Author Topic: MADEVARANI  (Read 4139 times)

Offline jesstina

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« on: October 08, 2011, 07:13:13 PM »
I just had a reading with Madevarani and she used tarot cards. She had me tune in and tell her when to stop 3 different times. After she did that she read them. I asked about my sisters relationship with her boyfreind and she hit things dead on. She told me that he is scared of her, which is true. It was really good to hear her nail things on the head. I am pretty skeptical with tarot cards but this just changed my mind.  I was kind of wary of  the website at first but I have called Avalon and Raven from psychic access and really loved them. I dont know if she has her own website but I found her on I havent tried to google her yet to see.