for over a year. That's bad. Lol

Offline diamondcanadian

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« Reply #12 on: September 19, 2019, 10:30:22 PM »
Lmao...I DID read with her in May 2018. She said to me BABY STEPS IN 3 MONTHS. Holy crap, the same script for over a year. That's bad. Lol

You said yesterday you never read with Jo. You should check what you wrote yesterday or I'll be happy to send you a screenshot

I think it was because she just realized she had read with her at some point, but didn’t remember as it wasn’t a memorable read .

Offline Fidget1028

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« Reply #13 on: September 19, 2019, 10:34:18 PM »
Lmao...I DID read with her in May 2018. She said to me BABY STEPS IN 3 MONTHS. Holy crap, the same script for over a year. That's bad. Lol

You said yesterday you never read with Jo. You should check what you wrote yesterday or I'll be happy to send you a screenshot

Can you not read? I looked through my chat transcripts from over a year ago. Obviously she wasn't very memorable.  Lol

Offline Fidget1028

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« Reply #14 on: September 19, 2019, 10:37:40 PM »
Lmao...I DID read with her in May 2018. She said to me BABY STEPS IN 3 MONTHS. Holy crap, the same script for over a year. That's bad. Lol

You said yesterday you never read with Jo. You should check what you wrote yesterday or I'll be happy to send you a screenshot

I think it was because she just realized she had read with her at some point, but didn’t remember as it wasn’t a memorable read .

Lol...thanks Diamond. 😆

