Author Topic: Super Frustrated and Should Know Better  (Read 9019 times)

Offline Miss Philosopher

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Super Frustrated and Should Know Better
« on: November 28, 2018, 12:49:58 AM »
Wow. So I read with psychic Logan for the first time on November 2nd (this month). She's on California Psychics. She was like whoa creepy accurate. Then, I just had a reading about two hours ago with her and it was polar opposite of the last reading, just 25 days ago.

First Reading November 2nd: Asked her about the ex and if there's feelings etc and what she saw coming up. She said "Love is the vibration". She even saw that he didn't know where he belonged and was back and forth between states. LOL. That reading sort of gave me chills. Said he'd step up and come forward in March. Told her I felt a third party was involved. She said NO. "They're telling me false accusations". So she said what I was thinking/feeling was false. She told me I needed to have patience with him and just send him "love and healing" energies but that he would "get his shit together and step up in March".

Second reading today (just 25 days later): Asked the same questions. Said he has feelings of love but not strong enough to stand the test of time. Said he IS involved with someone else and has been since end of August. (Strange cause it was September 7th that he reconciled with me after 2 months so I know that was bullshit). Said this female was financially helping him. False. It's his mother that is. Said they would break up in February. Said he would contact me in a 5 and attempt to reconcile in a back door type of way. Then said it wouldn't be until way past his birthday (which is in March). She also told me that I could "thank his mother for the reason the relationship failed". LOL! He barely had anything to do with his mother all of these years. For the last 7 months she's been helping him financially, yeah but she isn't the reason. So full of shit. Like, if you can't connect, then say it. 

So, let me get this straight. First reading there was no one as of November 2nd. Second reading there has been someone else there since end of August. How was that not picked up in the first reading and I was even told that I was giving false accusations? Lol. We go from "love is the vibration" 25 days ago and it was just oh so strong to...........well the first 3 years he really did love you but then it sort of faded, in this reading but that there's still love there it's just not so strong......which that part may actually be true. 

I will say this much............there was never strong love in the beginning. In fact it grew over the years and was the strongest this year. I will say that I already know there's a third party based upon my own intuition and my other three go to's. However, it isn't as serious as she's trying to make it out to be.

My lesson is.........just stick with the ones that have been working consistently for the last 5 years and don't try anyone new cause it's an absolute waste.

This reading made me feel the need to spend even more money and call Aliza cause I was so confused, which she is the one that is the best at picking up third parties without you even asking. She'll tell you what kind of connection it is as well. If it's serious or not etc. So I spoke with her about 15 minutes ago and she was very consistent with her last reading on November 7th. Her last reading, she said there was a third party that was very flirty etc but that it was sort of inconsistent and wouldn't go anywhere and the third party was sending him mixed signals. Today she said this third party energy is lingering, which means it's recent but is fading. Her reading is in line with Kisha who said the third party would be gone within 5 weeks and that he'd feel third party was sending him mixed messages and wasn't really into him all like that but that it was someone he was just having "companionship" with but that said female just was nice to him and viewed him more as a friend and just wasn't into him like that. She said that back on November 3rd. 5 weeks from the date of that reading brings it to end of next week. Again, matching Aliza who says the third party energy is fading.

I'm gonna stick with my only three go to's and never try a new one ever again. My go to's have been consistently accurate for years and years now so idk why I even try new ones. Maybe out of curiosity? Boredom? I don't even know.

I'm gonna let go of this dude anyway. It isn't worth the stress anymore. Besides, all three of my go to's see someone else coming in by February and they ALL say he's a much better man, more mature on every level, etc. Kisha said I'd feel more comfortable and secure in that relationship. Shelly said I'd be married by the time I was 42. Aliza just now finished describing new person and said I'd meet him in February and 14 months from the time we began, he'd ask me to marry him. That fits Shelly's prediction of me being married at 42. I'll be 41 end of January. 

Honestly I feel like an absolute desperate idiot calling about this person. I guess I needed to do it to help me get through the disappointment. Thankfully, the pain is starting to fade. Kisha told me don't call again until the new year because she didn't feel anything would change from the information she already gave. One thing I do know is, I'm really done with this dude. I just wanna be happy and if calling psychics to help me get through this bullshit time, then so be it. I guess they have their uses.

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Re: Super Frustrated and Should Know Better
« Reply #1 on: November 28, 2018, 02:14:04 AM »
Isn't that some bullshit? She told me like 2 hours ago that he "would respond to the vibration of 5" meaning he'd contact me with the number 5 being involved. 5 days, weeks, hours, 5th of the month blah blah. Well, literally I got a text from him just a few minutes ago and there was no number 5 involved. She's crap. The female she got helping him with money is his mother. No doubt there's a third party but it ain't that serious and will dissipate. That's what I FEEL in my own gut and that's what my regulars tell me anyway and they're always right for me for years.

I just don't recommend her and I'm not trying anymore new psychics and wasting anymore money on this bullshit situation. I need to get my head out of my ass and just move on. I'm so angry with myself right now.

I'm glad you understand the bullshit readings lol.

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Re: Super Frustrated and Should Know Better
« Reply #2 on: November 28, 2018, 02:18:28 AM »
Second reading today (just 25 days later): Asked the same questions. Said he has feelings of love but not strong enough to stand the test of time. Said he IS involved with someone else and has been since end of August. (Strange cause it was September 7th that he reconciled with me after 2 months so I know that was bullshit). Said this female was financially helping him. False. It's his mother that is.

I've had that happen too, they would tell me my ex was involved with someone but when they described her, it was a female relative (who he was living with and was helping him financially.)

That's crazy bad, I've never had this happen before.  :o

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Re: Super Frustrated and Should Know Better
« Reply #3 on: November 28, 2018, 02:21:32 AM »
Hopefully you never do. It's the most confusing, useless, money sucking, change your entire mood thing. But, she was already proven wrong with just two hours. Nuff said lol.

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Re: Super Frustrated and Should Know Better
« Reply #4 on: November 28, 2018, 02:25:01 AM »
I guess in a way the upside is that it's lucky that it's a family member and nobody of significance?

Offline Miss Philosopher

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Re: Super Frustrated and Should Know Better
« Reply #5 on: November 28, 2018, 02:49:21 AM »
@Star1: At this point, I don't even think it would really make a difference. 5 years is a long time to waste on one person waiting for them to decide to finally "choose you" over everything else and over everyone else. 5 years of breadcrumbs and trying to trust a person that has proven time and time again that they cannot be trusted just makes me an idiot really. That's my fault though. I should have cared about myself more than that but for whatever reason, I guess I didn't. I don't know. I'm really confused right now. Hopefully more clarity will come soon.

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Re: Super Frustrated and Should Know Better
« Reply #6 on: November 28, 2018, 02:50:50 AM »
That's what I FEEL in my own gut and that's what my regulars tell me anyway and they're always right for me for years.

Going with your gut always best. I always had this stuff happen when my regular readers were not available and I tried someone new. They would flip flop and misinterpret things all over the place. I had readers tell me no the ex was not involved with anyone. Then next time they would say, yes he is. And they would describe women who were either relatives, or married friends, or sometimes I swear they were just making crap up because it would be something that didn't sound like him at all.

Yep. You call them and they say he loves you, is coming back and misses you. Call them second time: he loves you still, but he's chatting to people but nothing has/is going to happen, because he loves you. Third call: he's with someone. But they're not happy, he's leaving her for you. Happened sooo many times.

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Re: Super Frustrated and Should Know Better
« Reply #7 on: November 28, 2018, 02:52:14 AM »
@stilltired: I completely agree. I wish I would have listened to it 5 years ago. But, because of psychic readings, I didn't. I was talking to other readers besides my go to's at that time. 5 years ago it told me to steer clear and I felt like I knew how he was but I ignored it, made excuses and told myself that it wasn't fair to judge without experiencing first.

7 months ago, my gut said it was the last time I'd see said person again either forever, or for a very long time to come. Not sure if that was just my gut knowing that I'd had enough way back then, or something else. Either way, I felt it so strongly. It's hard for me to get outside of my emotions though and really "hear" my gut. This has always been a problem for me.

Offline Miss Philosopher

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Re: Super Frustrated and Should Know Better
« Reply #8 on: November 28, 2018, 02:53:55 AM »
@Star1: That's some seriously real talk. That is usually how it happens and so what's the point. So, I know what's coming in the next few months........more bullshit and a bit of "reconciling" only to be more bullshit right after. The bullshit just seems to increase and get worse as the years go on. So yeah, what's the point. I'm tired of it all now.

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Re: Super Frustrated and Should Know Better
« Reply #9 on: November 28, 2018, 02:59:16 AM »
@Star1: At this point, I don't even think it would really make a difference. 5 years is a long time to waste on one person waiting for them to decide to finally "choose you" over everything else and over everyone else. 5 years of breadcrumbs and trying to trust a person that has proven time and time again that they cannot be trusted just makes me an idiot really. That's my fault though. I should have cared about myself more than that but for whatever reason, I guess I didn't. I don't know. I'm really confused right now. Hopefully more clarity will come soon.

I think it's because these readers do the whole "he just needs to be mature and he can be the perfect man for you", line. Then before you know it, 5 years have passed. I can't believe how much time I've wasted on this fella. I promised myself it'd be alot less, and here I am. I know that we have had our disagreements, but nobody deserves to be treated badly. Yes, it is none of my business and no I won't post about your situation as it's not my place to, but you do not deserve to be treated like that. Find you someone who supports you with the getting outside if you're ready for it, and someone who treats you like a lady - not a woman. But he came into your life for reasons, to perhaps get tougher and stronger in life.. Life begins at 40!

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Re: Super Frustrated and Should Know Better
« Reply #10 on: November 28, 2018, 03:04:23 AM »
@Star1: That's some seriously real talk. That is usually how it happens and so what's the point. So, I know what's coming in the next few months........more bullshit and a bit of "reconciling" only to be more bullshit right after. The bullshit just seems to increase and get worse as the years go on. So yeah, what's the point. I'm tired of it all now.

And that's how "Still Tired" got their name  lol.

Offline Miss Philosopher

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Re: Super Frustrated and Should Know Better
« Reply #11 on: November 28, 2018, 03:19:20 AM »
@Star1: Lmao. That makes sense that's how she got her name. Yeah all disagreements aside, perhaps I was being too abrasive or something. I've been told about my approach. It can be easily misunderstood. I'm working on it. Life lessons for me.

Yeah, even Kisha STILL says "He means well and has the intention of blah blah blah and wants things to work out but he just isn't in a space where he can commit to changing is his life and as long as he makes no changes, you will continue to repeat this same cycle over and over again.". I appreciate her honesty as many times I've called him a narcissist to her and she said "No. I don't get he's a narcissist. He can be very very selfish but he doesn't intentionally try to harm you." I feel that's true but that doesn't change the fact that I'm always getting hurt.

I'm waiting for the new guy and that's it. I've made up my mind. Today that is. It's subject to change tomorrow. Meh. With time I will be more consistent with my decision after all these retrogrades clear up. I know many people probably don't take astrology stuff too seriously. I do and I observe what happens during these times in my whole life, with myself, with others that I know. I'm glad new guy hasn't come in yet cause it's still retrograde so whatever gets started during this time as far as relationships go, usually fizzle out shortly thereafter. Yes, I have issues. Lol.

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Re: Super Frustrated and Should Know Better
« Reply #12 on: November 28, 2018, 03:28:35 AM »
@Star1: Lmao. That makes sense that's how she got her name. Yeah all disagreements aside, perhaps I was being too abrasive or something. I've been told about my approach. It can be easily misunderstood. I'm working on it. Life lessons for me.

Yeah, even Kisha STILL says "He means well and has the intention of blah blah blah and wants things to work out but he just isn't in a space where he can commit to changing is his life and as long as he makes no changes, you will continue to repeat this same cycle over and over again.". I appreciate her honesty as many times I've called him a narcissist to her and she said "No. I don't get he's a narcissist. He can be very very selfish but he doesn't intentionally try to harm you." I feel that's true but that doesn't change the fact that I'm always getting hurt.

I'm waiting for the new guy and that's it. I've made up my mind. Today that is. It's subject to change tomorrow. Meh. With time I will be more consistent with my decision after all these retrogrades clear up. I know many people probably don't take astrology stuff too seriously. I do and I observe what happens during these times in my whole life, with myself, with others that I know. I'm glad new guy hasn't come in yet cause it's still retrograde so whatever gets started during this time as far as relationships go, usually fizzle out shortly thereafter. Yes, I have issues. Lol.

That is where I disagree with Kisha. From what you have posted about him on here so far, it sounds very narcissistic and toxic. I would know, because other ex was like it and he would throw breadcrumbs, disappear for months, turn up like nothing happened expecting motherly love and other material stuff. I have to be frank, it's concerning that she condones his treatment of you, because if she condones it, your mind automatically will think "Ah poor him, it's not his fault. Even Kisha said he isn't a bad guy", etc.

I do hope that you get to meet this new guy and start afresh, or a lightening bolt strikes this one on the head lol.

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Re: Super Frustrated and Should Know Better
« Reply #13 on: November 28, 2018, 04:02:49 AM »
@stilltired: I completely agree. I wish I would have listened to it 5 years ago. But, because of psychic readings, I didn't. I was talking to other readers besides my go to's at that time. 5 years ago it told me to steer clear and I felt like I knew how he was but I ignored it, made excuses and told myself that it wasn't fair to judge without experiencing first.

7 months ago, my gut said it was the last time I'd see said person again either forever, or for a very long time to come. Not sure if that was just my gut knowing that I'd had enough way back then, or something else. Either way, I felt it so strongly. It's hard for me to get outside of my emotions though and really "hear" my gut. This has always been a problem for me.

Same gut told me all along but I didn't trust it. And I was calling about the same guy for about 5-6 years. I called about other things too and it's not like it was all about him. But I mean, it went on way too long. I listened to what readers said instead of trusting my own instincts, and their advice was all over the place. It was like I was on some horrible roller coaster that flipped me upside down constantly and I lost all sense of where the ground was.

I learned to trust myself a lot more though. It's like finally there was nothing left anymore except this deep, unshakable knowing that this would never work out. I'm not saying that has to be the outcome everyone comes to, but what I mean is eventually all the things readers told you just fall away. And you're left with the essential truth of the situation, whatever that may be.

I used to be really hard on myself, after I listened to some nonsense from a reader or had a binge or otherwise did something I felt stupid about. A lot of us have been there. I regret all of it, but it brought me to where I am now. I am also 40. And all if what happened with readings and my ex is starting to feel like another lifetime ago. I feel like life has other things in store for me now.

If I could describe readings in one word, roller-coaster. You have the highs when you get told something good, but then you feel hopeless again so have the lows and the negative readings. Then ignoring your own gut when it's screaming at you - BIG mistake.

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Re: Super Frustrated and Should Know Better
« Reply #14 on: November 28, 2018, 04:10:43 AM »
I'm sorry you had to go through that stilltired. I'll be 41 end of January. I'm very very tired. I just want peace even if it means single for the rest of my life. I'm totally fine with that as long as I don't have that drain anymore. One day, coming very very soon, I will be at the point where you are. I'm 90% there. I'm just really tired, like I said, on a soul level.

@Star1: Yes it's a terrible roller coaster emotionally. Even when you get a mixed negative/positive reading...........more time goes by with nothing happening and then you get another reading..............and then the moment something does happen you then go and get another reading to see what's coming up. I think, as you've said before and many others as well, looking at the behavior of POI in the here and now and reviewing the patterns of said POI from the start to what we have to go by and make our decisions on that. I don't know. I know that I call because in some twisted way, it helps me get by until I reach the point where I'm done on my own. Maybe that makes me weak but that's what I do. Maybe someday I will find another way. I will start looking.

