Author Topic: Shaman kiri  (Read 158690 times)

Offline Shubhra

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Re: Shaman kiri
« Reply #450 on: March 04, 2019, 06:13:07 AM »
she used the word i am certain for me in a reading. It was said with a lot of conviction and she said more than twice that she is very very certain about something happening.

Has she said this yo anyone else.

Offline SoulStar1111

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Re: Shaman kiri
« Reply #451 on: March 04, 2019, 10:10:45 AM »
Im glad you posted this Sparkle. I was considering getting a reading with her but this to me sounds like a cold reading and she seems too be feeding off information you had provided. For the rate she charges per minute and seeing several people here state her predictions didn’t come to pass don’t think she is worth me giving ago.
2 things I learned not to read about - Timeframes and Outcomes.

Most readers are like completely wrong with both - like almost 90% (for the exact correct prediction)
Ive found the percentage goes up with readers being more correct on timeframes when it happens within the week or so from the prediction...thats about it lol

I agree. When this is the focus of your reading it is inevitable that you will be disappointed. I generally will ask what a psychic sees coming up.

Offline hope36

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Re: Shaman kiri
« Reply #452 on: March 04, 2019, 01:04:13 PM »
she used the word i am certain for me in a reading. It was said with a lot of conviction and she said more than twice that she is very very certain about something happening.

Has she said this yo anyone else.

She told me, "I know that XYZ will happen between you too". Using I know for a prediction is pretty strong, idk if it'll happen will update if it does. My time frame from her is 6-9,she said june-sep

Offline Sparkle002

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Re: Shaman kiri
« Reply #453 on: March 04, 2019, 02:49:17 PM »
Im glad you posted this Sparkle. I was considering getting a reading with her but this to me sounds like a cold reading and she seems too be feeding off information you had provided. For the rate she charges per minute and seeing several people here state her predictions didn’t come to pass don’t think she is worth me giving ago.
2 things I learned not to read about - Timeframes and Outcomes.

Most readers are like completely wrong with both - like almost 90% (for the exact correct prediction)
Ive found the percentage goes up with readers being more correct on timeframes when it happens within the week or so from the prediction...thats about it lol

I agree. When this is the focus of your reading it is inevitable that you will be disappointed. I generally will ask what a psychic sees coming up.

@Soul - Curious Can you tell me how you arrived at that conclusion?

IMO this wasn’t a Cold reading
1) She picked up the significance of my POIs house with no input from me
2) She saw us working together on a plan - again with no input from me.

Both of the above are true...

Honestly, in the transcript I didnt give her much other than validating what she was seeing - the business part really. Not sure how she fed off of anything else regarding the prediction of the wedding invite, or the “plan”...most of what I said was after what she said to validate what she was seeing.

Anyone else believe Shaman Kira is a cold reader or that my transcript is a cold reading? I’m open to evaltuation - Cold Reading Techniques -

(It’s the first time I tried her and I heard she has consistently been right for a few of my friends friends)

Offline Fidget1028

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Re: Shaman kiri
« Reply #454 on: March 04, 2019, 03:05:39 PM »
Im glad you posted this Sparkle. I was considering getting a reading with her but this to me sounds like a cold reading and she seems too be feeding off information you had provided. For the rate she charges per minute and seeing several people here state her predictions didn’t come to pass don’t think she is worth me giving ago.
2 things I learned not to read about - Timeframes and Outcomes.

Most readers are like completely wrong with both - like almost 90% (for the exact correct prediction)
Ive found the percentage goes up with readers being more correct on timeframes when it happens within the week or so from the prediction...thats about it lol

I agree. When this is the focus of your reading it is inevitable that you will be disappointed. I generally will ask what a psychic sees coming up.

@Soul - Curious Can you tell me how you arrived at that conclusion?

IMO this wasn’t a Cold reading
1) She picked up the significance of my POIs house with no input from me
2) She saw us working together on a plan - again with no input from me.

Both of the above are true...

Honestly, in the transcript I didnt give her much other than validating what she was seeing - the business part really. Not sure how she fed off of anything else regarding the prediction of the wedding invite, or the “plan”...most of what I said was after what she said to validate what she was seeing.

Anyone else believe Shaman Kira is a cold reader or that my transcript is a cold reading? I’m open to evaltuation - Cold Reading Techniques -

(It’s the first time I tried her and I heard she has consistently been right for a few of my friends friends)

I don't think she's a cold reader at all. I didn't give her anything and she was able to pick up what type of occupation my POI had, type of work clothes he wears, and that there are no women at his job. I don't think that's common enough to guess. Now, I can't speak for predictions yet, but she didn't strike me as a cold reader.

Offline ZZ2112

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Re: Shaman kiri
« Reply #455 on: March 04, 2019, 06:28:00 PM »
she used the word i am certain for me in a reading. It was said with a lot of conviction and she said more than twice that she is very very certain about something happening.

Has she said this yo anyone else.

She did tell me in a second reading reaffirming what she said in her first reading that "She really saw". She have "seen" a few current things that I could clarify for e.g my ex proposing to me and physical aspects of the women in his life so I do kinda trust her.


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Re: Shaman kiri
« Reply #456 on: March 04, 2019, 06:59:51 PM »
I never read with kira but that transcript doesn’t sound like a cold read. Sparkle didn’t really give much to go off of and those are kinda random things to throw out.

Offline Sparkle002

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Re: Shaman kiri
« Reply #457 on: March 04, 2019, 07:39:47 PM »
I never read with kira but that transcript doesn’t sound like a cold read. Sparkle didn’t really give much to go off of and those are kinda random things to throw out.

Thanks Ladya! Lol

Offline Sparkle002

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Re: Shaman kiri
« Reply #458 on: March 04, 2019, 07:41:10 PM »
Im glad you posted this Sparkle. I was considering getting a reading with her but this to me sounds like a cold reading and she seems too be feeding off information you had provided. For the rate she charges per minute and seeing several people here state her predictions didn’t come to pass don’t think she is worth me giving ago.
2 things I learned not to read about - Timeframes and Outcomes.

Most readers are like completely wrong with both - like almost 90% (for the exact correct prediction)
Ive found the percentage goes up with readers being more correct on timeframes when it happens within the week or so from the prediction...thats about it lol

I agree. When this is the focus of your reading it is inevitable that you will be disappointed. I generally will ask what a psychic sees coming up.

@Soul - Curious Can you tell me how you arrived at that conclusion?

IMO this wasn’t a Cold reading
1) She picked up the significance of my POIs house with no input from me
2) She saw us working together on a plan - again with no input from me.

Both of the above are true...

Honestly, in the transcript I didnt give her much other than validating what she was seeing - the business part really. Not sure how she fed off of anything else regarding the prediction of the wedding invite, or the “plan”...most of what I said was after what she said to validate what she was seeing.

Anyone else believe Shaman Kira is a cold reader or that my transcript is a cold reading? I’m open to evaltuation - Cold Reading Techniques -

(It’s the first time I tried her and I heard she has consistently been right for a few of my friends friends)

I don't think she's a cold reader at all. I didn't give her anything and she was able to pick up what type of occupation my POI had, type of work clothes he wears, and that there are no women at his job. I don't think that's common enough to guess. Now, I can't speak for predictions yet, but she didn't strike me as a cold reader.

Thanks Fidget lol

Offline Solitude_Soul

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Re: Shaman kiri
« Reply #459 on: March 05, 2019, 03:25:23 AM »
I have read with SK twice and would like to know from the learned members if she is just an empath or an outcome reader as well. She gave me a contact prediction # 2 and said within 2 days when i read with her last Friday and it didn't happen. Is she good at career predictions ? and how accurate is her timing of the events/contact? I would appreciate your response.


Offline Sparkle002

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Re: Shaman kiri
« Reply #460 on: March 05, 2019, 04:46:26 AM »
Well this happened 2 days after the reading lol

thats what he told me this week he has been super busy with business     

but yu guys will talk very soon - im hearing a number 7. so i dont know if you guys usually talk every day but something about a 7...   
within 7 days? lol i am gonna say that, give and take, but i know its gonna be sooner than 7 days.”

However it seems like her contact predictions don’t happen to often for most ppl on this post

Offline Jili1945

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Re: Shaman kiri
« Reply #461 on: March 05, 2019, 05:13:53 AM »
Well this happened 2 days after the reading lol

thats what he told me this week he has been super busy with business     

but yu guys will talk very soon - im hearing a number 7. so i dont know if you guys usually talk every day but something about a 7...   
within 7 days? lol i am gonna say that, give and take, but i know its gonna be sooner than 7 days.”

However it seems like her contact predictions don’t happen to often for most ppl on this post

@Sparkle: I am happy that her contact prediction happened to you but I would like to say, I don't call this "contact prediction". When 2 people are in touch, a contact will happen a few days sooner or later. If the readers could predict contact in complex cases like mine (we've been completely out of contact for over a year, I don't even know he is still alive lol), then I will give them credit. And unfortunately, in my case, ALL of them failed. Absolutely failed.

Offline Sparkle002

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Re: Shaman kiri
« Reply #462 on: March 05, 2019, 05:35:47 AM »
Well this happened 2 days after the reading lol

thats what he told me this week he has been super busy with business     

but yu guys will talk very soon - im hearing a number 7. so i dont know if you guys usually talk every day but something about a 7...   
within 7 days? lol i am gonna say that, give and take, but i know its gonna be sooner than 7 days.”

However it seems like her contact predictions don’t happen to often for most ppl on this post

@Sparkle: I am happy that her contact prediction happened to you but I would like to say, I don't call this "contact prediction". When 2 people are in touch, a contact will happen a few days sooner or later. If the readers could predict contact in complex cases like mine (we've been completely out of contact for over a year, I don't even know he is still alive lol), then I will give them credit. And unfortunately, in my case, ALL of them failed. Absolutely failed.

I totally agree. I was kind of hesitant to post this because of that truth lol

Offline Yt5587

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Re: Shaman kiri
« Reply #463 on: March 06, 2019, 03:47:27 AM »
she used the word i am certain for me in a reading. It was said with a lot of conviction and she said more than twice that she is very very certain about something happening.

Has she said this yo anyone else.

She did tell me in a second reading reaffirming what she said in her first reading that "She really saw". She have "seen" a few current things that I could clarify for e.g my ex proposing to me and physical aspects of the women in his life so I do kinda trust her.

She has said this to me too. She told me “this is something that I SEE. If I see it, it is bound to happen for sure”   

Offline seeker123

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Re: Shaman kiri
« Reply #464 on: March 10, 2019, 02:28:19 AM »
I personally appreciate and am grateful for anyone sharing good or bad reviews/experience about the readers. Otherwise, I would have never known anything about any of these readers in the first place. Of course, there is not one reader who seems to have a perfect record of getting all the predictions right, so the reviews do help immensely.

Just because my was reading was negative, I'm not judging if Kira is right or wrong for me yet. To anyone who is interested, I didn't give her any info. Just asked what was coming up for POI and me. She immediately said she saw an ending and mentioned she did not have context for it though. At that point, I gave the background info. She said she saw a definite ending to whatever we have around Feb/March and it's vital that I don't hold on to any hope. She confirmed that she did not see a reconciliation or a new beginning.

I will definitely post if anything happens in that timeframe.

Just wanted to provide an update to my reading with Kira in Jan. I can now say that she was definitely wrong for me, in fact the exact opposite happened. I had very minimum communication (not personal), with POI over the past year and almost none in the months of Nov thru Jan 2019.  We started having some sort of personal communication in the past 4 weeks though, though nothing romantic, this is definitely personal and much more than what we had the entire 2018. I don't want to post more details, but PM if you need more info.