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Law of Attraction...

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im abit confused with how others explain LOA to me. alot have mentioned that relationships work when you stop focusing on them just like Mattie advised me couple of times in our reading. while other threads & youtube channels explains manifestation and LOA is all about focusing and remotely visualizing your POI as if he is next to you etc.

is it only me or anyone else is confused lol ?


--- Quote from: ladya on May 15, 2019, 08:29:22 PM ---
--- Quote from: LivingInYellow on May 15, 2019, 08:17:55 PM ---Ladya ☺️ I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks she's good. I haven't had the opportunity to study sidereal yet? Which do you think is most accurate?

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sidereal because its based on where the planets are actually in the sky from an astronomical perspective. if you download any planet app the positions are sidereal based. western is based on seasons. Now i think there's talented astrologers from both sides but personally I believe sidereal. If a person is a good astrologer, they can make predictions with various different methods. there's a lot of math, intuition, and research that goes into it. i understand people not believing in psychics, but i don't know how anyone can disprove astrology. we see the sun everyday, moon every night, and proof of outer planets, yet its not real? illogical to me lol.

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It's funny because I got into a Twitter "war" about his recently. I think people have a hard time believing that the energy of planets can influence the human mind or have played a part of the design of our characteristics. Whilst I understand that from a rational point of view and perhaps there is no evidence of this being possible or the case (I haven't come across any studies!), when one explores their own birth chart and is able to understand themselves more clearly, see explanations for their "flaws" ... It's hard to say it's just coincidence. However, people don't do the reading or the exploration before they write of astrology and therefore, it's difficult to persuade them of anything. In fact, if ends up being quite draining!


--- Quote from: LivingInYellow on May 19, 2019, 07:38:57 PM ---
--- Quote from: ladya on May 15, 2019, 08:29:22 PM ---
--- Quote from: LivingInYellow on May 15, 2019, 08:17:55 PM ---Ladya ☺️ I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks she's good. I haven't had the opportunity to study sidereal yet? Which do you think is most accurate?

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sidereal because its based on where the planets are actually in the sky from an astronomical perspective. if you download any planet app the positions are sidereal based. western is based on seasons. Now i think there's talented astrologers from both sides but personally I believe sidereal. If a person is a good astrologer, they can make predictions with various different methods. there's a lot of math, intuition, and research that goes into it. i understand people not believing in psychics, but i don't know how anyone can disprove astrology. we see the sun everyday, moon every night, and proof of outer planets, yet its not real? illogical to me lol.

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It's funny because I got into a Twitter "war" about his recently. I think people have a hard time believing that the energy of planets can influence the human mind or have played a part of the design of our characteristics. Whilst I understand that from a rational point of view and perhaps there is no evidence of this being possible or the case (I haven't come across any studies!), when one explores their own birth chart and is able to understand themselves more clearly, see explanations for their "flaws" ... It's hard to say it's just coincidence. However, people don't do the reading or the exploration before they write of astrology and therefore, it's difficult to persuade them of anything. In fact, if ends up being quite draining!

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I stopped trying to explain or convince people of astrology a long time ago. Ultimately, people will believe what they want to believe. Although there's no studies of planets influence on us, I mean we need sunlight for the vitamins it provides us and to survive. The moon has a strong influence on tides and water. Why wouldn't these planets have an effect on who we are as people. A lot of famous scientists talked about the planets and its connection to us.


--- Quote from: ladya on May 19, 2019, 08:13:35 PM ---
--- Quote from: LivingInYellow on May 19, 2019, 07:38:57 PM ---
--- Quote from: ladya on May 15, 2019, 08:29:22 PM ---
--- Quote from: LivingInYellow on May 15, 2019, 08:17:55 PM ---Ladya ☺️ I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks she's good. I haven't had the opportunity to study sidereal yet? Which do you think is most accurate?

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sidereal because its based on where the planets are actually in the sky from an astronomical perspective. if you download any planet app the positions are sidereal based. western is based on seasons. Now i think there's talented astrologers from both sides but personally I believe sidereal. If a person is a good astrologer, they can make predictions with various different methods. there's a lot of math, intuition, and research that goes into it. i understand people not believing in psychics, but i don't know how anyone can disprove astrology. we see the sun everyday, moon every night, and proof of outer planets, yet its not real? illogical to me lol.

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It's funny because I got into a Twitter "war" about his recently. I think people have a hard time believing that the energy of planets can influence the human mind or have played a part of the design of our characteristics. Whilst I understand that from a rational point of view and perhaps there is no evidence of this being possible or the case (I haven't come across any studies!), when one explores their own birth chart and is able to understand themselves more clearly, see explanations for their "flaws" ... It's hard to say it's just coincidence. However, people don't do the reading or the exploration before they write of astrology and therefore, it's difficult to persuade them of anything. In fact, if ends up being quite draining!

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I stopped trying to explain or convince people of astrology a long time ago. Ultimately, people will believe what they want to believe. Although there's no studies of planets influence on us, I mean we need sunlight for the vitamins it provides us and to survive. The moon has a strong influence on tides and water. Why wouldn't these planets have an effect on who we are as people. A lot of famous scientists talked about the planets and its connection to us.

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That's a different way of putting it! I need to take the high ground lol. I'm getting better, but some people really do deserve a virtual middle finger 🤣😂


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