Author Topic: Shaman kiri  (Read 159108 times)

Offline Fidget1028

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Re: Shaman kiri
« Reply #330 on: January 23, 2019, 04:47:17 AM »
Well I’m so happy to have spent 100$ last night listening to her tell me that he’s not ready for a relationship but things will change if I’m patient and well get closer etc, for him to turn around today and say he doesn’t think it will work In the long run due to things ...

So they’re all wrong.

Yona said that there would be a tower card “ things won’t go exactly to plan but you’ll see each other again. It’s a small tower” Hmm pretty sure we won’t ,

So they’re all wrong. Every single one I’ve spoken to. Even psychic Ari who I had faith in

I’m sorry you say this, it’s completely unrealistic to believe you’ll never speak to or hear from ex again. Didn’t this boards just post a news article that said most exes return? Sorry about your issue but I don’t doibt he will come back and you’re judging a bunch of people on something that hasn’t played out yet even knowing this was coming.

If in 4 mo you haven’t heard from him please update and I’ll eat my words.

I agree with @Jhuskindle. Just because someone says something that may sound final it doesn't always mean THAT'S THE END of it all. Life is full of twists and turns....Hell, I even find myself changing my mind on stuff a few times and catch myself in the midst of confusion. I am not sure what other readers you talked to but if SK said he wasnt ready for a relationship now it doesn't sound like she was wrong at all, actually? Maybe you need to let things play out and be patient and your POI will be back. I am sorry you are feeling upset, but maybe you need to revise your transcripts in a more calm state. And the way you said about what Yona said - it looks like that small tower could indicate a little minor this one you are going through right now, but things can always change for the better.

So true. Kira said I'll meet with my POI, but it won't be the closure I'm looking for. I don't even KNOW what I'm looking for anymore. My whole opinion of the situation changes every few minutes. That's why I don't call anymore and I'm letting things just play out. It will happen the way it's supposed to.

Offline diamondcanadian

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Re: Shaman kiri
« Reply #331 on: January 23, 2019, 04:53:51 AM »
Sorry I’ll clarify. He told me today that he DOES want a relationship and that he feels that it won’t be with me because he doesn’t feel we have enough In common and he didn’t want to Lead me on if there wasn’t enough there . He said at his age he doesn’t want to waste time because he knows what he’s looking for .

Sorry I didn’t add that . So he is ready ... that’s what I meant .

All these ones I’ve spoken to say he isn’t ready etc but it seems like he is based on what he said .

« Last Edit: January 23, 2019, 04:56:53 AM by Kristinajt »

Offline icloud9

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Re: Shaman kiri
« Reply #332 on: January 23, 2019, 04:59:22 AM »
Sorry I’ll clarify. He told me today that he DOES want a relationship and that he feels that it won’t be with me because he doesn’t feel we have enough In common and he didn’t want to Lead me on if there wasn’t enough there . He said at his age he doesn’t want to waste time because he knows what he’s looking for .

Sorry I didn’t add that . So he is ready ... that’s what I meant .

All these ones I’ve spoken to say he isn’t ready etc but it seems like he is based on what he said .

Maybe he feels you guys don't know eachother that well yet and that's where "the need for patience" comes from. You really never know what can happen.

Offline jhuskindle

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Re: Shaman kiri
« Reply #333 on: January 23, 2019, 04:59:57 AM »
That sounds quite sad and upsetting but you were literally told something might happen that throws this off, by a highly reviewed psychic, and thta you guys come out of it, so let’s see what happens, I’d say so far so good.

Offline diamondcanadian

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Re: Shaman kiri
« Reply #334 on: January 23, 2019, 05:03:46 AM »
That sounds quite sad and upsetting but you were literally told something might happen that throws this off, by a highly reviewed psychic, and thta you guys come out of it, so let’s see what happens, I’d say so far so good.

I trust Yona the most because Yona’s last reading Came true, it’s just I can’t see how he will come back after our conversation tonight , which was obviously more long winded than what I wrote here .

Yona is the one that said chemistry, make a big impact on each other and then the tower card said an unexpected setback , she said it was small and I do see him again . So we’ll see , I’ll eat my hat if she’s right though .

But the rest who say he wasn’t ready ,.. that’s disappointing to hear when actually he just wasn’t feeling it

Offline Fidget1028

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Re: Shaman kiri
« Reply #335 on: January 23, 2019, 05:22:06 AM »
That sounds quite sad and upsetting but you were literally told something might happen that throws this off, by a highly reviewed psychic, and thta you guys come out of it, so let’s see what happens, I’d say so far so good.

I trust Yona the most because Yona’s last reading Came true, it’s just I can’t see how he will come back after our conversation tonight , which was obviously more long winded than what I wrote here .

Yona is the one that said chemistry, make a big impact on each other and then the tower card said an unexpected setback , she said it was small and I do see him again . So we’ll see , I’ll eat my hat if she’s right though .

But the rest who say he wasn’t ready ,.. that’s disappointing to hear when actually he just wasn’t feeling it

Keep your head up. Maybe they're wrong. Maybe not. Maybe what he said to you wasn't completely honest. We just don't know until it plays out. I would go with what he said for now, but remember that people have changes of heart all the time. Be kind to yourself. The universe has a way of creating the right path for us.

Offline sawthelight

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Re: Shaman kiri
« Reply #336 on: January 23, 2019, 10:44:13 AM »
Sorry I’ll clarify. He told me today that he DOES want a relationship and that he feels that it won’t be with me because he doesn’t feel we have enough In common and he didn’t want to Lead me on if there wasn’t enough there . He said at his age he doesn’t want to waste time because he knows what he’s looking for .

Sorry I didn’t add that . So he is ready ... that’s what I meant .

All these ones I’ve spoken to say he isn’t ready etc but it seems like he is based on what he said .

I’m so sorry this happened. How heartbreaking.

But please PLEASE listen to what he is telling you, not the readers. Move on from this guy if you can. Don’t be like so many of us that hold on for years to a guy who doesn’t want us.

Offline Yt5587

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Re: Shaman kiri
« Reply #337 on: January 23, 2019, 11:19:13 AM »
Hi Kristina,

So sorry to hear what happened. I don’t know your situation and I don’t know how long you’ve dated, how serious it was etc., however what I do know is that when you met your poi and started dating in the beginning...whatever relationship you had then, is how compatible you guys really are. Whether you’re on good terms or not right now. That’s how you determine it. So, if it was strong, amazing, felt right... then the best thing you can do right now is listen to what he is saying and let him go. Save your money. Do A LOT of self care and self love and try to find it in yourself to say: I’m fine even if he doesn’t come back. Yes, most of the time they do return sometimes 5 weeks 5 months 5 years lol not that I’m saying he’s coming back in 5 yrs. It took me two years to be able to sincerely say: id love it if he did but I’m totally ok if there’s someone better for me. I feel like it makes it harder when they’re not assholes lmao. My ex told me I wanna take this career path and Just be alone. He said: We just want different things....
 a few months later when he was moving for his job to another state he goes: my quality of life has significantly dropped since you moved out. If our paths cross again, I wouldn’t be opposed to trying. And then he kissed me goodbye
But so anyways, I watched a lot of self help stuff on YouTube and read many books. Called a lottt of psychics. (Ugh) and now I’m finally like, im actually happy with just being me. Im open to a serious relationship with another guy. It feels so good to let go of resistance.
I know this is still fresh for you but just focus on yourself, if you guys had a strong connection, he’s going to feel this shift and start wondering. Hope this helps. If you have any questions or wanna vent more you can PM me :)

Offline diamondcanadian

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Re: Shaman kiri
« Reply #338 on: January 23, 2019, 01:15:59 PM »
Thanks for your messages . I appreciate it . I see him nearly everyday due to “ other factors” he was talking about so we’ll see how this goes lol.

Funny thing is abundant visions finally got hold of her last night after being in queue for ages . Typical. I had 30$ so I knew it would be wasted if I didn’t use it.

She saw reconciliation and got the number 1. Said that was one day, one week or the 1st. Said is going to think about the conversation and come back. Hmm. We shall see.

Also said ex will be back like others have said.

Also couldn’t 1 be 1 month or 1 year ? Like why just those three options...interesting

Offline seeker123

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Re: Shaman kiri
« Reply #339 on: January 29, 2019, 01:47:59 AM »
What time is she usually available for chatting on Keen?

Offline sparky

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Re: Shaman kiri
« Reply #340 on: January 29, 2019, 01:51:54 AM »
What time is she usually available for chatting on Keen?

She is online right now for chat

Offline seeker123

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Re: Shaman kiri
« Reply #341 on: January 29, 2019, 03:06:04 AM »
What time is she usually available for chatting on Keen?

She is online right now for chat

Thank you, just chatted with her. Don't know what to think. This is the first time I got a negative reading from one of the popular (or) recommended readers. She saw a definite ending to our relationship, she didn't even see a chance at reconnection.

Yona, Kisha, Leanne, Ari, Lady P, Will, etc., - Though saw challenges along the way, were sure that we will reconnect, though the timelines are not clear. And I was sure that it would happen, only a matter of when he will come forward.

I would have felt heartbroken with this reading, but I don't know, just feeling numb at this point I guess. Maybe it will hit me hard tomorrow. Probably, she is only one right at the end.

Offline Dnj1984

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Re: Shaman kiri
« Reply #342 on: January 29, 2019, 03:37:36 AM »
Seeker! Don’t say that.. it will work out.
Stay strong ❤️

Offline Jili1945

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Re: Shaman kiri
« Reply #343 on: January 29, 2019, 04:40:36 AM »
What time is she usually available for chatting on Keen?

She is online right now for chat

Thank you, just chatted with her. Don't know what to think. This is the first time I got a negative reading from one of the popular (or) recommended readers. She saw a definite ending to our relationship, she didn't even see a chance at reconnection.

Yona, Kisha, Leanne, Ari, Lady P, Will, etc., - Though saw challenges along the way, were sure that we will reconnect, though the timelines are not clear. And I was sure that it would happen, only a matter of when he will come forward.

I would have felt heartbroken with this reading, but I don't know, just feeling numb at this point I guess. Maybe it will hit me hard tomorrow. Probably, she is only one right at the end.

Don't worry at all! Kira said the same to my friend a couple of days ago. She cried all over night after chatting with her. Kira warned her to not contact with her POI because he won't get back to her, she said even don't try it. Last night my friend decided to reach out her POI after falling out and several months disconnection. She was afraid because of Kira's advice, but she finally did. Do you know what happened?? YES, they reconciled today and now she is thrilled. She is on cloud nine!!! They had a great time together this morning. I am so happy for them.

Kira said the same to me recently although all others said we do reconnect, eventually. After my friend's story, I tried to stay positive :)

Offline icloud9

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Re: Shaman kiri
« Reply #344 on: January 29, 2019, 04:53:41 AM »
What time is she usually available for chatting on Keen?

She is online right now for chat

Thank you, just chatted with her. Don't know what to think. This is the first time I got a negative reading from one of the popular (or) recommended readers. She saw a definite ending to our relationship, she didn't even see a chance at reconnection.

Yona, Kisha, Leanne, Ari, Lady P, Will, etc., - Though saw challenges along the way, were sure that we will reconnect, though the timelines are not clear. And I was sure that it would happen, only a matter of when he will come forward.

I would have felt heartbroken with this reading, but I don't know, just feeling numb at this point I guess. Maybe it will hit me hard tomorrow. Probably, she is only one right at the end.

Don't worry at all! Kira said the same to my friend a couple of days ago. She cried all over night after chatting with her. Kira warned her to not contact with her POI because he won't get back to her, she said even don't try it. Last night my friend decided to reach out her POI after falling out and several months disconnection. She was afraid because of Kira's advice, but she finally did. Do you know what happened?? YES, they reconciled today and now she is thrilled. She is on cloud nine!!! They had a great time together this morning. I am so happy for them.

Kira said the same to me recently although all others said we do reconnect, eventually. After my friend's story, I tried to stay positive :)

I find this review a little suspicious, that does not even sound like Kira at all, and if anyone on here has read with Kira for awhile they'll know too, she is NOT the type of advisor to tell someone NOT to do something if they specifically ask "should I" because she does take someone's "free will" into consideration. She is also very careful about making conclusive statements and emphasizes that the future itself is not linear nor "set in stone." At least from my experience, to questions like "Should I reach out first?" her answers have always been "that is up to you" "if you want to reach out, that is YOUR will." I've mentioned this before but her readings are highly spiritual and this is why I love her style.
« Last Edit: January 29, 2019, 04:56:38 AM by icloud9 »