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I read with her today...  I know a few on here have liked her.  So I'd like to knwo your experience with her?  Any predictions come to pass?  Did you feel like she knew your situation well?  Also, did she tell you timing was off for your relationship?  Or that he or she had 1foot in and 1 foot out? 

So I read with Petunia and I really liked her. I felt like she connected with my energy and my person's. No predictions for the immediate timeframe came from her but I  do think I will call her again. Her prediction was to hold on till early next year which is along the lines of many of the others I have read with. She did not tell me the timing was off but that my person had so much in his life with his career and family that was overwhelming him that he couldn't focus on me. (This is true as we work together and I know his projects are crazy and also his brother just passed). She also told me he really adores me and loves my energy and only sees a future  with me.  Hope this helps!!

She made an interesting prediction for my co-worker this month. Ill report back if it happens, but I would be surprised if it does. She gave me some very specific details about other matters to. I quite liked her.

I liked her. She made some predictions for spring of next year which was dead on to Nevada and Jordan’s predictions. I would say she got the present situation correct but to be honest it was so general that anybody could’ve guessed the present situation. I will say this though, she expanded more into next year meaning that she was able to see what my situation would be like exactly one year from now. Fingers crossed I hope she’s right

Well, Petunia was right that my co-worker was harboring some feelings for me. This was a man that several readers saw far out before I entered this job last year. Nathan saw him as helping me transition into the job and also saw him as a romantic interest last year. Petunia said he would "propose" to me in November. I'm happily married, but he did express feelings for me today. No proposal, but I guess she was nearly right in away since I wasnt expecting that from him. I hope no awkwardness ensues at work now....


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