Author Topic: Gut feeling vs. ‘tried and true’  (Read 2732 times)

Offline Hillcam

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Gut feeling vs. ‘tried and true’
« on: November 22, 2018, 02:50:07 PM »
Hey all, out of curiosity, do you normally trust your own intuition and gut feeling, or do you take your trusted advisors word and run with it?

As of right now I’m trying to listen to my tried and true but it’s not working. My gut is telling me they’re wrong.

I’m also wondering if my own negative energy will hinder any possibilities that my gut feeling could be wrong. -_____-


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Re: Gut feeling vs. ‘tried and true’
« Reply #1 on: November 22, 2018, 03:05:31 PM »
Gut feeling. Always go with your gut feeling. But make sure it’s your gut feeling and not fear. Silence your mind and just sit and ask the question. That’s the intuition. It’s calm. Sometimes when my chakras are blocked I can’t tell either. Try doing some chakra cleansing or get some stones and once they’re cleared ask the question to yourself.

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Re: Gut feeling vs. ‘tried and true’
« Reply #2 on: November 22, 2018, 03:16:52 PM »
Gut feeling. Had a reading with  Psychic Readings by Gail a top psychic on this forum she said that when she heard that name first thing she saw was my cousin walking away from me which mean it the end of our relationship she was dead wrong she contact me 4 days later and we make up.

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Re: Gut feeling vs. ‘tried and true’
« Reply #3 on: November 22, 2018, 03:25:26 PM »
Gut feeling. Always go with your gut feeling. But make sure it’s your gut feeling and not fear. Silence your mind and just sit and ask the question. That’s the intuition. It’s calm. Sometimes when my chakras are blocked I can’t tell either. Try doing some chakra cleansing or get some stones and once they’re cleared ask the question to yourself.

Can you explain this more, please?  I am struggling a lot with even knowing my gut feeling anymore....  Zadalia told me that Intuition and Emotions are not the same thing and I understand why she says this but sometimes I cant tell if my gut feelings are just "wishful thinking" or "fears" (when they're negative, which isn't often) or whatever....  Most of my predictions from "most trusted advisors/readers" are to come here soon BUT the longer I wait the more anxious I get and it messes with my head I think!  I would love to learn more about chakra cleansing and how to clear my mind on my own:)  I am okay with moving on at this point and if things do manifest - great, but if not then I think I can handle them. 

Offline Hillcam

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Re: Gut feeling vs. ‘tried and true’
« Reply #4 on: November 22, 2018, 03:25:44 PM »
Gut feeling. Always go with your gut feeling. But make sure it’s your gut feeling and not fear. Silence your mind and just sit and ask the question. That’s the intuition. It’s calm. Sometimes when my chakras are blocked I can’t tell either. Try doing some chakra cleansing or get some stones and once they’re cleared ask the question to yourself.

I think it might be half and half. My gut feeling says that they’re wrong but I’m also AFRAID of how I will feel if time comes to pass and they prove to be wrong. :(

I’ve never tried any sort of chakra cleanse but I am familiar with meditation so maybe I’ll try that after work today to see if it makes me feel any better

Offline Love-33

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Re: Gut feeling vs. ‘tried and true’
« Reply #5 on: November 22, 2018, 03:58:50 PM »
My gut feeling has always been spot on every single time

Offline Hillcam

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Re: Gut feeling vs. ‘tried and true’
« Reply #6 on: November 22, 2018, 04:41:05 PM »
You’re right, I’ve been pretty intuitive my whole life... I guess I was hoping this time my gut feeling and intuition would be wrong 🙄

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Re: Gut feeling vs. ‘tried and true’
« Reply #7 on: November 22, 2018, 05:35:16 PM »
I concur with Love-33.. Your gut feeling is never wrong no matter what you want the answer to be.. I've never once had mine be wrong for me. That's why I'm on the fence of destiny and free will because of my own experiences with my "gut feeling". Please listen to it, I always ignore my gut and make the same mistakes.

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Re: Gut feeling vs. ‘tried and true’
« Reply #8 on: November 22, 2018, 05:38:18 PM »
Gut feeling. Always go with your gut feeling. But make sure it’s your gut feeling and not fear. Silence your mind and just sit and ask the question. That’s the intuition. It’s calm. Sometimes when my chakras are blocked I can’t tell either. Try doing some chakra cleansing or get some stones and once they’re cleared ask the question to yourself.

Can you explain this more, please?  I am struggling a lot with even knowing my gut feeling anymore....  Zadalia told me that Intuition and Emotions are not the same thing and I understand why she says this but sometimes I cant tell if my gut feelings are just "wishful thinking" or "fears" (when they're negative, which isn't often) or whatever....  Most of my predictions from "most trusted advisors/readers" are to come here soon BUT the longer I wait the more anxious I get and it messes with my head I think!  I would love to learn more about chakra cleansing and how to clear my mind on my own:)  I am okay with moving on at this point and if things do manifest - great, but if not then I think I can handle them.

A gut feeling is something you cannot shake off. You can go drinking, you can watch a comedy show, you can be with the best people in a room and have the best food.. But it's that niggling feeling you have when it can't be ignored. A way to know if it's your emotions or gut is what I believe and what another lady told me.. Try and keep busy, and if you're still getting that niggling gut feeling - listen to it.