Author Topic: Love Nurse 7  (Read 16796 times)

Offline jas

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Re: Love Nurse 7
« Reply #30 on: February 26, 2019, 12:49:24 AM »
Soul she didn't write an opinion, she openly berated Golden's story.  I don't mean this disrespectfully but please read this thread from the beginning and you will see where Golden shared her story.  Then Saw went to Love Nurse's page, copied and pasted Goldens feedback from months ago (which only served to support her story) and stated that the feedback was fake. 

I agree that we don't need to attack but having a blanket statement that whoever left the feedback was a fake is just mean. 

Again, please read from the beginning and this will make more sense.

Offline jas

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Re: Love Nurse 7
« Reply #31 on: February 26, 2019, 12:56:56 AM »
Golden - I like that "hurt people hurt people"

Offline SoulStar1111

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Re: Love Nurse 7
« Reply #32 on: February 26, 2019, 02:29:28 AM »
Jas im well aware of what she said and i did read thread, i suggest you re read what i wrote... there is no excuse to attack others. Two wrongs don’t make right. Im suggesting we focus on our advisor experience as forum is intended not to attack each other. I think in this instance with this advisor everyone has had different experiences mine was bad others were good. She was unethical & unprofessional  to me this is a that is what i go by. Everyone else can choose if they wish to use her or not based on their own judgment.

Offline jas

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Re: Love Nurse 7
« Reply #33 on: February 26, 2019, 02:38:27 AM »
I was speaking of Sawthelight and her attach toward Golden.  As far as the reviews of Love Nurse seems like there is a mixed bag and I see nothing wrong with that.  I called her tonight for the first time based on what I read in here but not certain I really got anything out of it.  I would NEVER put someone down for writing a negative review, but I will speak my mind when I see someone being attacked.

Offline SoulStar1111

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Re: Love Nurse 7
« Reply #34 on: February 26, 2019, 06:25:45 AM »
Still Tired you are spot on ! Advisors  indeed do connect to some not all. And unfortunately ego driven ones like Love Nurse don’t accept this and prefer to blame and try to bully clients into changing reviews rather than acknowledging that they were infact wrong and didn’t connect.
What i find interesting is when you look at the ratings on Keen you see how many readings advisors have conducted and how many actual reviews they have which is alot less. Imagine all those that didn’t leave reviews where no predictions came to pass or worse ones who did leave positive review but predictions were after 2 week period and didn’t happen, but could not update. We never really can know true advisor ratings

Offline Laury7777

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Re: Love Nurse 7
« Reply #35 on: February 26, 2019, 03:00:20 PM »
Call me messy if you will but I only came here to share experiences and what I won’t stand for is shady people being cruel for no reason. Again call me messy but in my mind I’m doing what I feel is right by lett love nurse know since I consider her like a friend who helped me. This is how I feel and my opinion please respect ✊ it as soulstar1111 stressed sooooo heavily about respect 😀

Offline Laury7777

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Re: Love Nurse 7
« Reply #36 on: February 26, 2019, 04:23:11 PM »
@Still tired I never said SoulStar1111 was disrespectful so please do not put words in place that I did not type! I’m not not a mole for anyone I came here to share my experiences and became a witness to cruelty, negativity and rudeness causing thick tension where I immediately felt the need to exit. But after seeing someone bash someone over a child’s death is heartless and inexcusable! It boiled my blood! I honestly don’t see how what I’m saying or feeling can make someone skeptical 🤨 of posting a positive feedback??? So what you’re saying there does not make sense! And me becoming defensive over a reader is something I never do again my issue was about the negativity on a child’s death. Now if you read SoulStar1111 response SHE was defensive everytime some said something positive about their experience and she spoke up when someone had something negative 👎🏽 to say. So she’s the one in full blown defense mode and Sawthelight was just plain out rude! I don’t consider myself a snitch I consider it as me looking out for someone who helped me and was kind! (Which she has been and nothing less since 2015) go find my reviews like sawthelight did I’m sure it’s there! Everything you will read is what I’ve said on here! So again for you to discredit your own feedback because of my feelings along with truths says a lot about you! No one can ever make me discredit my TRUTHFUL EXPERIENCE about something! The only way I would discredit my feedback would be me having some lingering guilt about something pertaining to that feedback. Think about it!  And for you to wonder and not believe I had good experience with her is beyond ignorant and does not make sense! I mean this is what I came here for in the first place to share the good and I did mention love nurse and I started on a bad note! I too left a bad review but took it back because of me almost losing my life like she said would happen ! So I’ve shared the good and bad! What’s there to wonder about? 🤔🤷‍♀️I’m confused on the point you’re making! As far as a coordinated effort to tell people who might take business away from psychics because of being too negative? Dear I don’t know 🤷‍♀️ What you mean in all seriousness because I never once came on this post with negativity or thrown shade because someone expressed a bad experience ! Them being on payroll I know nothing about that either nor do I care! So me showing Love Nurse screenshots and telling who reported her is totally my decision and what I chose to do!
« Last Edit: February 26, 2019, 04:30:39 PM by Laury7777 »

Offline Laury7777

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Re: Love Nurse 7
« Reply #37 on: February 26, 2019, 04:48:46 PM »
Well it just so happened upon me contacting love nurse she stated to me 7 callers had called and told her last night about the thread and soulstar1111 reporting her along with screenshots. She said to me she does remember who soulstar1111 is referring to her with a heavy accent etc. Anywho looks like I was not the first or the second to make her aware and it’s good to know that I was not the only one who felt this way! I truly see now Just because someone is not commenting does not mean they are not watching and looking out

Offline Fidget1028

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Re: Love Nurse 7
« Reply #38 on: February 26, 2019, 04:56:55 PM »
Well it just so happened upon me contacting love nurse she stated to me 7 callers had called and told her last night about the thread and soulstar1111 reporting her along with screenshots. She said to me she does remember who soulstar1111 is referring to her with a heavy accent etc. Anywho looks like I was not the first or the second to make her aware and it’s good to know that I was not the only one who felt this way! I truly see now Just because someone is not commenting does not mean they are not watching and looking out

Who honestly cares whether she knows or not about these posts?? I mean, if she doesn't work for certain people, they won't be going back to her anyway. Seems like a waste of time of time/energy telling her. What is she going to do? Block people who wouldn't read with her anyway?

Offline Fidget1028

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Re: Love Nurse 7
« Reply #39 on: February 26, 2019, 05:48:42 PM »
@Fidget1028 no maybe cast a spell on them (sarcasm)  ::) ::) and no one asked if you cared about anything hun nothing is never a waste of time if you have respect ✊ for something or someone and if not keep on trucking hun ✌️'re a nasty miserable person. It's an honest question. And I'm not your "hun" Love Nurse

Offline Laury7777

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Re: Love Nurse 7
« Reply #40 on: February 26, 2019, 05:58:15 PM »
Seriously 😳 you’re delusional no wonder you need a psychics to help you! I’m not love nurse I was against her too and thought her prediction was batshit crazy at first until it happened  Again read up on my reviews dating back to 2015 my username is the same on there too I was being sarcastic doll and no I know you’re not my hun

Offline persephone

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Re: Love Nurse 7
« Reply #41 on: February 26, 2019, 06:04:33 PM »
Well, I just tried to get a reading with her and after a brief introduction, she blocked me without any explanations. Pretty rude.
Oh well, I guess it wasn't meant to be.
« Last Edit: February 26, 2019, 06:15:13 PM by persephone »

Offline 1goldenjewel

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Re: Love Nurse 7
« Reply #42 on: February 26, 2019, 07:16:23 PM »
I really wish someone could delete this post. It has gotten way out of hand. We are all adults here with our own lives no need to cause all this malice over advisors. I will say this God gives up the choice to love and hate its funny how we will all exercise hate to a higher degree than love. I wish you all the best may we all learn to let love win because it truly conquers all

Offline Fidget1028

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Re: Love Nurse 7
« Reply #43 on: February 26, 2019, 07:21:48 PM »
I really wish someone could delete this post. It has gotten way out of hand. We are all adults here with our own lives no need to cause all this malice over advisors. I will say this God gives up the choice to love and hate its funny how we will all exercise hate to a higher degree than love. I wish you all the best may we all learn to let love win because it truly conquers all

It's not just malice to advisors.

Offline SoulStar1111

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Re: Love Nurse 7
« Reply #44 on: February 27, 2019, 05:05:09 AM »
Im glad Love Nurse knows she should be ashamed of her behaviour and not treat clients like CRAP! But hey guess she gets the last laugh because she took my money and all  I got was abuse!
As for this thread it has gotten out of control. I have nothing further to add!

