Author Topic: THE END  (Read 210850 times)

Offline Sparkle002

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« Reply #510 on: October 05, 2020, 03:09:21 AM »
Hey ya'll!

Im coming back to comment on an old post to highlight what happened and what didnt from May 2020....

On the next episode of the Sparkle Show...

"House of Mirrors"

Hey Peeps! Is me - Sparkle!

Its been a while so I thought I would update

Nothing new between the POI and I (yet) - But Ive had some really interesting predictions lately that are supposed to happen soon (within the month) …so I may have something juicy to update by then.

Ive been reading with my go-to readers and a few new readers as well --- all have pretty much the same themes I have been posting for a while.

However, there are so many possibilities and outcomes Ive been given its confusing!

Just like in a House of Mirrors, you can see potential views or different views depending on where you are standing. Depending on which mirror you look at, it all comes down to YOU and your choice on what you want to do (or see) - if you believe in free will. Based on the recent reading from Cookie I had today, and hearing about what is coming up - its a pretty daunting choice on which path I choose with this situation. Because like Cookie said “You have a choice, its up to you”

So many different outcomes:
- Not in a Committed Relationship, but otherwise a relationship/affair <-- With the IT GUY TRUE, but no AFFAIR
- I will walk away from him (none of these predictions show that he walks away from me)<-- HAPPENED
- Separation/Divorce (on his side) <-HAVE NO IDEA
- Marriage (on our side in 2-5 years) - (I honestly think this is a different person), Proposal in the fall after a trip in Sept/Oct -<-Readers mixed this with the new guy - but No proposal smh, but Marriage talks
- Moving in together in a place he gets <--Readers mixed this with the new guy
- Moving into my place <-- --Readers mixed this with the new new guy pretty much has stayed with me every night with the "appearance" as a brief move in smh. He was remondeling his house at the time
- Living with me Time to time
<--See above

See how all over this stuff is? I dont even ask for outcomes in any of my readings but this is mainly what different readers have been picking up...I have absolutely no direction or idea where this will go because right now Im in a good space and a gray space where this is just a friendship between us...

All readers specifically said all these things will happen starting June and through the next 6 months (December) (However Ive had reads out to 2-5 years) (Kisha specifically didnt see ANY of these details in her general read, yet there are alot of details readers pick up)

Until then, based on a combination of readings - here is what looks to be a potential soap opera coming up:

1. Getting Closer/Deeper Connection/Love with POI - he could fall in love with me <-- This is being predicted with the new guy smh lol
2. Jealousy/Possessiveness (on his side)<-- This happened with the IT guy in July! When I met the new guy
3. A Trip <-- This is being predicted with the new guy - seems like the energy overlapped
4. People finding out about us at work (we work together)<-- This happened....with the NEW GUY. My manager literally told my coworkers when we met up for lunch "I had a new man" lol
5. Pregnancy (me) <-- Not happening - my dude is fixed. However he does have a young kid I believe they were seeing.
6. POI 1 making a return<-- THIS HAPPENED in JUNE AND SEPTEMBER.

The other choice is to not deal with him at all, and POOF all these predictions are immediately wrong lol.

Until Next Time…

Thanks to @midwesternsun for the title and reference!!

Offline Sparkle002

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« Reply #511 on: October 05, 2020, 11:47:41 PM »
“The END”

Hey Peeps! It's me Sparkle.

To the tune of the song “End of the Road” by Boyz  II Men:
“Although we've commmme…..Toooo the ennnnd of the roadddd…”

This is the last and Final Post to this Series, everybody! It is truly THE END

First, I want to thank everyone who read, commented, and provided feedback on this thread.
I appreciate those who tuned in to not only read my story but actually gained insight on how some of the readers I used and how they actually worked.

The purpose of this thread was to share my personal experience with readers and provide feedback on how predictions either panned out - or not specifically regarding my love life.

What I learned is that A lot of what I discovered on this journey can be found in the 10 Laws of Readings - a post I created (,5766.msg115405.html#msg115405). This lists everything I learned along my journey with readers.

In short, after dealing with several crazy dating situations, I’M FINALLY in a RELATIONSHIP!

Although the following readers may have mixed things up along the way - I will give KUDOS to several readers who predicted this guy INTO my LIFE. They all stayed consistent with their predictions (even though some of it was mixed him up with the other dude lol) - but even after the other guy (IT Director guy) didn't pan out - they still saw this NEW GUY.

A few said by Id meet the guy in July and most said by August/September I would be a solid relationship.
Also, most have predicted commitment and marriage and moving in with this guy. BUT….
I Just want to point out that NONE of these readers have predicted this stuff about ANY guy Ive ever dealt with so I do believe they aren’t throwing it out there (again other than mixing these guys up)

To connect what they are saying to REALITY - we are in a relationship and have talked about moving in together and touched on topics of Marriage (specifically with us... not generally)

Now just because we talked about it doesn’t mean we are going fast or acting on it now - but I do want to point out that the predictions are at least FEASIBLE based on what is going on NOW…rather than random predictions about marriage about some fairytale guy or some douche-bag thats around lol.  HOWEVER, we all know how readers work - who might seem to fit the bill NOW may not be the same person in the future lol. Im not worried about that right now though I am enjoying the process.

But with that being said - here are the readers that predicted this relationship:
(Those that have been predicting this stuff over the past year also mixed it with the IT guy but also saw this new guy, but didnt really describe him in that much detail)

Independent Readers
* Cookie  (can be found on Keen) - predicted marriage, relationship several times over the past year
* Kisha (can be found on Keen) - predicted marriage, relationship talks and moving in
* Matilda - predicted talking about living together

* Barbara4846 -  predicted marriage, committed relationship talks and moving in
* QOC - predicted serious relationship with this guy

* Tajah - predicted marriage, serious relationship talks and moving in
* Venus - predicted serious relationship with this guy
* Indio - predicted marriage talks, serious relationship and moving in
* Delores - predicted moving in
* Washington - Predicted serious relationship with the new guy and that I would walk away from the IT guy
* Celeste - she predicted the new guy into my life earlier this year and told me the IT guy was not it lol. However in the most recent reading, although she saw marriage and living together, she didnt see him as the guy I would grow old with lol. Who knows if that could mean we get together and get divorced, or if it doesn’t happen at all. Such a big elusive prediction on that one.

Without further ado, here is what happened in the last 2 months:

While building our relationship - there were a few ups and downs as predicted by Matilda and Kisha almost a year ago before I met him. Both told me at the beginning of this relationship there would be. The ups and downs were purely circumstantial but did have an effect on the relationship in the beginning. I initially tried to tie this with the other guy - but looking back and seeing where I am now - this happened with the guy I'm with now - because both saw a solid relationship with this person AFTER the ups and downs.

“There is a man you will have the chance to fall in love with and the feelings will be mutual. This is going to be someone you do have some mishaps with that will be sorted out quickly in the beginning stages, but you will have a very solid relationship. This man is someone who is a problem solver, he can admit when he is wrong, and he will genuinely want to please you.”

“But all I know is that by the time we get to July, or that sort of you know, the summer period, you are in a settled dating situation. You know, like in a relationship with somebody that you really like and you really connect with, I think there's going to be some ups and downs because they're very similar to you. And they are very sensitive. And when I say sensitive, I don't mean like they're going to go off the handle because you call them a city, la la. I mean sensitive, as in intuitive like yourself, okay?”

When one of the major “down” events happened in September, QOC specifically predicted it would happen 2 MONTHS prior - actually this was my first read about him to her. So you could imagine hearing what she had to say the first time - and I honestly thought it would be rainbows and roses! Lol. So that prediction threw me off a bit but when it happened OMG it happened just as she said.

Tajah and Barbara also picked up the situation. Barabara saw it happening literally days before…but we managed threw it.
One small fluke almost ended the relationship. I am not going to share what actually happened as it is a sensitive subject - but it didnt have anything to do with cheating or STDs or anything like that! LOL

Anyway - specific predictions that happened that surprised me the most were with Barbara4846. Now Im not here to hype her or up any of these readers on this thread, as I am only stating what actually came true. Now were there some predictions wrong or didnt happen? YES, but they were insignificant to the predictions that did actually happen - and Ill choose to focus on THOSE.

Barbra4846 Predictions:

January 2020 (Barbrara4846)

“There is property and money that you will take action with a young man. There's a young man here that has quite a bit of money that you will be involved with. There are changes around this in July. Someone has two children. Remember that. It says in November, or it says October November, that the future is holding for you family. But I get a gentleman that has quite a bit of money.” <— The guy Im with has an inheritance. I met him in July. He already has 2 kids.

May 2020 (Barbrara4846)
“So remember that it says a partnership that's perfect for you. You will succeed with….you're guarded sometimes about a young gentleman around you.”<-- This is the new guy...I was guarded because you know..BAGGAGE lol
“ It says that somebody you haven't heard from in a while. You will hear from them in September.” <— This was my POI 1…the guy I started this thread about. I blocked him about 3 months ago, not because of anything dramatic but I was just done with him. He emailed me and then sent me a message on FB to demand I reconnect with him IN SEPTEMBER. Barbara kept predicting he would be back and he was. I completely closed the door on him and told him I was in a relationship and he wished me well. Cookie told me that situation would end in 2 years and it did EXACTLY.

“It says that in October you will balance out.”—> So far this is true. There were circumstances I was dealing with in Sept that were messing with me emotionally - again circumstances, and not directly with my guy.

“There is an older gentleman that has a daughter. He will come back. There is love for you to get a Capricorn man around you. But I feel like he is not the one that you will have a relationship and a future with that says that you will work things out for the future to succeed. I get an ex around you emotionally. He does care about you still. He's from the past. “—> This was POI 1.

“I get that you've turned your back on a gentleman that has been married. Somebody you haven't heard from in a while, and you carry burdens over this guy. Did you date this guy that has been married before?” —> This was the IT Guy from work lol
“I feel like you're gonna make a decision whether to stay with him or leave him”
“It says you turn your back on love with him.  I feel like he wants to be with you. But remember I said earlier that I feel like you have to make a decision, but I don't think you'll stay with this one. I think you'll go to the other one, a new one.”—> This was true and I went with the new guy

“I feel like you're going to meet another one between August and September.”—>This is when the relationship picked up.

“….[there is a guy who]  just comes back or is there he comes back because he wants love with you. And but  you might be afraid of it ….because it says that you're in your love life. …You tried to work out love with him. Yes. I think you care about him. He cares about you, I think more than what you care about him. So when he comes back, he might tell you, he loves you wants to be with you wants to work things out. But that's up to you. You kind of turn your back a little bit on it. Maybe you don't trust them, or whatever. You feel foolish about it. You know what I mean? Well, I don't know if this will work out. You know, will it work out? You know? Oh, stuff like that. Yeah. Well, that may make them and that's happening this summer. He is coming back. Yes, he came out first. The Nine cards that started off, he came out first. So that means it will happen first. That could happen in June, July. Maybe he calls you for your birthday or something around your birthday. But it happens this summer, see. And it could be why it has stalled because of the virus. Yeah. Don't forget. Because everybody has changed the lives and wondering what the future is going to be and everything else. But he does come back. He does love you. (But I decided to leave him alone?) “I think you'll go out with him and be around him. But I think this other guy kind of traps you. I don't know why I want to say traps. You meet him and you like him, the other guy. So I feel like you have a choice. You know, with either one.” <— What happened was in July, when I met the new guy, the IT guy made more of a forceful presence in my life in JULY at the SAME TIME. I almost feel like he sensed I met someone or was dating someone. He was questioning what I was doing and who I was with, and asked very nosey questions about my love life. Cookie predicted he would get possessive and jealous and THAT he DID. It got annoying after a while and he has backed down for now. The IT Guy did communicate with me and wished me happy birthday before my bday and on my bday. Oh and the new guy TRAPPED me ALRIGHT lol

“What happens in the next three or four months…It will change your life”<—It did - because of the guy Im dating lol

“You'll own the house with this guy….Okay, so you're not moving yet. Oh, you will live there with the guy. Oh, it's a commitment. Like he's gonna say I want to marry you. Okay, it's a commitment” — while this has not happened yet we have talked about it a lot.

I also just received my Kisha general email reading and she predicted the same thing:

“You are going to begin to contemplate on a move in the Spring months. While I
do not see a move for you during that time it is a period where you start to look
into other options. The contemplation of the move is going to be something you
consider because you will be ready for a change of scenery. This doesn’t seem to
be a long-distance relocation, but possibly to a different area in the same state. I
am getting that you will follow through with the move, but it is something you will
really need to contemplate on. This move is also about you taking a leap of faith
and it will also be a turning point in your love life as well as this is a move you
would be making that will include living with someone as a couple. This is not a
platonic roommate, but you will be making a move with a romantic partner.”

Sept 2020 (Barbrara4846)
“I get a Gentlemen around you, that you're separated from or will be it’s quiet right now. But to get something in September, okay, powerful situation around this partnership to win a victory. You'll get some news from him. He's guarded right now. That's because of another situation that he's going through.”
“You thought had ended and you thought things fell apart. You go through grief. But there's the gentleman. Like I said, he has to go through taking care of some business before you marry this guy. Okay, he does have money. I'm gonna say he's in his 40s. Mm hmm. He's a very nice gentlemen.” “I feel like somebody that you're separated from, he does come back.”
<— This literally “down” moment happened 2 days after this prediction. There were circumstances that led up to this mishap that almost ended things and I was devastated! He went 3-4 days with no contact (only time he did this but due to what happened). But we did work it out and he came back as she said.

So to sum it up:

There are remaining predictions for the IT guy coming back and re-entering my life but I feel they are irrelevant to my current story. Whether he comes “back” or not doesn’t really matter. Being that we work together and haven’t seen each other since March…Im sure when we return to the office (maybe sometime next year) we will see each other lol.  Kisha mentioned in my general email that the IT Guy was going to make his presence known and He will be touchy-feely and I will feel awkward. She did not see a relationship with this person. THE END

And as for POI 1 - that is completely over. My last dealings with him were this past June, a month before I met the new guy.
Cookie told me that I would go 2 years with the POI 1. I told him Im in a relationship - THE END.

Well peeps, that's it to the story!

Maybe if I do get married or move in I will come back later to update - but those predictions are about 2 years away and who knows if it will be with this SAME GUY knowing these readers lol

On that note - SPARKLE’s OUT!!

« Last Edit: October 06, 2020, 12:02:18 AM by Sparkle002 »

Offline Flyingsoul

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« Reply #512 on: October 06, 2020, 12:45:49 AM »
Congratulations Sparkle!! So happy for you. Please enjoy the new relationship and cherish all the moment that you both have and going to have. XOXO

Offline Sparkle002

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« Reply #513 on: October 06, 2020, 01:23:24 AM »
Congratulations Sparkle!! So happy for you. Please enjoy the new relationship and cherish all the moment that you both have and going to have. XOXO

Aww thank you! I will :D

Offline Cranberry88

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« Reply #514 on: October 06, 2020, 05:54:12 PM »
Congratulations Sparkle, am so happy for you!
secondly am sure we will be missing this thread, its the first thing i look for whenever there is an update on here.
wishing you all the best!

Offline Beachgal0218

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« Reply #515 on: October 06, 2020, 06:22:07 PM »
congrats boo!!  so happy for you!!!

Offline Piggynose

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« Reply #516 on: October 06, 2020, 07:09:47 PM »
Yay Sparkle!!!!! I’m so happy for you!! I understand this chapter has to end but can you still keep us posted? I really enjoy your updates and your insight is very helpful!

Offline Bean82

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« Reply #517 on: October 06, 2020, 11:46:48 PM »
Congrats, Sparkle! You should totally write a blog about this.

Offline Bg2020

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« Reply #518 on: October 07, 2020, 01:16:19 AM »
Hi Sparkle! Congrats!!! It's amazing that so many readers work for you....
Did you ever get a partnership prediction from Yona too?
pls keep us updated!  :) ;) :)

Offline court1130

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« Reply #519 on: October 07, 2020, 01:57:07 AM »
Wow Sparkle! What a journey and I'm sorry I'm late to the party! Anyway, congrats on your new relationship and everything that comes with it. It was amazing to see how many readers were really connected to the situation and were able to get specific details so far in advance. It gives me hope that they're right for me, as well, (read with most readers you listed lmao) and I'll be sure to check the link to the 10 laws of readings thread. You're awesome and I wish you the best! 😊

P.S. - Forgive me if you already are, but you should definitely look into writing lmao. You're a great writer and storyteller!

Offline Sparkle002

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« Reply #520 on: October 11, 2020, 04:06:18 AM »
Yay Sparkle!!!!! I’m so happy for you!! I understand this chapter has to end but can you still keep us posted? I really enjoy your updates and your insight is very helpful!

Thanks so much! I’ll try! lol right now it’s just normal relationship stuff so it’s kinda boring for storytelling lol - the other major predictions are so far out but I’ll def come back to update if there are major changes!

Offline Sparkle002

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« Reply #521 on: October 11, 2020, 07:04:12 PM »
Congrats, Sparkle! You should totally write a blog about this.

Thank you!! Great idea😆

Offline Sparkle002

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« Reply #522 on: October 11, 2020, 07:15:59 PM »
Hi Sparkle! Congrats!!! It's amazing that so many readers work for you....
Did you ever get a partnership prediction from Yona too?
pls keep us updated!  :) ;) :)

Great question! The last I read with Yona was last April. While she did mention a partnership in that reading it wasn’t a significant partnership at all - it played out a few months later in June with POI 4.
The only way I know for sure is the events she described that would go down to lead up to it.
It wasn’t a real relationship smh. He actually stated that I was his girlfriend - without me knowing and just told me I was lol. But that was a weird situation nonetheless smh. I was never in a real relationship with that guy. Earlier on in this thread I mention my dating experience with him lol

So in this case Yona predicted a very insignificant relationship or situationship and didn’t see my current guy at all (he came in only a year and some change later). The thing is that my cards move very fast - most of her predictions happen within 3 months for me with 1 or 2 stragglers. But that reading she was so focused on that guy it was just a waste smh.

All in all she predicted 2 relationships between 2016-2018. With POI 1 and POI 4....but I don’t believe she said these were committed serious relationships to be fair

« Last Edit: October 12, 2020, 03:15:55 AM by Sparkle002 »

Offline Sparkle002

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« Reply #523 on: October 12, 2020, 03:18:38 AM »
Wow Sparkle! What a journey and I'm sorry I'm late to the party! Anyway, congrats on your new relationship and everything that comes with it. It was amazing to see how many readers were really connected to the situation and were able to get specific details so far in advance. It gives me hope that they're right for me, as well, (read with most readers you listed lmao) and I'll be sure to check the link to the 10 laws of readings thread. You're awesome and I wish you the best! 😊

P.S. - Forgive me if you already are, but you should definitely look into writing lmao. You're a great writer and storyteller!

Thank you! I tell ya I learned a lot on how readers work these last 2 years...before that it was like shooting in the dark! Good luck to you 😃

Offline Sparkle002

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« Reply #524 on: October 12, 2020, 12:56:34 PM »
I hope everything well turned out to be with you :)

Thanks 😊