Author Topic: Shaman kiri  (Read 158798 times)

Offline seeker123

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Re: Shaman kiri
« Reply #405 on: February 10, 2019, 03:43:51 AM »
I've had 3 readings with Kira over last few months. All readings were quite consistent and delivering a bad news: No reconciliation, no contact, no reconnection anymore. Although this is something that I believe to be close to reality (I am not optimistic at all), it's in total opposite direction of the others' readings. I've read with many including Kisha, Mattie, Effie, Yona, Sincerity, Zadalia, etc and all believe a contact is coming up and we will speak again. Kira is the ONLY person who says NO.
Does anyone have the same experience? That Kira's prediction won't be align with the others?

I think I posted a few pages ago. Kira was the only one to give me bad news among the heavy hitters -  no reconnection, no reconciliation, saw a definite ending in Feb/Mar. Others who saw reconciliation include Yona, Kisha, Ari, Lady P, etc. - Though they saw challenges along the way, were sure that we will reconnect. The timelines differ though. I haven't read with others you have listed above. But would love to read with Mattie sometime.

Offline Jili1945

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Re: Shaman kiri
« Reply #406 on: February 10, 2019, 03:57:12 AM »
@iCloud: thanks for sharing your perspective. I understand she is a strong empath but she does not pick up any feeling of my POI, over all 3 readings. However, she believes nothing will happen eventually and this relationship is over. Considering the fact that she is an empath, do you think her predictions are reliable?

@ Seeker123: Thanks for sharing your experience. Sorry I missed your post. Yeah, ... it's good try Mattie. Her reading for me was totally aligned with the others. However, the predictions are still pending. I recently read with her though.

Offline icloud9

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Re: Shaman kiri
« Reply #407 on: February 10, 2019, 04:04:10 AM »
@iCloud: thanks for sharing your perspective. I understand she is a strong empath but she does not pick up any feeling of my POI, over all 3 readings. However, she believes nothing will happen eventually and this relationship is over. Considering the fact that she is an empath, do you think her predictions are reliable?

@ Seeker123: Thanks for sharing your experience. Sorry I missed your post. Yeah, ... it's good try Mattie. Her reading for me was totally aligned with the others. However, the predictions are still pending. I recently read with her though.

Oh no she's not just an empath, she's also a clairvoyant and a remoteviewer. thats what makes her a practical, reliable reader. she does not make predictions based on emotions alone. she has worked very well for me. i was just saying that she IS an empath too and she does pick up on great detail when there is actually something happening in the situation.
she has told me that she does not pick up on things if it's not relevant/significant to your path. OR, maybe she didn't connect?? can't speak for her. I guess time will tell with you!

Offline Jili1945

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Re: Shaman kiri
« Reply #408 on: February 10, 2019, 04:10:17 AM »
@iClould: thanks for clarification. Yeah, I need to wait ... I'm just confused why she is the only one that cannot pick up anything (And yes, she says it's not relevant). For example, Zadalia always tells a lot about my POI's feeling (past/present). something that I can validate also (past). Thanks anyway and I am happy that she works for you.

Offline Jili1945

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Re: Shaman kiri
« Reply #409 on: February 10, 2019, 04:27:34 AM »
@iCloud: thanks for sharing your perspective. I understand she is a strong empath but she does not pick up any feeling of my POI, over all 3 readings. However, she believes nothing will happen eventually and this relationship is over. Considering the fact that she is an empath, do you think her predictions are reliable?

@ Seeker123: Thanks for sharing your experience. Sorry I missed your post. Yeah, ... it's good try Mattie. Her reading for me was totally aligned with the others. However, the predictions are still pending. I recently read with her though.

I'd read your post before. Just saw that. Sorry ... I'm so confused nowadays. Hope all work out for you.

Offline seeker123

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Re: Shaman kiri
« Reply #410 on: February 10, 2019, 01:09:55 PM »
@iCloud: thanks for sharing your perspective. I understand she is a strong empath but she does not pick up any feeling of my POI, over all 3 readings. However, she believes nothing will happen eventually and this relationship is over. Considering the fact that she is an empath, do you think her predictions are reliable?

@ Seeker123: Thanks for sharing your experience. Sorry I missed your post. Yeah, ... it's good try Mattie. Her reading for me was totally aligned with the others. However, the predictions are still pending. I recently read with her though.

I'm really hoping Kira is wrong for me. Same thing, she didn't talk much about POI's feelings etc. Anyway, I'm waiting for the March timeline, if it ends completely, at least I might finally get my closure to move on.

Offline kitegirl

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Re: Shaman kiri
« Reply #411 on: February 10, 2019, 02:03:46 PM »
hey all, recently I had a couple of readings with SK, i really like her style, feels very down to earth and I could connect and understand her way of talking (felt like chatting to a friend).
But I am very torn between the things she said, it of course was about a POI.
First reading ... she said some positive things, she said he currently isn't looking for a relationship but come the summer time, he will be more ready, but said this doesn't mean it will be with me, but she can feel he will be ready. Which I feel is a fair enough comment, no falst hope. Throughout the chat she told me 'this is a positive reading'.
Second reading... she tells me a lot about how he sees/feels for me, less positive feelings lets say. Without going into too much detail, lets just say she said 'he is using you, because he can' & told me to block him number & to completely ignore him.

To be honest, this isn't an angry review, even the second reading, even if not positive I could completely relate to what she was saying & deep down in my heart agreed with her.

But I am a little confused, how one reading could be seen as positive and then the next to be told to block him? I would have preferred to hear this the first time!

I don't know if anyone else has received these type of messages?

Offline icloud9

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Re: Shaman kiri
« Reply #412 on: February 10, 2019, 06:00:31 PM »
hey all, recently I had a couple of readings with SK, i really like her style, feels very down to earth and I could connect and understand her way of talking (felt like chatting to a friend).
But I am very torn between the things she said, it of course was about a POI.
First reading ... she said some positive things, she said he currently isn't looking for a relationship but come the summer time, he will be more ready, but said this doesn't mean it will be with me, but she can feel he will be ready. Which I feel is a fair enough comment, no falst hope. Throughout the chat she told me 'this is a positive reading'.
Second reading... she tells me a lot about how he sees/feels for me, less positive feelings lets say. Without going into too much detail, lets just say she said 'he is using you, because he can' & told me to block him number & to completely ignore him.

To be honest, this isn't an angry review, even the second reading, even if not positive I could completely relate to what she was saying & deep down in my heart agreed with her.

But I am a little confused, how one reading could be seen as positive and then the next to be told to block him? I would have preferred to hear this the first time!

I don't know if anyone else has received these type of messages?

 My theory for this reading is that you went back to her the second time because perhaps you felt you needed more answers  in regards to your situation  or were hopeful  if anything would be  different..  maybe the first time  said it was a positive read because  although she didn’t give you certain answers about what the future holds for you and your POI if she were to just read the present the whole point should be you and your POI focusing on the present and potentially build more.  But since you went back to her again perhaps you were in too much pain and questioning what was truly happening and perhaps Kira  thought it would be best if you let go altogether.  Kira  not only makes predictions based on how our POI  Will  feel and act, but she also counts in the effect of the situation on ourselves. She sees it if something is good for us or not worthy at all. She had no problem telling me my ex fiancé - despite his endless pleading- was not good for my path at all. She’s never the type to tell someone to wait just because a reading said so. She wants to empower you. She’s a true coach.

Offline doubleoh8

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Re: Shaman kiri
« Reply #413 on: February 11, 2019, 04:04:03 AM »
hey all, recently I had a couple of readings with SK, i really like her style, feels very down to earth and I could connect and understand her way of talking (felt like chatting to a friend).
But I am very torn between the things she said, it of course was about a POI.
First reading ... she said some positive things, she said he currently isn't looking for a relationship but come the summer time, he will be more ready, but said this doesn't mean it will be with me, but she can feel he will be ready. Which I feel is a fair enough comment, no falst hope. Throughout the chat she told me 'this is a positive reading'.
Second reading... she tells me a lot about how he sees/feels for me, less positive feelings lets say. Without going into too much detail, lets just say she said 'he is using you, because he can' & told me to block him number & to completely ignore him.

To be honest, this isn't an angry review, even the second reading, even if not positive I could completely relate to what she was saying & deep down in my heart agreed with her.

But I am a little confused, how one reading could be seen as positive and then the next to be told to block him? I would have preferred to hear this the first time!

I don't know if anyone else has received these type of messages?

 My theory for this reading is that you went back to her the second time because perhaps you felt you needed more answers  in regards to your situation  or were hopeful  if anything would be  different..  maybe the first time  said it was a positive read because  although she didn’t give you certain answers about what the future holds for you and your POI if she were to just read the present the whole point should be you and your POI focusing on the present and potentially build more.  But since you went back to her again perhaps you were in too much pain and questioning what was truly happening and perhaps Kira  thought it would be best if you let go altogether.  Kira  not only makes predictions based on how our POI  Will  feel and act, but she also counts in the effect of the situation on ourselves. She sees it if something is good for us or not worthy at all. She had no problem telling me my ex fiancé - despite his endless pleading- was not good for my path at all. She’s never the type to tell someone to wait just because a reading said so. She wants to empower you. She’s a true coach.

I have an alternate theory -- which is just a theory, so see how it feels for you. Perhaps SK is, at least in part, reading your own thoughts and feelings about the situation. You said that deep down you felt she could be right for the second call. And for the first that you felt her comment was 'fair'. Did your own intuition or perspective change between the first and second reading?

The reason I ask is because I think a lot of readers, including the best ones, often pick up our thoughts, feelings, fears and intuitions, including the subconscious ones below the surface. I also think readers can confuse those thoughts for reality. In fact, someone posted about this just yesterday. I don't have that post in front of me, but the gist was that when they call in an optimistic mood the readings are often positive and when they are pessimistic the readings are negative (at least I think that's what it suggested). I know that's happened to me, and even Cookie has read a strong desire as something that is likely to come to fruition. (Last time I called her I was fixated on the idea of buying a house that I thought a friend might put up for sale. She said "yes, there is a strong possibility that will happen. It will just fall into place in February." Well, it's Feb now and I am not even close to in a financial position to buy that house, nor is my friend considering selling it. As soon as I stopped focusing on it, it stopped coming into readings, whereas when I was thinking about it a few readers picked it up.)

In a way it's all connected in that our own intuition is probably telling us what we need to know anyway, plus what we focus on can manifest... But I'm curious to know (if you feel like sharing) what you think about the idea that perhaps SK was picking up what your intuition (or fear etc) was saying, and that's why the information shifted.

Offline Jili1945

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« Reply #414 on: February 13, 2019, 08:08:20 AM »
I'm going to go ahead and strike her off my list.

She's done a major flip-flop on me and I felt like my last few readings with her she was just referring to earlier transcripts and making judgements off of what she already said, which only fits the situation if you look at it from a very very negative slant..

I felt like she was reading more off of my fears/anxieties than what is actually going on..

E.g., she kept saying that me and POI would be "friendly" again in June... like we would become friends again..but that I should move on and not think about him. When in my first reading with her it was all sunshine and rainbows and you get what you want from this guy etc. etc.

But the thing is he's not not "friendly" and we're still very close, he still asks to spend time with me every day and we talk everyday. He's just a little more emotionally aloof than he was before but we had a conversation last month about having more boundaries with each other so him being a bit more restrained make sense...

What other readers that I trust have said just makes more sense to me/fits in with my own intuition better. I really think she's just better for one reading one time and leave it at that because she hasn't given me a fresh reading since the first one. It's been all "What I said before" "I told you" and has gotten progressively negative

And icloud - before you come in with some twisted theory I really don't care.

I 100% agree with you. Last night I was going over my last 3 readings with her and I found them totally inconsistent, totally different outcome each time. She is the ONLY one who delivers all these bad news to me and as you said what the others are saying makes much more sense (based on some evidence). And the point is that all others are aligned. Yona, Mattie and Kisha's readings are well aligned with each other even in tiny details, and some of their predictions have already happened and so I believe them. Now on, she is off my list too.
Thanks for sharing your experience.

Offline Miss Philosopher

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Re: Shaman kiri
« Reply #415 on: February 14, 2019, 02:38:31 AM »
I have to be completely honest here. I had a total of 3 readings with her. The last reading I had was this past Saturday and it was ON THE PHONE. Lol. Not chat this time. As far as the bigger picture of was the same in all 3 readings. HOWEVER, in the first reading she told me point blank "This guy does NOT love you. He loves having you available to him". The second reading she said he was calculating some things to see what situation would benefit him the most. But, in this 3rd reading, she said "If I look at him empathically, and was honest with you, I don't think it would be fair to you but I will do it anyway. When I look at him, he does have feelings for you and even thinks of wanting to have a future with you and feels you are the only one he would want to have a future with. But he is not capable of the actions so it just remains thoughts".

So, there you have it. Very different as far as feelings go. Lol. I am not sure if I will call her again or not because she was also COMPLETELY CREEPILY accurate on the current situation itself. So, maybe it's just that this person's feelings change often? Maybe sometimes he feels he really loves me and other times not so much? I mean, we are human and we do change our feelings and thoughts. I know I do and sometimes quite often lol.

So all in all I'm not going to say she's a bad reader because I actually find her quite good with many things. I'm more inclined to think that it is the person she is reading that is fluctuating so much which is why the feelings aspect can be different each time. Just my two cents.


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Re: Shaman kiri
« Reply #416 on: February 14, 2019, 03:04:06 AM »
I have to be completely honest here. I had a total of 3 readings with her. The last reading I had was this past Saturday and it was ON THE PHONE. Lol. Not chat this time. As far as the bigger picture of was the same in all 3 readings. HOWEVER, in the first reading she told me point blank "This guy does NOT love you. He loves having you available to him". The second reading she said he was calculating some things to see what situation would benefit him the most. But, in this 3rd reading, she said "If I look at him empathically, and was honest with you, I don't think it would be fair to you but I will do it anyway. When I look at him, he does have feelings for you and even thinks of wanting to have a future with you and feels you are the only one he would want to have a future with. But he is not capable of the actions so it just remains thoughts".

So, there you have it. Very different as far as feelings go. Lol. I am not sure if I will call her again or not because she was also COMPLETELY CREEPILY accurate on the current situation itself. So, maybe it's just that this person's feelings change often? Maybe sometimes he feels he really loves me and other times not so much? I mean, we are human and we do change our feelings and thoughts. I know I do and sometimes quite often lol.

So all in all I'm not going to say she's a bad reader because I actually find her quite good with many things. I'm more inclined to think that it is the person she is reading that is fluctuating so much which is why the feelings aspect can be different each time. Just my two cents.
I agree that we fluctuate with how we’re feeling and what not but love doesn’t fluctuate. You either love a person or you don’t. You can’t love a person one day and not the next lol at least not that quickly. Maybe she picked up different aspects of him in all the readings.

Offline Fidget1028

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Re: Shaman kiri
« Reply #417 on: February 14, 2019, 04:10:15 AM »
Ok, I will chime in. I want to be clear that this isn't in defense of Kira. My experience is that she's a good remote viewer. She did get some things in my situation that she couldn't have guessed. But I haven't had a prediction come to pass. I don't have any reason to think it will, but who knows. For the record, I haven't had ANY predictions regarding my POI happen for ANY reader at this point.
Regarding the love thing though, I can attest that there are different definitions of love. It's not as easy as they love you or they don't. There is self serving love. They can "love" you and believe it's love, but it can be about what they are getting out of it. My ex husband was a perfect example of this. He will tell everyone to this day that he still loves me. But it wasn't romantic, caring, respectful love. He wanted to be taken care of. There was no concern at all for me. I was his means to an end. No one with any heart would define that as love except him.

Offline Flyingsoul

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Re: Shaman kiri
« Reply #418 on: February 14, 2019, 04:27:01 AM »
Ok, I will chime in. I want to be clear that this isn't in defense of Kira. My experience is that she's a good remote viewer. She did get some things in my situation that she couldn't have guessed. But I haven't had a prediction come to pass. I don't have any reason to think it will, but who knows. For the record, I haven't had ANY predictions regarding my POI happen for ANY reader at this point.
Regarding the love thing though, I can attest that there are different definitions of love. It's not as easy as they love you or they don't. There is self serving love. They can "love" you and believe it's love, but it can be about what they are getting out of it. My ex husband was a perfect example of this. He will tell everyone to this day that he still loves me. But it wasn't romantic, caring, respectful love. He wanted to be taken care of. There was no concern at all for me. I was his means to an end. No one with any heart would define that as love except him.

I think your ex-husband was speaking about attachment, not love, may be. When we used to be somebody, the love somehow become an attachment, some of them attachment with love, some not, unfortunately. But most important, you need to love yourself more :)

Offline Miss Philosopher

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Re: Shaman kiri
« Reply #419 on: February 14, 2019, 05:37:19 PM »
I have to be completely honest here. I had a total of 3 readings with her. The last reading I had was this past Saturday and it was ON THE PHONE. Lol. Not chat this time. As far as the bigger picture of was the same in all 3 readings. HOWEVER, in the first reading she told me point blank "This guy does NOT love you. He loves having you available to him". The second reading she said he was calculating some things to see what situation would benefit him the most. But, in this 3rd reading, she said "If I look at him empathically, and was honest with you, I don't think it would be fair to you but I will do it anyway. When I look at him, he does have feelings for you and even thinks of wanting to have a future with you and feels you are the only one he would want to have a future with. But he is not capable of the actions so it just remains thoughts".

So, there you have it. Very different as far as feelings go. Lol. I am not sure if I will call her again or not because she was also COMPLETELY CREEPILY accurate on the current situation itself. So, maybe it's just that this person's feelings change often? Maybe sometimes he feels he really loves me and other times not so much? I mean, we are human and we do change our feelings and thoughts. I know I do and sometimes quite often lol.

So all in all I'm not going to say she's a bad reader because I actually find her quite good with many things. I'm more inclined to think that it is the person she is reading that is fluctuating so much which is why the feelings aspect can be different each time. Just my two cents.
I agree that we fluctuate with how we’re feeling and what not but love doesn’t fluctuate. You either love a person or you don’t. You can’t love a person one day and not the next lol at least not that quickly. Maybe she picked up different aspects of him in all the readings.

I definitely hear what you're saying. I'm not sure if it's that cut and dry though. I mean, sometimes I feel like I love this dude, and sometimes I absolutely despise him. So, my feelings, even of love, really do fluctuate depending upon the person lol. It could be that I love him but don't really want to continue loving him. I'm not sure.

I also have to agree with Fidget here. I think everyone loves in different ways or has their own idea or definition of what love is. Some love is very very self serving, so it's like, they can feel like they love YOU but at the same time, it's more like they either love the idea of you or love what you do for them or love how you make them feel or what you provide for them. They can love some parts of you but not other parts. I mean, I think love is a bit more complicating, for me anyway lol.

I know a lot of people say "love yourself" but isn't that essentially what these other people are doing that are hurting us? They are loving their own selves more. So I'm not even sure what my take on that is at this point either. I know that we should love and respect ourselves enough to not allow anyone to abuse us. I get that part. But loving ourselves to the point where we become completely self serving and self centered is completely different.

I also agree with flyingsoul that there is a difference between love and attachment and I think a lot of us or, maybe our POIs, confuse love with attachment. On the flip side of that, with love comes attachment many times as well so perhaps that is where a lot of confusion also comes in.

