Author Topic: THE END  (Read 205316 times)

Offline SomethingBetter

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« Reply #120 on: July 02, 2019, 09:09:03 PM »
After reading your update, sounds to me like psychics just seem to confuse the situation more than help anything. My Kisha readings were so similar. When I was calling her last year in June, she said ex would return back "home" to me in a 10 and 4. Said the same shit all the way up until October 15th. Then suddenly ex wasn't going to be putting in much effort and I'd become bored and some phantom new guy was going to appear who sounded way too good to be true the way he was described.

No new guy ever appeared. Ex is putting in a lot more efforts than he was before. However, yes, I am very bored with the situation at the same time.

Lastly, she kept saying his stay in the other state was temporary. Well, it's over a year now and he's still over there. My most recent reading in June she basically said he had a move coming up (which she's said for over a year now) but this time she wasn't sure if it was outside of the state he's in (which is the first time she's said that) and that the move wouldn't take place for 8 more months from the time of the reading. She also said he had a sugar momma helping him out. All of that was bullshit and not true. Only person helping him out is his mother. She also said he had other reasons for wanting to be in that other state outside of the fact that his kids live there. I believe that's also bullshit because he goes through nothing but hell and suffering each time he goes over there and I'm pretty sure he wouldn't choose to do that outside of his children. He's far to selfish to do it for any other person or reason.

Kisha has turned out to be a huge disappointed for me. I won't be calling her again. I wish you luck though!!!!!!!!!

I’m sorry Miss P. I gave up on Kisha when it comes to love predictions long ago. I will still go to her for work stuff (maybe, we will see after this month), but in hindsight she got an outcome for me 10 hrs ago correct (which statistics were on her side) and she predicted my most recent ex and was pretty right in a 1 question email but I think that’s her limitations on relationships. She had never been good for me on new guys otherwise. I don’t think it’s her forte or she can see past certain events. I also think if you read with her too much it mucks things up, idk why.

It’s strange though since you say she was so good for you for so long. Technically he does have a sugar mama, his own! lol

You deserve better, doll.

Offline Sparkle002

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« Reply #121 on: July 02, 2019, 09:40:30 PM »
Miss P! - funny enough I thought of you when I wrote this post! I remember seeing the post you added to the Kisha thread in red ink.

Uggh Love is NOT her forte. Those predictions had to be frustrating. She picks up amazing details about the person and all, but dang SHE FLIP FLOPS. In the past it appeared that her negative love readings were gold, but now it seems like those have been wrong lately.

I will say I though that most of what she did tell me in my general reads happened, even with my POI#1[/i][/b] - it did. BUT I didnt read with her often. Ive just noticed with my friends that if she sees a solid relationship - its never the person she describes, but the energy of BEING in a relationship somehow happens!! So If she says anything about being in a relationship Ive learned that it probably isnt the person she is seeing but she is seeing an energy of commitment that does tend to happen.

WOW so the ex did the opposite and put more effort in than what she said? Jeeez. Its like she gets bits and pieces right.

Ya she said she saw the POI #4 in a committed relationship and yeah thats not true as far as I can see (I'm going with Cookie on that one, because it matches what he told me in real life (along with what other readers confirmed )- which is that he just got out of a committed relationship).

Anywaysss...I totally agree with the underlined below

But I wish you luck as well Miss P!!

After reading your update, sounds to me like psychics just seem to confuse the situation more than help anything. My Kisha readings were so similar. When I was calling her last year in June, she said ex would return back "home" to me in a 10 and 4. Said the same shit all the way up until October 15th. Then suddenly ex wasn't going to be putting in much effort and I'd become bored and some phantom new guy was going to appear who sounded way too good to be true the way he was described.

No new guy ever appeared. Ex is putting in a lot more efforts than he was before. However, yes, I am very bored with the situation at the same time.

Lastly, she kept saying his stay in the other state was temporary. Well, it's over a year now and he's still over there. My most recent reading in June she basically said he had a move coming up (which she's said for over a year now) but this time she wasn't sure if it was outside of the state he's in (which is the first time she's said that) and that the move wouldn't take place for 8 more months from the time of the reading. She also said he had a sugar momma helping him out. All of that was bullshit and not true. Only person helping him out is his mother. She also said he had other reasons for wanting to be in that other state outside of the fact that his kids live there. I believe that's also bullshit because he goes through nothing but hell and suffering each time he goes over there and I'm pretty sure he wouldn't choose to do that outside of his children. He's far to selfish to do it for any other person or reason.

Kisha has turned out to be a huge disappointed for me. I won't be calling her again. I wish you luck though!!!!!!!!!

Offline Sparkle002

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« Reply #122 on: July 05, 2019, 07:00:02 PM »
The next episode of **The Sparkle Show** is up lol.

Came back to update some random predictions that Venus-CP made for me back in May that just recently happened regarding POI #1.

So I went to a 4th of July party with my friend, and guess what? I ran into him. Mind you the last time I saw him was before my bday - he said he would take me out and never did. In between time he tried to promise to makeup and yep never happened (this is whhyyy ain’t no way in hell I’d be interested lol) Anyway...

Venus predicted the following:
1)”You are introduced by a female (that he “POI 1” knows)- she introduces you to another guy - she is not introducing you to pair you two up, its not like that. The 2 of you just gravitate to each other. He (POI 1) is definitely trying to do a whole lot more when he finds out this person is interested in you. He is there when you meet this person, he is in the background looking. You aren’t paying him any attention, I dont think you even saw him. He saw you first. He notices this guy keeps talking to you. He’s jealous.”

Like ha!! Me and my friend ran into a guy she knew at this party. Mind you, she walked right up to POI 1 and said hello lol (so yes he knows her). After that we walked over to this guy we knew where she “reintroduced” us. Ive met this guy before. The funny thing is I know POI 1 KNOWS this guy. So my friend walks away and the guy waves toward me to stay to talk to him. I KNEW POI 1 was in the background somewhere at this party. THEN RANDOMLY lol after I finish talking to the guy, POI 1 comes up and wants to buy me a drink, then asks me what I’m doing later, and of course before I leave tells me he wants to see me. LOL likkke really dude? But wow this happened exactly
As she said

2) I asked in this same call if there was any significant things coming up between us (again this was right at the begging of May right after I let him go and was curious) - mind you I had not seen him much at all like the entire month of April and here and there since.

She says “AROUND THE 4th OF JULY” he backs up what he says. BUT you are HALF OUT by this time and ANNOYED

DAMN THIS HAPPENED - saw his ass on the 4th! And I AM ANNOYED LOL

3) She said “there is someone he knows, not well, but he knows their name - but when he finds out that this guy is pursuing you, you are going to a lot of phone calls, not texts, a lot of phone calls (which POI 1 mainly does calls vs text) when he finds out”. - There are THREE MEN pursuing you at different degrees in JULY”

Not sure if I will be getting all these phone calls, but he has done it before I would be surprised.

Annnd OMG -guys pursuing to various degrees is true. POI 1, POI 4 and I met someone new (POI 5 now, but its way too new so who knows) - but WOW. Again, this alllll goes back to what Mattie and Cookie saw in my love life.

They said it would get a bit crazy lol. And once it does, they said POI 1 will want to come forward (well he invited me to his house and hasn’t done that in 3 months). We will see about that (Not hoping but it would be interesting or Whatever)

However, they BOTH (Cookie and Mattie) see my ex from years ago coming back (Cookie said it could be about 4 guys circling (good lord)) - btw Cookie saw my ex coming back last year and he did....ugh

Soo stay tuned for the next episode! Lol
« Last Edit: July 05, 2019, 07:37:03 PM by Sparkle002 »

Offline Jeninmd2

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« Reply #123 on: July 06, 2019, 04:19:06 PM »
Haha, I love catching new episodes of The Sparkle Show!!  Thanks for the updates - I always find them interesting and helpful! 😊

Offline Sparkle002

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« Reply #124 on: July 18, 2019, 07:21:48 PM »
:D :D :D :D :D

LOL Sparkle show! You have to syndicate your life and make big bucks on a Netflix show ;)

Haha! Im just now seeing this!!

Offline Sparkle002

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« Reply #125 on: July 18, 2019, 07:51:24 PM »
On the upcoming episode of the *Sparkle Show*....

"The 3 Wise Men" (or not so wise)

Based on what Venus and predicted for me back in May (and Mattie in April) "There are THREE MEN pursuing you at different degrees in JULY”

Well here they are. POI 1, POI 4 and POI 5.
Yes POI 5 is pretty new but he has been around for a month so I had to put a label on him.

Since the last episode, after I saw POI 1 at the party, the very next day he called me and told me he wanted to see me. To make a long story short, his schedule got in the way (thanks QoC) and he couldnt see me that day. QoC picked up it was due to his schedule which was true. I was frustrated and said choice words for him, in which he called and we argued for a bit, and in the end left me mad. I called QoC about a week later and she could pick up we had had an argument and he knew I was mad at him. She said he will call to reconcile and there is this newness coming from him, new energy and she saw contact from him soon. Same with Indio, she saw that he was going to contact me VERY soon and BOOM he called me 10pm at night last night - He apologized, talked for about an hour about what his life has been like and whats going on with him. So in a sense it definitely this newness to it.

VENUS straight up told me - from when I first read about him last May - "He will be on your life path for years years and years, up and down and in many different ways." Cookie, Kisha - hell my whole team says he doesnt want me out of his life. They have literally said the same thing. However - they continue to say he is inconsistant - which is the caveat - but clearly has love feelings there - all basically saying he doesnt want me out of his life and just when you think you move on, HE REAPPEARS (Cookie and Venus and Qoc like said this word for word).

Anyway - lets do a FLASHBACK. MATTIE started this WHOLE THING. back in April. Was the first to see these 3 guys over the summer. She said it would get "quite interesting" - HA YOU THINK?

The reading I had with Venus yesterday basically stated that all of these guys by September are coming at me hard and I WOULD GET CONFUSED. Cookie said the SAME THING - I WOULD GET CONFUSED - in my June 1st reading. Cookie said "You're dating, you're dating and there is love in the air" - I thought she was joking. Yet she didnt see a committed relationship with anyone for the rest of the year. She said that doesnt mean I wont be in one, she doesnt see me in one.

So next is POI 4 and POI 5. Both have been pursuing in their own ways consistently. POI 4 and I make plans for a another trip - but it gets cancelled AGAIN - just as Cookie predicted.

However, the Majority of my 12 readers see POI 4 making his claim for commitment, POI 1 will try to stake his claim but knows he cant offer me what I want, and for now POI 5 is enamored with the physical component of ME lol (maybe because he is still new).

While all this stuff sounds interesting - in all honesty - NOTHING is really happening with any of these guys lol. Like they are around and offer to do things but - just as Cookie and Kisha said - Ill be DATING. Kisha even said it would be 2 months of this until I get something solid by September (not necessarily committed, but more solid).

ALLL READERS SAY SEPTEMBER as some change or someone of these guys is going to step forward with something SOLID.

Based on my reading with Venus yesterday - she hasnt changed her story about POI 4 wanting to progress with me. OH! And regards to having an issue with integrity and trustworthiness (per Kisha and Cookie) I honestly havent had much with that other than in the beginning because of the dude's lifestyle - but so far everything he told me checks out. So I'd have to "wait and see" like Cookie told me.

I'll say this in short - Like seriously every single thing QoC said about contact and feelings about the 3 have been so damn SPOT on - even contact - even arguements - even reconciliation.

Venus done seen trips n shit lol and continues to see trips with me and POI 4 (consistent with last reading and makes sense because he travels alot)

Golden Dawn Tarot  sees something like super solid with POI 4, Celeste, etc.

Indio goes back and forth - but still maintains POI 4 energy as wanted to pursue and get to know...

Venus straight up told me - POI 5 is going to be the first out of the 3 that will want to pursue something more serious, but then the others will follow and you will be confused.

Kisha straight up told me "Towards the end of the year. I say that it's an option for you because you will also have someone else that you can have a relationship with that solid as well. It's not necessarily that you have these two people at the same time. You know that you can just pick and choose from right then and there. But around the same time, you would have a connection with someone else is starting to get serious. And this [other] person is also going to want to be serious."

BASED ON MY STORY - who do you think would be the more solid person?

- POI 1 (based on Kisha's reading)
- POI 4 (based on everyone else but Kisha)
- POI 5 (not enough info)

 Stay tuned for the NEXT EPISODE!!

The next episode of **The Sparkle Show** is up lol.

Came back to update some random predictions that Venus-CP made for me back in May that just recently happened regarding POI #1.

So I went to a 4th of July party with my friend, and guess what? I ran into him. Mind you the last time I saw him was before my bday - he said he would take me out and never did. In between time he tried to promise to makeup and yep never happened (this is whhyyy ain’t no way in hell I’d be interested lol) Anyway...

Venus predicted the following:
1)”You are introduced by a female (that he “POI 1” knows)- she introduces you to another guy - she is not introducing you to pair you two up, its not like that. The 2 of you just gravitate to each other. He (POI 1) is definitely trying to do a whole lot more when he finds out this person is interested in you. He is there when you meet this person, he is in the background looking. You aren’t paying him any attention, I dont think you even saw him. He saw you first. He notices this guy keeps talking to you. He’s jealous.”

Like ha!! Me and my friend ran into a guy she knew at this party. Mind you, she walked right up to POI 1 and said hello lol (so yes he knows her). After that we walked over to this guy we knew where she “reintroduced” us. Ive met this guy before. The funny thing is I know POI 1 KNOWS this guy. So my friend walks away and the guy waves toward me to stay to talk to him. I KNEW POI 1 was in the background somewhere at this party. THEN RANDOMLY lol after I finish talking to the guy, POI 1 comes up and wants to buy me a drink, then asks me what I’m doing later, and of course before I leave tells me he wants to see me. LOL likkke really dude? But wow this happened exactly
As she said

2) I asked in this same call if there was any significant things coming up between us (again this was right at the begging of May right after I let him go and was curious) - mind you I had not seen him much at all like the entire month of April and here and there since.

She says “AROUND THE 4th OF JULY” he backs up what he says. BUT you are HALF OUT by this time and ANNOYED

DAMN THIS HAPPENED - saw his ass on the 4th! And I AM ANNOYED LOL

3) She said “there is someone he knows, not well, but he knows their name - but when he finds out that this guy is pursuing you, you are going to a lot of phone calls, not texts, a lot of phone calls (which POI 1 mainly does calls vs text) when he finds out”. - There are THREE MEN pursuing you at different degrees in JULY”

Not sure if I will be getting all these phone calls, but he has done it before I would be surprised.

Annnd OMG -guys pursuing to various degrees is true. POI 1, POI 4 and I met someone new (POI 5 now, but its way too new so who knows) - but WOW. Again, this alllll goes back to what Mattie and Cookie saw in my love life.

They said it would get a bit crazy lol. And once it does, they said POI 1 will want to come forward (well he invited me to his house and hasn’t done that in 3 months). We will see about that (Not hoping but it would be interesting or Whatever)

However, they BOTH (Cookie and Mattie) see my ex from years ago coming back (Cookie said it could be about 4 guys circling (good lord)) - btw Cookie saw my ex coming back last year and he did....ugh

Soo stay tuned for the next episode! Lol
« Last Edit: July 18, 2019, 10:10:11 PM by Sparkle002 »

Offline Fidget1028

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« Reply #126 on: July 18, 2019, 08:06:13 PM »
@sparkle, I'm just popping in to say that it's a bit unfair that you have 5 POIs and I have 1 POS. Just saying.  😂

Offline lp1111

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« Reply #127 on: July 18, 2019, 08:24:42 PM »
@sparkle, I'm just popping in to say that it's a bit unfair that you have 5 POIs and I have 1 POS. Just saying.  😂

😂😂😂 amen! 🙌🏼👏🏼

Offline Sparkle002

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« Reply #128 on: July 18, 2019, 08:32:57 PM »

Well I only have 3 tho but like that makes it better lol

FYI POI 2 and POI 3 are long gone. Just keeping track of the tally so if anyone follows my story no one gets confused on who is who  (from past postings lol).

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« Reply #129 on: July 18, 2019, 09:21:46 PM »
@sparkle, I'm just popping in to say that it's a bit unfair that you have 5 POIs and I have 1 POS. Just saying.  😂

HAHAHA I laughed out loud at work and everyone looked at me.

This was great Fidget!

Hahah that’s funny!

Offline Sparkle002

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« Reply #130 on: July 20, 2019, 09:03:51 PM »
On the next episode of the *SPARKLE SHOW*...

"Straight from the Horses Mouth"

Who knew in 2 days that I'd get the realest response from - POI #4.

Just yesterday, I've noticed that - while he communicates with me consistently, he hasnt been mentioning or responding to any emotional gestures since our last discussion when he was a bit mad at me a couple weeks ago. So I straight up asked - "Are you emotionally unattached from me now and is this just a FWB thing because I dont know where we stand after our last conversation" (Our last convo about our situation was about 2 weeks ago, where he basically stated that because of my attitude he didnt think we could be in a relationship, but he had to think about it - or whatever).

Anyway, while hanging out at an evening rooftop pool party, I got a text from him .... he straight up told me that he didnt see a future for us, he didnt really have an emotional connection yet - but is still open to it. In the meantime, he still wants to date me. LOL Im laughing because, its so easy just to ask the person how they feel vs calling readers. Especially if you ask in a matter of fact and unemotional way. Like, I called a couple readers prior and none of them told me this. All said that had some issues going on with a legal obligation and he is irritated of fighting with someone else - This could be true, but irrelevant to my question. While my ego was bruised, I had POI 5 pick me up from the pool party and we hung out lol.

First I'll say this - NONE of them nailed that he is emotionally unattached. One got the present situation right about him pulling back because he knew he would disappoint me and wanted to avoid that  (SCORE QOC!) . This did happen because we were supposed to go on a trip this weekend (for his work) but that got cancelled and he had to go to a diff city. I couldnt go to this visit (because we were gonna drive, but this one he had to fly) anyway. He told me he was reluctant to tell me because he knew I would be disappointed.

QOC did say this - "its not that he is completely unemotionally attached, its that he really just wants you to be independent and not rely on him for much right now - he is getting a sense of emotional neediness from you that is affecting his perception. You just have to change that if you want him to change his perception". Fair enough - I can definitely go into I DONT GIVE A EFF mode lol.

HOWEVER the other things she (Cookie) kept bringing up about his integrity and sincerity and Kisha mentioning trustworthiness are YET TO BE SEEN. Like, I caught him in that small stupid lie when we first met (where he was driving vs flying to a destination) but it was dumb. BUT Everything he has told me since has checked out - so Im confused as to what they were seeing because everything Ive asked from him he tells me straight up the deal and has provided evidence (upon me asking - and no there isnt much suspicious anything more like clarifying)- so maybe they were picking my own suspicion in the beginning rather than him actually being that way. Cookie told me I would "QUESTION his integrity". She didnt say he was an outright "liar" like she did with POI 1. She specifically mentioned that if he makes plans and cancels and doesnt tell you why or mention anything - that speaks to his integrity. WELL he has done the complete opposite!! HE has always communicated with me (other than the first time we hung out) that if he cant make something or has to cancel, he decently tells me - which is what I appreciate. So again, Im not seeing what she is talking about here. On the other hand POI 1 was TERRIBLE at cancelling and rescheduling. He would just not show up or say anything - and maybe a handful of times he would actually tell me he couldnt make it - on his own without me asking - very inconsiderate.

But as for what everyone else is seeing - this strong potential for a relationship with POI 4 is definitely not there based on what he told me.

Could it still be? Sure...but Im going off what the horses mouth told me for now...

If a person tells you how they feel, please believe them

« Last Edit: July 20, 2019, 09:05:30 PM by Sparkle002 »

Offline Sparkle002

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« Reply #131 on: July 20, 2019, 09:48:48 PM »
WHOA! Maybe So! That was from my Kisha reading too

The thing is POI 1 did the same! LOL - Back in April we discussed our relationship status and I know where I stand with him as well.
He has also been in the background.

So yeah omg it could be either actually! GOSH

Thanks for pointing that out Josh!

So for those of you catching my story lol we will see who it will be and if Kisha is right! If she is that means my team would be right as well (they are soooo positive about POI 4) well except Cookie.

On the next episode of the *SPARKLE SHOW*...

"Straight from the Horses Mouth"

Who knew in 2 days that I'd get the realest response from - POI #4.

Just yesterday, I've noticed that - while he communicates with me consistently, he hasnt been mentioning or responding to any emotional gestures since our last discussion when he was a bit mad at me a couple weeks ago. So I straight up asked - "Are you emotionally unattached from me now and is this just a FWB thing because I dont know where we stand after our last conversation" (Our last convo about our situation was about 2 weeks ago, where he basically stated that because of my attitude he didnt think we could be in a relationship, but he had to think about it - or whatever).

Anyway, while hanging out at an evening rooftop pool party, I got a text from him .... he straight up told me that he didnt see a future for us, he didnt really have an emotional connection yet - but is still open to it. In the meantime, he still wants to date me. LOL Im laughing because, its so easy just to ask the person how they feel vs calling readers. Especially if you ask in a matter of fact and unemotional way. Like, I called a couple readers prior and none of them told me this. All said that had some issues going on with a legal obligation and he is irritated of fighting with someone else - This could be true, but irrelevant to my question. While my ego was bruised, I had POI 5 pick me up from the pool party and we hung out lol.

First I'll say this - NONE of them nailed that he is emotionally unattached. One got the present situation right about him pulling back because he knew he would disappoint me and wanted to avoid that  (SCORE QOC!) . This did happen because we were supposed to go on a trip this weekend (for his work) but that got cancelled and he had to go to a diff city. I couldnt go to this visit (because we were gonna drive, but this one he had to fly) anyway. He told me he was reluctant to tell me because he knew I would be disappointed.

QOC did say this - "its not that he is completely unemotionally attached, its that he really just wants you to be independent and not rely on him for much right now - he is getting a sense of emotional neediness from you that is affecting his perception. You just have to change that if you want him to change his perception". Fair enough - I can definitely go into I DONT GIVE A EFF mode lol.

HOWEVER the other things she (Cookie) kept bringing up about his integrity and sincerity and Kisha mentioning trustworthiness are YET TO BE SEEN. Like, I caught him in that small stupid lie when we first met (where he was driving vs flying to a destination) but it was dumb. BUT Everything he has told me since has checked out - so Im confused as to what they were seeing because everything Ive asked from him he tells me straight up the deal and has provided evidence (upon me asking - and no there isnt much suspicious anything more like clarifying)- so maybe they were picking my own suspicion in the beginning rather than him actually being that way. Cookie told me I would "QUESTION his integrity". She didnt say he was an outright "liar" like she did with POI 1. She specifically mentioned that if he makes plans and cancels and doesnt tell you why or mention anything - that speaks to his integrity. WELL he has done the complete opposite!! HE has always communicated with me (other than the first time we hung out) that if he cant make something or has to cancel, he decently tells me - which is what I appreciate. So again, Im not seeing what she is talking about here. On the other hand POI 1 was TERRIBLE at cancelling and rescheduling. He would just not show up or say anything - and maybe a handful of times he would actually tell me he couldnt make it - on his own without me asking - very inconsiderate.

But as for what everyone else is seeing - this strong potential for a relationship with POI 4 is definitely not there based on what he told me.

Could it still be? Sure...but Im going off what the horses mouth told me for now...

If a person tells you how they feel, please believe them

"So it's going to feel as if those things are not really progressing or. In fact, it's not so much about it feels like it's not progressing as much to some extent you and this person will kind of have a discussion about your relationship status.<THIS IS POI 1! We had a discussion in April so I knew where we stood and he is in the BACKGROUND. And you would know, kind of where you stand with the person so I dont get them being misleading. It just looks like this is someone for a period of time, just who just kind of isn't prepared or willing to have a solid relationship. And it looks like the eventually we'll get to that point. So I don't feel like you're necessarily going to meet someone totally new for a solid relationship is just maybe someone that you've been distance for a period of time."

Sort of makes me feel like maybe its actually this poi4 they were talkikg avout?
« Last Edit: July 20, 2019, 11:03:06 PM by Sparkle002 »

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« Reply #132 on: August 21, 2019, 03:18:43 AM »
On the next episode of the **SPARKLE SHOW**

"Hot Girl Summer"

Well guys, I’ve had a couple of guys circling around me that I have been dating just as Mattie, Cookie, Kisha and Matilda said (starting back from this April - except Matilda, my first read with her was last month). None have been consistent just as Cookie predicted (she said anyone I meet online will not be consistent and here we are lol) - but the guy/s that I meet in person will be...that hasn't happened yet

Since then, yes I have dated a couple of guys outside of POI 1 and POI 4. Yet, both of them are still in the picture. ALLLLL of my readers picked up several guys around me and boy oh boy let’s say its been crazy!

Anyway, everything comes down to THESE KEY THINGS that ALL readers have picked up:

1. I WILL BE IN A COMMITTED RELATIONSHIP - all are saying I have not met this guy yet, I will meet him between September and November and will be in a committed relationship with this person by or before February of next year. They have all said I will meet this guy out and about and NOT online.  I did not ask about being in a relationship - this was picked up on their own  ;) (asked only GDT because she requires specific questions, and only asked because everyone else was picking it up on their own.)

2. POI 1 WILL COME BACK AND WANT A RELATIONSHIP - yes, you heard that right folks. Everyone has been picking this up recently for me and Im quite shocked. Why? Because the last year most of them said he didn’t want a relationship - but was tied up with the Baby Mama. While this was true, he definitely still has feelings and all that but isn’t consistently around at the moment. However, Kisha, Matilda, Cookie and Mattie all SEE HIM COMING BACK AROUND AND WANTING A RELATIONSHIP (not just coming back).  They all saw the period of time he would be in the background and distant through the summer, but will become more consistent maybe starting around September where he is wanting to offer a relationship by next March. Cookie said I will be confused and not want him in the future. Kisha said I won’t want him because I’ll be in a relationship. Cookie stated that it could last up to 2 years with me and POI 1 and that is what seems on track

3. I WILL HAVE A CHOICE - Apparently I am supposed to have a REAL choice (not the type of "choice" Yona says lol) between the NEW GUY and POI 1. They have been predicting this consistently for the last 6-8 months and the new guy wanting commitment over the last year.

4. MY EX CAME BACK  - my ex that started me on the psychic calling back in 2014 (we ended our situation in 2016, but started dating in 2012) - COOKIE predicted his return TWICE, MATTIE saw him as well, and I believe RUSTY picked him up. Let me be clear - he did NOT come back for a relationship, his dumb ass just wanted to have sex. SMH

5. POI 4 is STILL in the picture - since the blowup things have gotten back go a nice space (Venus, Matilda, Golden Dawn Tarot all saw that we would be coming back together) - HOWEVER - KISHA, MATILDA and COOKIE continue to not see a committed relationship from him. GDT initially saw potential, but when I asked directly (without asking about potential) she saw dating but nothing committed. Venus said he will be saying things he hasn’t before and will be showing care that I haven’t seen and this literally just happened. Per my last post, he has been different - caring, communicating more and all that...even talking about future plans (so all readers where right in the sense that he is emotionally connected when he said he wasnt emotionally connect to me -  he is showing that lately)

With that being said - here are the following readers that said I would be in a relationship
and/or I will meet the person who wants a relationship by SEPTEMBER:
* GDT - by end of the year
* VENUS - September
* Leanne  - September
* Indio - September
* Delores
* Rusty
* Mattie
* Kisha - September/End of the year
* Matilda - November, solid relationship by Feb 2020

* QoC- no mention
* Yona - no mention
* Tajah- no mention
* Tara- no mention (havent read with her in a year)

* Cookie- no relationship “this year” (as of June 2019 reading)

I will definitely update if I meet this new guy lol

Until the next episode!   ;D 8)
« Last Edit: August 21, 2019, 01:49:10 PM by Sparkle002 »

Offline Flyingsoul

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« Reply #133 on: August 21, 2019, 05:42:29 AM »
wow.. you must be very busy with your dating lol..
All the best and I am also curious about the new guy  ;)
Keep us posted!!!

Offline KotaSwan

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« Reply #134 on: August 21, 2019, 05:56:20 AM »
@sparkle this is so fun watching you figure out these connections and psychic predictions at the same time. good luck and keep us all posted :)

