Author Topic: Do you believe psychics/mediums/empaths can REALLY pick up current feelings?  (Read 8848 times)

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I myself haven't gotten the impressing that the reader feels more unsettled or even struggled.  In fact I have felt the complete opposite like how positive they are of their reading.  The only ones that I want to exclude from that are the fairy tale readers. I had a few of those and they are easy to spot.  Usually a lot of sugar coating around my POI and very confident that my POI will reach out within a short amount of time.  I don't believe my POI will reach out by the end of the year.

It's good that you've got your head screwed on.. I wasn't when I was new to readings, love blind  ::)

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Even though I think QOC has a gift, I think she is very jaded in the love dept. and doesn't like to give positive news...jmo.


I think that is a good assessment of QoC.  I wonder why that is though?  Is it possible that readers can pick up certain energy better?  Maybe QoC ends up reading the more negative energy that a POI is giving off in the moment better.  Which that would cause her to give out more negative predictions.  Because that is really what she is seeing at that moment.

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Even though I think QOC has a gift, I think she is very jaded in the love dept. and doesn't like to give positive news...jmo.


I think that is a good assessment of QoC.  I wonder why that is though?  Is it possible that readers can pick up certain energy better?  Maybe QoC ends up reading the more negative energy that a POI is giving off in the moment better.  Which that would cause her to give out more negative predictions.  Because that is really what she is seeing at that moment.

It can be many different reasons. Some readers are bitter about love after their own personal experiences, some like being negative because usually - 99% of the time, a reader is going to end up being right if they're negative. Not many couples reconcile on a healthy level. Just because a reader is negative, doesn't mean they're amazing IMO.  :-\

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I myself haven't gotten the impressing that the reader feels more unsettled or even struggled.  In fact I have felt the complete opposite like how positive they are of their reading.  The only ones that I want to exclude from that are the fairy tale readers. I had a few of those and they are easy to spot.  Usually a lot of sugar coating around my POI and very confident that my POI will reach out within a short amount of time.  I don't believe my POI will reach out by the end of the year.

It's good that you've got your head screwed on.. I wasn't when I was new to readings, love blind  ::)

I was only that because I was really expecting them all to say my POI wasn't coming back.  It wasn't until after the first one that I talked to that made me wonder how true any of it could be.  In fact I still wished I would of had more say my POI wasn't coming back than all the positive ones.  I think that is one thing that would help me truly move on but with all of them saying my POI coming back makes it tough.  Even my therapist has said my POI will reach out.  Though neither of us know when.  That was something I knew long before I talked to any psychics.  With the psychics it kind of helped affirm the timeframe of possibly when that could happen.  Which is approximately when I have a gut feeling of it as well just because I know my POI well.

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I myself haven't gotten the impressing that the reader feels more unsettled or even struggled.  In fact I have felt the complete opposite like how positive they are of their reading.  The only ones that I want to exclude from that are the fairy tale readers. I had a few of those and they are easy to spot.  Usually a lot of sugar coating around my POI and very confident that my POI will reach out within a short amount of time.  I don't believe my POI will reach out by the end of the year.

It's good that you've got your head screwed on.. I wasn't when I was new to readings, love blind  ::)

I was only that because I was really expecting them all to say my POI wasn't coming back.  It wasn't until after the first one that I talked to that made me wonder how true any of it could be.  In fact I still wished I would of had more say my POI wasn't coming back than all the positive ones.  I think that is one thing that would help me truly move on but with all of them saying my POI coming back makes it tough.  Even my therapist has said my POI will reach out.  Though neither of us know when.  That was something I knew long before I talked to any psychics.  With the psychics it kind of helped affirm the timeframe of possibly when that could happen.  Which is approximately when I have a gut feeling of it as well just because I know my POI well.

Wow, your therapist says stuff like that?! That's crazy, over here that'd be frowned upon and very anti Politically Correct, lol. We are a barmy nation, now  ::) But I feel the same, I never say it because you have to be careful of what you wish for - but sometimes it's easier if they told me he didn't care and wasn't coming back, ha ha. I'm pretty sure she'll be thinking of you, especially where it's Thanksgiving coming up and Xmas..

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I myself haven't gotten the impressing that the reader feels more unsettled or even struggled.  In fact I have felt the complete opposite like how positive they are of their reading.  The only ones that I want to exclude from that are the fairy tale readers. I had a few of those and they are easy to spot.  Usually a lot of sugar coating around my POI and very confident that my POI will reach out within a short amount of time.  I don't believe my POI will reach out by the end of the year.

It's good that you've got your head screwed on.. I wasn't when I was new to readings, love blind  ::)

I was only that because I was really expecting them all to say my POI wasn't coming back.  It wasn't until after the first one that I talked to that made me wonder how true any of it could be.  In fact I still wished I would of had more say my POI wasn't coming back than all the positive ones.  I think that is one thing that would help me truly move on but with all of them saying my POI coming back makes it tough.  Even my therapist has said my POI will reach out.  Though neither of us know when.  That was something I knew long before I talked to any psychics.  With the psychics it kind of helped affirm the timeframe of possibly when that could happen.  Which is approximately when I have a gut feeling of it as well just because I know my POI well.

Wow, your therapist says stuff like that?! That's crazy, over here that'd be frowned upon and very anti Politically Correct, lol. We are a barmy nation, now  ::) But I feel the same, I never say it because you have to be careful of what you wish for - but sometimes it's easier if they told me he didn't care and wasn't coming back, ha ha. I'm pretty sure she'll be thinking of you, especially where it's Thanksgiving coming up and Xmas..

Yeah they did tell me that because we were trying to figure out my POI's actions.  Very hot and cold.  Will say one thing and do the opposite.  Pretty sure being manipulated my friends that cause relationship drama.  So really the actions of my POI generates a type of character profile and that would indicate a possible contact.  So my therapist and I were trying to figure out what I would do at that point.  To help me either move on or figure out what I needed to do in order to keep some of my own individuality and not be manipulated by my POI.

The only thing with Thanksgiving that she will be thinking of me on is the fact that I met her extended family last year.  She told me that was a big deal for her to invite me.  For christmas I really only see the gift I gave her as a big reminder.  It was the meaning behind it and I am sure she still has it.  But the big one is New Years Eve.  That was the night we first met.  I was her kiss that night and we immediately started dating.  It was almost a fairy tale story.  Which is what she wants in life.  So I see that playing the biggest role in her contacting me and ending it with this guy.  Especially considering she met this guy from a dating app.  Not very fairy tale like of a story.

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I myself haven't gotten the impressing that the reader feels more unsettled or even struggled.  In fact I have felt the complete opposite like how positive they are of their reading.  The only ones that I want to exclude from that are the fairy tale readers. I had a few of those and they are easy to spot.  Usually a lot of sugar coating around my POI and very confident that my POI will reach out within a short amount of time.  I don't believe my POI will reach out by the end of the year.

It's good that you've got your head screwed on.. I wasn't when I was new to readings, love blind  ::)

I was only that because I was really expecting them all to say my POI wasn't coming back.  It wasn't until after the first one that I talked to that made me wonder how true any of it could be.  In fact I still wished I would of had more say my POI wasn't coming back than all the positive ones.  I think that is one thing that would help me truly move on but with all of them saying my POI coming back makes it tough.  Even my therapist has said my POI will reach out.  Though neither of us know when.  That was something I knew long before I talked to any psychics.  With the psychics it kind of helped affirm the timeframe of possibly when that could happen.  Which is approximately when I have a gut feeling of it as well just because I know my POI well.

Wow, your therapist says stuff like that?! That's crazy, over here that'd be frowned upon and very anti Politically Correct, lol. We are a barmy nation, now  ::) But I feel the same, I never say it because you have to be careful of what you wish for - but sometimes it's easier if they told me he didn't care and wasn't coming back, ha ha. I'm pretty sure she'll be thinking of you, especially where it's Thanksgiving coming up and Xmas..

Yeah they did tell me that because we were trying to figure out my POI's actions.  Very hot and cold.  Will say one thing and do the opposite.  Pretty sure being manipulated my friends that cause relationship drama.  So really the actions of my POI generates a type of character profile and that would indicate a possible contact.  So my therapist and I were trying to figure out what I would do at that point.  To help me either move on or figure out what I needed to do in order to keep some of my own individuality and not be manipulated by my POI.

The only thing with Thanksgiving that she will be thinking of me on is the fact that I met her extended family last year.  She told me that was a big deal for her to invite me.  For christmas I really only see the gift I gave her as a big reminder.  It was the meaning behind it and I am sure she still has it.  But the big one is New Years Eve.  That was the night we first met.  I was her kiss that night and we immediately started dating.  It was almost a fairy tale story.  Which is what she wants in life.  So I see that playing the biggest role in her contacting me and ending it with this guy.  Especially considering she met this guy from a dating app.  Not very fairy tale like of a story.

I know exactly how you feel, my ex was hot and cold with me, too. Promised me the world, the guy who rushes in at 100mph and rushes out at 100mph lol. It's really frustrating, she more than likely has commitment issues of some kind.

She's definitely gonna be thinking of you at this time of year then, with those markers coming up pretty soon. Hopefully this prompts her to make some form of contact, and I'm sure she will. You never know what's going on behind closed doors I guess, and if she really is happy with this new guy.

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I believe she has some sort of commitment issue.  I think she is scared of it failing instead of it giving it an honest try.

I honestly don't think she is happy with this new guy.  But if you ask my ex that, she will cover it up saying she is.  Need to look for the subtle clues that shows different which I have seen.  From what I know about him he kind of just looks good on paper.  I think he has some huge insecurity issues which causes him to be controlling.  So if I had to guess she is happy for now.  Still in the honeymoon phase at least for another month.  When that fades she will start to fall away from him.

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I believe she has some sort of commitment issue.  I think she is scared of it failing instead of it giving it an honest try.

I honestly don't think she is happy with this new guy.  But if you ask my ex that, she will cover it up saying she is.  Need to look for the subtle clues that shows different which I have seen.  From what I know about him he kind of just looks good on paper.  I think he has some huge insecurity issues which causes him to be controlling.  So if I had to guess she is happy for now.  Still in the honeymoon phase at least for another month.  When that fades she will start to fall away from him.

That's exactly what I was thinking on your situation, wait til the honeymoon period ceases.. If they're both insecure and he's controlling, she's manipulative - that's a very very toxic relationship, I wouldn't worry about them riding off into the sunset tbh Sparky. (Btw, Sparky over here means electrician, haha). Its not gonna alst, and us women have this habit of making out we don't need you and could do better without you when really - we are missing you like hell.

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That's exactly what I was thinking on your situation, wait til the honeymoon period ceases.. If they're both insecure and he's controlling, she's manipulative - that's a very very toxic relationship, I wouldn't worry about them riding off into the sunset tbh Sparky. (Btw, Sparky over here means electrician, haha). Its not gonna alst, and us women have this habit of making out we don't need you and could do better without you when really - we are missing you like hell.

haha there was an electrician where I grew up who had a nickname of sparky. 

Her honeymoon phase tends to go a bit longer than average.  At the end of the year it will 5 1/2 months they will be together.  I do have a feeling that they could get married but it would be not for the right reason which would be it would be very rushed and wouldn't last.  I do think she is missing me and comparing me to this guy.  I know I wasn't a bad bf but I was definitely willing to work out any issues we had.  Not run like she did.  I would say she needs to get rid of the grudge she has for me after the break up.  Which I will say I was not the best person then.  I apologized to her for what I did back in august and she did say she forgave me.  But her actions again are not showing that.  So all that bad stuff needs to get forgotten and that is when I think she will be back.  Not to mention about the stuff coming up.

