Author Topic: Shaman kiri  (Read 158800 times)

Offline journalmuse

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Re: Shaman kiri
« Reply #420 on: February 14, 2019, 05:45:11 PM »
I have to be completely honest here. I had a total of 3 readings with her. The last reading I had was this past Saturday and it was ON THE PHONE. Lol. Not chat this time. As far as the bigger picture of was the same in all 3 readings. HOWEVER, in the first reading she told me point blank "This guy does NOT love you. He loves having you available to him". The second reading she said he was calculating some things to see what situation would benefit him the most. But, in this 3rd reading, she said "If I look at him empathically, and was honest with you, I don't think it would be fair to you but I will do it anyway. When I look at him, he does have feelings for you and even thinks of wanting to have a future with you and feels you are the only one he would want to have a future with. But he is not capable of the actions so it just remains thoughts".

So, there you have it. Very different as far as feelings go. Lol. I am not sure if I will call her again or not because she was also COMPLETELY CREEPILY accurate on the current situation itself. So, maybe it's just that this person's feelings change often? Maybe sometimes he feels he really loves me and other times not so much? I mean, we are human and we do change our feelings and thoughts. I know I do and sometimes quite often lol.

So all in all I'm not going to say she's a bad reader because I actually find her quite good with many things. I'm more inclined to think that it is the person she is reading that is fluctuating so much which is why the feelings aspect can be different each time. Just my two cents.
I agree that we fluctuate with how we’re feeling and what not but love doesn’t fluctuate. You either love a person or you don’t. You can’t love a person one day and not the next lol at least not that quickly. Maybe she picked up different aspects of him in all the readings.

I definitely hear what you're saying. I'm not sure if it's that cut and dry though. I mean, sometimes I feel like I love this dude, and sometimes I absolutely despise him. So, my feelings, even of love, really do fluctuate depending upon the person lol. It could be that I love him but don't really want to continue loving him. I'm not sure.

I also have to agree with Fidget here. I think everyone loves in different ways or has their own idea or definition of what love is. Some love is very very self serving, so it's like, they can feel like they love YOU but at the same time, it's more like they either love the idea of you or love what you do for them or love how you make them feel or what you provide for them. They can love some parts of you but not other parts. I mean, I think love is a bit more complicating, for me anyway lol.

I know a lot of people say "love yourself" but isn't that essentially what these other people are doing that are hurting us? They are loving their own selves more. So I'm not even sure what my take on that is at this point either. I know that we should love and respect ourselves enough to not allow anyone to abuse us. I get that part. But loving ourselves to the point where we become completely self serving and self centered is completely different.

I also agree with flyingsoul that there is a difference between love and attachment and I think a lot of us or, maybe our POIs, confuse love with attachment. On the flip side of that, with love comes attachment many times as well so perhaps that is where a lot of confusion also comes in.

I think there is sometimes some subjectivity here, like, my definition of what love is or how I feel it might be different than what yours is or how you feel it, or a psychic's for that matter. I had one psychic tell me, yes this person loves you insomuch as they can love anyone. And I thought that was a curious way to put it, but also kind of revealing of the way a psychic might experience "love." She said yes, this person loved me in the way that people love each other, but that part of it was self-serving. So to her I guess that wasn't what she thought of as "real love." But for the person I was asking about, that was "real love" as they experienced it.

If you are confused, instead of asking - does this person love me? I would ask -- does this person think they love me? Do they consider themselves in love with me? (There is room here for self-deception or a lack of self-awareness, but you see where I am going, and a good psychic would be able to pick up on this too I think.)

Offline Fidget1028

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Re: Shaman kiri
« Reply #421 on: February 14, 2019, 08:42:47 PM »
Thanks journalmuse, that's what I was trying to say. You said it much clearer.

Offline Miss Philosopher

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Re: Shaman kiri
« Reply #422 on: February 14, 2019, 08:56:14 PM »
I agree journalmuse. Very well put. I don't ask if a person loves me or not. I just ask if the person has feelings of any sort, be it good or bad lol. I agree that everyone has their own definitions of what love is and how it should be or is shown. Every human wants something out of it, whether it is to "feel" loved, admired, respected, feel secure, feel comfortable etc. Sometimes a combination of things.

Like in my situation, I know this person is very attached to me, but I do not feel the energy of actual "love" and that may be because I have a certain idea as to how I should feel when loved because I've felt it before. I feel like more of a mother or a guide or a counselor type energy to where I am needed and wanted for certain purposed, but it is not the kind of feeling that I am seeking. Hence why I just feel the need to move on but be there as a friend for said person because I know how scary it is to lose that one person that was always there for you no matter what, especially when you've never had anyone there for you before like that..........which for me, was my dad, but he transitioned over in 2017. That was one of the scariest moments of my life.

I think the ways that we love need to match the ways that our partners love and if it doesn't, then either compromise and understanding is needed on both parts, or it just has to end because that is when it just becomes draining and toxic in my opinion.

Offline Fidget1028

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Re: Shaman kiri
« Reply #423 on: February 14, 2019, 09:05:29 PM »
Exactly. I think it can all be difficult to discern. Toss in mental or emotional impairments and it's a murky mess.

Offline Miss Philosopher

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Re: Shaman kiri
« Reply #424 on: February 14, 2019, 09:24:19 PM »
Exactly. I think it can all be difficult to discern. Toss in mental or emotional impairments and it's a murky mess.

LOL I know right......makes it a thousand times harder. :/

Offline sawthelight

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Re: Shaman kiri
« Reply #425 on: February 15, 2019, 11:02:25 PM »
I think there is sometimes some subjectivity here, like, my definition of what love is or how I feel it might be different than what yours is or how you feel it, or a psychic's for that matter. I had one psychic tell me, yes this person loves you insomuch as they can love anyone. And I thought that was a curious way to put it, but also kind of revealing of the way a psychic might experience "love." She said yes, this person loved me in the way that people love each other, but that part of it was self-serving. So to her I guess that wasn't what she thought of as "real love." But for the person I was asking about, that was "real love" as they experienced it.

If you are confused, instead of asking - does this person love me? I would ask -- does this person think they love me? Do they consider themselves in love with me? (There is room here for self-deception or a lack of self-awareness, but you see where I am going, and a good psychic would be able to pick up on this too I think.)

I agree with this! Love means so many different things to different people and their understanding of it may be really limited by their personal experience and maturity. Sometimes a person *feels* love or *thinks* that they love you but the way they express it is not ever going to be what you want.

Even when you ask different ways though or don't ask about this at all it is highly subjective according to how the psychic sees things. I had readers keep telling me that my ex really loved me and it was very upsetting because the way he was acting was not showing real love at all. He was very hostile towards me and very hurtful. While I can believe he felt love for me and deep down he may have really loved me, his actual behavior was selfish and downright abusive.

There comes a point in life where you realize that what people say, or what they feel or even what they say they feel, doesn't matter so much as what they DO. And most of the time we don't need a psychic to tell us what people are doing, except in rare cases where someone happens to be lying or hiding something and the psychic happens to pick up on it. Otherwise the psychics are usually just giving their personal interpretation of what someone feels. And most of the time if real love is being demonstrated by someone's behavior we are not going to be calling psychics about it!

Yes!!! Amazingly put.

Offline Sparkle002

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Re: Shaman kiri
« Reply #426 on: March 02, 2019, 04:06:58 AM »
I just read with her.

While she didn't validate anything on my present situation - her outlook was like extremely positive between my POI and I and including work we will see....

Offline Johanna317

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Re: Shaman kiri
« Reply #427 on: March 02, 2019, 05:30:53 AM »
I'm not sure about her as of yet. She claimed that my poi hated commitment & that I wouldnt hear from him untill june(but I'd already be in another relationship by that time with someone worthwhile. While he did actually get back to me around a month after my reading. We were actually in a committed relationship but I ended it with him because he avoids getting too serious & wants to move so slow. I told him he now knows what I want & if he doesnt want that too then not to bother contacting me again in the future just to waste my time. As for this new guy we shall see if he ever shows up. My poi I know will come back as he always does but we shall see if he has anything to offer me in loving forward. If he doesnt I'm done. So well see how the rest plays out but she is not 100% accurate or close here but if the rest comes out I'll give her credit

wait..she told me the exact same thing..

Offline kdspirited

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Re: Shaman kiri
« Reply #428 on: March 02, 2019, 06:24:15 AM »
Ok not sure about you guys but she didnt work for me at all. Her predictions didnt come to pass and then her outcome changed totally for me. Last reading she told me to expect communication in a 3. Here is what she said "and then i picked up on something about a thursday, so as ive said - it could mean that you talk tomororw. and then within 3 days from that you talk about getting together."
So this prediction didnt happen at all. There was no communication within 3 and nothing about a thursday came up. Then tonight she said he is distant he is not facing in your direction not sure if the interest is there. Two very opposing predictions.

Offline kitegirl

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Re: Shaman kiri
« Reply #429 on: March 02, 2019, 01:37:48 PM »
I question the readings I had with her too ... when I spoke to her I was very confused by what to do with my POI. I asked her if he was involved with another girl ... she told me yes they are, they are going to have a fling and then he will run back to me when it doesn’t work out!
However, I have now found out the girl I asked about is actually in a long term relationship.
After she informed me on this point (which naturally upset me) she carried on to tell me to completely block him from my life and never see him again.
All of this advice was completely different to what I received from other advisors.
At first I considered listening to this advice but in the end decided not to follow her advice.
Which I am happy in the long run I didn’t, as my poi is now being very attentive, more than she said he would be! And the point on the other girl doesn’t seem to be true!

Offline Jili1945

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Re: Shaman kiri
« Reply #430 on: March 02, 2019, 02:44:09 PM »
Well, what will happen next is one of her supporters replying to ur post to say how she is great and nails a million things for them and is spot on for a million other things.... yet they read with a million other psychics.... or maybe they wont rush to her defense because of my post, lol....
Since im ranting,lol, the other thing that bothers me is to observe psychics hiding on the forum pretending to be just a user. The thing is, they use phrases and terminologies on the forum just the same way they use them during readings which makes it so obvious who they are in the forum... thats not good at all and it bothers me.... they should allow fame to chase after them simply based on talent... they cant see that karma will come collect at an appointed time, but im not into the bashing thing so i wont name who the obvious ones are. I fear this will lead the forum along the path of another forum i know of where 9 out of every 10 reviewers are shills or psychics pretending to b who they r not.

I totally agree with you. It was my guess from the first day that I saw someone defends Kira that much. It was totally fishy and abnormal. Why should someone spend that much of time and energy to fight the others for Sharman Kira?? That's ridiculous, unless that person is Kira herself (or her dependent). If a reader who works for me does not work for another person, that's normal and I just say I am sorry and move on. I would never go in a battle with the others who are mostly waiting for a loved one, frustrated and tired of these reading. It's even far away from humanity. And interestingly, it just happened in this thread for this particular psychic, not for the others. I have not seen someone comes and defends like this from Kisha, Yona, Cookie and so on. It was obvious from the first day that something unusual is happening in this thread and it's not ethical.

Offline diamondcanadian

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Re: Shaman kiri
« Reply #431 on: March 02, 2019, 03:12:27 PM »
She told me Poi would get in contact February.
Nope .

Offline Snow-white8

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Re: Shaman kiri
« Reply #432 on: March 02, 2019, 04:13:48 PM »
Well, what will happen next is one of her supporters replying to ur post to say how she is great and nails a million things for them and is spot on for a million other things.... yet they read with a million other psychics.... or maybe they wont rush to her defense because of my post, lol....
Since im ranting,lol, the other thing that bothers me is to observe psychics hiding on the forum pretending to be just a user. The thing is, they use phrases and terminologies on the forum just the same way they use them during readings which makes it so obvious who they are in the forum... thats not good at all and it bothers me.... they should allow fame to chase after them simply based on talent... they cant see that karma will come collect at an appointed time, but im not into the bashing thing so i wont name who the obvious ones are. I fear this will lead the forum along the path of another forum i know of where 9 out of every 10 reviewers are shills or psychics pretending to b who they r not.

I totally agree with you. It was my guess from the first day that I saw someone defends Kira that much. It was totally fishy and abnormal. Why should someone spend that much of time and energy to fight the others for Sharman Kira?? That's ridiculous, unless that person is Kira herself (or her dependent). If a reader who works for me does not work for another person, that's normal and I just say I am sorry and move on. I would never go in a battle with the others who are mostly waiting for a loved one, frustrated and tired of these reading. It's even far away from humanity. And interestingly, it just happened in this thread for this particular psychic, not for the others. I have not seen someone comes and defends like this from Kisha, Yona, Cookie and so on. It was obvious from the first day that something unusual is happening in this thread and it's not ethical.

This is so weird this is coming up because I've had money leftover in my account on Keen so I was looking around on here as to who I could read with in the future if need be.  I remember seeing Kira get a lot of hype so I decided to start reading the thread from the beginning and I seriously questioned someones post at the time bc energetically I just felt something off as if it was along the lines of what you're saying but I shrugged it off and kept reading.   I never really looked into it too much bc anytime I considered maybe trying her, its like my body said no, and I thought maybe it was just scared of hearing something I don't want to hear but that doesn't happen with other readers everyone talks about being "honest".  Just thought this was interesting to read these now.

Offline Fidget1028

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Re: Shaman kiri
« Reply #433 on: March 02, 2019, 04:59:14 PM »
That happens with any advisor on any thread. I like Kira and she was good for me. I can assure you, I am not her, nor do I have a psychic bone in my body. Her predictions are pending, but I have no idea if they will happen or not. Reading most of the posts on the forum though, there are advisers who work for some and bomb for others. There will always be people who defend their favorites. Some WAY more than others. It's not exclusive to this thread or this adviser. I haven't found a single advisor who works consistently for everyone. Cookie was a total flop for me, but others say she's the only real reader on Keen. To each their own.

Offline Scorpio9227

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Re: Shaman kiri
« Reply #434 on: March 02, 2019, 07:34:13 PM »
I love Sincerity and Lady P. I have spoken to them both recently. Sincerity was actually spot on, maybe a few days off, as to when my POI would contact me and we hadnt spoken for 11 weeks! So I thought that was pretty cool. I mean Kira described my ex perfectly, so she may have just been off today a little. Have you tried Divine love or Barbara4846?

I just had my first reading with Barbara, and to be honest I don’t think i would ever contact her again. She was a nice lady, but nothing she told me made me really feel she was psychic at all. She basically just kept repeating that he loves me but needs patience. Then she kinda flip flopped saying that he is playing cat and mouse with me because of pain from his past (everybody has pain from their past). I kept asking her “when” this reconcile she sees happening will occur and all she could say is March, theb turned around and said that we would separate in March, but ultimately it will work out. Very confusing and honestly just don’t feel we connected .. huge waste of money