Author Topic: THE END  (Read 206216 times)

Offline Sparkle002

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« Reply #135 on: August 21, 2019, 01:51:03 PM »
Will do! Glad to Entertain!  ;D ;)

Offline Sparkle002

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« Reply #136 on: August 24, 2019, 07:03:05 PM »
Wanted to update this before I go live my life and go to this pre-season game/tailgate 😜

My latest Kisha reading from 8/20 mirrors EXACTLY what Cookie and Indio specifically said to me a couple of months ago.

They all described this new guy (that I will be committed to) as the following:

- 6ft tall
- Mixed (either exotic looking or very light or Caucasian) - Kisha specifically saw Mixed/or not sure if 
  very light African American, Cookie saw Mixed/Caucasian, Delores - mixed/Caucasian and Indio
- Works in Healthcare, IT/Computers - Indio and Cookie specifically said this
- Owns his own business - Indio and Cookie specifically said this
- Connected to Art, Writing and a Gallery - Matilda and Cookie specifically said this
- Dude drives a super high end black car - Matilda

(Some of these things are similar to POI 1 - the nice black car - (he drives a black Porsche and Mercedes Benz) , and owns a business. Cookie also mentioned a Dark guy (who matches my POI 1 as well - she even said the guy connected to art and wanting marriage could favor POI 1 but it’s not - but she sees this mixed person as well lol)- so I am ready for mix ups here - because they see him coming forward as the same time as this other person)

Overall ALL these readers are seeing this person THIS FALL from Sept-Nov showing up:
- Dude wants a commitment and marriage
- There is no question or confusion with this person
- He could scare me emotionally because its too real
- Longevity
- Has the car, the house, friends, popular, no drama or lingering baggage

It comes down to 3 guys all coming at me at the same time this fall - but only one is really really  going to want to be serious - Venus, Indio, Mattie specifically said 3. Kisha and Cookie specifically say “more than one” - but it seems like the relationship committed part wont happen officially until next year.

So it sounds like POI 1, POI 4 and the NEW GUY. Mattie and Cookie said it would get down to 2 that are Very Different from each other and I let one guy go....based on the details of the readings, it appears it will come down to POI 1 and the NEW GUY and I will let POI 4 gooooo

Well y’all know what I do folks - Ill update this thread if any of this stuff is right. Usually when all my readers are on the same page with SPECIFICs something happens (see the earlier part of this thread for reference lol) ...STAY TUNED!
« Last Edit: August 24, 2019, 07:15:27 PM by Sparkle002 »


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« Reply #137 on: August 24, 2019, 07:55:02 PM »
Wanted to update this before I go live my life and go to this pre-season game/tailgate 😜

My latest Kisha reading from 8/20 mirrors EXACTLY what Cookie and Indio specifically said to me a couple of months ago.

They all described this new guy (that I will be committed to) as the following:

- 6ft tall
- Mixed (either exotic looking or very light or Caucasian) - Kisha specifically saw Mixed/or not sure if 
  very light African American, Cookie saw Mixed/Caucasian, Delores - mixed/Caucasian and Indio
- Works in Healthcare, IT/Computers - Indio and Cookie specifically said this
- Owns his own business - Indio and Cookie specifically said this
- Connected to Art, Writing and a Gallery - Matilda and Cookie specifically said this
- Dude drives a super high end black car - Matilda

(Some of these things are similar to POI 1 - the nice black car - (he drives a black Porsche and Mercedes Benz) , and owns a business. Cookie also mentioned a Dark guy (who matches my POI 1 as well - she even said the guy connected to art and wanting marriage could favor POI 1 but it’s not - but she sees this mixed person as well lol)- so I am ready for mix ups here - because they see him coming forward as the same time as this other person)

Overall ALL these readers are seeing this person THIS FALL from Sept-Nov showing up:
- Dude wants a commitment and marriage
- There is no question or confusion with this person
- He could scare me emotionally because its too real
- Longevity
- Has the car, the house, friends, popular, no drama or lingering baggage

It comes down to 3 guys all coming at me at the same time this fall - but only one is really really  going to want to be serious - Venus, Indio, Mattie specifically said 3. Kisha and Cookie specifically say “more than one” - but it seems like the relationship committed part wont happen officially until next year.

So it sounds like POI 1, POI 4 and the NEW GUY. Mattie and Cookie said it would get down to 2 that are Very Different from each other and I let one guy go....based on the details of the readings, it appears it will come down to POI 1 and the NEW GUY and I will let POI 4 gooooo

Well y’all know what I do folks - Ill update this thread if any of this stuff is right. Usually when all my readers are on the same page with SPECIFICs something happens (see the earlier part of this thread for reference lol) ...STAY TUNED!

This is sooooo exciting!!!  The Sparkle Chronicles - the battle of the POI’s 🙃

Offline Jeninmd2

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« Reply #138 on: August 24, 2019, 08:12:24 PM »
Love these updates, Sparkle!! I'm totally living vicariously through you right now lol 😉

Offline Sparkle002

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« Reply #139 on: August 30, 2019, 11:53:56 PM »
Haha thanks y’all!

I’m updating my journey to this new man - lol.

I had a reading with Sherri Lynn today (storefront) and guess what?
She too said that I would be in a relationship by February of 2020 on her own!! Freaky.

Matilda gave me the exact month as well. She kept saying it over and over...I was like well alrighty

And she basically gave the same description as everyone else. Now either all my readers are crazy or there is some REAL SYNCHRONICITY going on here lol. But this happened before I met POI 1- Cookie, Yona, Venus, Indio and Sherri Lynn described him to a T before I met him, so I knew exactly who he was, personality wise and physical wise. All said the man was attractive and he was.

Basically here is what Sherri Lynn said about this new guy:
- He has curly hair (mixed with African-American and Saudi Arabian or Middle Eastern/Caucasian))
- He has bigger eyes and a straighter nose
- He is tall and likes to dress nice/dress up (business cash vs super casual)
- He is well off
- He has dimples
- She kept saying how attractive he was (which is subjective but hey, but Indio and Mattie said this as well)

So who knows but I’ll but Ill update when (or if based on timelines) I meet this mystery guy. Like literally these readers have picked this guy up on their own in all of my readings.

It’s funny how some folks can slip into relationships under their radar (shoutout to Somethingbetter! LOL) and then others see this dude coming in....its crazy if this is real...But it did happen before with POI 1 (they all saw him but never mentioned that I would be in a relationship with him or not)

P.S. I am totalllly not putting all hope into this imaginary person. If he doesnt appear I will be ok, I just think its funny how they are saying the same things.

So until then!
« Last Edit: September 05, 2019, 06:52:47 PM by Sparkle002 »

Offline Sparkle002

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« Reply #140 on: September 09, 2019, 01:21:24 AM »
On the next episode of the Sparkle Show...

*Pythagorean Vic-tum*

Sometimes, the mathematics of certain relationships just dont work, and as a result, most end up with a zero rezult or undefined. However, some relationships have imaginary factors that somehow make things work or make sense - like, you know, some imaginary outcome. Just remember, in mathmatics/trigonometry - with an imaginary number, when squared - Has a NEGATIVE result.

In laymen’s terms - some relationships will never work based on the value of the variables. If at anytime, hopes or disillusionment are a factor (e.g. the Imaginary number) - there is always a negative outcome.   

To further understand this in my story, First, lets take you back to grade school!

Let’s say with a 90 degree (right) triangle, the 3 lines represent the POI, me and the relationship. The Y axis is the POI, X axis is me and the hypotenuse is R (the relationship). If neither X or Y has value, then there is no R (the hypotenuse - i.e. relationship) right? Or let say if there is a negative Y value (the POI), it will in turn be an imaginary or undefined relationship! LOL

Anyway, moving on from my mathematical descriptions lol...

So, in real life, most of you all saw what happened with my POI 4 a couple of days ago. I got stood up in the ROYALEST way. Nope, not for coffee, or dinner, but a WHOLE trip that I traveled 5 hours for smh.

So apparently - with QoC and Cookie (I read with them recently - not only specific to this situation, it came up on its own) - basically they all picked up, not 1, not 2 but 3 women around him Guess what? This is Exactly what Kisha told me back in June! Now these women are not a surprise as he has mentioned them before, but Cookie straight up told me he was intimate with them....and surely I didnt think they would still be around since June (Cookie told me about a breakup with the gf and so did he, but apparently that is still going on). Any way....lets take you back to that dern 90 degree triangle.

Yep, I was a Pythagorean vic-tum in this undefined relationship lol.

When there is NO VALUE,  EQUATION WONT WORK and doesnt exist.

Moral of the story is ...make sure you know YOUR VALUE. Put time in effort in who also has VALUE (to you and you to them).


Now that hot girl summer is over, based on my recent readings - the focus has been on career and this supposed “new guy” that keeps coming up in my readings.

I recently had a call with Cookie 2 days ago (already had money sitting in the account for the last 3 months and decided to schedule an appt - talk about PATIENCE lol). Literally everything Kisha saw in my June and August reading, Cookie is seeing NOW. Matilda, Cookie and Kisha all see a full time job, and an additional gig as a contract. Sherri Lynn just saw the specific full time gig.

Regarding love life, QoC and Cookie BOTH see POI 4 coming back around for some damn reason!! (I dont know how, unless he pays me a couple hundred dollars (not that I spent anywhere near that one the bus ride).

But Cookie said it could go on for a YEAR with this dude! Like now I know she’s crazy. Uhhem - NO. I think I saw a thread on on “can we stop a prediction” and yeah, this is definitely one of them.

What’s interesting is what Cookie NOW sees about this “New Guy” coming up. While she continues to say I wont be in a relationship this year, she describes what she calls my future husband/boyfriend in 2020 (which aligns with What Kisha and Matilda said about Feb 2020).

Mind you - I’m taking this new guy (if he appears) with a grain of salt. She is saying boyfriend, marriage - but I am aware she did the same to one of my friends and the guy was def not a boyfriend but they were significant in their life - but after a short time met the guy who is committed. We never know with Cookie

Here is what she said:

1. He is Tall, Dark or brown person - his features could look like my POI 1. Cookie said this back in April and has been consistent with this description. (However his skin color is totally opposite of what Kisha sees, she sees a lighter skinned person, but then again Kisha has flipped on the last 3 readings what this dude looks like but is certain about him overall)
2. He works out and goes to the gym (Cookie said this back in April)
3. He has 2 kids (this is new! 2 other readers said he didn’t have any...hmm)
4. He works in the hospital - she saw him wearing green or working around a lot of ppl wearing green (scrubs) so he either works in surgery (OR) or (ER) as a doctor or nurse or tech or maybe works alongside them.
5. She said he is very attractive and well off (All readers have said this)
6. He has this smile and wink that I will notice. I will meet him randomly at a hospital or at a hositpal associated with a job. Good sense of humor. Like sports.
7. Sees me watching sports with him Sun and Thursdays. 
8. He works with kids on the side as a mentor (Matilda saw this man doing charity work on the side so I’m not sure if this is it)
9. He is trustworthy and puts me first.
10. Sees all this in 2020 but could meet him in 2019

In addition, she told me i would meet the guy at a pharmacy or he is associated with a pharmacy or at work  - so I dont know if she is mixed people I meet up - but apparently she sees a pharmacy and/or hospital and looks like it is connected to the job. She kept saying I will not meet him online or at a club - so that is THAT lol.

All I know is every single last one of these readers are predicting some guy coming in for a relationship and are saying similar things - I just wonder if this is actually all one guy or 2? (Since there seems to be a lighter and darker one)

We will see....stay tuned!

Offline tellmewhy

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« Reply #141 on: September 09, 2019, 01:32:45 AM »
I think this is common thyme with psychics predicting now people.

I think it feels safe to say he’s about 6 feet, olive skin tone , medium build. Ok I ‘m cracking up with these readers lol. Reading use to fun but now I feel it’s work on its own.

On the next episode of the Sparkle Show...

*Pythagorean Vic-tum*

Sometimes, the mathematics of certain relationships just dont work, and as a result, most end up with a zero rezult or undefined. However, some relationships have imaginary factors that somehow make things work or make sense - like, you know, some imaginary outcome. Just remember, in mathmatics/trigonometry - with an imaginary number, when squared - Has a NEGATIVE result.

In laymen’s terms - some relationships will never work based on the value of the variables. If at anytime, hopes or disillusionment are a factor (e.g. the Imaginary number) - there is always a negative outcome.   

To further understand this in my story, First, lets take you back to grade school!

Let’s say with a 90 degree (right) triangle, the 3 lines represent the POI, me and the relationship. The Y axis is the POI, X axis is me and the hypotenuse is R (the relationship). If neither X or Y has value, then there is no R (the hypotenuse - i.e. relationship) right? Or let say if there is a negative Y value (the POI), it will in turn be an imaginary or undefined relationship! LOL

Anyway, moving on from my mathematical descriptions lol...

So, in real life, most of you all saw what happened with my POI 4 a couple of days ago. I got stood up in the ROYALEST way. Nope, not for coffee, or dinner, but a WHOLE trip that I traveled 5 hours for smh.

So apparently - with QoC and Cookie (I read with them recently - not only specific to this situation, it came up on its own) - basically they all picked up, not 1, not 2 but 3 women around him Guess what? This is Exactly what Kisha told me back in June! Now these women are not a surprise as he has mentioned them before, but Cookie straight up told me he was intimate with them....and surely I didnt think they would still be around since June (Cookie told me about a breakup with the gf and so did he, but apparently that is still going on). Any way....lets take you back to that dern 90 degree triangle.

Yep, I was a Pythagorean vic-tum in this undefined relationship lol.

When there is NO VALUE,  EQUATION WONT WORK and doesnt exist.

Moral of the story is ...make sure you know YOUR VALUE. Put time in effort in who also has VALUE (to you and you to them).


Now that hot girl summer is over, based on my recent readings - the focus has been on career and this supposed “new guy” that keeps coming up in my readings.

I recently had a call with Cookie 2 days ago (already had money sitting in the account for the last 3 months and decided to schedule an appt - talk about PATIENCE lol). Literally everything Kisha saw in my June and August reading, Cookie is seeing NOW. Matilda, Cookie and Kisha all see a full time job, and an additional gig as a contract. Sherri Lynn just saw the specific full time gig.

Regarding love life, QoC and Cookie BOTH see POI 4 coming back around for some damn reason!! (I dont know how, unless he pays me a couple hundred dollars (not that I spent anywhere near that one the bus ride).

But Cookie said it could go on for a YEAR with this dude! Like now I know she’s crazy. Uhhem - NO. I think I saw a thread on on “can we stop a prediction” and yeah, this is definitely one of them.

What’s interesting is what Cookie NOW sees about this “New Guy” coming up. While she continues to say I wont be in a relationship this year, she describes what she calls my future husband/boyfriend in 2020 (which aligns with What Kisha and Matilda said about Feb 2020).

Mind you - I’m taking this new guy (if he appears) with a grain of salt. She is saying boyfriend, marriage - but I am aware she did the same to one of my friends and the guy was def not a boyfriend but they were significant in their life - but after a short time met the guy who is committed. We never know with Cookie

Here is what she said:

1. He is Tall, Dark or brown person - his features could look like my POI 1. Cookie said this back in April and has been consistent with this description. (However his skin color is totally opposite of what Kisha sees, she sees a lighter skinned person, but then again Kisha has flipped on the last 3 readings what this dude looks like but is certain about him overall)
2. He works out and goes to the gym (Cookie said this back in April)
3. He has 2 kids (this is new! 2 other readers said he didn’t have any...hmm)
4. He works in the hospital - she saw him wearing green or working around a lot of ppl wearing green (scrubs) so he either works in surgery (OR) or (ER) as a doctor or nurse or tech or maybe works alongside them.
5. She said he is very attractive and well off (All readers have said this)
6. He has this smile and wink that I will notice. I will meet him randomly at a hospital or at a hositpal associated with a job. Good sense of humor. Like sports.
7. Sees me watching sports with him Sun and Thursdays. 
8. He works with kids on the side as a mentor (Matilda saw this man doing charity work on the side so I’m not sure if this is it)
9. He is trustworthy and puts me first.
10. Sees all this in 2020 but could meet him in 2019

In addition, she told me i would meet the guy at a pharmacy or he is associated with a pharmacy or at work  - so I dont know if she is mixed people I meet up - but apparently she sees a pharmacy and/or hospital and looks like it is connected to the job. She kept saying I will not meet him online or at a club - so that is THAT lol.

All I know is every single last one of these readers are predicting some guy coming in for a relationship and are saying similar things - I just wonder if this is actually all one guy or 2? (Since there seems to be a lighter and darker one)

We will see....stay tuned!


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« Reply #142 on: September 09, 2019, 01:36:43 AM »
On the next episode of the Sparkle Show...

*Pythagorean Vic-tum*

Sometimes, the mathematics of certain relationships just dont work, and as a result, most end up with a zero rezult or undefined. However, some relationships have imaginary factors that somehow make things work or make sense - like, you know, some imaginary outcome. Just remember, in mathmatics/trigonometry - with an imaginary number, when squared - Has a NEGATIVE result.

In laymen’s terms - some relationships will never work based on the value of the variables. If at anytime, hopes or disillusionment are a factor (e.g. the Imaginary number) - there is always a negative outcome.   

To further understand this in my story, First, lets take you back to grade school!

Let’s say with a 90 degree (right) triangle, the 3 lines represent the POI, me and the relationship. The Y axis is the POI, X axis is me and the hypotenuse is R (the relationship). If neither X or Y has value, then there is no R (the hypotenuse - i.e. relationship) right? Or let say if there is a negative Y value (the POI), it will in turn be an imaginary or undefined relationship! LOL

Anyway, moving on from my mathematical descriptions lol...

So, in real life, most of you all saw what happened with my POI 4 a couple of days ago. I got stood up in the ROYALEST way. Nope, not for coffee, or dinner, but a WHOLE trip that I traveled 5 hours for smh.

So apparently - with QoC and Cookie (I read with them recently - not only specific to this situation, it came up on its own) - basically they all picked up, not 1, not 2 but 3 women around him Guess what? This is Exactly what Kisha told me back in June! Now these women are not a surprise as he has mentioned them before, but Cookie straight up told me he was intimate with them....and surely I didnt think they would still be around since June (Cookie told me about a breakup with the gf and so did he, but apparently that is still going on). Any way....lets take you back to that dern 90 degree triangle.

Yep, I was a Pythagorean vic-tum in this undefined relationship lol.

When there is NO VALUE,  EQUATION WONT WORK and doesnt exist.

Moral of the story is ...make sure you know YOUR VALUE. Put time in effort in who also has VALUE (to you and you to them).


Now that hot girl summer is over, based on my recent readings - the focus has been on career and this supposed “new guy” that keeps coming up in my readings.

I recently had a call with Cookie 2 days ago (already had money sitting in the account for the last 3 months and decided to schedule an appt - talk about PATIENCE lol). Literally everything Kisha saw in my June and August reading, Cookie is seeing NOW. Matilda, Cookie and Kisha all see a full time job, and an additional gig as a contract. Sherri Lynn just saw the specific full time gig.

Regarding love life, QoC and Cookie BOTH see POI 4 coming back around for some damn reason!! (I dont know how, unless he pays me a couple hundred dollars (not that I spent anywhere near that one the bus ride).

But Cookie said it could go on for a YEAR with this dude! Like now I know she’s crazy. Uhhem - NO. I think I saw a thread on on “can we stop a prediction” and yeah, this is definitely one of them.

What’s interesting is what Cookie NOW sees about this “New Guy” coming up. While she continues to say I wont be in a relationship this year, she describes what she calls my future husband/boyfriend in 2020 (which aligns with What Kisha and Matilda said about Feb 2020).

Mind you - I’m taking this new guy (if he appears) with a grain of salt. She is saying boyfriend, marriage - but I am aware she did the same to one of my friends and the guy was def not a boyfriend but they were significant in their life - but after a short time met the guy who is committed. We never know with Cookie

Here is what she said:

1. He is Tall, Dark or brown person - his features could look like my POI 1. Cookie said this back in April and has been consistent with this description. (However his skin color is totally opposite of what Kisha sees, she sees a lighter skinned person, but then again Kisha has flipped on the last 3 readings what this dude looks like but is certain about him overall)
2. He works out and goes to the gym (Cookie said this back in April)
3. He has 2 kids (this is new! 2 other readers said he didn’t have any...hmm)
4. He works in the hospital - she saw him wearing green or working around a lot of ppl wearing green (scrubs) so he either works in surgery (OR) or (ER) as a doctor or nurse or tech or maybe works alongside them.
5. She said he is very attractive and well off (All readers have said this)
6. He has this smile and wink that I will notice. I will meet him randomly at a hospital or at a hositpal associated with a job. Good sense of humor. Like sports.
7. Sees me watching sports with him Sun and Thursdays. 
8. He works with kids on the side as a mentor (Matilda saw this man doing charity work on the side so I’m not sure if this is it)
9. He is trustworthy and puts me first.
10. Sees all this in 2020 but could meet him in 2019

In addition, she told me i would meet the guy at a pharmacy or he is associated with a pharmacy or at work  - so I dont know if she is mixed people I meet up - but apparently she sees a pharmacy and/or hospital and looks like it is connected to the job. She kept saying I will not meet him online or at a club - so that is THAT lol.

All I know is every single last one of these readers are predicting some guy coming in for a relationship and are saying similar things - I just wonder if this is actually all one guy or 2? (Since there seems to be a lighter and darker one)

We will see....stay tuned!

you crack me up sparkle! the mathismsss hahah! I'm sorry what happened with that jerk but I'm excited to see what's next on the sparkle show.

Offline tellmewhy

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« Reply #143 on: September 09, 2019, 01:43:43 AM »
Why is this titled the end? It should be called the beginning with no ending

Offline Girly1998

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« Reply #144 on: September 09, 2019, 01:47:22 AM »
On the next episode of the Sparkle Show...

*Pythagorean Vic-tum*

Sometimes, the mathematics of certain relationships just dont work, and as a result, most end up with a zero rezult or undefined. However, some relationships have imaginary factors that somehow make things work or make sense - like, you know, some imaginary outcome. Just remember, in mathmatics/trigonometry - with an imaginary number, when squared - Has a NEGATIVE result.

In laymen’s terms - some relationships will never work based on the value of the variables. If at anytime, hopes or disillusionment are a factor (e.g. the Imaginary number) - there is always a negative outcome.   

To further understand this in my story, First, lets take you back to grade school!

Let’s say with a 90 degree (right) triangle, the 3 lines represent the POI, me and the relationship. The Y axis is the POI, X axis is me and the hypotenuse is R (the relationship). If neither X or Y has value, then there is no R (the hypotenuse - i.e. relationship) right? Or let say if there is a negative Y value (the POI), it will in turn be an imaginary or undefined relationship! LOL

Anyway, moving on from my mathematical descriptions lol...

So, in real life, most of you all saw what happened with my POI 4 a couple of days ago. I got stood up in the ROYALEST way. Nope, not for coffee, or dinner, but a WHOLE trip that I traveled 5 hours for smh.

So apparently - with QoC and Cookie (I read with them recently - not only specific to this situation, it came up on its own) - basically they all picked up, not 1, not 2 but 3 women around him Guess what? This is Exactly what Kisha told me back in June! Now these women are not a surprise as he has mentioned them before, but Cookie straight up told me he was intimate with them....and surely I didnt think they would still be around since June (Cookie told me about a breakup with the gf and so did he, but apparently that is still going on). Any way....lets take you back to that dern 90 degree triangle.

Yep, I was a Pythagorean vic-tum in this undefined relationship lol.

When there is NO VALUE,  EQUATION WONT WORK and doesnt exist.

Moral of the story is ...make sure you know YOUR VALUE. Put time in effort in who also has VALUE (to you and you to them).


Now that hot girl summer is over, based on my recent readings - the focus has been on career and this supposed “new guy” that keeps coming up in my readings.

I recently had a call with Cookie 2 days ago (already had money sitting in the account for the last 3 months and decided to schedule an appt - talk about PATIENCE lol). Literally everything Kisha saw in my June and August reading, Cookie is seeing NOW. Matilda, Cookie and Kisha all see a full time job, and an additional gig as a contract. Sherri Lynn just saw the specific full time gig.

Regarding love life, QoC and Cookie BOTH see POI 4 coming back around for some damn reason!! (I dont know how, unless he pays me a couple hundred dollars (not that I spent anywhere near that one the bus ride).

But Cookie said it could go on for a YEAR with this dude! Like now I know she’s crazy. Uhhem - NO. I think I saw a thread on on “can we stop a prediction” and yeah, this is definitely one of them.

What’s interesting is what Cookie NOW sees about this “New Guy” coming up. While she continues to say I wont be in a relationship this year, she describes what she calls my future husband/boyfriend in 2020 (which aligns with What Kisha and Matilda said about Feb 2020).

Mind you - I’m taking this new guy (if he appears) with a grain of salt. She is saying boyfriend, marriage - but I am aware she did the same to one of my friends and the guy was def not a boyfriend but they were significant in their life - but after a short time met the guy who is committed. We never know with Cookie

Here is what she said:

1. He is Tall, Dark or brown person - his features could look like my POI 1. Cookie said this back in April and has been consistent with this description. (However his skin color is totally opposite of what Kisha sees, she sees a lighter skinned person, but then again Kisha has flipped on the last 3 readings what this dude looks like but is certain about him overall)
2. He works out and goes to the gym (Cookie said this back in April)
3. He has 2 kids (this is new! 2 other readers said he didn’t have any...hmm)
4. He works in the hospital - she saw him wearing green or working around a lot of ppl wearing green (scrubs) so he either works in surgery (OR) or (ER) as a doctor or nurse or tech or maybe works alongside them.
5. She said he is very attractive and well off (All readers have said this)
6. He has this smile and wink that I will notice. I will meet him randomly at a hospital or at a hositpal associated with a job. Good sense of humor. Like sports.
7. Sees me watching sports with him Sun and Thursdays. 
8. He works with kids on the side as a mentor (Matilda saw this man doing charity work on the side so I’m not sure if this is it)
9. He is trustworthy and puts me first.
10. Sees all this in 2020 but could meet him in 2019

In addition, she told me i would meet the guy at a pharmacy or he is associated with a pharmacy or at work  - so I dont know if she is mixed people I meet up - but apparently she sees a pharmacy and/or hospital and looks like it is connected to the job. She kept saying I will not meet him online or at a club - so that is THAT lol.

All I know is every single last one of these readers are predicting some guy coming in for a relationship and are saying similar things - I just wonder if this is actually all one guy or 2? (Since there seems to be a lighter and darker one)

We will see....stay tuned!

This episode made my brain hurt a little bit lol. “Now that hot girl summer is over” cracked me up 😂

Offline Sparkle002

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« Reply #145 on: September 09, 2019, 01:48:37 AM »
Why is this titled the end? It should be called the beginning with no ending

Check the very first post.
I’m updating this thread because THE END related to my POI 1 who  is still in the picture. I thought it was the end And thought everyone was wrong about us moving forward - but they all ended up being right. So I’m updating it until it truly is the end with him- and right now it’s not lol

Kisha and Cookie still see him coming back around wanting exclusivity by next March but - Kisha said we will miss the mark because I will be in a relationship with someone else by then.

Once it is...I’ll probably stop posting on this thread altogether or make a new one titled the Sparkle show or The Beginning lol  who knows

Offline Sparkle002

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« Reply #146 on: September 09, 2019, 01:50:43 AM »
On the next episode of the Sparkle Show...

*Pythagorean Vic-tum*

Sometimes, the mathematics of certain relationships just dont work, and as a result, most end up with a zero rezult or undefined. However, some relationships have imaginary factors that somehow make things work or make sense - like, you know, some imaginary outcome. Just remember, in mathmatics/trigonometry - with an imaginary number, when squared - Has a NEGATIVE result.

In laymen’s terms - some relationships will never work based on the value of the variables. If at anytime, hopes or disillusionment are a factor (e.g. the Imaginary number) - there is always a negative outcome.   

To further understand this in my story, First, lets take you back to grade school!

Let’s say with a 90 degree (right) triangle, the 3 lines represent the POI, me and the relationship. The Y axis is the POI, X axis is me and the hypotenuse is R (the relationship). If neither X or Y has value, then there is no R (the hypotenuse - i.e. relationship) right? Or let say if there is a negative Y value (the POI), it will in turn be an imaginary or undefined relationship! LOL

Anyway, moving on from my mathematical descriptions lol...

So, in real life, most of you all saw what happened with my POI 4 a couple of days ago. I got stood up in the ROYALEST way. Nope, not for coffee, or dinner, but a WHOLE trip that I traveled 5 hours for smh.

So apparently - with QoC and Cookie (I read with them recently - not only specific to this situation, it came up on its own) - basically they all picked up, not 1, not 2 but 3 women around him Guess what? This is Exactly what Kisha told me back in June! Now these women are not a surprise as he has mentioned them before, but Cookie straight up told me he was intimate with them....and surely I didnt think they would still be around since June (Cookie told me about a breakup with the gf and so did he, but apparently that is still going on). Any way....lets take you back to that dern 90 degree triangle.

Yep, I was a Pythagorean vic-tum in this undefined relationship lol.

When there is NO VALUE,  EQUATION WONT WORK and doesnt exist.

Moral of the story is ...make sure you know YOUR VALUE. Put time in effort in who also has VALUE (to you and you to them).


Now that hot girl summer is over, based on my recent readings - the focus has been on career and this supposed “new guy” that keeps coming up in my readings.

I recently had a call with Cookie 2 days ago (already had money sitting in the account for the last 3 months and decided to schedule an appt - talk about PATIENCE lol). Literally everything Kisha saw in my June and August reading, Cookie is seeing NOW. Matilda, Cookie and Kisha all see a full time job, and an additional gig as a contract. Sherri Lynn just saw the specific full time gig.

Regarding love life, QoC and Cookie BOTH see POI 4 coming back around for some damn reason!! (I dont know how, unless he pays me a couple hundred dollars (not that I spent anywhere near that one the bus ride).

But Cookie said it could go on for a YEAR with this dude! Like now I know she’s crazy. Uhhem - NO. I think I saw a thread on on “can we stop a prediction” and yeah, this is definitely one of them.

What’s interesting is what Cookie NOW sees about this “New Guy” coming up. While she continues to say I wont be in a relationship this year, she describes what she calls my future husband/boyfriend in 2020 (which aligns with What Kisha and Matilda said about Feb 2020).

Mind you - I’m taking this new guy (if he appears) with a grain of salt. She is saying boyfriend, marriage - but I am aware she did the same to one of my friends and the guy was def not a boyfriend but they were significant in their life - but after a short time met the guy who is committed. We never know with Cookie

Here is what she said:

1. He is Tall, Dark or brown person - his features could look like my POI 1. Cookie said this back in April and has been consistent with this description. (However his skin color is totally opposite of what Kisha sees, she sees a lighter skinned person, but then again Kisha has flipped on the last 3 readings what this dude looks like but is certain about him overall)
2. He works out and goes to the gym (Cookie said this back in April)
3. He has 2 kids (this is new! 2 other readers said he didn’t have any...hmm)
4. He works in the hospital - she saw him wearing green or working around a lot of ppl wearing green (scrubs) so he either works in surgery (OR) or (ER) as a doctor or nurse or tech or maybe works alongside them.
5. She said he is very attractive and well off (All readers have said this)
6. He has this smile and wink that I will notice. I will meet him randomly at a hospital or at a hositpal associated with a job. Good sense of humor. Like sports.
7. Sees me watching sports with him Sun and Thursdays. 
8. He works with kids on the side as a mentor (Matilda saw this man doing charity work on the side so I’m not sure if this is it)
9. He is trustworthy and puts me first.
10. Sees all this in 2020 but could meet him in 2019

In addition, she told me i would meet the guy at a pharmacy or he is associated with a pharmacy or at work  - so I dont know if she is mixed people I meet up - but apparently she sees a pharmacy and/or hospital and looks like it is connected to the job. She kept saying I will not meet him online or at a club - so that is THAT lol.

All I know is every single last one of these readers are predicting some guy coming in for a relationship and are saying similar things - I just wonder if this is actually all one guy or 2? (Since there seems to be a lighter and darker one)

We will see....stay tuned!

This episode made my brain hurt a little bit lol. “Now that hot girl summer is over” cracked me up 😂

Hahah that mathmatix stuff probably gonna make everybody’s head hurt hahha

Offline maggs30

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« Reply #147 on: September 09, 2019, 02:07:53 AM »
Maybe he just tans well? Lol

Offline Sparkle002

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« Reply #148 on: September 09, 2019, 02:08:44 AM »
Maybe he just tans well? Lol
🤣🤣🤣 i cried out loud lol

Offline tellmewhy

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« Reply #149 on: September 09, 2019, 02:13:55 AM »
Love that, but I know one thing, the end only comes when we die, always some impossibilities can be possible.....

Why is this titled the end? It should be called the beginning with no ending

Check the very first post.
I’m updating this thread because THE END related to my POI 1 who  is still in the picture. I thought it was the end And thought everyone was wrong about us moving forward - but they all ended up being right. So I’m updating it until it truly is the end with him- and right now it’s not lol

Kisha and Cookie still see him coming back around wanting exclusivity by next March but - Kisha said we will miss the mark because I will be in a relationship with someone else by then.

Once it is...I’ll probably stop posting on this thread altogether or make a new one titled the Sparkle show or The Beginning lol  who knows
« Last Edit: September 09, 2019, 02:19:50 AM by tellmewhy »