Author Topic: My personal favorites.  (Read 20854 times)

Offline Caroline

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Re: My personal favorites.
« Reply #15 on: November 19, 2018, 05:16:35 AM »
I read with lady p
The first time she seemed to connect but this year she was asking me a lot of questions
It was like really?

Offline icloud9

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Re: My personal favorites.
« Reply #16 on: November 19, 2018, 05:28:59 AM »
I read with lady p
The first time she seemed to connect but this year she was asking me a lot of questions
It was like really?

Lol That's funny, she never asked me any questions. I dont read with her that often tho. Perhaps once every 2-3 months... I find that she's most helpful when you talk to her once or twice about the same situation and just let things unfold.

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Re: My personal favorites.
« Reply #17 on: November 19, 2018, 08:11:53 AM »
Outcome predictions
I read With zadalia she was okay she made sense but I don’t remember any real predictions
I read with melody Marie and I don’t know if it was true or not - like
I had no way to confirm

Oh lotus
Of light has said stuff that happens

I found LoL so generic and sugarcoater.

Offline Fidget1028

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Re: My personal favorites.
« Reply #18 on: November 19, 2018, 12:25:54 PM »
Lmao...somehow I don't think it's an elite club.

I wasn't saying it was.

Hopefully it will change for both of us.

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Re: My personal favorites.
« Reply #19 on: November 19, 2018, 12:54:13 PM »
Lmao...somehow I don't think it's an elite club.

I wasn't saying it was.

Hopefully it will change for both of us.

Thank you. I hope so, too.

Offline sawthelight

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Re: My personal favorites.
« Reply #20 on: November 19, 2018, 01:59:33 PM »
Love Nurse is a major sugarcoater...tried her years ago.  ugh.

Offline icloud9

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Re: My personal favorites.
« Reply #21 on: November 19, 2018, 08:45:52 PM »
Love Nurse is a major sugarcoater...tried her years ago.  ugh.

Lol now that i think about it more ,i don’t know why i put her on the “on the fence” category, she  def gets put to the list of advisors that  did NOT work for me... I’ve talked to her countless times over the years... and I’ve never seen a single prediction pan out... she has that gift of comforting tho.. whenever there’s a crisis i would call her and she would instantly make mee feel better.. so it’s like that quick fix, and i do love her as a person— a very sweet lady. but as far as her predictions.... NONE have manifested. I don’t know if she just doesn’t work for me or what the issue is. She has so many glowing reviews!

Offline Miss Philosopher

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Re: My personal favorites.
« Reply #22 on: November 26, 2018, 11:50:40 PM »
hello everyone im a newbie here, but I've been a junkie on KEEN for over eight years. I just found this forum and I was pretty hyped about it Lol  I've tried hundreds of psychics on there and I believe I've spent over 30K over the years.. (oops) and have been able to figure out who is real and who isn't. and also who is actually gifted on the "powerful" level versus mediocre. There's layers to these gifts, so I've noticed...and all advisors are different in the way they're gifted and also the way they deliver.
None of the psychics are always 100%.. i think that's what I've come to terms with. to not rely on timing is what i've learned (the hard way ) More often so they're much better at seeing past and present rather than future.
I don't get readings that often anymore (probably 2-3 a month now?) , because i really started to take control of things..and plus, i'm not in a "Heartbroken" mode like i was years ago so i feel the strength within to keep moving forward without anyone telling me what's going to happen.

Here are my personal favorites:

Lady Persephone - the way she can empathically tune into someone's thoughts and feelings is just out of the world.
Sincerity - I like her for the overview of things..not necessarily for the small predictions. Some things have been confirmed.
Joannas Gifts - Straight to the point. Realistic. Very nice lady. She gives you details and numbers for timeframes...They've been usually accurate.
JUDIs inner light - I've called her about like over ten times.... she's not really for predictions but she is good when you want to understand what's going on in your POI's head. but it's not always pleasant because it is their current thoughts and it doesnt always direct you to know what the next step is (and judi said that's psychic so she cant get that info). 80% of the times she has said some things i have been able to verify but the other 20%.. i dont know, it feels made up at times. but overall I like judi.
ASTRO Sarah - It's like talking to your best friend...She sees big pictures as well as small things to look out for.
Shaman Kira - I didnt find her myself, I actually tried her per my friend's recommendation and she was eerie accurate...i didnt tell her anything but she told me something very specific about my POI that no way she could have just guessed. Also got a few things right regarding communication... I was shocked because she was the only one that saw this, amongst other trusted advisors. I also didnt "ask" for this info. it came to her naturally.
Melody Marie- Ive read with her once. in that reading she told me something that didn't really directly answer my question and made no sense, so i disregarded it...but uhm, weeks later it turns out things were playing out exactly she was seeing it. I just didn't understand it at the time but it made sense at the end. I don't feel she's for long term predictions involving timing but i feel she's good for finding your POI's intentions and situations to look out for.

On the fence:
Spiritualist Reader - Okay so, I actually like this woman..but I just wish she was FASTER in her readings...She gave me like an overview of situations ... so far she's been accurate. (of some stuff NOT happening until a certain time frame). But i was disappointed because of the lack of details in the readings. SHe also said something about my health that i should watch out for, but that has not happened yet.. (thank God lol)
I'm in her queue again tho, hoping for some more specific details this time.

Love Nurse 7- she's really nice, she seems to get the present very right...but i dont know about her predictions regarding love. None of them really have panned out for me and i've asked her about different people. Tried her back in 2011. Completely wrong and used psychology. That was my experience.
Ellen Hartwell - I trusted her for a long time (when i was in a vulnerable place) but she was wrong on the MAJOR thing regarding job situation, and this really hurt me.. felt like she was feeding me a fairytale. since then i dont talk to her. but she's a nice lady.
Soul Nagivation -  I've read through the posts on the forum and see that many people like her. I dont know about this woman...she is pretty good at reading the present but she changed her readings after I corrected her on something. also she changed her over all information on two different readings. She confused me to the max. I do believe she has a gift but not for me.

Michele Answers - I felt like she asked my first POI accurately so then I asked about my male best friend (NO romantic interest) and i wanted to see what she picks up regarding our friendship since it'd been awhile since we interacted, and she said he is open to having a relationship with me so just to keep the doors open. Uhm, we've been friends 20+ years and he is married with kids... so I dont know what shes talking about here. This sort of made me question her answers regarding the first POI. So idk. Read with her back in 2013 and I felt she's another one that uses psychology. She was wrong for me as well.

Mystic Raven11- There were maybe like 3 times where her timeframes have happened exactly to a T. but the rest never happened. Also she lacks details in the readings. She is really good at reading the current situations tho...but she just reads cards, not really an empath or psychic, so you can't really ask more in-depth questions looking into someone's heart. Read with her back in 2011 and 2012. She was good with the here and now but not predictions and ended up being wrong.

Did not work for me [ and these are advisors whom I've called MULTIPLE times over the years and built a relationship with]:

Dollwitch - She is unethical and has a high ego. none of her visions have panned out for me. and over the years I have asked her about multiple POIS..and im telling you, NONE of her predictions happened. NONE. When confronted, she is rude and hostile. I spent over a thousand on her....just to pay for the chatter, basically. no bueno. Read with her for 2011 and 2012. Complete crap and gets really defensive about her readings and is so egotistical about them, she just can't be wrong. Well, she was dead wrong for me. I think she may have some sort of an ability but it's definitely not that great.

Faery Lady - I legitimately do not understand how she has a long line of clients every day. ive read with her many times and she was never right for me. Read with her once about current situation back in like June or July. I didn't feel a connection and it was like pulling teeth trying to get any answers. I just basically got "yes/no" so the call was like 5 minutes.

Lady Jenna - I read with her a lot years ago. Positive stuff. None of her predictions came true..
DZigns - Same with Lady Jenna. very kind lady, though.
Lisa Dianne - I love this woman. she is good at describing personalities. but unfortunately none of her predictions ever happened for me.
Clairvoyant Ernest -  Called him during my most vulnerable times bc i had this idea that maybe if I pay this much $ for a reading (he was about $21.99 /minute at the time), it will truly "fix" something. I was WRONG. so wrong.

Shoushaan - Wrong. Read with her back in 2009. Completely wrong.
Mike Pace - 10000% Wrong. Read with him back in 2009 also. Completely wrong.
Erin Shawn - She kept me 'going' bc she told me about the past life pathologies....that sort of messed me up. Ultimately, she was wrong on major predictions. [/size]Read with her back in 2011 and 2012. She was right about a few contact predictions, but anyone could have predicted them based upon historical patterns of contact. She ended up being completely wrong about the rest of it.

Suecreate - fairytale reader...told me my new POI at the time was madly in love with me and I had only known him for like a couple of weeks lol (please) also made me argue with my POI and i felt like sh*t after the reading.

The "wrong" list is actually a LOT longer than what i put together here. This is just a SMALL list of advisors whom I feel is actually worth mentioning...If i see a thread posted by anyone else on other advisors i've tried, I will try to make my input there. I feel like I've read with most of the popular ones...there's still some people I haven't tried (Aries Intuition, for example), and I don't really plan to. Once you find advisors that work for you, it's best to just stick to them.

Also my advice: stay away from advisors who charge like $20 + per minute! that's absolutely absurd. I just cannot wrap my head around it. I feel like even if Jesus came down to give us some invaluable prophecy he wouldn't charge that much. lol [/color]Totally agree with this.

Offline icloud9

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Re: My personal favorites.
« Reply #23 on: November 27, 2018, 04:24:22 AM »

Lol honestly this is like a small fraction of the ACTUAL list of psychics I've tried from KEEN... I just can't remember all and a lot of them are not even on KEEN anymore....

Anybody remember Adam? Love readings by Adam or something.
Him and also... Psychic 777 or something like that, Gosh i can't remember.

Offline jqc103

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Re: My personal favorites.
« Reply #24 on: November 27, 2018, 09:55:06 AM »
Anyone get an email reading from lady p off her website? Is talking to her on the phone usually more accurate?

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Re: My personal favorites.
« Reply #25 on: November 27, 2018, 05:24:43 PM »
Anyone get an email reading from lady p off her website? Is talking to her on the phone usually more accurate?

I don't believe that the method of communication determines the accuracy of a reading. It really comes down to the readers themselves - are THEY accurate or not? The accuracy also is determined by the reader's connection to the customer.
You'll be able to find many threads here on Lady P with a bunch of different feedback. I personally have phenomenal experiences with Lady P (on the phone) but I've also seen people say how she asks a lot of questions etc.

Offline icloud9

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Re: My personal favorites.
« Reply #26 on: November 27, 2018, 05:28:39 PM »
hello everyone im a newbie here, but I've been a junkie on KEEN for over eight years. I just found this forum and I was pretty hyped about it Lol  I've tried hundreds of psychics on there and I believe I've spent over 30K over the years.. (oops) and have been able to figure out who is real and who isn't. and also who is actually gifted on the "powerful" level versus mediocre. There's layers to these gifts, so I've noticed...and all advisors are different in the way they're gifted and also the way they deliver.
None of the psychics are always 100%.. i think that's what I've come to terms with. to not rely on timing is what i've learned (the hard way ) More often so they're much better at seeing past and present rather than future.
I don't get readings that often anymore (probably 2-3 a month now?) , because i really started to take control of things..and plus, i'm not in a "Heartbroken" mode like i was years ago so i feel the strength within to keep moving forward without anyone telling me what's going to happen.

Here are my personal favorites:

Lady Persephone - the way she can empathically tune into someone's thoughts and feelings is just out of the world.
Sincerity - I like her for the overview of things..not necessarily for the small predictions. Some things have been confirmed.
Joannas Gifts - Straight to the point. Realistic. Very nice lady. She gives you details and numbers for timeframes...They've been usually accurate.
JUDIs inner light - I've called her about like over ten times.... she's not really for predictions but she is good when you want to understand what's going on in your POI's head. but it's not always pleasant because it is their current thoughts and it doesnt always direct you to know what the next step is (and judi said that's psychic so she cant get that info). 80% of the times she has said some things i have been able to verify but the other 20%.. i dont know, it feels made up at times. but overall I like judi.
ASTRO Sarah - It's like talking to your best friend...She sees big pictures as well as small things to look out for.
Shaman Kira - I didnt find her myself, I actually tried her per my friend's recommendation and she was eerie accurate...i didnt tell her anything but she told me something very specific about my POI that no way she could have just guessed. Also got a few things right regarding communication... I was shocked because she was the only one that saw this, amongst other trusted advisors. I also didnt "ask" for this info. it came to her naturally.
Melody Marie- Ive read with her once. in that reading she told me something that didn't really directly answer my question and made no sense, so i disregarded it...but uhm, weeks later it turns out things were playing out exactly she was seeing it. I just didn't understand it at the time but it made sense at the end. I don't feel she's for long term predictions involving timing but i feel she's good for finding your POI's intentions and situations to look out for.

On the fence:
Spiritualist Reader - Okay so, I actually like this woman..but I just wish she was FASTER in her readings...She gave me like an overview of situations ... so far she's been accurate. (of some stuff NOT happening until a certain time frame). But i was disappointed because of the lack of details in the readings. SHe also said something about my health that i should watch out for, but that has not happened yet.. (thank God lol)
I'm in her queue again tho, hoping for some more specific details this time.

Love Nurse 7- she's really nice, she seems to get the present very right...but i dont know about her predictions regarding love. None of them really have panned out for me and i've asked her about different people. Tried her back in 2011. Completely wrong and used psychology. That was my experience.
Ellen Hartwell - I trusted her for a long time (when i was in a vulnerable place) but she was wrong on the MAJOR thing regarding job situation, and this really hurt me.. felt like she was feeding me a fairytale. since then i dont talk to her. but she's a nice lady.
Soul Nagivation -  I've read through the posts on the forum and see that many people like her. I dont know about this woman...she is pretty good at reading the present but she changed her readings after I corrected her on something. also she changed her over all information on two different readings. She confused me to the max. I do believe she has a gift but not for me.

Michele Answers - I felt like she asked my first POI accurately so then I asked about my male best friend (NO romantic interest) and i wanted to see what she picks up regarding our friendship since it'd been awhile since we interacted, and she said he is open to having a relationship with me so just to keep the doors open. Uhm, we've been friends 20+ years and he is married with kids... so I dont know what shes talking about here. This sort of made me question her answers regarding the first POI. So idk. Read with her back in 2013 and I felt she's another one that uses psychology. She was wrong for me as well.

Mystic Raven11- There were maybe like 3 times where her timeframes have happened exactly to a T. but the rest never happened. Also she lacks details in the readings. She is really good at reading the current situations tho...but she just reads cards, not really an empath or psychic, so you can't really ask more in-depth questions looking into someone's heart. Read with her back in 2011 and 2012. She was good with the here and now but not predictions and ended up being wrong.

Did not work for me [ and these are advisors whom I've called MULTIPLE times over the years and built a relationship with]:

Dollwitch - She is unethical and has a high ego. none of her visions have panned out for me. and over the years I have asked her about multiple POIS..and im telling you, NONE of her predictions happened. NONE. When confronted, she is rude and hostile. I spent over a thousand on her....just to pay for the chatter, basically. no bueno. Read with her for 2011 and 2012. Complete crap and gets really defensive about her readings and is so egotistical about them, she just can't be wrong. Well, she was dead wrong for me. I think she may have some sort of an ability but it's definitely not that great.

Faery Lady - I legitimately do not understand how she has a long line of clients every day. ive read with her many times and she was never right for me. Read with her once about current situation back in like June or July. I didn't feel a connection and it was like pulling teeth trying to get any answers. I just basically got "yes/no" so the call was like 5 minutes.

Lady Jenna - I read with her a lot years ago. Positive stuff. None of her predictions came true..
DZigns - Same with Lady Jenna. very kind lady, though.
Lisa Dianne - I love this woman. she is good at describing personalities. but unfortunately none of her predictions ever happened for me.
Clairvoyant Ernest -  Called him during my most vulnerable times bc i had this idea that maybe if I pay this much $ for a reading (he was about $21.99 /minute at the time), it will truly "fix" something. I was WRONG. so wrong.

Shoushaan - Wrong. Read with her back in 2009. Completely wrong.
Mike Pace - 10000% Wrong. Read with him back in 2009 also. Completely wrong.
Erin Shawn - She kept me 'going' bc she told me about the past life pathologies....that sort of messed me up. Ultimately, she was wrong on major predictions. [/size]Read with her back in 2011 and 2012. She was right about a few contact predictions, but anyone could have predicted them based upon historical patterns of contact. She ended up being completely wrong about the rest of it.

Suecreate - fairytale reader...told me my new POI at the time was madly in love with me and I had only known him for like a couple of weeks lol (please) also made me argue with my POI and i felt like sh*t after the reading.

The "wrong" list is actually a LOT longer than what i put together here. This is just a SMALL list of advisors whom I feel is actually worth mentioning...If i see a thread posted by anyone else on other advisors i've tried, I will try to make my input there. I feel like I've read with most of the popular ones...there's still some people I haven't tried (Aries Intuition, for example), and I don't really plan to. Once you find advisors that work for you, it's best to just stick to them.

Also my advice: stay away from advisors who charge like $20 + per minute! that's absolutely absurd. I just cannot wrap my head around it. I feel like even if Jesus came down to give us some invaluable prophecy he wouldn't charge that much. lol [/color]Totally agree with this.

Im glad I'm not the only one! lol Especially your comment on Mystic Raven... I know SOOO many like her. She is a wonderful lady, but she's not that accurate. I don't understand the praise.

Offline sawthelight

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Re: My personal favorites.
« Reply #27 on: November 27, 2018, 05:29:25 PM »
Lady P was wrong for me about the outcome of the first POI I called about, but she did get the present stuff, his way of thinking and such, right.

Offline icloud9

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Re: My personal favorites.
« Reply #28 on: November 27, 2018, 05:34:38 PM »
Lady P was wrong for me about the outcome of the first POI I called about, but she did get the present stuff, his way of thinking and such, right.

@Sawthelight Do you mind me asking who was right for you?

Offline sawthelight

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Re: My personal favorites.
« Reply #29 on: November 27, 2018, 05:36:31 PM »
Lady P was wrong for me about the outcome of the first POI I called about, but she did get the present stuff, his way of thinking and such, right.

@Sawthelight Do you mind me asking who was right for you?

On the first POI, I just remember magicsong from bitwine being right that it wouldn't amount to much....I remember her specifically because it was so not what I wanted to hear, and it stuck with me.

