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hometown psychic

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Thanks guys. You'll said exactly what I have been feeling. At first I agreed to pay her but then told her let me think about it. While driving home after, I was talking to myself in the car LOL and said NO I cannot do this. My heart does not agree. Yes I have been impressed with what she has told me so far but I cannot spend that kind of money for negativity.

I am meditating more & it is helping. Also I was telling myself, people say when the time is right it will happen & no one can stop it. So if my SM and I are meant to be, then no power in this world can stop us from being together and at the same time if its NOT meant to be, then no power or psychic can make that happen.

I believe in God very much. I am upset at the Almighty right now for causing this pain but I will pull thru. There has to be some reason for me & my SM to go thru this. Many of the online psychics I have spoken to told me the separation is good for both of us. Why they dont know but it will bring us more closer when (if) we reunite.

I couldnt sleep much last night thinking this over but when I woke up this morning I looked at GOD & told him today being my birthday, I am asking HIM to guide me. I will not pay to over power my destiny that HE has for written for me.

I will pray more & beleive more that when the TIME comes, we will find each other again.

Thanks I feel much better after knowing what I had decided to do was the right thing.

PS: I will change my User name to LuckyInLove shortly. Thanks Synergy & misty.

awww happy birthday LuckyInLove!! lol id ask how old r u now but that doesnt matter.

Hope you set away some money and spend it on your self! you deserve it!

LuckyInLove!!  Happy birthday!!  My dad, one of my favorite people in the world, has a birthday tomorrow.  Scorpios are awesome!  I am really happy that you have been exploring meditation.  I agree with misty... go buy yourself a new outfit and a new pair of shoes!!  ;) 

Thank you guys!
An advance happy birthday to your dad!
Yes I am going to do just that, buy myself a new dress over the weekend!LOL.

I was hoping my SM would wish me a happy birthday but I know he wont. He is just a STUBBORN Scorpio Male. Oh well!

Thanks again!

lol weird coincidence dads birthday is today. i totaly forgot till I read synergys post:$

n i agree Im a taurus, i dont know much scorpios but the ones i do meet are great people stubborn but grt lol

PS: stubborn pride indeed


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