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hometown psychic
I went to a psychic near my house because I've been on a psychic kick. I'd been to her once before in April, and she wasn't completely wrong so I gave her another try. She was on the money about situations with my family and with graduate school, but she was telling me I felt things I didn't really feel. She didn't have a grasp on my feelings. Maybe I'm in denial. I wanted a love reading for myself and it turned into my family. That's what the tarot was reading. She got some things right but I'm hesitant to really believe her because she started talking about black magic being performed on my family leading to the problems we're having now theirs and mine. I really don't believe in black magic I refuse to, but I want your opinion on whether I should still believe in this particular psychic or did she drag on the reading about my family to try to get over 200 dollars out of me for this cleansing.
Sounds very much like a gypsy psychos scam to me. She wants you to beloved something about a black cloud around you & that someone has put a generationalcurse curse on you & your family.m It is a scam. Stay far away & do not visit her again. If you don't believe me, do a google search on gypsy scams.
Quick and don't believe a word she tells you. Most people can do a home cleanse of negativity by taking a bah in Epsom Salts. Works for me I feel rejuvenated and don't carry other people's emotions around with me. Please don't go back to her.
People like that perform spells to return lovers and break up relationships. DO NOT TRUST THEM
She is a SCAM!!!!
Inactive- PHN:
I would say definitely a scam she wanted more money. Psychics can meditate with you and channel their energy to u but I dont believe in black magic
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