I closed my accounts on the hotlines months ago and while it hasn’t cured the pain I feel for my POI, I feel much calmer and less confused because the varying predictions aren’t constantly clouding my judgement. Part of me still wishes he would reach out to me someday, but at the same time I’m doing my absolute best to move forward with my life. I graduated college in October, I’m applying for new jobs, using dating sites to meet new guys, and am just trying to keep busy and surround myself with positive people and positive situations. I haven’t had a reading at all in a few months now and I haven’t been posting on these forums either because while I find them helpful in a sense, they are also triggering because people start posting great things about new readers and then I try them and am left completely disappointed because they are inaccurate for me.
It’s not a fast or easy process but I’m just telling you that this is what I’m doing because I’m serious about moving on with my life without calling psychics. The pain and sadness is still there in the back of my head but I know that if we don’t get back together, one day I will meet someone else who will make me forget about him as that is what happened with my last 2 POI’s and the same will happen for you. You just have to put in effort to truly move forward and not keep calling because when readers string you along it makes it slower and harder to let go because of the false hope you are getting from them. Most readers tell everyone what they want to hear and they don’t give it a second thought of the effect it has on your life because all they care about is their paycheck.
I know how you feel because I've been calling psychics for a long time trying to get the closure and answers that I didn't get with the POI.. It was a slight high receiving the reading and having the call, then the minute the reading/call ends, you get a "is that it?" feeling, which is never good enough. The only person you can really get closure from is your POI. Closest to that - your gut feeling, but even that won't give you all of the answers. It's really hard when you don't get closure, most of these readers guess and even they can't be certain. It's the usual generic answers that they give that make you feel that a reading isn't genuine as it's probably recycled to many others.. Unfortunately 99.9%, you don't get closure from an ex, not even the real truth. Because if they do return and they mope how sorry they are for how they treated you, it isn't usually genuine.
If they don't return, all you can really do is accept that they were not the right person for you, and that you haven't met the right person yet. Chances are most or all of us have had our hearts broken before the person we are calling about, and we moved on from that to the person we are calling about. It can and will happen again. You will move on to someone else and this person's worth to you will fade away. But in order to move forward, you have to put yourself out there and make the effort to find someone who can give you the love that your ex won't.
I've found dating to be very frustrating because most of the people I meet I either don't click with at all, or the spark just dies really quickly, or I am interested and out of nowhere they ghost me, and I want to find someone that I can like and adore as much as my POI, but it just takes time. I met 2 guys previously that I did have the spark with who I also called psychics about, and they both broke my heart but later on I realized that it wasn't meant to be and I am thankful that things didn't last. We have to deal with our pain and face our reality that the POI's actions are far more reliable than what the readers say.