Author Topic: THE END  (Read 204491 times)

Offline Sparkle002

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« Reply #495 on: August 09, 2020, 02:45:48 PM »
yes!!!!! I cant wait to sit down with a cup of coffee and read this update !! from what I have quickly gathered- congrats! I have not read much into it but saw enough to see a new guy!!

I will be checking in later today to read this I hope!!!!

Happy for you girl!! Keep shining on!!!!

Hey beachgal!! Thank you!! Hope you enjoy the read and hope you are doing well!

Offline Sparkle002

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« Reply #496 on: August 09, 2020, 02:53:53 PM »
Thank you so much Sparkle for the update, i really appreciate how you put in all these efforts and make it so interesting to read ! (i picked up my nuts & chocolates when i saw you posted a new update).
so firstly, congrats on the new guy lol, i hope things move the way you would like it to be. the main readers seemed to give you "almost" consistent generic predictions while its always the opposite way for me. fro example, Leanne & Yona's readings are ALWAYS in two different ways. Cookie & Kiesha too.
so not really sure what to expect.

be ready for getting pregnant sparkle  ;D (as predicted with the IT Director, means the new guy)

 haha Thanks Cranberry!!!

Yeah my go tos were just all over the place with these predictions whew!! I dont recall them mixing up so much it was weird! There were definitely generic and specific predictions all mixed up in there - specific to timeframes, descriptions and everything...

There were only 2 readers that Picked up Pregnancy - Cookie and Tajah.

Now Cookie has mentioned pregnancy for me a couple times before and never happened - I think she was seeing unprotected sex. She even asked if I was having that - so there's that.

However, since Tajah saw me getting preggo - that threw me for a loop. I read with her for 5 years and she has NEVER ever said that to me - nor has any other reader.

As a matter of fact - I do not want kids!!! lol

So when I found out my POI was fixed - I was happy as heck! (he has 2 kids already).

BUT Cookie did mention my period would be changing where I could miss it or there would be spotting or whatever (sorry if im graphic here) but idk if that is due to pregnancy or me being stress out (which has happened before). But I do know that even if a guy is fixed, sometimes its not 100 percent.

Typically for me all of my go tos do read the same things - at least for this situation! Now I would have situations where when I used to read with Yona, that Yona and Kisha would say the same predictions and then maybe Cookie or some others would be a tad different so that would be confusing as heck. It typcially ended up that Yona and Kisha were right along the way and Cookie got the outcome there's that lol

Hope you enjoyed the update!
« Last Edit: August 09, 2020, 02:57:01 PM by Sparkle002 »

Offline Sparkle002

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« Reply #497 on: August 09, 2020, 03:01:38 PM »
Based on my update - it appears the section in blue is whats happening with the new guy lol

2018 So it's been two years. Did anyone give you a 2year mark, as in that is how long it would take to transpire?

Also, the original two, were the predictions spot on for what happened with them? I never read the story until the current poi. sorry.

No worries its a long ass story - or saga - this thread has been going for 2 years almost lol

So they didnt say specifically 2 years but they all said 2020 - so in that way yes it was a 2 year mark. Cooke specifically said 2020, Kisha, heck almost all of them did when they saw this guy back then.

So yes for POI 1 and POI 4 everything transpired as they said for the most part. There were some misses, but the predictive stuff was more or less spot on (id say about 85-90% right). However, most of my readers were more correct on POI 1 than 4 - they thought there was going to be some form of relationship there was - and there kind of was but not really - and listening back to their readings thats how it came across - not as high energy of a relationship they are seeing with this guy. But again this is a situation where general reads have been showing this as a committed relationship, however now he enters the picture (matching specific details of their predictions) and now they are saying friendship that turns romantic and serious..then kind of go back and forth on the relationship - either way they see a relationship, but not a committed one now...So who knows its a weird situation. Im just glad my emotions are caught up like that - dont get me wrong there is some, but Im not all in love or anything

The key months everyone saw was:

September 2019 - Some readers saw a relationship burgeoning - this is when I started my job - and I met my POI that same week (didnt know it was him though)
Feb 2020 - Predicted I would be in a relationship with the guy - well this is when we started hanging out more and realized our attraction for each other more

March 2020 - 2 Readers (Kisha, Matilda and Delores) thought there would be a new guy that would come in at this time that would really want a serious relationship - HOWEVER the description of this guy was the exact same as my POI, his hair, his job, the fact that he is mixed, etc etf etc. AND IT WAS HIM. At this time, we got a bit closer and he confessed that he felt like he could fall in love with yeah...then comes QUARANTINE

Cookie said "MARCH-MAY" that he could go through some issues at home and he could be indifferent towards me due to whats going on at home - I asked what happens after May - she said "You guys hang out more and he gets better" (she said way more but for the timeline Ill keep it here)

 Now May-Aug 2020 are significant timeframes where they are all seeing this thing really take off - this timeframe has been consistent for the last 2 years from all readers (now remember Cookie was the furthest out, most start seeing this guy around last summer) - but all predicted some Solid commitment or something Summer/Late Summer  2020

Believe me Im taking this whole situation with a SIDE EYE lol

Offline Piggynose

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« Reply #498 on: August 10, 2020, 12:13:40 AM »
Sparkle!!!!!!!! I love your updates. I feel so giddy when I see you have posted an update. Kinda like how I used to get on Sunday nights back in the day to watch a new episode of Sex and the City!!!

Congrats on your new love interest. He sounds like a breath of fresh air!!!

So, let me ask you this. Who would you recommend to predict a new love interest coming in?

Please continue to update us and best of luck with the new guy!

Offline Sparkle002

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« Reply #499 on: August 10, 2020, 02:07:52 AM »
Sparkle!!!!!!!! I love your updates. I feel so giddy when I see you have posted an update. Kinda like how I used to get on Sunday nights back in the day to watch a new episode of Sex and the City!!!

Congrats on your new love interest. He sounds like a breath of fresh air!!!

So, let me ask you this. Who would you recommend to predict a new love interest coming in?

Please continue to update us and best of luck with the new guy!

Hahah thanks Piggynose!! Hope you enjoyed the post   ;D

As for new love predictions - hmmm omg lol - its hard to say because it appears what they pick up get mixed up - but the following readers have always predicted a new guy and they always appeared:

Cookie, Matilda, Tajah, Venus, Leanne, Barbara, SherryLynn (Kisha has but isnt that great with new ppl, more or less better with people in the present)....

These are based on General Love readings though. I have asked a couple of times if they did see a new person for me here and there and they were still correct -- even several describing the same guy - its interesting how they describe the new guys that come in lol

BUT none of the guys previously predicted were never predicted as a true relationship that was serious enough for marriage (over the past 4 years ) until this prediction of this guy ....we will see

However, there is one other guy that was predicted to me by Barbara, Washington, Tajah, Venus and Cookie - a Military guy, a guy who works in government or police or something - all of them saw this guy around these same predictions of the IT guy mixed in with this current kinda freaks me out because Im not sure if this guy is someone that comes in after the current guy Im seeing or if he is someone insignificant - I dont know...but hey I guess thats the fun of updating this story lol....

Im hoping it was just the guy I communicated with before I met my current guy - he worked in Aerospace and used to be in the Military - so (I hope it was him lol) I really dont want to deal with any more guys!!

Offline Flyingsoul

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« Reply #500 on: August 10, 2020, 02:13:49 AM »
I like to read your story because it's very interesting :) Keep us posted of how it's developing.

Offline jolimano

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« Reply #501 on: August 10, 2020, 03:46:05 PM »
On the next episode of the Sparkle Show…..

*The MIX UP*

Intro ~Fresh Prince of Bel-Air music~

“Now this is a story … all about how... my readings got flipped turned upside down….
and if you’d like to take a minute just sit right there and see how all my predictions were mixed up everywhere…
Somewhere in Texas is where I was torn and dazed, on the psychic reader sites is where I spent most of my days,
Anxious, and crazy, not cool at all....shooting my brain up with crazy readings like a fool,
When a couple of friends …told me this was no good, I started thinking that I should
Move on from the situation because I was scared, then I took a chance online and met a new guy that cares”

Cheesy I know LOL …but lets set the tone for this story…

The following readers set the tone for this episode - more like the “Poltergeist” movie - where Caroline was advised to “stay away from the light”

June 2020 - General Love life readings (did not read on the IT guy)

Tajah “There is a decision where you need to let a person go. You are not seeing that this is going anywhere. I think you are right not to go back to this person, they don’t get it and I don’t think they ever will”

Venus “I have a guide saying focus away from your past, I don’t think you are going back to that person anyway, but stay focused on the future, he is not your only option”

Indio “You need to open up you channels to allow a new person in. Cut away negative energies to see a clear path to a committed relationship. This is a new person. Work on yourself for 30 days. People are online. Think about what you really want and it will happen. This new guy will come in without any blocks or obstacles. Don’t let anyone come in from the past. You are going to be like “Indio” this sounds like a bad reading but you are going to call back and say OMG Indio - he’s here. He is coming in July/August” (I literally met the new guy 30 days later in July)

Basically, after all my readings for many many months on this IT guy, readers finally told me I needed to step away and allow for someone new to come in :o

Along my psychic journey, I’ve marveled at 2 things, 1) the unexplainable ability to pick up future events with some level of accuracy, and 2) those events actually happen in some form or fashion. However, the caveat is understanding and learning that (from a querent perspective) is when and if predictions do happen 1) They typically don’t happen the way you think they will or as described (unless the reader is a remote viewer and can actually see details of events and 2) This point can often negate #1 as oftentimes, events can happen with a totally different person that what was predicted. In addition, alot of readers mix people up. Badly. In this episode, you will see how readers can pick up energy and thats it. They truly do not know who they are seeing - maybe unless they are a remote viewer and can physically describe to you what the person they are seeing looks like, but even then they can “see” one person but “describe” the actions of another.

This story concludes the predictions that were associated with this almost 2-years worth of predictions of a new guy I would be in a relationship with - the IT guy I work with. While he is still in my life because he is my coworker - 1) Its over for me because since quarantine he has never made an effort to see me, however, has not missed a day of contact and 2) After getting to know more about him over time, outside of work (via text mainly) - we are totally incompatible.

For those that have been following this story - first off Im glad to be able to come back and provide insight and perspective on my personal dealings with readers and associate what has been predicted with real life. This what the Sparkle Show is all about - revealing what was predicted, and comparing them to what actually happens (or doesn’t) in reality - and point out how readers were able to pick up certain things (or not) and how they were able to interpret them. The biggest key is how the READER interprets the reading. Each reader (good reader) has their own communication or interpretation style - some may say certain words over and over (called -isms), some are more detailed in descriptions while others are more high level, but still get the overall gist of what will happen.

I say this all to say - I MET A NEW GUY IN JULY and he has been consistent, interested, and literally checks all of my boxes. He is completely single and is still around to THIS DAY.

But lets break down what happened….

Starting back last Nov/Dec, a few readers mentioned I would meet 2 guys in 2020 that I “could” have a relationship with. The key months that I would see change were Feb 2020, March 2020 and July 2020. Cookie saw a point where a guy would say “I care about you, I miss you then eventually I love you” (this was predicted Dec 2019). Kisha even saw a guy who would be consistent and plan outings and give me roses. Now, even though there was a 2nd guy hinted, I didnt really acknowledge it because no one - even over the course of the next few months - no one really described this guy in detail as they did with the IT guy. So I almost didnt believe he existed because - they saw 2 different guys before, but it ended up being the same IT guy (based on description and prediction and timing). Safe to say that those 2 above predictions did not happen with the IT Guy. They havent happened with the new guy either, but are more likely.
Well as most of you know, the IT GUY (my Director) was the guy that was physically predicted to me over a 1.5 year timespan. Most of my go to readers picked him up between 1.5 up to 6 months before me meeting him. Described how I would work with him, what he looked like, his personality, everything down to a T. AND I MET HIM - Nov of 2019 - specifically as Matilda predicted. (Mind you all of the readers were predicting the same person as the descriptions were the same - Dark Curly haired bi racial guy, management position, worked with me, height, etc)

However, only ONE reader saw he was MARRIED from the jump - Barbara4846. This didnt discount other readers not seeing another woman around him though. They could pick up there was a divorce or some woman from the past - but that was it. This included Cookie, Matilda, Indio, Venus, Tajah,  Leanne etc. But NO ONE saw he was MARRIED, until AFTER I FOUND OUT.

Its important to note here - how readers can pick up YOUR energy and can potentially mix that up with a reading. How interesting it was that the readers didnt know he was married until after I KNEW. And this included readers from different sites, tools and no tools. They do pick up your thoughts energetically - KEEP THAT IN MIND. THEY PICK UP ON ENERGY - that is it.

So of course after finding all of this out - Jan 2020, he and I continued our interaction as there was a strong attraction between us. This occurred up into Feb and March 2020. Remember  they predicted a NEW GUY come Feb/Mar 2020? WELL IT WAS THE SAME GUY (IT GUY) but different ENERGY. He went from just coworker to having all these feelings for me and expressed to me that “He couldn’t see me out of his life, and that he could fall in love with me”.  All of my go to readers saw this man as 2 different people because his ENErGY changed.
Leanne specifically saw him one way and then another way in the same reading but didnt know she was picking up on the same guy - same for Kisha, Cookie and others. SO TO ME any future positive predictions related to him seemed possible!! Because he was totally interested and consistent and verbally confirming his feelings for ME!!

With that being said, the budding affair quickly came crashing down when COVID hit and placed our forecasted love affair to a screeching halt.

Cookie (and others warned me) that he would be going through “changes” in his life. Kisha and QOC predicted he wouldn’t move forward with me due to “Circumstances” early on in January. Well those changes came in March when the pandemic hit and we all had to work from home.

Here is what was said:

Kisha 12/25 2020

“I do get that this connection seems fairly new and that this would have to be something that both of you would be willing to give a chance. I must say that it seems that in some ways the odds are against the two of you being able to really have a lot of time for development. It’s not really due to lack of effort, but more so circumstances. I get him being not just attracted to you physically, but attracted to your personality and he feels as if you are very independent. He has also asked other people about you. So, it seems that you may have a mutual friend or acquaintance in common. There is a sense of him sort of checking in from time to time, but I don’t yet see a serious effort to build a solid romantic relationship. So, thus far I am not seeing a great deal of effort to pursue a serious romantic relationship despite there being an interest.  I get there being a period that he is distant, but he will be looking for you in his absence. So, this may be him trying to maintain contact or going through social media. The distance doesn’t really show as being emotional it is due to circumstances pertaining to distance. In the back of his mind he would like to have a more aggressive approach, but he is also a bit insecure when it comes to this as well. Now he actually isn’t an insecure person in general by any means. I can’t tell you I get a big relationship here regardless of the two of you liking each other. It seems if the two of you were able to have more time together that would help build things up, but there is lack of time and the time that is put into the connection isn’t super frequent.”

Well the CIRCUMSTANCES made sense because it wasn’t work or due to the fact that he was married that prevented him to move forward, it was the PANDEMIC.

The universe completely halted this relationship!! He has kept contact with me and looked for me in my absence - we contact via social media (WhatsApp)…so interesting how it all panned the way she said. Specifically in the text reading. However, the phone readings were mixed up - I had one in Jan, March and May and all signaled that this nontraditional relationship would move forward! She was positive about this relationship lol. However the “actions” positive actions were with the NEW guy, yet the description of the person reflected the IT Director.

Cookie stated that from March - May he would become distant and not talk as much. Which was true - communication resorted to texting - albeit consistent. He has literally continued to communicate through text EVERY SINGLE DAY even up to this DAY.


So within that timeframe - Mar - May while under lockdown, and due to his lack of progression, I called readers vehemently. It is now August and I can now say who was right and wrong (which I’ll note at the end of this post). BUT FOR THE MOST PART MOST READERS WERE RIGHT AND WRONG AT THE SAME TIME IN THE SAME READINGS!!!!

What does this mean? Although some predicted there would be 2 guys I would deal with - they often mixed predictions up with the first guy (The IT Married guy) and only HINTED that another guy would come around. Well being that its COVID TIME, did I really think I was going to meet another guy that I could like and date in the MIDDLE of the PANDEMIC! HECK NO. I just thought that again, maybe it was the same IT Guy with different energy because thats what happened in MARCH!! I for sure knew it was the same guy but hopeful that is was someone new because - heck - the IT GUY WAS MARRIED.!!

So most of my predictions from random readers from Mar-May were all about the IT guy….how he would move from his house, leave his wife, live with me, change jobs, get a divorce, get pregnant, I mean you name it pull the crap out of your butt!! I was even told I would have a FULL ON AFFAIR RELATIONSHIP with this guy, while he spends time with me and makes time for me in the summer months. NONE OF THIS HAPPENED.


Some readers made it seem like there would be a period where I would be getting to know the IT guy in the winter months of 2019/2020 and it would be a solid relationship by July 2020.

THIS WAS COMPLETELY INCORRECT. It seemed like it was the same person, but if you carefully listen - there were gaps, meaning there wasnt a streamline with the perditions that were from March and then those that were in July - which again hinted that this was another energy. But it just wasnt predicted straightforward that way. For example, in the same reading Cookie or Kisha or Matilda would speak of the IT guy, but then would jump and say “I see love or marriage etc in the future” but it would necessarily be connected to the stream of reading about the IT guy. They would pick it up randomly and not attach the statement to ANYONE. BE AWARE of that. We think its the same person because its who we are asking about in the reading - but if there is a gap or not a link to the positive predictions to the POI referenced in the reading - be careful.

The turning point was when after May - Cookie predicted (as well as several others) I would see the IT Director after May and things would be getting better and we would see each other in July. This included all my go to’s who saw this. BUT THAT DID NOT HAPPEN. THEY MIXED IT UP - I MET A TOTALLY NEW GUY in JULY and thats when things got better and consistent.

Everything “good” they saw for the IT DIRECTOR GUY - happened with the new guy. This included romantic progression, compatibility, attractiveness EVERYTHING. Its like the new guy was a complete FOIL for the IT DIRECTOR. They are complete opposites of each other where the new guy - matches me way better compatibility wise (including being single) than the other guy.

Cookie even saw that the IT Director would spend the night, spend more time with me, bring me food, etc etc. NONE of that happened with him, it was ALL the new guy. Let me reiterate - IT HAPPENED - but with the NEWWW GUYYY. However in the same reading, she did hint that another guy could spend the night if it wasn’t the IT guy and specifically saw one was mixed and the other was black. But she still made it seem like the IT director would still come over and spend the night because she described what he looked like accurately and what color his vehicle was….crazy. But again, even though she saw HIM it wasn’t HIM but the actions did happen.


I started this post off with Indio, Tajah and Venus’ post about me turning away from a current situation in June readings. But Kisha and Matilda also pointed out in my May readings that I was dealing with the same type of unavailable men and was looking to move on from that - and both saw that there would be a guy that would be a stand up guy that would pursue me- HOWEVER they both CONTINUED TO DESCRIBE THE IT GUY!!!! How frustrating. I mean details that matched that he was a married man that was trying to split time with his family and me whereas he was mixed, etc etc same description. By the time May and June came around I was over the situation with the IT Guy emotionally.

Other readers such as Washington and Barbara literally told me I would walk away from the IT GUY in my readings in May (I couldn’t believe it because I didnt think Id meet someone else in A PANDEMIC). But they were the only ones who SPECIFICALLY straightforwardly told me that!!! Washington described the guy as a GEMINI man or air sign who could be a Libra, Aquarius or Gemini. THE NEW GUY IS A LIBRA AIR SIGN. Washington told me I would meet him ONLINE and I did! On the flip side, Cookie said over SEVERAL readings that I would not meet the guy I would be in a relationship with ONLINE - over and OVER and OVER again through several readings!! I kind of believed her - but also I was at a point that from Sept 2019 to May 2020 I did not go online AT ALL because of what happened to me with POI 4 (see previous pages for this story). So refused to meet anyone online given what she said and how I felt. She said I would meet him in PERSON and yes I met the IT GUY in person as predicted. But the new guy I DID meet ONLINE because I had to get my mind off the other guy.

The only other person that hinted Id meet a new guy online was Matilda. Kisha said Id meet another new guy but he wouldn’t amount to anything and would be a blip on the screen. Well before I met my new POI, the guy I talked to before him was a BLIP. The next day, my current POI reached out to me - we talked on the phone for 3 hours and met the next day. WE HAVE BEEN CONSISTENTLY DATING EVER SINCE.


My current POI is BOYFRIEND/MARRIAGE MATERIAL. HE IS SINGLE, FUNNY, AFFECTIONATE, he has been there for me!!! I had to have an intensive 4hr MRI done after I collapsed one day at his house and suddenly couldn’t walk!!! He didnt even know me that well but took me to the hospital, picked me up and was there for me when I got home. At that time we had only know each other maybe 3 weeks!! Matilda mentioned last November that I would be in a relationship by Feb, but it would be solid by July. She was seeing 2 diff people! Same with Kisha. This relationship is the most solid situation I’ve been in in almost 7years!! in Feb 2020 it was the IT guy, where he had this emotional thirst for me - that died down (he is still around texting me every single day) but the REAL in person relationship they were seeing was with the NEW GUY in JULY.

The funny thing is, I remember Matilda bringing up that the IT GUY was a RED HERRING. And now I know that he was!!!! For 1.5 years I was predicted the IT guy, but there were hints of this new guy nestled in there! After reviewing my readings, small predictions that didnt match the IT GUY (for example - liking the Dallas Mavericks) were specific and true to my new POI as my new POI is from Dallas, loves the Mavericks and Cowboys whereas the IT Director doesn’t even watch football ! So that was a mix of predictions Cookie had in her Cookie jar smh lol

Here are some RED HERRING ATTRIBUTES- its like they are the same but opposite!
   - Both guys are the same exact height and close to the same weight/slim
   - Both work on computers (this new guy is a Data analyst) - we work from home sometimes together so guess what, it looks like WE WORK TOGETHER SMH
- Both guys have 2 kids, a boy and girl
- Both have their own houses (and the houses look similar lol)
- Both drive the same high end cars
- Opposites
- The IT guy mixed the new guy is black
- The IT guy  is moody and snappy (IT Guy) - the other is Carefee and super fun
- The IT guy doesn’t go out and have much fun at all, while the other does
- The IT guy doesn’t drink and the other does
- Basically, after getting to actually know the IT guy, he wouldn’t be a match for me at all even if he were to divorce and become single. I wouldn’t want to be with him in a relationship AT ALL

Cookie did warn me that there would be a new guy that I would like, so did Barbara, Washington, Matilda, and eventually Indio, Venus and Tajah (but closer to when he actually appeared - they saw this about 4 weeks before I met him).

Matilda predicted that this guy (the prediction from 11/2019) would check ALL of my boxes. Well the IT Director didnt! As I got to know him through quarantine I realized this - we never saw each other physically - he never made an effort to do that at all other than “check in “ as Kisha predicted. The NEW GUY - checks like ALL of my boxes.

Most readers saw that I would see the IT Director in JULY - I DID NOT. I SAW AND MET THE NEW GUY THEN.

None of the predictions about the IT DIRECTOR leaving his wife, moving out or me getting pregnant by him or even having a long term affair DID NOT and will not HAPPEN.

With that being said - lets explore some clips of predictions and how they panned out:

Right - but only about the new guy. Nothing that was predicted as an outcome for the IT GUY happened.

New Guy
Cookie - mentioned here and there and warned me not to get attached to the IT guy
Delores - clearly correct from the jump
Tajah  -  told me to move on from the old guy - this wasn’t until June!
Venus - told me to move on from the old  guy - this wasn’t until June!
Indio - told me to move on from the old guy - this wasn’t until June!
Barbara -  clearly correct from the jump
Washington -  clearly correct from the jump
Matilda - not as clear - mixed up energies
Kisha - the new guy only came up in her text readings clearly as a separate person early on in 12/2019 and 1/2020

Here are some clips of the predictions about the new guy:

Tajah - 6/2020 - she specifically told me in 4 weeks or by July 4th Id run into a new guy …she said it again in a second reading the same month - July 4th. Well I met him June 30 and spend July 4th with HIM! She specifically said this guy lived close - like 10 miles away - he lives 13 miles away from my HOUSE!! She didnt see all this until 4-5 out before I met him.


“But I think that next year is there Going to be an amazing year for you both work both and a relationship. And I think by the time we get into sort of July or August next year, you're going to be in a stable, loving relationship.”“But all I know is that by the time we get to July, or that sort of you know, the summer period, you are in a settled dating situation. You know, like in a relationship with somebody that you really like and you really connect with, I think there's going to be some ups and downs because they're very similar to you. And they are very sensitive. And when I say sensitive, I don't mean like they're going to go off the handle because you call them a city, la la. I mean sensitive, as in intuitive like yourself, okay?”

May 2020 - She picked up on a new guy I would meet online. She also saw conversations that would lead to a real friendship that would develop over a 6 week time period over July - IT DID.

“There is going to be a period future wise where it looks like when I was being here is you feeling like you're not necessarily in a space right now where you're, like totally fulfilled, but the guides are saying that you're going to have satisfaction together. What this means is when it comes to being maybe successful in one area, but then also feeling like another area of your life, which is kind of maybe not necessarily a balance, there is going to be a period where you feel as if those things are definitely you know, coming together for you, when it comes to relationship when it comes to you your career, everything will just kind of be interesting for you. Notably, you're going to feel like things are in a very solid space for you with and like in the summer month. This would be next summer. So within the next year, generally, you do have some changes that are wants to happen in your life here that kind of give you new beginnings. But then there's also going to allow for you to actually finally get to a point where you feel like you have the commitments that you want in your life as actually any space where you've had at least a little bit more advancement. And even financially, I do feel like things are picking up for you.”

“There is going to be a period future wise where it looks like when I was being here is you feeling like you're not necessarily in a space right now where you're, like totally fulfilled, but the guides are saying that you're going to have satisfaction together. What this means is when it comes to being maybe successful in one area, but then also feeling like another area of your life, which is kind of maybe not necessarily a balance, there is going to be a period where you feel as if those things are definitely you know, coming together for you, when it comes to a relationship when it comes to you your career, everything will just kind of be interesting for you. Notably, you're going to feel like things are in a very solid space for you with and like in the summer months. This would be next summer. So within the next year, generally, you do have some changes that are wants to happen in your life here that kind of give you new beginnings. But then there's also going to allow for you to actually finally get to a point where you feel like you have the commitments that you want in your life as actually any space where you've had at least a little bit more advancement. And even financially, I do feel like things are picking up for you.”


1/2020  - she predicted that I would meet 2 guys this year - one would be mixed, the other black. She said The IT Director would not leave his wife at all from the jump. And saw a new guy that I could have a relationship with and possibly live with.

Readings from 9/2019-6/2020 - here readings were so scattered. She mixed both guys up pretty bad, but mostly saw things for the IT guy rather than the new guy. Cookie saw me moving in 12/2020 - to save money


5/2020 - Knew I would walk away from the IT director and meet a new air sign guy and meet him online.

In my second reading, she saw I would leave the IT guy for the new guy and stood firm on that. Even though she saw the IT guy trying to come back some kind of way. She saw me moving and living with the new guy


10/2018 -
“And also I do feel that within the next 12 to 18 months, there's going to be something kind of new around you. And I'll just describe what I mean. And say for example, you somebody leaves you something they leave you don't know, just for example, just write out their clothes or jewelry, there is something coming your way ahead that is given to you by somebody else that you acquire. Which will be really nice and you are you know you will value and I do feel that is going to be a bit of extra money to spend on a property and be well before you get the end of 2020 you are likely to be revamping a house or home and quite excited to do so I'm putting your own touches to it. And I'm seeing you in a relationship whilst you're doing this. And it really seems good fun. But in the meantime, there is something coming your way that somebody else would have had or owned, but you will appreciate it and it will it will you know it will sit well with you.”
>— At the time I met my POI he was about to begin to remodel his house. He has since then been asking my input on design ideas. Also in my 2019 reading, she mentioned that I would be moving. LET ME MENTION - THIS GUY HAS MENTIONED MOVING IN WITH HIM 2-3 TIMES!! So we will see

My Friend - my personal friend did a Lenormand reading for me in May and she was completely right.

She predicted for me that I would meet a guy where it would start off as light conversation and it would move toward more serious conversations. IT DID. She told me this is a guy would want a relationship and is marriage material. HE IS. We converse ALOT.

The following readers didnt see the relationship with the IT guy taking off from the jump BUT because of his emotional attraction for me gave me predictions that happened along the way -
- Celeste
- Cookie
- Tajah

Overall here is a list of some predictions from readers and how it panned out so far

Right/Wrong - these readers mixed energies completely. It wasn’t until things start happening I was able to decipher which was which
GDT - will not be with IT guy but saw relationship/affair with him - WRONG
Kisha - saw I would have a long term affair with the IT guy. Saw him splitting time to spend time with me between him and his family - NOPE this is the new guy. However things she picked up about the IT guy were correct, but the forward movement, relationship energy was not him. And even though she picked up another guy, she said it was a blip - and instead the new guy has been deeply involved in my life (where I like see him several times a week)
Matilda - Mixed the guy up as well - but her initial prediction of meeting someone July 2020 was correct - but didnt know who was who initially when picking up the IT guy earlier in the year
Cookie - good grief - this woman mixed so much stuff up - she say me and the IT GUY progressing after the quiet period from Mar-May - but it was really wit the new guy. She saw us spending more time together, him being with me on weekends, going to restaurants - YEP ALL WiTH THE NEW GUY
Leanne - she mixed the same guy up in the same reading and did not see the new guy AT ALL in the lastest reading 12/2019 - but did see my family life getting better and having the ability to have a relationship towards the end of 2020 and a move — whereas in 10/2018 she saw me in a relationship in the summer of 2020 putting touches on a new property

These readers picked up stuff in current along the way - these readers where only good at picking up the current along the way - but anything related to an outcome was wrong  (mind you some of these readers were right and wrong at the same time about the overall situation!)


New  Reader I tried and was Correct
Theadora (CP) -correct bout IT Guy - she was completely correct about the current and outcome of the guy

Wrong - these readers were completely wrong with outcome and only maybe got small details along the way
Delphine - correct on present
Venus - she kept seeing him move and us live together and him leaving his wife. Even to this day, when I read on the new guy, the IT director came up in my reading and she still saw his relationship spiraling and how he would come towards me. She said the one Im with is emotionally available but the IT guy will be and I would have a real choice. While the IT director contacts me EVERY DAY - my choice is the new guy, not because the IT director is married solely - but we just aren’t compatible!
Celeste (she was totally right on the initial read, the second reading was wrong)

Other insights about the new guy
- Alot of readers said “I would work with him” - well technically I have - he and I work remotely and have worked around each other at each others houses!!!
- Matilda saw me in a “chauffeur-driven car” well I don’t own a car and when we see each other he chauffeurs me around lol
- Most readers picked up he had 2 kids - he does
- A weird prediction from Indio - she mentioned that in some instances where a guy who is married - if they are coming up in your energy for long term, sometimes things happen where the universe makes space for the other person to come in, where either there is a divorce or the spouse passes away. Well my new guy is a widower. His wife passed away 2 years ago. I would’ve probably never met him - talk about divine intervention as well as similarities me and his previous wife have.

Well guys that’s my update!! I hate it when folks get into relationships and never come back to update their story - well Im doing that!!

While the guy and I aren’t “officially” committed yet  - it appears to be headed that way

So we’ll see what happens on the next SPARKLE SHOW!!

Will Sparkle be actually committed to this new consistent guy? STAY TUNED….

Hi Sparkles!

May I ask, was QOC wrong on outcome or was she one that was right and wrong?

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« Reply #502 on: August 10, 2020, 11:58:41 PM »

Hi Sparkles!

May I ask, was QOC wrong on outcome or was she one that was right and wrong?

Hey there @jolimano!

Yes QOC was both right and wrong at the same time lol

Basically everyone mixed everything up

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« Reply #503 on: August 11, 2020, 12:00:08 AM »
Hey there Crystal!

I think SherryLynn has a gift for sure. Ive only read with her 4 times and for the most post she was right on career and POI but she is very vague - not that detailed.

Sparkle!!!!!!!! I love your updates. I feel so giddy when I see you have posted an update. Kinda like how I used to get on Sunday nights back in the day to watch a new episode of Sex and the City!!!

Congrats on your new love interest. He sounds like a breath of fresh air!!!

So, let me ask you this. Who would you recommend to predict a new love interest coming in?

Please continue to update us and best of luck with the new guy!

Hahah thanks Piggynose!! Hope you enjoyed the post   ;D

As for new love predictions - hmmm omg lol - its hard to say because it appears what they pick up get mixed up - but the following readers have always predicted a new guy and they always appeared:

Cookie, Matilda, Tajah, Venus, Leanne, Barbara, SherryLynn (Kisha has but isnt that great with new ppl, more or less better with people in the present)....

These are based on General Love readings though. I have asked a couple of times if they did see a new person for me here and there and they were still correct -- even several describing the same guy - its interesting how they describe the new guys that come in lol

BUT none of the guys previously predicted were never predicted as a true relationship that was serious enough for marriage (over the past 4 years ) until this prediction of this guy ....we will see

However, there is one other guy that was predicted to me by Barbara, Washington, Tajah, Venus and Cookie - a Military guy, a guy who works in government or police or something - all of them saw this guy around these same predictions of the IT guy mixed in with this current kinda freaks me out because Im not sure if this guy is someone that comes in after the current guy Im seeing or if he is someone insignificant - I dont know...but hey I guess thats the fun of updating this story lol....

Im hoping it was just the guy I communicated with before I met my current guy - he worked in Aerospace and used to be in the Military - so (I hope it was him lol) I really dont want to deal with any more guys!!
Hello Sparkle, I am curious what you think of sherrylynne

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« Reply #504 on: August 11, 2020, 12:01:16 AM »
I like to read your story because it's very interesting :) Keep us posted of how it's developing.

Thank you Flyingsoul!

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« Reply #505 on: September 30, 2020, 04:57:47 PM »
Hey Sparkle, what platform is Washington on?

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« Reply #506 on: September 30, 2020, 05:47:19 PM »
Hey Sparkle, what platform is Washington on?

Hey there! She is on CP

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« Reply #507 on: September 30, 2020, 08:25:06 PM »
Sparkle!!! I think it’s time for the next episode! lol

Offline Sparkle002

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« Reply #508 on: September 30, 2020, 09:47:09 PM »
Sparkle!!! I think it’s time for the next episode! lol

LOL! It’s coming 😆

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« Reply #509 on: October 01, 2020, 01:04:24 AM »
Thank you!