Hello! I am a new member but a longtime lurker of this fabulous forum lol. Anyhow I just wanted to give my recommendations for Bitwine readers. I primarily use Bitwine for readings since about a year ago. Anyhow here are my go-to's and those to avoid:
RecommendPsychic Ari: I love Ari! She is almost always spot on about any POI I ask about. She know my situation even before I tell her and her advice is priceless. She truly cares for her clients and she's just overall an awesome reader. Although some of her predictions don't always come to pass, most of them do. She is really good with contact predictions and recently she even predicted a new man entering my life at a specific time and sure enough he did show up! She’s also good with career predictions. Overall one of the top readers on Bitwine hands down!
Miss Ann: I’ve read with her a few times and her cards always tell my story so accurately. She has been a bit wrong with some outcomes but overall she is able to read my situation and my different POI so accurately. She doesn’t give timeframes
The Golden Oracle: Jade is a hit or miss sometimes but overall she is able to read my situation accurately. She gives good advice and is very insightful
Angel Readings: She has also been a hit or miss on some outcomes but in general she is quite insightful and reads my situation and different POI accurately. Some of the things she sees are eerily accurate. For example, she randomly mentioned one of my distant cousins that had passed away in a motorcycle accident. It wasn’t exactly relevant but still very impressive. She is also very ethical and truly cares for her clients. Her advice is priceless
Sophea: She is able to read my POI and situation very accurately but her predictions haven’t panned out for me
Scarlet Walker: Her spelling is not the best but her insight can be scary accurate. Sometimes it does feel like she is sugarcoating but for the most part she knows my situation before I even mention it and she reads my POI like a book. Her predictions have been a hit or miss
Rachael Marie: She is so sweet and fun to talk to. She seems to be very insightful but does sugarcoat my situations a bit. I can’t vouch for her accuracy as her predictions haven’t come to pass for me but they’re long term predictions so we’ll just have to wait and see
Love Psychic Ashley: Recently started reading with her and although one of her big predictions regarding my ex did not come to pass in the timeframe given, she is still very insightful and reads my situation accurately. Her insight of my POI is spot on always. She doesn’t seem to sugarcoat and is generous with her time
Advisor Terra: One of my new favorites! Her accuracy is spot on and she hits the nail on the head everytime regarding my situation and my POI. She’s very good with predicting contact and although her big prediction is still pending, she is very sure and confident that it will come to pass. It really is refreshing to talk to her as she explains everything in detail
Aria Milas: She’s a new advisor but regardless her insight seems to be accurate to my knowledge. She seems to be very good at mind reading and nails the personality of my POI. Her predictions are pending but they match with other of my trusted readers PROVED TO BE A SCAM AND FAKEArel Psychic: Also a new advisor. He does not sugarcoat at all and tells it to you how it is but with a kind delivery. He reads his cards with so much insight and accuracy. He reads my situation and POI very accurately and provides useful advice. He’s also very kind and generous with his time. Predictions pending
Diego Conti: He is very sweet and fun to talk to. Seems to be accurate about my situation although he does seem to sugarcoat a bit. He explains things well and is very insightful. Predictions are a hit or miss
Honorable MentionsAdvisor Jenny: She is so kind and willing to help her clients. She seems to be accurate about my situation and POI. Although her big prediction seems unlikely(only because my situation is a bit complicated), it is still pending. She offers free chakra balancing and is very generous and sweet
PROVEN SCAMMERLookout Mountain Medium: Her responses are so lengthy and filled with a plethora of information. She seems to sugarcoat a bit but she's very insightful and detailed. Prediction pending
AvoidMama Roberts: Very unethical in her delivery that was just plain wrong to begin with
Terri Delights: So very rude and unethical! Her insight was so wrong
LeeLoo: She was just so wrong about my situation, nothing made sense
Raven Star: Wrong in her prediction and big sugarcoater
And so many more I forgot about….
Anyhow, sorry for the long post but I hope this helps! Feel free to ask me any questions regarding the readers mentioned