Author Topic: DRUSILLA- CP  (Read 62381 times)


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« Reply #15 on: November 29, 2018, 04:54:53 AM »
A friend of mine on another board had a reading with Tara recently and said that she was quite good for them.. Their situation is certainly unique, and she picked up most of it. I was quite surprised to hear that after the recent reviews of her..

Tara can be good, but I think she's also not the best. Like I feel she's a hit or miss. Earlier on she said some things which was exactly what my go-to psychic said. But later she kind of took some of it back, and said some other things were kind of not accurate. She had given me quite  a few timeframes which didn't pan out, whereas my Go-To gets it right almost consistently. I think she's a great psychic, but I think she often uses her bias and judgement, and "logical" side of thinking, as opposed to her actual gift.I think it's a case of, when she's hot, she's HOT. But when she's off, or using her judgement (either  of the two) she's just... not good at all. Just my two cents

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« Reply #16 on: November 29, 2018, 09:41:55 AM »
A friend of mine on another board had a reading with Tara recently and said that she was quite good for them.. Their situation is certainly unique, and she picked up most of it. I was quite surprised to hear that after the recent reviews of her..

Tara can be good, but I think she's also not the best. Like I feel she's a hit or miss. Earlier on she said some things which was exactly what my go-to psychic said. But later she kind of took some of it back, and said some other things were kind of not accurate. She had given me quite  a few timeframes which didn't pan out, whereas my Go-To gets it right almost consistently. I think she's a great psychic, but I think she often uses her bias and judgement, and "logical" side of thinking, as opposed to her actual gift.I think it's a case of, when she's hot, she's HOT. But when she's off, or using her judgement (either  of the two) she's just... not good at all. Just my two cents

Yeah after what you guys have told me? I'm not going to try her.

Offline LAW1974

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« Reply #17 on: November 29, 2018, 11:36:20 AM »
I was just going to ask about predictions?  Maybe too soon for this?

Offline poorprincess

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« Reply #18 on: November 29, 2018, 12:30:54 PM »
I was just going to ask about predictions?  Maybe too soon for this?

I'll have an update late next week/early the following :)

Offline dascallie

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« Reply #19 on: November 29, 2018, 01:27:57 PM »
Sorry to say Drusilla was just just 'meh' for me...

Offline tellmewhy

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« Reply #20 on: November 29, 2018, 01:41:43 PM »
Did you ask a specific question or general what's coming up ? I went for general

Sorry to say Drusilla was just just 'meh' for me...

Offline dascallie

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« Reply #21 on: November 29, 2018, 02:10:42 PM »
specific...POI question---what is his thinking about me, etc

Offline embibems

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« Reply #22 on: November 29, 2018, 07:39:08 PM »
I just got in her queue to see what she's like. I'll let you guys know what I think. I'm curious if she'll give me any dates, but not holding her to it if she doesn't. Timeframes are always off for me anyways lol.

Offline LucyDiamond

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« Reply #23 on: November 30, 2018, 08:08:51 AM »
That's interesting about Tara.

Offline poorprincess

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« Reply #24 on: November 30, 2018, 12:13:53 PM »
She has been truly awesome for me. She has nailed stuff right down to dates and places. Not only that, I feel so positive since reading with her. I swear she relaxes me just by speaking. It's hard to explain. I just feel more courageous and more 'me'! It took me a while to find someone who just connected to me. I am so glad I tried her!

@LucyDiamond - This is super encouraging! I agree, she has the calming aura about her and her message was essentially don't worry, get your own life right. He is coming.

@embibems - Good luck and do keep us posted! I think you might like her as we seem to kind of resonate with similar readers!!!

Offline embibems

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« Reply #25 on: November 30, 2018, 05:20:21 PM »
She has been truly awesome for me. She has nailed stuff right down to dates and places. Not only that, I feel so positive since reading with her. I swear she relaxes me just by speaking. It's hard to explain. I just feel more courageous and more 'me'! It took me a while to find someone who just connected to me. I am so glad I tried her!

@LucyDiamond - This is super encouraging! I agree, she has the calming aura about her and her message was essentially don't worry, get your own life right. He is coming.

@embibems - Good luck and do keep us posted! I think you might like her as we seem to kind of resonate with similar readers!!!

Thanks @journalmuse!! And everyone on this forum for sharing. She called me last night around the time you all said (7-8 PM EST) and I have to say. Her voice was very calming. I'm trying not to be cynical because maybe she was a bit "too much" introducing herself but it was our first time reading together so I get it. She gave me specific dates--very specific ones. Without me asking for them. So, I've marked those down in my calendar and told her I would give her a call back to update if things pan out :) She's very positive and I liked her energy. Her voice is lovely as well. I hope her predictions come to fruition now, too!

Offline LAW1974

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« Reply #26 on: December 01, 2018, 01:12:56 PM »
Wow - is the first thing I will say!  Thank you for telling me about her!  I tt her last night!  Here's what I said (after my name - no BD).  I need a general love read...thats it!  I wanted to give her NO information about my POI, current situation, to see what she first picked up! 

She immedately said you are still thinking about and in a deep connection with a past love?  You are trying to decide whether to have closure or if the book is closed.  And then she said well, you dont need closure because this book isnt finished!  (This is almost EXACTLY what happened with Mattie - btw)....  Picked up 3rd party right away (and her personality... whe actually dug into her a lot, i didnt ask but she was amazed with her b/c shes so manipulative and awful.  Every reader has told me how dark and manipulative her energy is... I can validate it - shes a very angry, negative person).  Anyway, her timelines seemed more realistic to me than others.  She said December is going to be slow because he is still hurt by our break up, shes still in the picture (although hes miserable bc its so volatile) and hes unsure whether Id ever take him back.  That we will communicate but for the next few weeks it will be very casual and not often.  December 20-23 is significant (she described it as "a light" ). I dont record calls.  ANd then she said she felt Feb 19th was a very significant day for us.  We should be back on track by then.  I guess Mattie, Yona and Aries didnt give exact dates so theres could fit in her timeline too!  SHe went into a lot of detail, shes chatty but I LOVED HER!  If you like Mattie you may want to try her at half the price, I think she's equally as gifted! 

Offline poorprincess

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« Reply #27 on: December 01, 2018, 02:31:15 PM »
Wow - is the first thing I will say!  Thank you for telling me about her!  I tt her last night!  Here's what I said (after my name - no BD).  I need a general love read...thats it!  I wanted to give her NO information about my POI, current situation, to see what she first picked up! 

She immedately said you are still thinking about and in a deep connection with a past love?  You are trying to decide whether to have closure or if the book is closed.  And then she said well, you dont need closure because this book isnt finished!  (This is almost EXACTLY what happened with Mattie - btw)....  Picked up 3rd party right away (and her personality... whe actually dug into her a lot, i didnt ask but she was amazed with her b/c shes so manipulative and awful.  Every reader has told me how dark and manipulative her energy is... I can validate it - shes a very angry, negative person).  Anyway, her timelines seemed more realistic to me than others.  She said December is going to be slow because he is still hurt by our break up, shes still in the picture (although hes miserable bc its so volatile) and hes unsure whether Id ever take him back.  That we will communicate but for the next few weeks it will be very casual and not often.  December 20-23 is significant (she described it as "a light" ). I dont record calls.  ANd then she said she felt Feb 19th was a very significant day for us.  We should be back on track by then.  I guess Mattie, Yona and Aries didnt give exact dates so theres could fit in her timeline too!  SHe went into a lot of detail, shes chatty but I LOVED HER!  If you like Mattie you may want to try her at half the price, I think she's equally as gifted!

YAYYYY @Law1974. So gladdd you liked her. She is fast becoming one of my favorites. Dec 5th is my first prediction. <3 Good luck to all !!

Offline tellmewhy

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« Reply #28 on: December 01, 2018, 03:01:49 PM »
I find reading with open-mindedness yields high results. I feel if someone is relevant to you, they will show up in general reading regardless. Except the reader is not real or can't connect to you.
Wow - is the first thing I will say!  Thank you for telling me about her!  I tt her last night!  Here's what I said (after my name - no BD).  I need a general love read...thats it!  I wanted to give her NO information about my POI, current situation, to see what she first picked up! 

She immedately said you are still thinking about and in a deep connection with a past love?  You are trying to decide whether to have closure or if the book is closed.  And then she said well, you dont need closure because this book isnt finished!  (This is almost EXACTLY what happened with Mattie - btw)....  Picked up 3rd party right away (and her personality... whe actually dug into her a lot, i didnt ask but she was amazed with her b/c shes so manipulative and awful.  Every reader has told me how dark and manipulative her energy is... I can validate it - shes a very angry, negative person).  Anyway, her timelines seemed more realistic to me than others.  She said December is going to be slow because he is still hurt by our break up, shes still in the picture (although hes miserable bc its so volatile) and hes unsure whether Id ever take him back.  That we will communicate but for the next few weeks it will be very casual and not often.  December 20-23 is significant (she described it as "a light" ). I dont record calls.  ANd then she said she felt Feb 19th was a very significant day for us.  We should be back on track by then.  I guess Mattie, Yona and Aries didnt give exact dates so theres could fit in her timeline too!  SHe went into a lot of detail, shes chatty but I LOVED HER!  If you like Mattie you may want to try her at half the price, I think she's equally as gifted!

YAYYYY @Law1974. So gladdd you liked her. She is fast becoming one of my favorites. Dec 5th is my first prediction. <3 Good luck to all !!

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« Reply #29 on: December 01, 2018, 04:34:35 PM »
Okay, I have to give Drusilla some more credit here than when I first posted. I went back and listened to our call and she WAS more specific than I remember. She gave a certain kind of sign or insignia she saw on my POI's soldier. The insignia she saw actually exists in his country for a job he could possibly venture for. Pretty cool... She gave me some specific dates coming up soon, so I'm going to wait until those pass before I read with her again and post my results if I have any. But yes. She's very kind and I liked her style. I'll probably be calling again once I see how things manifest this month :) Happy December everyone!