Author Topic: Shaman kiri  (Read 158801 times)

Offline Dnj1984

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Re: Shaman kiri
« Reply #390 on: February 04, 2019, 02:07:00 AM »
That’s awesome ❤️

Offline icloud9

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Re: Shaman kiri
« Reply #391 on: February 04, 2019, 02:08:12 AM »
I do  think she has a gift and gives loads of info. I also like how honest and direct she is, however for me she was wrong. I chatted with her this past week after having a fallout with someone. She said he would circle back within 3 weeks or in march, she also said it wouldn't be a direct contact, like it would be something through social media leading our energies back to each other. First off I don't have social media and neither does he. He also text me the day after I chatted with her.....she also said a lot of crap about how he would be involved with two women casually when he circles back.

Now, I do think she is right about this off/on situation and how it will eventually not lead to something stable and lasting, and I will get tired of it as I already feel that way, but she mentioned a lot of things where to me I didn't feel she fully connected. I do think she is able to pick up certain things about people, but like mentioned earlier in the thread she sort of focuses on specific things and makes predictions based on that. She did however mention since the situation is 'volatile', that things are 'ambiguous' and timelines are difficult to pin down.

I am on the fence about her. I could see how her delivery and blunt approach could make people anxious. On the other hand I felt her to be empowering and even though my POI sent a text, I feel strong enough to ignore him as he's caused me a lot of pain and things could never be stable. Overall I feel like she gets the big picture, but perhaps off on the small things and timelines. In my case though, this dude is extremely unpredictable and impulsive, I'm always surprised when any reader can pick up anything on him...

I do agree that she doesn't always see "everything" but she sees significant events that actually show movement. The things that come to her are things that are "important". So when she talked about the 3 or March for you she could have been talking about something else that has not transpired yet. IMO, she's an overall big picture reader. I hope you and your POI figure it out :(


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Re: Shaman kiri
« Reply #392 on: February 04, 2019, 02:08:13 AM »
I haven’t been on here but I just wanted to swing by to update that as of the first of this month I am officially in a relationship with my POI :)
Kira said by April we’d be fully together but it obviously happened much earlier! (and I’m not complaining about that lol)  she was accurate about the weird period lasting until january tho- i just didn’t expect the turnaround to be so drastic!! :) oh, we’re actually moving in together in April so perhaps she saw a specific change in the energy and made a prediction based off of that. She did use the term  - “full blown relationship by April”. so perhaps she meant a significant involvement.
She didn’t specifically see us moving in together tho lol, (So i do believe she doesn’t always see EVERYTHING). I am quite shocked by this myself! - us moving in together!! I think perhaps I created this for myself because I sort of initiated this idea.  he is looking to get away to where his ex cant find him I offered him to live with me in one of my apartments, and surprisingly he was very positive about my offer…BUT, she WAS correct that he would possibly move in with a male temporarily before his lease ends in April. he’s arranging some things at his cousin’s place. ALSO, a random prediction was also accurate - about his “ex” trying to contact me. so I’ve had incidents where I’d get calls from a blocked number. Well, this past weekend, another one came and I had my guy answer. it was silent for about 3 seconds and when my guy said “Hello” again a female voice said “hello? what the f*ck” and then she hung up.  so yes, it was validated that indeed, it was THAT EX that was trying to reach me. I dont know how she got a hold of my number, but i plan on changing my number.  Him and I are really happy:) Guess who’s really angry right now. My Ex-fiance. lmao.

so here is my outcome, that panned out! This certainly has not been a fairytale. I’ve been involved with this guy for about a year and there was a separation period where I almost got into another relationship (which clearly did not work out) during that period. Definitely a lot of ups and downs but my patience paid ofF!!! and most importantly, positivity :).
All of my go-to’s were correct btw. And quite a few that were wrong, too. I’ll maybe come back another day to make a post on that. Good luck everyone! Keep the positive thoughts!! Wish you all happiness!

congrats icloud!!

Offline Fidget1028

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Re: Shaman kiri
« Reply #393 on: February 04, 2019, 02:15:40 AM »
I haven’t been on here but I just wanted to swing by to update that as of the first of this month I am officially in a relationship with my POI :)
Kira said by April we’d be fully together but it obviously happened much earlier! (and I’m not complaining about that lol)  she was accurate about the weird period lasting until january tho- i just didn’t expect the turnaround to be so drastic!! :) oh, we’re actually moving in together in April so perhaps she saw a specific change in the energy and made a prediction based off of that. She did use the term  - “full blown relationship by April”. so perhaps she meant a significant involvement.
She didn’t specifically see us moving in together tho lol, (So i do believe she doesn’t always see EVERYTHING). I am quite shocked by this myself! - us moving in together!! I think perhaps I created this for myself because I sort of initiated this idea.  he is looking to get away to where his ex cant find him I offered him to live with me in one of my apartments, and surprisingly he was very positive about my offer…BUT, she WAS correct that he would possibly move in with a male temporarily before his lease ends in April. he’s arranging some things at his cousin’s place. ALSO, a random prediction was also accurate - about his “ex” trying to contact me. so I’ve had incidents where I’d get calls from a blocked number. Well, this past weekend, another one came and I had my guy answer. it was silent for about 3 seconds and when my guy said “Hello” again a female voice said “hello? what the f*ck” and then she hung up.  so yes, it was validated that indeed, it was THAT EX that was trying to reach me. I dont know how she got a hold of my number, but i plan on changing my number.  Him and I are really happy:) Guess who’s really angry right now. My Ex-fiance. lmao.

so here is my outcome, that panned out! This certainly has not been a fairytale. I’ve been involved with this guy for about a year and there was a separation period where I almost got into another relationship (which clearly did not work out) during that period. Definitely a lot of ups and downs but my patience paid ofF!!! and most importantly, positivity :).
All of my go-to’s were correct btw. And quite a few that were wrong, too. I’ll maybe come back another day to make a post on that. Good luck everyone! Keep the positive thoughts!! Wish you all happiness!

So happy for you icloud!!!

Offline Miss Philosopher

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Re: Shaman kiri
« Reply #394 on: February 04, 2019, 02:24:40 AM »
@icloud: That is super awesome! Congratulationssssssss!!!!!!!!!!! Sending you positive vibes for a good future with you and your man <3

Offline Yt5587

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Re: Shaman kiri
« Reply #395 on: February 04, 2019, 02:25:37 AM »
Yayy iCloud!! So happy for you! ❤️😘

Offline KotaSwan

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Re: Shaman kiri
« Reply #396 on: February 04, 2019, 08:17:21 AM »
congratulations!!!! very happy for you <3

Offline Sabrinap

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Re: Shaman kiri
« Reply #397 on: February 06, 2019, 12:05:16 AM »
Hmm Erika on PO did predict some things for me a while back- 12 days, weeks or 12 months- it's been 12 months and things are slowly- very slowly starting to shift. Not sure if I can say the prediction is infoling just YET- but feels good so far!

Offline KotaSwan

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Re: Shaman kiri
« Reply #398 on: February 07, 2019, 07:39:41 AM »
Hmm Erika on PO did predict some things for me a while back- 12 days, weeks or 12 months- it's been 12 months and things are slowly- very slowly starting to shift. Not sure if I can say the prediction is infoling just YET- but feels good so far!

and this is not a post about Erika or PO! please pay attention when posting

Offline Shubhra

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Re: Shaman kiri
« Reply #399 on: February 07, 2019, 05:36:10 PM »
Sending you a lot of healing and positive vibes that this works out for the best for you❤️.

Thanks .

Offline newone1

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Re: Shaman kiri
« Reply #400 on: February 08, 2019, 10:59:20 PM »
When is she usually on?

Offline Jili1945

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Re: Shaman kiri
« Reply #401 on: February 09, 2019, 07:25:56 AM »
When is she usually on?

She is now online.

Offline Jili1945

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Re: Shaman kiri
« Reply #402 on: February 09, 2019, 07:33:10 AM »
When is she usually on?

She is also available tomorrow, 2/9.

Offline Jili1945

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Re: Shaman kiri
« Reply #403 on: February 10, 2019, 03:26:22 AM »
I've had 3 readings with Kira over last few months. All readings were quite consistent and delivering a bad news: No reconciliation, no contact, no reconnection anymore. Although this is something that I believe to be close to reality (I am not optimistic at all), it's in total opposite direction of the others' readings. I've read with many including Kisha, Mattie, Effie, Yona, Sincerity, Zadalia, etc and all believe a contact is coming up and we will speak again. Kira is the ONLY person who says NO.
Does anyone have the same experience? That Kira's prediction won't be align with the others?

Offline icloud9

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Re: Shaman kiri
« Reply #404 on: February 10, 2019, 03:36:03 AM »
thank you everyone you guys are so positive and supportive, really appreciate everyone's love!! I truly believe that your predictions will unfold also - dont worry if your predictions have not taken place - she's more of an outcome reader. she sees the big picture.

Hey @Jill1945 I really liked what @dascallie had to say about Kira vs Others on "The Vent" section under "Negative Outcome Readings Getting in Your Head" !!! it's interesting tho because kira is a strong empath so she does get FEELINGS of the POI, but she reads very very matter-of-fact...and not necessarily basing off of emotions which can be untrustworthy when it comes to deciding what the next action/move will be. I find her to be highly reliable.

