I haven’t been on here but I just wanted to swing by to update that as of the first of this month I am officially in a relationship with my POI
Kira said by April we’d be fully together but it obviously happened much earlier! (and I’m not complaining about that lol) she was accurate about the weird period lasting until january tho- i just didn’t expect the turnaround to be so drastic!!

oh, we’re actually moving in together in April so perhaps she saw a specific change in the energy and made a prediction based off of that. She did use the term - “full blown relationship by April”. so perhaps she meant a significant involvement.
She didn’t specifically see us moving in together tho lol, (So i do believe she doesn’t always see EVERYTHING). I am quite shocked by this myself! - us moving in together!! I think perhaps I created this for myself because I sort of initiated this idea. he is looking to get away to where his ex cant find him I offered him to live with me in one of my apartments, and surprisingly he was very positive about my offer…BUT, she WAS correct that he would possibly move in with a male temporarily before his lease ends in April. he’s arranging some things at his cousin’s place. ALSO, a random prediction was also accurate - about his “ex” trying to contact me. so I’ve had incidents where I’d get calls from a blocked number. Well, this past weekend, another one came and I had my guy answer. it was silent for about 3 seconds and when my guy said “Hello” again a female voice said “hello? what the f*ck” and then she hung up. so yes, it was validated that indeed, it was THAT EX that was trying to reach me. I dont know how she got a hold of my number, but i plan on changing my number. Him and I are really happy:) Guess who’s really angry right now. My Ex-fiance. lmao.
so here is my outcome, that panned out! This certainly has not been a fairytale. I’ve been involved with this guy for about a year and there was a separation period where I almost got into another relationship (which clearly did not work out) during that period. Definitely a lot of ups and downs but my patience paid ofF!!! and most importantly, positivity

All of my go-to’s were correct btw. And quite a few that were wrong, too. I’ll maybe come back another day to make a post on that. Good luck everyone! Keep the positive thoughts!! Wish you all happiness!