Author Topic: Do you believe psychics/mediums/empaths can REALLY pick up current feelings?  (Read 9118 times)

Offline sawthelight

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@Star1: I'm just going to regurgitate other things that have already been said here by other beautiful souls.

1. It's true that you can have feelings for someone but never act upon it, and/or, delay in acting upon it. There are many reasons for this. It could be that the person feels like an absolute asshole and is too much of a coward to step forward. It could be the person doesn't feel they are ready to give you what you seek and they know it. It could be that the person is wanting to focus on money and career during this phase of their lives and feels a serious relationship would be a distraction and they wouldn't achieve their goals. It could be way too much ego and pride. It could be sooooooooo many things.

2. I have loved a few people deeply but never reached out to them because I wanted them to reach out to me. Perhaps some POI's want the same from us. I think that part really depends on who ended the relationship and why. I definitely wouldn't contact my current one because of how he's treated me. I'd be a fool to do so. So I let him get on with his life and learn his lessons the hard way and if I'm around whenever he is ready, then maybe it'll happen. If not, well then that's just another harsh life lesson for him. However, with another POI I loved him very much and I know he loved me too but we both knew it wasn't going to work out due to cultural issues so we just never contacted one another again. He's now married and has a son and I'm happy for him. I actually still care about that guy but obviously not in the same way I used to.

3. As I've stated before in previous posts, we can also feel one way in this moment and maybe for a year, but then our feelings change. It's sort of like how all of us feel when calling about POIs. In the beginning, feelings are still raw and strong. Over time, with no action, no communication etc........our feelings begin to slowly dissipate and change. Sometimes we lose all feelings and sometimes we just lose the strength of those feelings but still have some lingering feelings. This is specifically why I get readings monthly from two people. If I could afford it, I'd add in Divine Love but she's too expensive lol.

4. There are a TON of fake readers out there. Many more fake than real. So, I'd say, if you have some of the realist that you've read with that typically will say "uh no it's done" and they are telling you something else, maybe consider it. However, it may not happen in YOUR timing. Divine timing is always in control and at play here. Sometimes people have to have other experiences outside of you in order to be able to appreciate you. That may take years. It may take months. No one really knows. I don't think psychics are always given accurate timing due to the fact that A. maybe we aren't supposed to know so that we don't avoid certain situations for the purpose of learning.....and/or B. "time" doesn't exist on the other side.

At the end of the day, you have to go with the here and now. You have to go with what your gut is telling you. You have said many times that your gut is telling you that it's over. However, I feel if you really really felt it was over permanently, you would not still be calling psychics about said person. I feel like you actually feel on a deeper level that there is more to come, but not right now. Ask yourself why you are still calling after all this time. Something in you knows that it isn't the last you've heard from said person. Also, you could very well be picking up his thoughts/emotions for you as well. Remember, everything is an energy. EVERYTHING. Thoughts, emotions, etc. and since we are all connected we will feel them from others whether we are aware of it or not.

This is SO true.  Eventually the lack of effort and the inconsistent behavior gets to us and you find it harder and harder to look past. 

As much as I still have feelings for my most recent POI, the fact that he acted the way he did just tarnished it for me, and I would have a really hard time moving past it even if he did reach out....

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Yes I believe it because it happened to me. An EX did reach out after many years (he wasn’t just an ex more like the love of my life) did we reconcile? I tried but ultamitely no because he is still immature and indecisive.

I think these readings just make harder and harder to let go.

I'm enjoying hearing other's opinions/experiences on this thread.. That's the issue, with long term and deep relationships, sometimes there's too much damage to turn back and things can't ever be the same. Even with really good friends, it's hard to repair the friendship - let alone a relationship, sadly.

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I want to add to this.  I think that there is also outside factors like family and friends that can play a role.  They could be thinking about you and asking them for advice.  They might all be saying don't go back to that person because of x number of reasons.  But to your POI their heart and mind are not agreeing with each other.  They hear what their friends and family say but their heart is telling them different.  So they get conflicted and scared which makes them not want to reach out.

For my current POI I think that is playing a big role.  I talked to a few more psychics and I got all the same thing that she would be coming back and that she is thinking of me.  That she is actually thinking of me quite often.  Not sure how much I believe any of it.  As my own gut can say yes that is true but I also think it is over.  The only thing giving me the most conflict is my own gut feeling is saying yes she will reach out.  Right now it is very deep in the gut but enough there to be noticed.

One more thing I like to mention is that I talked to Effie.  She gave a timeline that was drastically different than the rest.  Effie said that we wouldn't reconcile until around Sept 2019 compared to the rest of basically early spring.  She also mentioned my POI will end her current relationship around Feb/March and then see one more guy before she contacts me.  But the second guy will be really short like a month long.  She also mentioned that we were not life partners but more of a learning lesson.  No one else said that either.

So is she right or the others?  Well my own gut feeling is saying that she will reach out.  As to if we will reconcile.  A lot of that depends on my ex.  I can see her working on it but at the same time it is a big mountain to climb and I could see her just giving up and running away.  That is something that she needs to learn is to stick through the hardships.  I think that as time goes on I will no longer want to be with my ex.  I feel like I am pretty much there now but I won't know what I will do when she contacts me until then.  I could do a complete 180 and take her back.  So I have to ask all of you.  Do you think what the psychic tells you is more of a way to just comfort your heart and mind no matter the outcome?
« Last Edit: November 19, 2018, 08:02:01 PM by sparky »

Offline sawthelight

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I want to add to this.  I think that there is also outside factors like family and friends that can play a role.  They could be thinking about you and asking them for advice.  They might all be saying don't go back to that person because of x number of reasons.  But to your POI their heart and mind are not agreeing with each other.  They hear what their friends and family say but their heart is telling them different.  So they get conflicted and scared which makes them not want to reach out.

For my current POI I think that is playing a big role.  I talked to a few more psychics and I got all the same thing that she would be coming back and that she is thinking of me.  That she is actually thinking of me quite often.  Not sure how much I believe any of it.  As my own gut can say yes that is true but I also think it is over.  The only thing giving me the most conflict is my own gut feeling is saying yes she will reach out.  Right now it is very deep in the gut but enough there to be noticed.

One more thing I like to mention is that I talked to Effie.  She gave a timeline that was drastically different than the rest.  Effie said that we wouldn't reconcile until around Sept 2019 compared to the rest of basically early spring.  She also mentioned my POI will end her current relationship around Feb/March and then see one more guy before she contacts me.  But the second guy will be really short like a month long.  She also mentioned that we were not life partners but more of a learning lesson.  No one else said that either.

So is she right or the others?  Well my own gut feeling is saying that she will reach out.  As to if we will reconcile.  A lot of that depends on my ex.  I can see her working on it but at the same time it is a big mountain to climb and I could see her just giving up and running away.  That is something that she needs to learn is to stick through the hardships.  I think that as time goes on I will no longer want to be with my ex.  I feel like I am pretty much there now but I won't know what I will do when she contacts me until then.  I could do a complete 180 and take her back.  So I have to ask all of you.  Do you think what the psychic tells you is more of a way to just comfort your heart and mind no matter the outcome?

If that was the case, that would be misleading and so damaging in the long run...kind of like just telling us what we want to hear.  I would prefer brutal honesty.

I had a reading over the summer about the recent POI, and she basically said he's totally avoidant of you and he will be back, but don't wait..she ended up being right (well about the avoidant part).  I still don't know what made him turn cold on me...but when he did finally reach out, I ignored.  It made me feel kind of like I took the power back and wasn't going to only settle for his crumbs of time.

If your ex is with someone else, I would do your best to move on..jmo...even though I know it's easier said than done :(

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I want to add to this.  I think that there is also outside factors like family and friends that can play a role.  They could be thinking about you and asking them for advice.  They might all be saying don't go back to that person because of x number of reasons.  But to your POI their heart and mind are not agreeing with each other.  They hear what their friends and family say but their heart is telling them different.  So they get conflicted and scared which makes them not want to reach out.

For my current POI I think that is playing a big role.  I talked to a few more psychics and I got all the same thing that she would be coming back and that she is thinking of me.  That she is actually thinking of me quite often.  Not sure how much I believe any of it.  As my own gut can say yes that is true but I also think it is over.  The only thing giving me the most conflict is my own gut feeling is saying yes she will reach out.  Right now it is very deep in the gut but enough there to be noticed.

One more thing I like to mention is that I talked to Effie.  She gave a timeline that was drastically different than the rest.  Effie said that we wouldn't reconcile until around Sept 2019 compared to the rest of basically early spring.  She also mentioned my POI will end her current relationship around Feb/March and then see one more guy before she contacts me.  But the second guy will be really short like a month long.  She also mentioned that we were not life partners but more of a learning lesson.  No one else said that either.

So is she right or the others?  Well my own gut feeling is saying that she will reach out.  As to if we will reconcile.  A lot of that depends on my ex.  I can see her working on it but at the same time it is a big mountain to climb and I could see her just giving up and running away.  That is something that she needs to learn is to stick through the hardships.  I think that as time goes on I will no longer want to be with my ex.  I feel like I am pretty much there now but I won't know what I will do when she contacts me until then.  I could do a complete 180 and take her back.  So I have to ask all of you.  Do you think what the psychic tells you is more of a way to just comfort your heart and mind no matter the outcome?

It's weird, cos my gut feeling is similar to yours. I don't think that I feel strongly my gut's saying I completely won't hear from this man again online, but I strongly don't believe it logically, if that makes sense? But I know physically I won't ever see him again, in person - For certain. Also, I agree about third parties. His family really liked me, but unless he's bitched about me to them and his friends, making out I'm a bad person and making up stuff about me and the relationship, then obviously they're going to advise him from what they've heard to keep away from me. It depends what he's been telling them (which ofc I'll never find out). But I was close to his parents, so they should know how much I loved him and the issue was never on my end.

And yes - we never really know what we're going to really do once reality hits and the ex does contact us - some of us might actually change our mind on wanting them back, some of us might be beginning to move on and suddenly decide to give things a chance with the ex again or at least be friends.

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That does make sense on it being damaging in the long run.  I want to hear the brutal honest truth.  I think that is why I am so confused on why out of all the psychics I have talked to have all said the same thing.  That my ex is coming back because I just don't see it besides having my gut feelings.  Some psychics that are mentioned on this forum that are quite regularly accurate even said she is coming back with similiar timelines.

I wished I was moved on at this point because I am sick of the hold my ex has on me.

Offline sawthelight

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That does make sense on it being damaging in the long run.  I want to hear the brutal honest truth.  I think that is why I am so confused on why out of all the psychics I have talked to have all said the same thing.  That my ex is coming back because I just don't see it besides having my gut feelings.  Some psychics that are mentioned on this forum that are quite regularly accurate even said she is coming back with similiar timelines.

I wished I was moved on at this point because I am sick of the hold my ex has on me.

I understand, believe me...  I am embarrassed to admit I had a few readings on the most recent POI and they all say he will be back too.  But as of yet, nothing...and I just want to be over him already.  I don't know why it's taking me so long to move on.  I wish there was a switch I could just flip and not feel anything anymore.

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I went to all of the readers who are meant to be blunt because I kept being given positive answers and couldn't believe it.. The blunt ones all still are telling me he has feelings and there will be contact, some were realistic and said that there wouldn't be consistency though, and I'm best off without him or he'll basically drag me down and stop me from achieving my highest potentials in life. They never said it's done and he doesn't care, just he won't be consistent for me. That's why it's a headf- when the "blunt" readers still see positivity, lol.

Offline sawthelight

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I went to all of the readers who are meant to be blunt because I kept being given positive answers and couldn't believe it.. The blunt ones all still are telling me he has feelings and there will be contact, some were realistic and said that there wouldn't be consistency though, and I'm best off without him or he'll basically drag me down and stop me from achieving my highest potentials in life. They never said it's done and he doesn't care, just he won't be consistent for me. That's why it's a headf- when the "blunt" readers still see positivity, lol.

I know, same here, plenty of the more negative ones saw all good things for me damn confusing.  even one i used on my last POI who was accurate and is usually not a sugarcoater.

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I went to all of the readers who are meant to be blunt because I kept being given positive answers and couldn't believe it.. The blunt ones all still are telling me he has feelings and there will be contact, some were realistic and said that there wouldn't be consistency though, and I'm best off without him or he'll basically drag me down and stop me from achieving my highest potentials in life. They never said it's done and he doesn't care, just he won't be consistent for me. That's why it's a headf- when the "blunt" readers still see positivity, lol.

I know, same here, plenty of the more negative ones saw all good things for me damn confusing.  even one i used on my last POI who was accurate and is usually not a sugarcoater.

Yeah, and then it gets confusing when the preds don't come to pass, lol.

Offline sparky

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I went to all of the readers who are meant to be blunt because I kept being given positive answers and couldn't believe it.. The blunt ones all still are telling me he has feelings and there will be contact, some were realistic and said that there wouldn't be consistency though, and I'm best off without him or he'll basically drag me down and stop me from achieving my highest potentials in life. They never said it's done and he doesn't care, just he won't be consistent for me. That's why it's a headf- when the "blunt" readers still see positivity, lol.

I know, same here, plenty of the more negative ones saw all good things for me damn confusing.  even one i used on my last POI who was accurate and is usually not a sugarcoater.

Yeah, and then it gets confusing when the preds don't come to pass, lol.

The only blunt one I got that said she wasn't coming back was QoC but I really feel she is more present than future.  She did nail my POI traits and it does line up with even some of the other readers about why she hasn't reached out yet.  Which she is holding a grudge to me.  The rest were all positive outcomes but I like how you mention your POI will not be consistant.  None of them told me that so that actually improves my gut feeling.  Because it isn't even close to what they told me.  Why is that important?  Because it matches your POI and affirms that they are reading what our POI is feeling.  If it was scripted or cookie cutter you would see a lot of similar posts here about why they are not coming back.

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I went to all of the readers who are meant to be blunt because I kept being given positive answers and couldn't believe it.. The blunt ones all still are telling me he has feelings and there will be contact, some were realistic and said that there wouldn't be consistency though, and I'm best off without him or he'll basically drag me down and stop me from achieving my highest potentials in life. They never said it's done and he doesn't care, just he won't be consistent for me. That's why it's a headf- when the "blunt" readers still see positivity, lol.

I know, same here, plenty of the more negative ones saw all good things for me damn confusing.  even one i used on my last POI who was accurate and is usually not a sugarcoater.

Yeah, and then it gets confusing when the preds don't come to pass, lol.

The only blunt one I got that said she wasn't coming back was QoC but I really feel she is more present than future.  She did nail my POI traits and it does line up with even some of the other readers about why she hasn't reached out yet.  Which she is holding a grudge to me.  The rest were all positive outcomes but I like how you mention your POI will not be consistant.  None of them told me that so that actually improves my gut feeling.  Because it isn't even close to what they told me.  Why is that important?  Because it matches your POI and affirms that they are reading what our POI is feeling.  If it was scripted or cookie cutter you would see a lot of similar posts here about why they are not coming back.

QoC? What a surprise, lol.. And yes, that makes me feel better to hear that perhaps they don't all tell us the exact same things, but women seem to get the "he can't commit/be consistent" line often, with men they tend more to realise that men aren't.. Stupid? I've spoken to guys who had readings on girls and they said that the reader feels a little more unsettled when it's a guy and struggles more?

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I myself haven't gotten the impressing that the reader feels more unsettled or even struggled.  In fact I have felt the complete opposite like how positive they are of their reading.  The only ones that I want to exclude from that are the fairy tale readers. I had a few of those and they are easy to spot.  Usually a lot of sugar coating around my POI and very confident that my POI will reach out within a short amount of time.  I don't believe my POI will reach out by the end of the year.

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Even though I think QOC has a gift, I think she is very jaded in the love dept. and doesn't like to give positive news...jmo. 

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Even though I think QOC has a gift, I think she is very jaded in the love dept. and doesn't like to give positive news...jmo.
