Author Topic: Law of Attraction...  (Read 6110 times)

Offline Kate

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Law of Attraction...
« on: November 13, 2018, 10:15:06 AM »
Not sure where to post this, but it may help some..
We all know about the LoA right? That it works, and can change readings, but it's hard to implement... right.. or at least consistently.. it's a lot of work.
Someone recently told me about an app that actually really helped me that I thought I'd share.  It's called "Mind-Re-Set."
You go to this website - and go through the process of creating a kind of slideshow, with your own voice affirmations and short and long term goals.. and once done, you can download the app and play it everyday - twice a day - and it claims that everything you have asked for, will happen, even if you don't walk around saying affirmations constantly.

I didn't quite believe that, but I've been struggling lately and fell back onto spending too much money on the few psychics I now talk to (Cookie, QoC etc), so thought I would give it a go.

The goals you set at 30 day, 12 month, and 5 year.. it took me some time to work out what I wanted, but everything I set in 30 days happened, without me doing anything other than watching the thing twice a day.  I'm now going to continue and hoping my 12 month goals work out..

Not sure if it will help others, but it didn't cost me anything so... they say it works on changing your subconscious..

I keep thinking we should have a LoA thread on this site.. it's the only thing that ever empowers me not to call a psychic... if anyone has any other suggestions for what may help, let's share.. ?

Offline flora0250

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Re: Law of Attraction...
« Reply #1 on: November 13, 2018, 10:35:03 AM »
Along this same line there is an app I found called ThinkUp where you can record your voice stating affirmations and it will play it back in loop with music - also there are a large number of prewritten suggested ones. It has helped me although not from a direct “get what I want” perspective but I had been using it to help calm my mind and change my thoughts. It has been helping and not sure why I stopped but I am starting again to listen to it in the background daily.

Offline LAW1974

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Re: Law of Attraction...
« Reply #2 on: November 13, 2018, 12:02:15 PM »
Thanks I love both of these..... I am definitely going to try it:)

Offline evaluna1

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Re: Law of Attraction...
« Reply #3 on: November 13, 2018, 01:27:47 PM »
Here are some forums I regularly go through and does help gain knowledge and  learn from others experiences;

and this one helps me keep my vibes in high frequency reading success stories;

Hope this helps others as the goal is to empower everyone.

Offline Kate

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Re: Law of Attraction...
« Reply #4 on: November 14, 2018, 11:16:15 PM »
Here are some forums I regularly go through and does help gain knowledge and  learn from others experiences;

and this one helps me keep my vibes in high frequency reading success stories;

Hope this helps others as the goal is to empower everyone.

Thanks this is great... I'm so in need of the LoA at the moment, my mind set has got me into a terrible situation  really appreciate all the insights..

Offline LivingInYellow

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Re: Law of Attraction...
« Reply #5 on: May 14, 2019, 12:56:31 AM »
Thank you for starting this thread Kate! I feel like I've stumbled across it at the right time. God bless my personal 7 year!

Offline LivingInYellow

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Re: Law of Attraction...
« Reply #6 on: May 15, 2019, 06:02:52 PM »
I wanted to add to this thread because something has recent cropped up that has made me realise that the universe never stops working for you. A few years ago, I started watching Lads Duncheva videos on YouTube. For those who don't know, she's an astrologer who explains birth charts and comparability etc.

One of her videos was about solar returns and the fact that energy is extremely potent around the time the sun goes back to the exact degree that you were born at. This is can be your birth time, but doesn't have to be. The energy is usually good a few hours either side of that time. So, it's anyway, it's a good time for setting intentions.

Last year, I recorded a few intentions for 2018/19. There were 6 of them. Looking back, I've completed 2. I've made progress on another. 2 I started, but got side tracked and to be honest, I didn't remember that I set them. It's only now I look back that it makes sense.

My birthday is coming around again soon, so I'm thinking of some new ones but you should definitely look into it if you're interested. Can't guarantee it'll bring your ex back though - I'll say that much!


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Re: Law of Attraction...
« Reply #7 on: May 15, 2019, 06:18:54 PM »
I wanted to add to this thread because something has recent cropped up that has made me realise that the universe never stops working for you. A few years ago, I started watching Lads Duncheva videos on YouTube. For those who don't know, she's an astrologer who explains birth charts and comparability etc.

One of her videos was about solar returns and the fact that energy is extremely potent around the time the sun goes back to the exact degree that you were born at. This is can be your birth time, but doesn't have to be. The energy is usually good a few hours either side of that time. So, it's anyway, it's a good time for setting intentions.

Last year, I recorded a few intentions for 2018/19. There were 6 of them. Looking back, I've completed 2. I've made progress on another. 2 I started, but got side tracked and to be honest, I didn't remember that I set them. It's only now I look back that it makes sense.

My birthday is coming around again soon, so I'm thinking of some new ones but you should definitely look into it if you're interested. Can't guarantee it'll bring your ex back though - I'll say that much!

She's very talented. She's one of the first astrologers i followed/watched when i got into astrology when i was still practicing western. although i have seen she lot of astrologers on her channel who study sidereal.

Offline LivingInYellow

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Re: Law of Attraction...
« Reply #8 on: May 15, 2019, 08:17:55 PM »
Ladya ☺️ I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks she's good. I haven't had the opportunity to study sidereal yet? Which do you think is most accurate?


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Re: Law of Attraction...
« Reply #9 on: May 15, 2019, 08:29:22 PM »
Ladya ☺️ I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks she's good. I haven't had the opportunity to study sidereal yet? Which do you think is most accurate?

sidereal because its based on where the planets are actually in the sky from an astronomical perspective. if you download any planet app the positions are sidereal based. western is based on seasons. Now i think there's talented astrologers from both sides but personally I believe sidereal. If a person is a good astrologer, they can make predictions with various different methods. there's a lot of math, intuition, and research that goes into it. i understand people not believing in psychics, but i don't know how anyone can disprove astrology. we see the sun everyday, moon every night, and proof of outer planets, yet its not real? illogical to me lol.

Offline Cranberry88

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Re: Law of Attraction...
« Reply #10 on: May 19, 2019, 06:49:05 PM »
im abit confused with how others explain LOA to me. alot have mentioned that relationships work when you stop focusing on them just like Mattie advised me couple of times in our reading. while other threads & youtube channels explains manifestation and LOA is all about focusing and remotely visualizing your POI as if he is next to you etc.

is it only me or anyone else is confused lol ?

Offline LivingInYellow

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Re: Law of Attraction...
« Reply #11 on: May 19, 2019, 07:38:57 PM »
Ladya ☺️ I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks she's good. I haven't had the opportunity to study sidereal yet? Which do you think is most accurate?

sidereal because its based on where the planets are actually in the sky from an astronomical perspective. if you download any planet app the positions are sidereal based. western is based on seasons. Now i think there's talented astrologers from both sides but personally I believe sidereal. If a person is a good astrologer, they can make predictions with various different methods. there's a lot of math, intuition, and research that goes into it. i understand people not believing in psychics, but i don't know how anyone can disprove astrology. we see the sun everyday, moon every night, and proof of outer planets, yet its not real? illogical to me lol.

It's funny because I got into a Twitter "war" about his recently. I think people have a hard time believing that the energy of planets can influence the human mind or have played a part of the design of our characteristics. Whilst I understand that from a rational point of view and perhaps there is no evidence of this being possible or the case (I haven't come across any studies!), when one explores their own birth chart and is able to understand themselves more clearly, see explanations for their "flaws" ... It's hard to say it's just coincidence. However, people don't do the reading or the exploration before they write of astrology and therefore, it's difficult to persuade them of anything. In fact, if ends up being quite draining!


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Re: Law of Attraction...
« Reply #12 on: May 19, 2019, 08:13:35 PM »
Ladya ☺️ I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks she's good. I haven't had the opportunity to study sidereal yet? Which do you think is most accurate?

sidereal because its based on where the planets are actually in the sky from an astronomical perspective. if you download any planet app the positions are sidereal based. western is based on seasons. Now i think there's talented astrologers from both sides but personally I believe sidereal. If a person is a good astrologer, they can make predictions with various different methods. there's a lot of math, intuition, and research that goes into it. i understand people not believing in psychics, but i don't know how anyone can disprove astrology. we see the sun everyday, moon every night, and proof of outer planets, yet its not real? illogical to me lol.

It's funny because I got into a Twitter "war" about his recently. I think people have a hard time believing that the energy of planets can influence the human mind or have played a part of the design of our characteristics. Whilst I understand that from a rational point of view and perhaps there is no evidence of this being possible or the case (I haven't come across any studies!), when one explores their own birth chart and is able to understand themselves more clearly, see explanations for their "flaws" ... It's hard to say it's just coincidence. However, people don't do the reading or the exploration before they write of astrology and therefore, it's difficult to persuade them of anything. In fact, if ends up being quite draining!

I stopped trying to explain or convince people of astrology a long time ago. Ultimately, people will believe what they want to believe. Although there's no studies of planets influence on us, I mean we need sunlight for the vitamins it provides us and to survive. The moon has a strong influence on tides and water. Why wouldn't these planets have an effect on who we are as people. A lot of famous scientists talked about the planets and its connection to us.

Offline LivingInYellow

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Re: Law of Attraction...
« Reply #13 on: May 19, 2019, 09:47:32 PM »
Ladya ☺️ I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks she's good. I haven't had the opportunity to study sidereal yet? Which do you think is most accurate?

sidereal because its based on where the planets are actually in the sky from an astronomical perspective. if you download any planet app the positions are sidereal based. western is based on seasons. Now i think there's talented astrologers from both sides but personally I believe sidereal. If a person is a good astrologer, they can make predictions with various different methods. there's a lot of math, intuition, and research that goes into it. i understand people not believing in psychics, but i don't know how anyone can disprove astrology. we see the sun everyday, moon every night, and proof of outer planets, yet its not real? illogical to me lol.

It's funny because I got into a Twitter "war" about his recently. I think people have a hard time believing that the energy of planets can influence the human mind or have played a part of the design of our characteristics. Whilst I understand that from a rational point of view and perhaps there is no evidence of this being possible or the case (I haven't come across any studies!), when one explores their own birth chart and is able to understand themselves more clearly, see explanations for their "flaws" ... It's hard to say it's just coincidence. However, people don't do the reading or the exploration before they write of astrology and therefore, it's difficult to persuade them of anything. In fact, if ends up being quite draining!

I stopped trying to explain or convince people of astrology a long time ago. Ultimately, people will believe what they want to believe. Although there's no studies of planets influence on us, I mean we need sunlight for the vitamins it provides us and to survive. The moon has a strong influence on tides and water. Why wouldn't these planets have an effect on who we are as people. A lot of famous scientists talked about the planets and its connection to us.

That's a different way of putting it! I need to take the high ground lol. I'm getting better, but some people really do deserve a virtual middle finger 🤣😂

