Author Topic: Shaman kiri  (Read 158697 times)

Offline seeker123

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Re: Shaman kiri
« Reply #360 on: January 30, 2019, 01:22:17 AM »
I personally appreciate and am grateful for anyone sharing good or bad reviews/experience about the readers. Otherwise, I would have never known anything about any of these readers in the first place. Of course, there is not one reader who seems to have a perfect record of getting all the predictions right, so the reviews do help immensely.

Just because my was reading was negative, I'm not judging if Kira is right or wrong for me yet. To anyone who is interested, I didn't give her any info. Just asked what was coming up for POI and me. She immediately said she saw an ending and mentioned she did not have context for it though. At that point, I gave the background info. She said she saw a definite ending to whatever we have around Feb/March and it's vital that I don't hold on to any hope. She confirmed that she did not see a reconciliation or a new beginning.

I will definitely post if anything happens in that timeframe.

Offline Fidget1028

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Re: Shaman kiri
« Reply #361 on: January 30, 2019, 01:44:43 AM »
Definitely keep us posted.

I'm still on the fence with Kira, but I remain optimistic. She sees communication in "2" and that he starts missing me after January. It was kind of cryptic. She said she doesn't see reconciliation as of now. She does see increased communication. One thing I can say is that "if" there is communication, it has to be from him. I have already decided that. He knows the door is cracked open. I won't do anything else. I can't see him taking the leap and contacting me for anything other than a hope of reconciliation. He knows that there will be some level of conflict/confrontation/discomfort in us talking. Things ended with a lot of unanswered questions and some not so nice arguments. The easy path (which is his MO) would be to leave things as they are and just let it go. So I can't see him reaching out just to "catch up". I mean, why bother if you don't want anything else? So, we'll see. The "2" could be 2 months/March which actually aligns with Kisha, who is much more optimistic about the whole thing. I keep thinking they are both wrong and I will hear nothing. Only time will tell, but I will also update should anything happen.

Offline Jili1945

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Re: Shaman kiri
« Reply #362 on: January 30, 2019, 03:59:42 AM »
@iCloud: First of all, thanks for sharing your perspective. I just came back from work and saw so many comments here, and unfortunately don't have enough time to go through all of them right now. Just regarding one part of your message I have a comment that might help:

You said:

"And the story didn’t even make sense. Not talking to someone for months and then get back with eachother literally RIGHT AWAY after you reach out? 🤔 Well That doesn’t make sense to me. Or perhaps, my background in law & criminal justice makes me over analyze everything and I just react right away when something sounds weird."

Honestly, I don't really understand which part does not make sense to you and what made you think that I am lying. Why should I do that? 2 people reconciled after several months disconnection. Is that unusual? No, It happens very often. Is it against law and justice? Of course not.

And more importantly, how do you know who are these 2 people who I am talking about? I said POI - as here is a public forum and I cannot disclose everything, just for the sake of privacy and I am sure readers read here. These 2 could be mother and son, two girl friends, two brothers, two colleagues, and so on. Everybody has his/her own problems. Not all is seeking out of ex-husband or ex-boyfriend.

Anyway, I am happy that Kira works for you. Her (negative) prediction for me is still pending. I keep posted if it happens (God forbid!).

Offline Beesa

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Re: Shaman kiri
« Reply #363 on: January 30, 2019, 04:37:02 AM »

I'm kind of on the fence about reading with someone using shaman in their name, its like saying grand master or something. Glad she works for a lot of people tho.

Offline kdspirited

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Re: Shaman kiri
« Reply #364 on: January 30, 2019, 05:06:13 AM »
I read with her recently she told me she sees communication between my POI and me in a 3 she clarified it is 3 days not weeks or months and then she sees a thursday and it feels like we will have multiple communications and in one of them there will be an invitation to get together. But then she says I do see you getting together but I will have to see how it goes. So far in 3 days there has not been any significant communication. We work together so we always say hi and hello thats been the extent of it nothing out of the ordinary.

Offline Yt5587

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Re: Shaman kiri
« Reply #365 on: January 30, 2019, 03:04:21 PM »
Tomorrow is the 31st. Past two readings she saw communication specifically in January. It has not occurred

Offline Apalm831

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Re: Shaman kiri
« Reply #366 on: January 31, 2019, 02:18:07 AM »
I read with her last week about a new boyfriend. We were already a serious couple and he was saying the ‘L’ word. He even went so far as to buy me a new motorcycle when mine had been stolen
When I asked about him she said she saw nothing serious and she heard the word ‘disappointment’

I told her our status and she apologized saying she was wrong and refunded me. A few days later out of the blue, he dumped me for no good reason. I was totally blindsided but she was actually right.

Offline sparky

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Re: Shaman kiri
« Reply #367 on: January 31, 2019, 02:30:56 AM »
I read with her last week about a new boyfriend. We were already a serious couple and he was saying the ‘L’ word. He even went so far as to buy me a new motorcycle when mine had been stolen
When I asked about him she said she saw nothing serious and she heard the word ‘disappointment’

I told her our status and she apologized saying she was wrong and refunded me. A few days later out of the blue, he dumped me for no good reason. I was totally blindsided but she was actually right.

I have to say that is pretty awesome but at the same time sucks.  Great that she predicted it being a disappointment but she also doesn't see out very far.  So he could come back.

The more important question is did you have to return the bike?

Offline Fidget1028

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Re: Shaman kiri
« Reply #368 on: January 31, 2019, 02:42:23 AM »
I read with her last week about a new boyfriend. We were already a serious couple and he was saying the ‘L’ word. He even went so far as to buy me a new motorcycle when mine had been stolen
When I asked about him she said she saw nothing serious and she heard the word ‘disappointment’

I told her our status and she apologized saying she was wrong and refunded me. A few days later out of the blue, he dumped me for no good reason. I was totally blindsided but she was actually right.

Wow. Just wow. And yeah, fuck that shit, I really hope you kept the bike. I'm so sorry Apalm. Hope you're doing ok...


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Re: Shaman kiri
« Reply #369 on: January 31, 2019, 02:53:36 AM »
I read with her last week about a new boyfriend. We were already a serious couple and he was saying the ‘L’ word. He even went so far as to buy me a new motorcycle when mine had been stolen
When I asked about him she said she saw nothing serious and she heard the word ‘disappointment’

I told her our status and she apologized saying she was wrong and refunded me. A few days later out of the blue, he dumped me for no good reason. I was totally blindsided but she was actually right.

Wow. Just wow. And yeah, fuck that shit, I really hope you kept the bike. I'm so sorry Apalm. Hope you're doing ok...

I would’ve left it outside his house lol. If you ain’t in my life I don’t want anything that belongs to you either. Or Burn it lolll

Offline Dnj1984

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Re: Shaman kiri
« Reply #370 on: January 31, 2019, 03:04:28 AM »
Prayers Apalm! Hopeful the universe brings lots of joy in the coming months. ❤️

Offline LAW1974

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Re: Shaman kiri
« Reply #371 on: January 31, 2019, 03:14:00 AM »
@#Apalm - Im sorry girl -- that blows, and for the record, Id keep the bike if were voting

Offline Apalm831

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Re: Shaman kiri
« Reply #372 on: January 31, 2019, 05:46:31 AM »
I read with her last week about a new boyfriend. We were already a serious couple and he was saying the ‘L’ word. He even went so far as to buy me a new motorcycle when mine had been stolen
When I asked about him she said she saw nothing serious and she heard the word ‘disappointment’

I told her our status and she apologized saying she was wrong and refunded me. A few days later out of the blue, he dumped me for no good reason. I was totally blindsided but she was actually right.

I have to say that is pretty awesome but at the same time sucks.  Great that she predicted it being a disappointment but she also doesn't see out very far.  So he could come back.

The more important question is did you have to return the bike?

It was a gift given to me. It’s in my name. It’s a bit awkward but it’s, technically, mine now. Sooooo...I guess I’m keeping it? Meh.

Offline hope36

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Re: Shaman kiri
« Reply #373 on: January 31, 2019, 06:40:41 PM »
Is she only on keen or does she have her own website? Looks like I can only "chat later" now. She is offline now, but if she is online, can you call her as well or only chat?

Offline Fidget1028

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Re: Shaman kiri
« Reply #374 on: January 31, 2019, 06:50:19 PM »
Is she only on keen or does she have her own website? Looks like I can only "chat later" now. She is offline now, but if she is online, can you call her as well or only chat?

She's chat only. I don't know if she has her own site. If you email her, she'll send you a free minute and tell you when she's around.