Author Topic: My Psychic Experiences  (Read 32158 times)

Offline sparky

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Re: My Psychic Experiences
« Reply #45 on: May 14, 2019, 03:12:36 PM »
So I have really been away from this site for awhile but I do come in and lurk for a bit to read up on how everyone is doing.  It is getting closer to when I will provide a full update on all my predictions but I want to give in about another month.

I just want to say that life happens no matter what is predicted and we just need to enjoy it the best we can.  Even in those moments that cause us immense pain and heartache.  Try and even enjoy those moments because they are doing something for you.  If that pain is caused from a love one passing.  It did cause you to remember all the positive things that happened with that person.  All the great things about them and their passing was that reminder of those great things that you probably took for granted.

If someone broke up with you.  Remember that they left you and you are an amazing person.  That they chose to leave the great person that you are and not you leaving them.  Remember the good times but also try to press on in life.  As time goes on they may come back but if not someone will come to you.  They will see how great of a person you are.  The pain caused from the break up was a good thing by letting you reflect and see the good in you.  Also to bring that awesome person in your life that will see that good.  So even though it hurts there is something good to come of it and try to think of that instead of the bad.

I hope that as we progress into summer that everyone starts to warm their hearts from the summer sunshine.  To always have a smile and look out for one another.

Offline Miss Philosopher

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Re: My Psychic Experiences
« Reply #46 on: May 14, 2019, 04:52:16 PM »
So I have really been away from this site for awhile but I do come in and lurk for a bit to read up on how everyone is doing.  It is getting closer to when I will provide a full update on all my predictions but I want to give in about another month.

I just want to say that life happens no matter what is predicted and we just need to enjoy it the best we can.  Even in those moments that cause us immense pain and heartache.  Try and even enjoy those moments because they are doing something for you.  If that pain is caused from a love one passing.  It did cause you to remember all the positive things that happened with that person.  All the great things about them and their passing was that reminder of those great things that you probably took for granted.

If someone broke up with you.  Remember that they left you and you are an amazing person.  That they chose to leave the great person that you are and not you leaving them.  Remember the good times but also try to press on in life.  As time goes on they may come back but if not someone will come to you.  They will see how great of a person you are.  The pain caused from the break up was a good thing by letting you reflect and see the good in you.  Also to bring that awesome person in your life that will see that good.  So even though it hurts there is something good to come of it and try to think of that instead of the bad.

I hope that as we progress into summer that everyone starts to warm their hearts from the summer sunshine.  To always have a smile and look out for one another.

That was so beautiful and heartwarming. You're such a beautiful and genuine soul Sparky. I hope everything is going great for you! You deserve it!

Offline sparky

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Re: My Psychic Experiences
« Reply #47 on: June 10, 2019, 06:17:37 PM »
If it helps Mattie was way off for me in regards to my poi. So dissapointed as I thought she was supposed to be on of the best

One that works really well for one person might not for another.  No matter how many correct predictions they get for that person they may only get 1 if you are lucky for you.  Just need to find that one for you.

When I wrote that last update about a month ago; somethings have changed.  I really need to write down a bunch of stuff to summarize all my readings from when I started.  BUT....  I noticed something in the last month and I am not entirely sure yet if what is going on are my predictions.  That is why I need to do a good update here.  What I will say is that somethings that were predicted last fall might be starting to come to pass.  I am not entirely sure at this point and playing things by ear.  But if that happens it could mean that Mattie and Kisha along with a bunch of others could be right but their timing was off.  Because of this I am holding off on a full update until I truly get everything figured out but I will post a summarization before then.  Just need to find the time to do it :)


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Re: My Psychic Experiences
« Reply #48 on: June 10, 2019, 06:54:16 PM »
If it helps Mattie was way off for me in regards to my poi. So dissapointed as I thought she was supposed to be on of the best

One that works really well for one person might not for another.  No matter how many correct predictions they get for that person they may only get 1 if you are lucky for you.  Just need to find that one for you.

When I wrote that last update about a month ago; somethings have changed.  I really need to write down a bunch of stuff to summarize all my readings from when I started.  BUT....  I noticed something in the last month and I am not entirely sure yet if what is going on are my predictions.  That is why I need to do a good update here.  What I will say is that somethings that were predicted last fall might be starting to come to pass.  I am not entirely sure at this point and playing things by ear.  But if that happens it could mean that Mattie and Kisha along with a bunch of others could be right but their timing was off.  Because of this I am holding off on a full update until I truly get everything figured out but I will post a summarization before then.  Just need to find the time to do it :)
Gives me hope! Sparky, sending you all the happiness and positivity! :)

Offline Miss Philosopher

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Re: My Psychic Experiences
« Reply #49 on: June 17, 2019, 08:14:46 AM »
If it helps Mattie was way off for me in regards to my poi. So dissapointed as I thought she was supposed to be on of the best

One that works really well for one person might not for another.  No matter how many correct predictions they get for that person they may only get 1 if you are lucky for you.  Just need to find that one for you.

When I wrote that last update about a month ago; somethings have changed.  I really need to write down a bunch of stuff to summarize all my readings from when I started.  BUT....  I noticed something in the last month and I am not entirely sure yet if what is going on are my predictions.  That is why I need to do a good update here.  What I will say is that somethings that were predicted last fall might be starting to come to pass.  I am not entirely sure at this point and playing things by ear.  But if that happens it could mean that Mattie and Kisha along with a bunch of others could be right but their timing was off.  Because of this I am holding off on a full update until I truly get everything figured out but I will post a summarization before then.  Just need to find the time to do it :)

That. Is. So. Awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Keep us posted Sparky! Rooting for you here my friend!!!!! :)

Offline Lyssa

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Re: My Psychic Experiences
« Reply #50 on: June 25, 2019, 08:44:54 PM »
Any updates yet?! Would love to hear how stuff is going(:

Offline sparky

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Re: My Psychic Experiences
« Reply #51 on: June 26, 2019, 02:43:37 PM »
Any updates yet?! Would love to hear how stuff is going(:

I will try to get a summarized update sometime this weekend to bring everything back up to speed. 

Offline maggs30

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Re: My Psychic Experiences
« Reply #52 on: July 18, 2019, 04:40:08 PM »
Any updates yet?! Would love to hear how stuff is going(:

Sparky you timing is as bad as our psychics timing lmao any updates?

I will try to get a summarized update sometime this weekend to bring everything back up to speed.

Offline sparky

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Re: My Psychic Experiences
« Reply #53 on: July 18, 2019, 05:43:05 PM »
Any updates yet?! Would love to hear how stuff is going(:

Sparky you timing is as bad as our psychics timing lmao any updates?

I will try to get a summarized update sometime this weekend to bring everything back up to speed.

I know!  lol  I just haven't had the time to go back through all my notes and double check everything to make a good comprehensive update.  As I figure a comprehensive update is better than just small pieces here and there.  Funny thing is I am actually rarely on my PC at home and only really check this site quick while at work.  So with that has made it difficult to even write something out since all my notes are also at home.

Offline maggs30

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Re: My Psychic Experiences
« Reply #54 on: July 18, 2019, 06:31:42 PM »
Any updates yet?! Would love to hear how stuff is going(:

Sparky you timing is as bad as our psychics timing lmao any updates?

I will try to get a summarized update sometime this weekend to bring everything back up to speed.

I know!  lol  I just haven't had the time to go back through all my notes and double check everything to make a good comprehensive update.  As I figure a comprehensive update is better than just small pieces here and there.  Funny thing is I am actually rarely on my PC at home and only really check this site quick while at work.  So with that has made it difficult to even write something out since all my notes are also at home.

I had to give you a hard time lol. Yes a comprehensive report is best im just starting to go through all of mine ugh

Offline sparky

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Re: My Psychic Experiences
« Reply #55 on: July 18, 2019, 08:33:16 PM »
Any updates yet?! Would love to hear how stuff is going(:

Sparky you timing is as bad as our psychics timing lmao any updates?

I will try to get a summarized update sometime this weekend to bring everything back up to speed.

I know!  lol  I just haven't had the time to go back through all my notes and double check everything to make a good comprehensive update.  As I figure a comprehensive update is better than just small pieces here and there.  Funny thing is I am actually rarely on my PC at home and only really check this site quick while at work.  So with that has made it difficult to even write something out since all my notes are also at home.

I had to give you a hard time lol. Yes a comprehensive report is best im just starting to go through all of mine ugh

I knew you were giving me a hard time.  The funny thing is I was just thinking about this and when did I say I was going to do an update.  Just goes to show how busy I have been because I didn't think it was that long ago. 

Offline Cteebaby1

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Re: My Psychic Experiences
« Reply #56 on: July 21, 2019, 11:19:30 PM »
I’m going to assume nothing happened

Offline Heidimary

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Re: My Psychic Experiences
« Reply #57 on: July 22, 2019, 05:47:26 AM »
I’m going to assume nothing happened

Im going to be optimistic and assume the oppisite(:

Same ^^^

Offline Girly1998

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Re: My Psychic Experiences
« Reply #58 on: July 22, 2019, 11:16:22 PM »
I think the suspense is quite rude   :o

Offline Girly1998

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Re: My Psychic Experiences
« Reply #59 on: July 23, 2019, 02:32:31 AM »
I think the suspense is quite rude   :o

I don't think so. Maybe hes busy? You never know what's going on in someone's life.

It was only a joke