Author Topic: Mikki Reno  (Read 41580 times)

Offline misty

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Re: Mikki Reno
« Reply #30 on: November 01, 2011, 08:23:06 PM »
& by the way has Mikki Reno told any of you here that you will be with your SM forever (that he's the one you will be spending the rest of your life with)?

Offline LuckyInLove

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Re: Mikki Reno
« Reply #31 on: November 01, 2011, 08:42:40 PM »
& by the way has Mikki Reno told any of you here that you will be with your SM forever (that he's the one you will be spending the rest of your life with)?

Mikki did not tell me that my SM is the only one. Infact she did say that I would meet someone as well (Aries Sign) sometime close to the end of the year. She did however say that it will take my SM 5 months to come around which would be in the timeline Jan/Feb.

I have noticed that the psychics I made most connection with all I have told me Jan/Feb\Mar 2012 is when my SM and I would be together again.

Seha - from CP - Feb 2012
Rain - from Psychic Power - Feb 2012
Raven - from PS - Feb 2012
Aries Intuition (Kisha) - from Keen - Jan 2012
Sandy Esther - Jan 2012
Mikki Reno - PPN - Feb 2012
Bonneisha - PPN - Feb 2012

These Feb dates are for us to be back again on solid ground but communication (text or email) some have said Oct but most say Nov.

Who knows? The big picture is all for Feb 2012. Keep my fingers crossed! LOL

Offline Synergy

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Re: Mikki Reno
« Reply #32 on: November 01, 2011, 08:49:43 PM »

Mikki told me I would marry someone quirky and a bit "off", and she laughed and said "Yeah, this is the guy."  She seems really confident in her prediction for us.  We'll see by the end of November, as that's when she sees us in a relationship.  Sandy Esther (Keen), Nina (CP), Readings By Sydney (PPN) all gave the same timeframe.

I've called a lot of advisors on PPN.  I'll gather my notes and will post what I thought of each when I have some time later today.   

Offline misty

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Re: Mikki Reno
« Reply #33 on: November 01, 2011, 09:18:54 PM »
but Unluckyinlove, did she say that your SM is the guy you will eventually "end up" with? as in marriage and kids?

Synergy so she was she referring to your SM as "the guy"? I'm real glad shes so confident with your reading.

She told me I would end up married to another person even though me and my Ex will get back together and be together for a long time. Shes the only one out of everyone i spoke to who said I wouldnt end up getting married to him

On another note, Its so weird how so many psychics give us the same time frame...for me the PPN psychics have predicted around New Years, The PS + some of the liveperson psychics got End of October/Thanksgiving time

Offline LuckyInLove

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Re: Mikki Reno
« Reply #34 on: November 01, 2011, 09:37:21 PM »
but Unluckyinlove, did she say that your SM is the guy you will eventually "end up" with? as in marriage and kids?

Synergy so she was she referring to your SM as "the guy"? I'm real glad shes so confident with your reading.

She told me I would end up married to another person even though me and my Ex will get back together and be together for a long time. Shes the only one out of everyone i spoke to who said I wouldnt end up getting married to him

On another note, Its so weird how so many psychics give us the same time frame...for me the PPN psychics have predicted around New Years, The PS + some of the liveperson psychics got End of October/Thanksgiving time

No she told me that I would have a choice between the two men. It would be up to me to make the choice. She felt the other guy would be a perfect fit for me. Tall, dark & balanced ha! My SM is tall, dark & not so balanced financially but the other fella seems to be financially stable but like I said my SM would be back in the picture 5 months down the road.

Offline misty

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Re: Mikki Reno
« Reply #35 on: November 01, 2011, 09:51:04 PM »
seems like a choice of freewill

One thing i noticed, there was a negative comment on her profile left a few days ago, over the weekend it was still there but then on monday or tuesday It was no longer there. I guess PPN psychics have the power to delete negative feedback.

In my reading with her she paused a LOT and hmm'ed a lot. Im not quite sure what to think of her reading atm. I've had better luck with others

Offline LuckyInLove

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Re: Mikki Reno
« Reply #36 on: November 01, 2011, 10:17:11 PM »
Yes PPN has the power to delete negative feedback because I had left a negative feedback for advisor Atrisha on PPN & a few hours later I got an email from PPN support that in exchange for deleting the negative feedback they would refund me my minutes spent with her to speak with another advisor. I think I spoke for 10mins with Atrisha and she was bad. First she started with yes he will comeback & then not sure if he will & its really upto him if he wants & that she cant make him come. I told her I understand that no one can make anyone do anything but what is it that you "see" at the moment & she was just rambling on. So I left a negative feedback & later got an email from PPN support.
Well I wanted my money back so I accepted the offer of the free minutes. LOL

Offline Synergy

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Re: Mikki Reno
« Reply #37 on: November 01, 2011, 10:55:05 PM »
Interesting.  I've spoken with her twice, and I didn't notice her pausing.  She seemed really confident both times.

Ok, here's a rundown of PPN advisors I've spoken with:

Atrisha:  The first PPN advisor I spoke with.  I did not like how much she repeated herself.  She predicts a positive outcome for us, but a prediction for contact did not come to pass within the timeframe she provided.  That's fine with me, but in this case I did ask if he would respond to a letter I wrote.  She said he would do so by that weekend.  Well, not only did he not respond by that date, he didn't do so at all.  I had to finally ask him for a response.

Calister:  She was awful.  Her reading was completely negative, which I would be fine with if she had been accurate about anything else.  She didn't describe my guy, or me, or the situation.  She just said he's not the one, and I won't get married for another 6 years. 

Spiritual Advisor Gemini:  I've spoken with her twice.  The first reading was positive.  She was accurate in her description of my SM and the situation itself.  She sees a positive outcome.  She said we would talk about my letter, and he would want to see me.  This did happen.  When I called her after I broke the date with my SM, she said that this was a wake up call for him and that he will approach me to discuss and start over.  She says this will happen by this weekend.  I doubt this timeframe prediction, but we'll see.

Nesta:  This reader was FABULOUS the first time I called.  I was on the phone with her for awhile because she described my SM, the father of my children, my children, and my mother to a "T"!  It was an excellent connection.  Unfortunately, when I called her back with her 5 free minutes, it was terrible.  She told me the opposite of what she did the first time (just a couple days before).  She said this wasn't the guy for me, even though last time she said that no matter what I do, this is the man I'm going to marry.  It was really odd.

The Grand Charlot:  AWFUL.  I don't know how she has such wonderful feedback.  Maybe we just didn't connect, but she was wrong about everything.  I cut her off quick.

June Starlet:  Did not give a reading.  She basically gave me dating advice.  She was in the process of telling me not to be so available (which isn't the problem at all) and to see other people when I hung up on her. 

Zhanya:  Another advisor who I've spoken with twice because of free minutes.  I actually liked her and felt a connection.  Both her readings were consistent.  This last time I spoke with her, I was actually really upset, and I kept questioning her because I didn't believe her positive outcome.  She explained that no matter what I do, my SM and I will reconnect.  That my impatience and actions are only causing delays, but it is not affecting the outcome.  I like her "matter of fact" style.  She told me we'll be together no matter what.  I'll believe that when I see it.

Readings By Sidney:  I don't know what to say about this guy.  He was asking me a lot of questions, which I HATED, BUT his eventual prediction is inline with other advisors.  He sees us dating again by the end of this month and in a serious  relationship by February of 2012.  He kept talking about how intuitive I am (which I am aware of), but that's not what I wanted to discuss, so I did feel as if he was wasting my time a bit. 

Vallentina Rose:  I called her based on a recommendation on this site.  I liked her a lot.  She was accurate and gave similar timeframes EXCEPT she did say that since I have small children and my SM is in law school, we would not be serious for another 2 years.  I really don't want to do this for another two years, but this actually seems realistic because he will be done with law school in exactly that time. 

Midnight Magical Spirit:  Accurate.  Gave similar predictions regarding getting back together. 

Tulsi Ray:  Extremely confusing (just as some of her feedback says).  She told me we would be together, but then she said there would be someone else early next year (which I've heard before) and that I would have to choose between the two men.  But then she said that she looked 5 years down the line and that my SM would still be in the picture.  She flip flopped quite a bit, but she did seem to be empathic, as she even said things that my SM has expressed before.

Callie:  TERRIBLE.  She asked me his sign, and then said "Oh, he's a womanizer, they all are."  Then when I told her he's in law school, she said there's not another woman because he has no time for it.  She told me I'm a water sign.  When I said, no, she said I was earth.  NO, I'm air!  I'm a Libra!  She was all over the place.  I wouldn't recommend her to my worst enemy!! 

Elaina Jo:  Nice lady.  Her fairytale outcome was in line with other advisors.  I liked that she explained the cards.  She sees a "rebirth" for us, and sees that we have an intense connection. 

Yes, I have called THAT MANY psychics on PPN.  I really feel like this is a destructive addiction, and I need to stop.  They can say whatever they want, but that doesn't mean it's true. 

Offline LuckyInLove

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Re: Mikki Reno
« Reply #38 on: November 01, 2011, 11:06:45 PM »
Don't worry Synergy LOL I have called just as many if not more.

Oh God Callie was horrible! I asked her what she saw about my SM and me & she went oh he left you for another woman ha WRONG! Then she said how long have you been married to your HUSBAND and I said WHAT? I am asking about my ex-BOYFRIEND not HUSBAND! Oh god she was terrible. I told her are you really psychic? She is like I am sorry we just dont connect. I am like yeah woman you got that RIGHT! GOD Awful nothing was right! Please no one call her. Waste of time & money! Thank God I only spoke to her for 3 minutes.

Offline Starrlite

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Re: Mikki Reno
« Reply #39 on: November 02, 2011, 02:56:50 AM »
Mikki Reno didn't tell me I was going to be with my ex forever.  She actually told me that he would be an option for me but she didn't think that he was the one.  She told me that I would be with the man I will marry soon.  So no she is not feeding us all the same story and that's nice to hear.

And if I knew that negative feedback was all it took to get a refund I would have done that for Mehava or something like that.  I called to request a refund but they said they didn't do that.  This is nice to know

Offline misty

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Re: Mikki Reno
« Reply #40 on: November 02, 2011, 03:01:40 AM »
Synergy Glad you liked Vallentina Rose, I tried Elaina Jo too. She said we have an intense relationship too:S She picked up the Two of cups for us. That was the first time someone ever explained the cards to me. I looked it up. Apparently its very rare to get that during a reading. She said that too

We shall see, in the meantime I've been reading a lot about tarot cards to figure out what exactly the cards she picked up mean
« Last Edit: June 04, 2012, 03:03:40 AM by misty »

Offline Synergy

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Re: Mikki Reno
« Reply #41 on: November 02, 2011, 03:20:36 AM »
Oh no, Misty... Elaina Jo told me the same exact thing about the 2 of cups.  :( Now I don't know what to believe. 

Honestly, I don't understand why people would lie and toy with our emotions. I understand that this is supposedly "for entertainment only", but feeding us fairytales is terrible!! 

Offline misty

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Re: Mikki Reno
« Reply #42 on: November 02, 2011, 04:10:19 AM »
hey starrlite. Was she the only one to tell you he's an option and not the one? You read with Bonniesha too right?

Offline misty

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Re: Mikki Reno
« Reply #43 on: November 02, 2011, 04:19:27 AM »
ughhhhhhhhhhh same here, that's the first thing she said to me after I introduced my self and gave her birthdays

Now im a bit obsessive. I read all 76 pages of feedback left on her profile. Except for maybe 1 or 2.. they all say good stuff about her, and most them say her predictions do come true. Some even said if she gives a time frame (which she doesn't like giving) then the prediction usually takes place within the time frame.

When we first spoke that's the first thing she told me, She doesn't give time frames, She doesn't use spirit guides and shes not a Medium. She uses cards and shes an Empath.

Offline Synergy

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Re: Mikki Reno
« Reply #44 on: November 03, 2011, 03:49:23 PM »

Did you like Vallentina Rose because she was similar to other readings you've received, or because she accurately described the situation, or because a prediction has actually come to pass?

I used my 5 free minutes from her last night, and she gave me a prediction that she says should come to pass tomorrow.  The timeframe seems to fast, but I just wanted to know if she's been accurate with predictions/timeframes for you. 

