I’ve been trying many readers recommended on this forum.
I read with
She told me the connection between me and my guy is “its a sort of energies connection, soul connection - more than just a physical conneciton u know?”
I know. I had a precog dream about him. Lol. There’s got to be something to that.
Told me he is unbalanced and needs time to set his life straight. He told me this too ... he’s very worried about his career and what he can offer. But a big thing that he told me that Avia didn’t pick up on his that he told me he is AFRAID of being hurt again. He got out of something terrible that destroyed him emotionally... she told me he needs more time and he will come spring.
AdvisorJenny IS A BIGTIME SCAMMER DO NOT WASTE YOUR MONEY picked up on allllll of this without a word from me. AdvisorJenny picked up a lot on both of us that struck my heart. She knew that I was deceiving my family about something... not bad just hiding my emotions. If I read like she does I’d ask for reviews and have a high price too.
Said he’d come towards me early next year he needs more time. That we are meant to be together in marriage. Only God knows but it sounded nice but I’m on my guard. She WAS very accurate about many things though even his habits. Medium
Jozette also told me he’ll come strong in the spring... MANY MANY psychics are telling me spring.
Atesh as well. She was GOOD. Accurate to my situation. She predicted that in March he will be ready for an exclusive commitment. She saw in August a DEEPER form of commitment. I didn’t know what that meant, until she explained it could be like a marriage proposal or moving in together. Which is funny she mentioned because when I read with
Prophet Rose she also said (she said a lot lol) that he will be ready to commit in the spring and that she sees in the “hot months, summer months” he will make a kind of promise to me. I could be crazy for putting this altogether but when I read with
CosmicCards she didn’t really help me too much with detail but said that she saw a proposal in July/August of 2019...... now this all sounds too good to be true LOL. But I know this guy has started to fall in love with me by HIS feelings. I’m just like when??? Guess I’ll have to wait and see.
Julia Caliope ..... said March things will turn around for good. Okay this reading got a little daunting. Lol.... she told me his thoughts are related to attachment right now and basically, in
Zadalia’s accurate words, “ freaked out”. Bc like what he told me and what I said above the man is scared straight of being hurt again. In Julia’s words he is traumatized and afraid to be abandoned. She picked up also that he wants to “change some things with his work” and he doesn’t feel where he needs to be because he doesn’t have peace inside him. All this he told me. She was GOOD. And generous with her time. But how she relayed things seemed so doomy LOL, she really put me into his bad reasonings. D: but, was accurate. She also told me in 2.5 months maximum things can turn around (March) we will reconnect in a new rhythm. Just be there for his needs because we are connected and will always talk. Which we do.
Advisor Terra said that he will want a commitment even though now he’s scared because he doesn’t want to feel pain again. He’ll experience shifts all throughout February til the end of February. So March.